Everything Varg says is the result of his eternal angst resulting from Rome raping Gaul.
>a murderer talking about other people being murderers
Internet gave voice to scum people
This is plainly not true. The Romans placed a great deal of importance on individual martial skill. There were great rewards for Roman soldiers who challenged enemies to single combat or who performed acts of heroic derring do. Constantine, for instance, was renowned for his ability as a "bellator", or warrior.
Hes right medoid
>ahM*ds in my thread
*smacks lips*
Well he knows what it is to stab someone in the back
Contrary to popular belief, the Romans at this point in time did not fight in a densely packed shield wall. Most of the time, they fought in a relatively loose order.
Just look at this guy's armament. Large, curved shield, tiny sword. Spears designed for throwing over thrusting.
If you're tightly packed together, and can't step out of line, what the fuck are you supposed to do?
For starters, you will at the very least need to break such a tight formation to even be able use the Pilum properly. If you want to fight in the shield wall, that means you'd then have to retreat back into formation as the rather pissed off enemy is presumably charging at you.
No matter where you go, most of your opponents will be armed with spears, they have absolutely no reason to get any closer than a spear's length from you, as they naturally outrange the Gladius bigtime. If you don't have any freedom of movement it'll basically be damn near impossible to get in range.
The Romans relied on their training, and much of this training WAS related to individual combat skill. The fact that they had the necessary competence that they didn't have to rely on tight shield walls is what gave them their legendary flexibility, they were expected to have the skill to be able to use the Scutum to close the distance, and to be able to mutually support one-another without relying on a constrictive formation.
>celts stronger than romans
...what? By the 4th century Rome often deployed German mercenaries to fight Germans.
>By the 4th century Rome often deployed German mercenaries to fight Germans.
Varg's wrong but this is wrong too. Foederati weren't mercenaries, any more than the Royal Regiment of Scotland are mercenaries in the British Army. They weren't paid, and in fact sometimes had to pay the Romans. Plus, they were never used in great numbers. It was usual to find fewer than 100 Foederati attached to a Roman army of several thousand.
Snowniggers get lost.
How did the Germanic Barbarians not figure out a written system before the Romans came about? Obviously they were capable of it, why did it take the long dick of Roman conquest to kick it into gear?
>teleports behind you
What now, Gayllic?
I mean...
>The Genocide of Gauls
He has a point.
Caesar didnt do enough
>The """""""Genocide""""""" of the (((Gauls)))
Never happened (but I wish it did)
Caesar was extremely merciful for his time, the Gauls had allied with the Teutons and Hannibal, they were the ones who sacked Rome, Caesar had every reason to pacify them. This """""""genocide""""""" is just presentism.
>In Ancient Rome, the Romans used the term towards non-Romans such as the Germanics, Celts, Gauls, Iberians, Thracians, Illyrians, Berbers, Parthians, and Sarmatians.
whats your favorite civilization from history
t. Jean-Pierre
The mere picture of this man strikes fear into the hearts of Varg and other pagancucks
Germans were so advanced that they communicated by telepathy, there was no need for language
You don't need to write when you have nothing worth writing down or keeping track of.
have you read the gallic wars by caesar? he explicitly tells how he killed 1/3 of gaul, enslaved another 1/3, and ruled over the last
Yes I did. If he wiped out every single Gaul then it’d be a genocide, and even then he would be just as bad as an average Assyrian king.
Compare Caesar to any of them, or even the average Persian king, you’d realize Caesar was extremely merciful for his time.
Caesar inflated the numbers to make himself looks better
What's the truth then? Most of the tribes just paid him tributes for protection or something?
He saved them from Ariovistus, a Germanic king who would have almost certainly overrun Gaul and been a hell of a lot more brutal about it. Julius spanked his horde so hard he fled over the Rhine on a small raft and left his wife and daughter behind for the Romans to "enjoy"
Blame Europe for their pussy ass prison sentences. In Florida he would have gotten life no parole
Is he retarded? Romans were known for preferring to fight out in the open, and hated cowardly tactics like ambushes. This is what led to many disasters, especially at the hands of Hannibal.
Julius Caesar was literally invited into Gaul to settle their differences. Many tribes actively allied with him, seeing the writing on the wall and eager to secure for themselves a good place in the coming new world order. For other tribes allying with Rome was self-defense, trading a little freedom in exchange for having the biggest, baddest army of disciplined, grizzled veterans to keep them safe from their more bellicose neighbors.
The tribes which got annihilated were the tribes whose entire culture and way of life was centered around raiding, for whom the rule of law would have meant the end of their way of life of murderous thievery.
He has some balls calling the romans murderers
The equivalent of getting knocked out by the first punch thrown and calling it a sucker punch later.
How can barbarians be better trained if they had no organized army?
Weren't the celts notably taller and hardier than the average Roman?
Yes, they were.
They spend their spare time hunting and killing each other for sport. Tends to make for warriors who are great at 1 on 1 combat, but suck in an extended melee because they'd charge as a giant undisciplined horde and their warriors would fatigue after an extended confrontation. Meanwhile, Romans marched in strictly disciplined regiments, stayed in their yard, and cycled fresh troops to the front while fatigued ones would fall back within the ranks to catch their breath. Something as simple as losing their shield in the melee was enough to warrant a military execution, Romans made it so that it took more courage to flee than it did to stand and fight.
Romans didn't need to be big and strong, they were the undisputed masters of outlasting their opponents.
Just to play devil's advocate, do we have any material or genetic evidence that confirms this?
too lazy to do any better, someone please send him
Don't forget the two centurions in Caesar's diary, the madman who walked out of the Roman camp and challenged several gauls to single-combat, killing several and losing his arm in the process.
Men from Pompeii were 166 cm on average, while for non-Romans between Austria and Denmark, archaeology suggests an average height of about 174 cm or 57.
>inb4 muh minimun limits
>inb4 only roman soldiers were taller than average pop
The R*man barbarians destroyed Celtic civilization and then call themselves civilized
meanwhile the average R*man was living in a rural clay hut
How do they do it
>replying to bait threads
This much is true. Most people in the Romanoid empire were rural and suburban retards.
Yes, but the difference is that those weren't the people calling the shots in Rome
>In the captured Helvetian camp, Caesar claims that a census written in Greek was found and studied: of a grand total of 368,000 Helvetii, of which 92,000 were able-bodied men, only 110,000 survivors were left to return home (De Bello Gallico, I, 25 to 29).
>Caesar claims that a census written in Greek was found and studied
What did he mean by this?
At least for once he's an authority on a subject
Statements like these are why I keep coming back to Veeky Forums. You prospect in the shit river for the nuggets of insight like these
>What did he mean by this?
They hired or purchased Greeks to handle whatever task required writing because Celts were too busy raiding each other to write anything down
Ah yes, that magical Nordic spiritual connection I've heard so much about
/pol/ falling for a literally mentally-ill murderer that burned down churches and lives on welfare really showcases how far unrestrained autism can go
Not to mention state sponsored single motherhood and the destruction of the family
Most people don't like Varg over there, sweetie.
Varg also frequently mocks the alt-right.
he's correct. gauls were superior when it came to one on one hand to hand combat
Before the roman came some celts were writing in greek script
This guy is literally a racist murderer who complains about immigrants who speak the language and integrate, even though he himself is an immigrant.
>professional elite soldier challenges random Gauls to single combat
>loses 1 in 4 fights
Not looking good for the spaghetti desu
>import high iq people only
>average iq is now high
Veeky Forums seems to love /pol
>succesful musician
>kills his enemies
>fights judeo-christianity and civilisation
>shits on the degenerate alt-right
>has a large, beautiful family
>his own farm
>tens of thousands of people are interested in listening to his viewpoints
>"warrior code"
also most major victories barbarians won over rome was due to an ambush or "dirty" tactic of some sort (Teutoburg, fo r example)
Do you we wuzzers have a certain bodycount quota that is considered OK to you?
7 to 1 would be more respectable.
Not with Hannibal it wasn't
No. I'm just saying that a top tier professional soldier beating random tribesmen 1v1 shouldn't be a bragging point. It's like a pro Kickboxer fighting random people.
Are you one of those mongrels who think hollywood 1v10's are a thing and plays total war and takes 3 doses of adderall a day?
Fuck off, I use Prozac
I don't understand how someone can be this dumb. Yes, the gauls did sack Rivera after, what, nearly 400 years of the Roman empire? After it was already severely weakened and fighting on multiple fronts? These far-right dudes just do not understand fucking nuance. They look at one point in time and say "see, this confirms what I think!" ignoring all the times history didn't.
Ironically their most famous loss to germanics was in an ambush. That aint very honourable
>kills Europeans because they did not follow his Judaism
>instead of fighting the real enemy
I-im not a Jew though trust me
my problem with him is that he is a cuck for women.
No. I'm one of those momgrels who wouldn't be impressed with a trained professional outperforming someone who isn't.
He fought Muslims too
>The northern barbarians were better trained than the Romans.
The people calling the shots were the original Italo-Celtic latins, not the swarthoid plebs.
>the Roman Army only became murderers after meeting the barbarians. Before that they were angels.
wtf i hate romans now
>my problem with him is that he is a cuck for women.
How is this even true?
>Is he retarded?
As we say in french : "poser la question, c'est déjà y répondre" (to ask the question is already giving an answer).