Name a country with a cooler mythology.
no european countries
Name a country with a cooler mythology.
no european countries
Other urls found in this thread:
indonesia pre islam
>name a country with x
>except for a bunch of countries with x
>Name one
>Except the ones that are better
Okay.. dumbass.
I wanted to give other countries a chance. 99% of the thread would be Greece.
I mean Japanese mythology is great. But so is Norse and Greek and Roman and Egyptian.
There are plenty of great non-European/Japanese mythologies. Just because you don't know about them doesn't mean they don't exist.
Also Japan is a meme.
So Japan improved everything China tried and made it 100% cooler?
Seems about right.
what's cooler about anything on the right?
>Yoruba mythologytalks about human experience
How difference bind and separate and lead to inequality they tell philosophical concepts in neat stories
The orishas became good due their deeds and individual skills
That's bassically african equavalent of Shintoism
Orishas born beings not mortal but not Gods. they ask their sky daddy for powers he ask a chameleon to help decide who gets wha then leaves it up to chance some got awesome powers like Shango breathing fire and commanding lightining while others got control over crushed cassava
It's cause he watched too much jap cartoons
Hindu mythology is the greatest
Nah bad power scaling
Anime is not cool you stupid weeb
There's just too much of it, they keep coming up with more Gods and avatars and shit over the pat 3500 years so it's hard to make sense of.
Aztec or Maya
t. Samefag Chink
Nanjing was not enough
Nah greece is shit.
The gods were acting like melodramatic teens.
Fuck off, normalfags
Why are amerimutt allowed to post here?
Native American
Anime is for normalfags you stupid weeb, nip cartoons aren’t inherently weird
This is a weeb website Zheng.
If you don't like anime please fuck off back to your PRC-filtered internet.
Awful post. Why amerimutt incapable of good post?
So the power...of 9gag...woah
Keep your gay-virgin-nerd-dork anime shit in the
shitload of anime GAY boards if there are so many.
All boards are /a/ and /a/ is all boards.
Just like how they took China's concept of centralized government and improved it by granting control of the military to hereditary families of generals, I guess.
Centralized government in China sucks user WTF you on about
They are butthurt PRC shills.
I wouldn't worry about it.
They are about to go to sleep anyway.
It's like 11 PM in Ch*na
You know what else sucks more?
Balkanization of the country into local strongmen.
still think you've been watching too much jap cartoons bro
No, I've been to Asia. Mainlanders are uncultured animals and Japan is a paradise compared to China.
Your communist regime still has forced labor camps for political prisioners and your people even shit on airplanes.
Also, posting this in the hope of getting you arrested.
Fight me.
Best China
Japanese mythology is animistic which is as basic as it gets.
My original country, Bleurope.
All mythologies are animistic
>no european countries
Yoruba mythology
Yoruba mythology talks about human experience
How difference bind and separate and lead to inequality they tell philosophical concepts in neat stories
The orishas became good due their deeds and individual skills
And theres the raging chink from that other thread. Knew I'd find you here chang
didn't that happen in china also?
I only go on /a/ for the Dragon Ball super and waifu threads.
As a Japanese, I don't think Japanese mythology itself is cooler than that of other countries, but the charm of it IMO is the fact it's still living. Japan has been running without any hiatus since the age of the mythology; you can still see the imperial family which is a living testament to one of what it tried to explain, many shrines which enshrine the spirit of kami (gods) and relics which appear in it, and the national identity -the land of the rising sun where direct descendants of the sun goddess Amatersu reign- and flag based on it, etc. It was tailored for the Japanese nation, which essentially hasn't changed, and explains part of history. This perfect coherence that has never been broken is what I like, and so I don't really think foreigners should like it.
India has better mythology.
Also it's based on brother/sister incest, which is a huge plus for me.
>stupid gaijin can't possibly like or understand grorious nippon mythology
You stupid slit eyes need to get over yourselves. Your mythology is just run of the mill animism found in every other primitive society around the world.
All invented while building a nation-state to give finns a sense of identity, Pekka Snörbjörnson
Dumbshit. Many mythologies have incest.
>nip thinks some japanese thing is special compared to foreign version of said thing
More news at 11
>Yoruba mythology talks about human experience
How difference bind and separate how they lead to inequality they tell philosophical concepts in neat stories
But at least "Balkanized" Japanese Daimyo still had tremendous respect and devoution towards the Emperor. Unlike China, Japan never had to experience the horrors of decades long civil wars over competing strongmen trying to become Emperor and attain the Mandate of Heaven.
No sane person is interested in nigger trash. Fuck off or develop better taste.
Lmao :^)
>butthurt PRC shills are waking up again
Time to close Chrome I guess
It's called a challenge you idiot
Japan is actually pretty meh in regards to ancient culture and such.
> Greece, Rome
> Egypt
> Persia (it's a little meh I suppose)
> China
> India (and hence SEA)
If you want to go back further, Near East Sumerians and Semites as well.
Celts, Germanics and Slavs we barely know details about.
to be fair it's more sophisticated than say, indigenous ancestor worship/animism in most places. but it's really pretty boring yeah.