The History of Law Enforcement

Hey Veeky Forums, I'm curious if anyone has done any research into the history of organized law enforcement in ancient civilizations. Soldiers fought against invasions but whose job was it in, say, ancient China or Greece to deal with armed robbers, gang violence, domestic violence and other low-intensity crimes that inhibited civilization?

Please keep the /int/ shitposting about modern police from various countries to a minimum. This thread is about the HISTORY of law enforcement.

Also pictures are always welcome.

Attached: armed-female-police-officerswestminsterlondonuk-hyg2ka.jpg (356x540, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Behold the father of modern policing

Also dumping late 80s and early 90s SWAT/FBI/ATF pics. I fucking hate the Feds but goddamn do I love Harley Davidson shirts.

Attached: Wacovictor.jpg (1453x1175, 213K)

San Yisdro massacre (arguably the second major mass shooting in the US, the first being Charles Whitman).

Attached: SWAT team San Ysidro McDonald's massacre.jpg (980x552, 168K)

if your interested there's books in here OP

Yes blue lives matter! Fuck protesters! Fuck libtards! I support the police. I'm glad that Veeky Forums supports our boys in blue! Anyone who hates the police should be thrown in gitmo. I can't wait until Sheriff Clark puts these protesters in jail and they are shut up forever.

Please, I just want to post aesthetic cops.

Attached: State Troopers San Ysidro McDonald's massacre.jpg (634x450, 99K)

Attached: San_Bernardino_police_swat_team.jpg (800x558, 178K)

I'm just expressing my anger at libtards. I'd love to see those aesthetic cops in action beating up those Soros funded protesters at their anti-police hate rallies.

You couldn't make it ten posts before ignoring the OP request. Incredible

that's some really cutting edge ironic social commentary there [spoiler]NIGGER[/spoiler]

French riot police has some nice lookin uniforms

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This is awesome. Thanks lad

jesus the weapon control from those two is fucking abysmal.

Fuck off /pol/ go back to your containment board. Support cops don't be an obnoxious cunt about it.

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They're women (and not even Americans, who have far more exposure to firearms than Europeans), what did you expect?

And they fucking love their job

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Didn’t those dudes just stand outside for an hour instead of intervening? I think I remember the San Ysidro dude being able to kill people unaccosted for a while

Has anyone read Sam Mitrani's books on the Chicago Police Department?

He has always said that organized police forces are a very new thing. He's also a Marxist so he says that they're simply a tool of the bourgeoisie.

In Imperial China, Law Enforcement for the longest time, was a community job.

If you lived close to a military garrison (say, a fortified city) then the cunts enforcing the law would be the soldiers.

However, China happens to be a vast empire, and soldiers cannot afford to move far from their garrisons lest they spread out. So in the rural countrysides, what the Chinese do is simply send a single judge/jury/executioner type legal officer called a prefect to oversee at least 3 villages. Law enforcement, however, is done by the regular Chinese peasant, who more often than not, owned weapons. The males of the villages would form armed posses to go after robbers, bandit groups, town troublemakers, and problematic animals such as tigers & wolves, or simply drunk Uncle Ho trying to burn down an Inn again. To make Posse actions legal, the Prefect has to be notified of any arrests or, during times of bandit wars, lead the posse himself as the dude has basic military training.

Version 2 of law enforcement came from Private Military Groups of armed young men- memefully rogue scholars, but usually ex-soldiers, bravos, reformed criminals, toughs, and inheritanceless sons- who wandered around China offering services to whoever is rich enough. Since government contracts are lucrative, they were hired as muscle by the prefects, to make up for any shortcomings of the village posse. Their life is the stuff of Imperial Chinese popular poetry, which called them Youxia (wandering heroes).

Also this set-up led to the rise of martial arts schools among civilians, particularly the monasteries. Being places stocked with food & money, monasteries were vulnerable to bandits. So the Monks made martial arts their physical training to protect themselves. Unlike villagers though, Monks had all the free time from meditation - in addition to disciplined life- that made them almost paramilitary, as the Shaolin Monastery proved to be during the Pirate Wars of the 1560s.

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You are wrong

What are the shin guards for? Just protection against blunt objects/attempts by protesters to kick them?

kill yourself

>tfw paid to beat up muslims

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They're used to guard shins

No I'm not.

He said no shitposting, bluefag

Aren't law enforcement in France considered a branch of the military?

Rome's Praetorian Guard were arguably the first proto-law enforcement organization, albeit they did a terrible job at it 90% of the time.

The Gendarmerie is a branch of the military they make up the half of French law enforcement effectives and they are heavily involved law enforcement especially in rural areas while urban policing is mostly carried out by civillian policemen from the local city guard and the national police

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What's wrong with the rural areas? I thought the suburbs were the most dangerous place in France?

Nothing is wrong with rural areas, a lot of countries do this kind of thing. The federal police make up the police force in rural areas because their is not enough population/budget to have an independent force in those areas.

Russia does a similar thing with the Interior Army/National guard.

Also Russia has volunteer auxillary cops called Druzhinniks.

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Carabineros de Chile is technically the fourth armed force here. Centralization, Military ranks, training and so on. There's even some degree of overlaping on detective work and border control with the Investigations Police (a kripo like civil organization, but with strict hierarchy and discipline like a military force)

shit didn't add the pic

Attached: carabineros-abusos-estudiantes-chile-580x350.gif (580x350, 67K)


Literally a self-admitted Communist who sucks Castro/Chávez dick

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In Russia they are

pic related, OMON

Attached: Tambov_OMON_in_Nizhny_Novogord.jpg (1280x960, 292K)

>when you're way too fat to even be considered by the Army but you get to LARP as an Army SF Operator anyway

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Fun fact:
The Roman Republic didn't have a public police force for a long time because they had an old sword-free zone policy and assumed that no one would actually be ruthless or savvy enough to try to smuggle in weapons and break tradition. The whole image of Rome being a city where drawing weapons was forbidden became a huge point of pride.

When politics became increasingly corrupt, machiavellian, and ugly, ambitious politicians started forming lynch mobs and antifa-style organizations by smuggling in weapons and instructing their army of goons to attack political opponents and opposing rallies.

Without a public police force, things went out of control quickly and the streets of Rome became extremely dangerous.

Augustus is a beloved leader not just because Pax Romana but because he created the urban cohorts and made Rome 'safe' again.

Attached: antifa-2.png (998x425, 825K)

>tips fedora
Who cares, virgin, its just a pic

Do you realise how stupid your meme is considering Chile became a retirement home for old communists?

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To be fair, East Germany was basically the Third Reich with the racism and occultist bullshit toned down.

Their famed combat helmet was even a clone of a proposed next-generation Stalhelm.

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Yes, but unlike Parkland High School, their hesitation in this instance, is more understandable.

The shooting began at 1559 Hours (or 3:59PM) and ended at 1717 Hours (5:17) or roughly 77 minutes.

Police were first notified of the attack at 1600 but their response was delayed 10 minutes after the dispatcher directed them to the wrong location (a different McDonald's 3km away) and arrived at 1610. Their first action was to lock down a six block radius around the building (multiple passerbys were killed or injured in the ten minutes it had taken them to find the right location). It was initially believed that there were multiple attackers on account that Huberty was using three different types of firearms of multiple calibers so the responding officers on scene were ordered to hold back while a SWAT team was organized with the intention of hitting the building in full force.

Something to keep in mind here is that this incident occurred in the early years of the War on Drugs when law enforcement was not nearly as aggressively militarized as it is now. The responding officers only had handguns and the shotguns kept in their squad cars and no protective gear apart from basic ballistic vests. 30 years later, police officers generally keep PASGT gear and AR-15 rifles in their squad cars so they can act an impromptu SWAT if necessary.

SWAT's arrival was delayed about an hour and a sharpshooter (likely armed with a bolt action .308 rfile as was standard for police snipers at the time) eventually set up in a Post Office overlooking the target building. Although he was immediately given clearance to kill the shooters (remember, the police initially thought there were multiple attackers), the broken windows and still panicked customers prevented him from getting a clear shot at them. At 1717, Huberty stood up and exposed himself for several seconds and promptly shot in the heart.

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>East Germany was basically the Third Reich with the racism and occultist bullshit toned down.
you forgot to mention it was controlled by communists

>occultist bullshit
That was never a thing in Germany outside of Himmler and the SS.

Nothing's wrong with the rural areas in the mainland
The overseas territories are another cup of tea this is probably the only places where they are preferred to the national police as these places are truly mess up compared to the mainland
The suburbs thing is almost exclusively a Parisian thing and the Paris suburbs aren't an homogenous thing, some suburban towns are all white and crime free while others are nearly immigrants only and crime ridden
Furthermore nearly all dangerous places in France outside the Paris area are not suburbs just take Marseille as an exemple.

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How bad is crime in overseas France?

It's not Honduras kinda bad but it's still way worse than in the mainland
The situation is not the same in every oversea territory some are safer than others of course
French Guiana for exemple has an homicide rate that fluctuate every year between 10 and 13 or so homicides per 100 000 inhabitants compared to somewhere in between 1 and 2 for the mainland
And that's just homicides, rates of assaults and armed robbery are way higher too
The Guianan jungle is also filled with gangs that run around with AKs and machetes doing drug trafficking, human trafficking and especially illegal gold minning all that with little to worry about as the gov isn't doing much to stop them
I only described the situation in Guiana but you get the point
The overseas territories overall suffer from critical government neglect, terrible economy, crippling poverty, high crime rates and out of control immigration but no one seems to care about them back in the mainland
Mass protests and strikes are often organized in order to push the gov to take action against crime, anti crime movements/vigilentes like les 500 frères contre la délinquance (the 500 brothers against crime) in Guiana have emerged and came out to be pretty influencial locally but the response is very slow
Every once in a while a movement gets too big to be ignored and the gov is forced to make promises which of course are partially or not fulfilled at all, this situation have been going on for decades

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In Costa Rica we abolished the army in 1949, but the police is a gendarm style police called Fuerza Pública (Public Force) and are in charge of defending the country in case shit goes down
That being said, I wouldn't trust those guys defending the country.
We sold our last M113 like 15 years ago

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>That being said, I wouldn't trust those guys defending the country.

Are they corrupt as Hell or just not trained and equipped enough to defend the country from anything other than a riot?

>hello, I'm a peace officer
>never mind the body armor, hand cuffs, baton, taser, assault rifle and side arm
>I'm here to help

Spain in the late XV century, in 1476, was the first moder state nation and, as such, introduced the first "police" force with authority in all the territory.

thanks man now I hate cops the fucking pigs

Robert Peele's Peelers were the first police force

Attached: A__Peeler__of_the_Metropolitan_Police_Service_in_the_1850s.jpg (350x451, 27K)

True just for the UK

How effective were the early Peelers? Did they have an immediate improvement on the crime rate or did it take time to prove their worth?

yes you are, read more books

They were the first modern professional police force. They were about as effective as you can expect for police without phones or police cars.

The most interesting thing about it is that police forces are only about 100 years old really, before that they basically didnt exist. The most you'd get would be soldiers on the streets.


lel, there is no beauty in the betaness of caring about the state or society

>100 years old

Closer to 200 years old actually. London had the first police department founded on 29 September 1829.

>100 years old
The Paris Police Prefecture was established back in 1800 by Napoléon I as a continuation of the Lieutenancy General of Police formed in 1667 by Louis XIV
The Lieutenancy was first led by Nicolas de La Reynie who's now considered the father of the French police, he notably cleaned the infamous "Cour des miracles" area which was one of Paris no go zones at the time

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>he notably cleaned the infamous "Cour des miracles" area which was one of Paris no go zones at the time
>stealing the credit from the one and only Claude Frollo

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Athens had scythian archers running around apprehending crooks.


Fucking Brits again. Is there anything they're NOT responsible for?

Police in the UK are still known as bobbies almost 200 years later. Though most people wouldn't know the origin of the term.

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>not sure if cops or gang members

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In Japan you can trace Police history to Shinsengumi of even much older like Hattori Hanzo men.

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The original story is ridiculously darker, everyone should read it

Vigilente so both

What helmet is he wearing?

It looks like a Pro-Tec but without the airholes.

Japan had a similar law enforcement system as Imperial China right here Difference is they have Samurai autism because peasants are not allowed to kill samurai and therefore peasant posses had to invent non-lethal weapons to restrain unruly lawbreaking samurai.

literally nothing wrong with this when people are disturbing the peace using assault rifles, explosives and body armor that defeats pistol calibers.

literally any peace officer should have one of these, safer for both the officer and perp.

what good peace officers use on perps who are resisting arrest, more humane than maiming them.

>side arm
two is one and one is none, literally anyone with a main weapon that could fail should have a sidearm, people knew this 2000 years ago.

Waco, TX?

I miss the internet


People still go there?


I read somewhere that they used maces or clubs instead of swords. As they didnt really wanted to kill a person just for making trouble. So instead of permanently crippling or killing a man, just crack a rib or two. Thats a technique that still continues to today.

still populated.

I thought modern police in spain started in Catalonia and they were more against politics dissidents and anarchists than to have order and shit

"A buenas horas, mangas verdes" is a common saying in Spanish. It translates basically to "Right on time, green sleeves." The Santa Hermandad, whose uniforms had green sleeves, were a sort of a militia outfit tasked with peacekeeping. They had a reputation for tarrying until it was safe for them to arrive on the scene of a disturbance. They started to form around 1265 in Andalusia and fraternities evolved from these outfits exist today, although they don't go vigilanting as far as I know and are more religious in nature.

Today the saying basically means "you're too late."

There was apparently a lot of friction between townspeople and the Brotherhood. They were often corrupt and unaccountable. A papal bull was issued and the license of the brotherhood was reigned in around 1485.

Attached: santahermandad-dimeretes.jpg (324x214, 36K)

I am quite sure any othe police from so called well established democracies such as the US, UK, Germany of France would have done a better job crushing dissidents and wannaby leftist revolutionnaries...

They still doing the same cheap old flash games?

Has Ray Part III been released yet?

Oldest law enforcement agency in the United States coming through.

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Disney could never hope to do the original justice but they did an unusually good job putting their own spin on it.

Why is it some police departments are perpetually infected with corruption no matter how hard reformers try to improve them?

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So how was it then?


Think of a burglar trying to enter a house with visible security features. A camera system, home alarms, and a dog are visible to the burglar, who looks like any other dude and has scoped his target out. The burglar will take measures to target or circumvent all of your visible security - waiting til you're out of the house, cutting off your power, bringing a steak for or just killing the dog, etc. His career as a criminal would be very short lived if he just let your dog and cameras do their job unhindered.

Now think of the police force as a very visible security feature for society, and it's easy to see why they are targeted in one way or another.

Corruption is the result of 1 influencer, the influencer can be anyone, usually it's the training officer. Although higher levels of corruption are a result of a group of higher ranking officers purposely training those below them to "be corrupt."

For the training officer thing, it can just be how the rookie sees their superior do shit and just follow along rather than report. It's like a gang mentality deal.

The problem with corruption is the creep. Let's take bribery for example. When you think of bribery you think of a big stack of cash, but what if it starts off smaller. Most restaurants give police free coffee, maybe even a free meal. It's not full blown bribery, but that free coffee could be enough for the restaurant to get better attention compared to a place that didn't have the free coffee policy.

You kinda just get there because everyone gets lazy or the wrong people get in the right position.

In name maybe,in function they're as old as civilization

I remember reading a lot of senators used to shank their opponents with their steel pens when riots broke out

There main purpose was to protect the rich and their property (factories etc.) from the increasing poor population, naturally they became looked too by all as form of justice and they slowly morphed into a more universal criminal management force

Wow, Newgrounds still exists.

How's the play?

It's a highly centralized state mafia. What do you think would happen?

In Spanish Colonial Philippines, law enforcement was part of the responsibilities of the "Cuadrillero."

The Cuadrillero (meaning "Constable") were basically Native (or local Chinese/Japanese Migrant) armed forces who were not formally part of the Spanish Colonial Military. The system was put in place in the first decades of Spanish rule in the 16th century to incorporate local warriors and the armies of converted & allied Native Filipino princes, or militias of Chinese and Japanese migrants.

Besides forming the bulk of Spanish Military Forces in the Philippines, they also did policing for the longest time. They were irregularly armed largely because Spain couldn't afford to arm all of them properly so some had European weapons & firearms while others fought with Native FIlipino/Chinese/Japanese weapons & firearms.

The Philippines wouldn't have a proper police force until SPain established the Guardia Civil in the Islands in 1871.

It's also largely why Filipino Martial Arts survived Spanish rule.

Pic related, from a 1780's register of Infantry and Cavalry regiments and companies in the Philippines. One of the line companies consists of "Flecheros" (archers), consisting of Cuadrillero from Ivatan islands.

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Close up

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