Have you converted to Christianity yet?
Have you converted to Christianity yet?
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yes last year
I have been all my life, but I ended up converting to Eastern Orthodoxy, which is the "Christianity" I assume you meant as the picture is of Olga of Kiev.
Dropped it as a teenager over a decade ago, no interest in picking it back up. Basing your perception of reality on ancient canaanite myths is bizarre and stupid.
No and never will. Semetic superstitions are boring especially when compared to indo-european ones.
Three years ago
Raised catholic and converted to orthodoxy two years ago. I hate that new age religion shit where it’s like some dude with an acoustic guitar in board shorts.
Never seen that outside of american Protestantism
No, hebrew mythology doesn't do it for me, sorry.
>tfw no qt christian wife that will genocide a complete slavic tribe to revenge my death
Christianity hasn't existed in any meaningful fashion for roughly 1,900 years. It's all various branches of Paulianity these days.
No. And neither did your son.
Идy нa вы!
Islam makes more sense to me. I'd rather be Jewish than Christian.
y-yes mommy, for y-you of course
It's not an Indo-European religion.
>people unironically believe in a failed apocalyptic prophet and wannabe messiah who got BTFO by the Romans before he could do anything
How? Why?
>not European
Really nigga?
This is the best portrait of the Virgin Mary imo.
my parents always took me to church and I'm Christian as far as I can remember
No, but I did convert to Buddhism.
An Aryan religion. BASED!
Why? Because it reminds you of the porn you jack off too?
On the above note: I must ask, r34 where?
A challenger appears
With all respect to the masters of the past, but you can't beat the pure Aryan facial features of anime.
Blasphemous porn is the best porn.
Don't fap to the mother of Christ you pervert!
Christianism is not Aryan.
Agnostic Christianity is the only logical path.
Or what? I'm not intimidated by your flailing little man.
Jesus will give you a cancer or a neurodegenerative disease if you keep fapping to His mother.
I plead the 5th, your honor. Your god can't breach the Constitution!
Oh please, your godman's magic powers aren't even all that impressive compared even to other demigods, let alone the varied pantheons of deities I worship.
Jesus has on his side Yaweh, the Demiurge, the Holy Ghost and the Pope.
>>all that pathetic assortment of divinity
Bitch I have every variant deity of the collective indo-european pantheon as my protectors. I can also call on the various east asian pantheons too If I'm feeling saucy.
Holy LARPing Batman...
>have you converted to the revolutionary teachings of rabbi Jesus?
no i dont have autism
first RCIA on Thursday. Not sure what to expect in regards to age range of the other people, etc.
Catholicism is the most aryan pagan religion in existence.
No, everytime I read/listen about some interesting Christian theology I realize that every groundbreaking philosophy/theology created by Christians were created DESPITE of Jesus.
People like Aquinas and Orthodox theology like theosis would have faired much better if it had not been boxed in with the necessity of Jesus being raised from the dead.
It's all just the continuation of Greek thought but with the anchor of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ the jewish love-hippie.
How do I get past this? Should I get past it?
Nicely done,I'm going orthobro now two. Started visiting though. It's awesome.
>Jesus Christ the jewish love-hippie.
Why do brainlet who never read the New Testament think of him as this? There was nothing hippie about him whatsoever.
>turn the other cheek, he who lives by the sword dies by the sword, the meek shall inherit the earth, don't throw the first stone goyim, love thy neighbor is the second most important commandment
Need I go on?
Hippies are about shit like free love, tolerance of perversion, hedonism and drug abuse, so the exact opposite of Jesus' message. The only thing he had in common with them was pacifism and for different reasons.
So there was a Catholic church I used to go until high school and I found this altar girl (Korean) particularly attractive.
Two years younger than me, short height and had nice body. Seemed kinda quiet. I didn't really have a crush on her, mind you, but you get my idea.
I'm 20 now but I wonder if I have any chance if I go back to church? Or should I know my place?
there's no such thing as that
>And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
>converting to a religion to fuck bitches
Why do degenerates do this? Just hook up with some whore on tinder.
Everything I posted seems pretty hippie to me.
No one even know what he meant by that and it's definitely not that Christians should use violence because that would contradict everything else he said.
>The hippies inherited various countercultural views and practices regarding sex and love from the Beat Generation; "their writings influenced the hippies to open up when it came to sex, and to experiment without guilt or jealousy."[112] One popular hippie slogan that appeared was "If it feels good, do it!"[111] which for many "meant you were free to love whomever you pleased, whenever you pleased, however you pleased". This encouraged spontaneous sexual activity and experimentation. Group sex, public sex... homosexuality under the influence of drugs, all the taboos went out the window.
>ollowing in the footsteps of the Beats, many hippies used cannabis (marijuana), considering it pleasurable and benign. They enlarged their spiritual pharmacopeia to include hallucinogens such as peyote, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms and DMT, while often renouncing the use of alcohol.
Once again, have you read the New Testament?
>No one even know what he meant by that
Brainlet detected. Ultimate self incrimination. They differentiated between means and ends of violence throughout.
I was baptized and had my first communion when I was a kid going to catholic school but was an atheist most of my life until recent months. Pray everyday now and go to mass and confession regularly. Can't wait to get my confirmation done.
Hopefully I'll find a good Catholic woman to marry and start a big family with, be it God's will.
Love it. Good work and good luck
You seem to have a problem with the word hippie, and not my objection to Jesus.
Yeah I have the Orthodox study bible infront of me and it says there are several theories.
The obvious theory is that Jesus is talking about himself and he's talking about him suffering violence. So it's a condemnation of violence.
>Bases Jesus on a stereotype that came two millennia later
>Forgets Jesus brandishing a scourge
>Several theories but goes with the least nuanced one
>Thinks all violence is the same despite the Bible demonstrating multiple kinds, some justified by the Bible itself
It's not a new stereotype. The Christians had to portray Jesus as some stronk muscular God breaking free from the cross in order to try and convert the Swedes.
>You seem to have a problem with the word hippie, and not my objection to Jesus.
You described Jesus as a hippie which is patently wrong you fucking retard.
i want gf not fugg
>Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
maybe you should try actually reading the bible.
Nah, my prophets don't send bears to maul children because I'm insecure about my lack of hair.
But God turned a new leaf a few centuries later so that's okay I guess.
Yeah, because he is totally not speaking about a spiritual "sword".
I was raised Catholic, but aside from going to masses and praying occasionally before sleep I never really cared about Christianity, mostly because God never really helped me in anything and Catholic priesthood isn't really useful at advice.
Then I met a really religious girl and we started going out... needlesly to say, it didn't work out in the end.
As I've seen in several examples, religious women are just "late bloomers" and essentially children that get easily insulted, are overreacting and the moment you do something wrong you are going to get a cold shoulder for the rest of a week. Utterly crushed by the break up, depression kicked in and I started reading plenty of philosophical and religious themed books, and unironically turned strong atheist. Christianity just doesn't do for me, and Hyam Maccoby and Ehrman are much more convincing than their opponents
I still wish I could be religious desu
>not knowing the Romans made up Jesus to pacify the masses
I find it hard to believe that a person was born from a virgin, game back from the dead, ascended into the sky, and is going to come back for an apocalypse; let alone is the sort-of-alternate-sort-of-the-same form as the thing that made the entire universe. So no.
The only person that belives in god in my family is my Grandmother, other then that I was born an Atheist and plan to remain one.
I suppose looking more at the story of Jesus in a symbolic way helps. You seem to be perceiving Jesus as an individual rather than a representation of man, as well as his struggles representing the chaos that man itself must face.
>This is Europe
t.only Asatru larper
no. jesus and his daddy can fuck off back to the desert. monotheism is a cancer upon society too, btw. honestly, any form of polytheism is better.
I've been baptised as a Catholic but this is only due to the fact that Catholic kids get preference when it comes to getting into primary school.Throughout my years of primary school they weren't aggressively Catholic and they didn't really teach us anything about the beliefs,but we were made have our communion and confirmation and we periodically sang hyms and such every week.I personally believe that it's all down to science rather than a God or God's.Sister is an atheist,Mom is an atheist,Father was raised to be pretty devout but since he married my mom he's pretty much never done anything religious and don't think he believes anymore.I was always allowed to make my own decision on what I believe and I never had a belief beaten into me even though for example my mom is somewhat racist.
Glad you found your way home, brother.
have you praised our glorious meme god yet?
Theravada Buddhism is an Aryan religion.
If someone has more kawaii biblical characters, please post.