Aside from the Fascist Manifesto and the like, what are some good books to het a better grasp of Fascism in theory and in action?
I’m reading pic related atm.
Fascism Primer
Read 4PT instead, this is the 21st Century.
>eight-pointed star
By the Emperor
Putin please go
first six books on first line
I maintain that Fascism is inherently nebulous as it had such a short period of power compared to capitalism or communism it never really had the time or opportunity to solidify ideologically. Save for a few spiritualists Fascism is really whatever its enemies thought it is as far as academic circles are concerned.
It's a shit ideology because it won't spread without a corresponding expansion of its host countries. Capitalism and communism can jump across borders and infect new countries without necessarily expanding the already affected countries. But fascism spreads by making the affected countries attack their neighbors, which inevitably provokes a beatdown.
>it won't spread without a corresponding expansion of its host countries.
Ah yes the famed 1933 Italian invasion of Germany.
Fascism, in its philosophical form, is just right-Hegelianism. The most cohesive works are "The Doctrine of Fascism" by Mussolini and "The Theory of Mind as Pure Act" by Giovanni Gentile.
That's not fascism. Fascism is an inherently western decadent ideology. Duginism is based.
I mean that the infected countries have to immediately prove how big their dicks are by invading their neighbors. Not that the spread comes from conquest itself. Communism and capitalism can be validated by the ideology spreading, but fascism is only validated if the host countries themselves expand.
reflections on violence
this is good book, but it explicitly states it's against fascism.
Right because America and the USSR never invaded anyone to speed their ideology
It was pretty much the fastest growing ideology in Western Europe prior to the WW2 fuck you mean?
Everything Roger Griffin
This. Also Mussolini and the like were more interested in power than creating a coherent ideological system for future generations to read. They were very willing to lie for convenience.
Was italian fascism socialist, FDR socialist-lite to save capitalism from more radical socialists, or "corporatist"? We don't know, because the answer is whatever was convenient for the time or who the speech was written to.
this, really anything by Mosley
Can anybody recommend me some books on Falangism?
Why the nigger using sunglasses?
america today under blumpf
stanley payne- fascism in spain
Basically, it wasn't a movement based on a ideology like Communism/Socialism was. For the most part, Fascism is a term historians apply to states that fit a certain set of criteria. Namely nationalist dictatorships with government control over the private sector, that do not call themselves Communism. Its really only for that reason that the current PRC isn't called fascist.
Finished reading this recently
pick one
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