How Japan managed to have the same economic growth as USSR without drastic industrialization policies implemented by...

How Japan managed to have the same economic growth as USSR without drastic industrialization policies implemented by vanguard party?

Attached: Comparison.png (352x416, 28K)

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It wasn't burdened by a certain group of parasites.

Because they did. The Japanese government regularly intervened in the economy and made liberal use of state run enterprises that invested heavily in industrialization. They basically had a system similar to modern China.

uuuuh did you miss the satsuma rebellion?
also i bet not being isolated by western powers and a literal god emperor helped ease the tensions

Over half of the x axis shows Imperial Russia and not Soviet Russia. This just goes to show how wrong tankies are when they try to tout high GDP growth as a socialist achievement.

>not noticing the massive spike in growth starting in the 30s

Which would've happened anyway (and probably would've been higher) without socialism. Russia was already on its path to industrialization before the revolution.

>The Japanese government regularly intervened in the economy and made liberal use of state run enterprises that invested heavily in industrialization. They basically had a system similar to modern China.
prove it. and by that I don't mean just find one instance of Jap government being interventionist, show that these were regular occurrences and that such occurrences were more frequent than in control group countries.

>satsuma rebellion
Ha ha, Japan had to deal with rebellious fruit.

>The rapid industrialization and modernization of Japan both allowed and required a massive increase in production and infrastructure. Japan built industries such as shipyards, iron smelters, and spinning mills, which were then sold to well-connected entrepreneurs. Consequently, domestic companies became consumers of Western technology and applied it to produce items that would be sold cheaply in the international market. With this, industrial zones grew enormously, and there was a massive migration to industrializing centers from the countryside. Industrialization additionally went hand in hand with the development of a national railway system and modern communications.[12]

The Japanese state literally built factories and then sold them to private interests afterwards.

>Russia was already on its path to industrialization before the revolution.

True, but it’s pretty clear that the rate massively accelerated under socialism. We can only speculate, but at the rate of industrialization before the revolution it would have been much slower.


Attached: 1439236700219.gif (400x400, 216K)

They had low tariffs, imported a lot of cotton, and made a killing off of the textile industry.

It’s got an academic source with a JSTOR link m8.

>a JSTOR link
>a link that you can't access without paying $50 for article
ha ha ha
also you still haven't shown that what Japan did was unusually interventionist compared to the control group.

Find me hand written letters of authorization by the Japanese government in untranslated moon runes or your source isn't legit

>>a JSTOR link
>>a link that you can't access without paying $50 for article
Your access is paid by your university. We're all academics here on Veeky Forums, right?

>on Veeky Forums
>doesn't know what scihub is

Research it yourself then, you aren’t my prof. Also it doesn’t have to be more interventionist than other countries because I never claimed that it was.

>being a pleb who can't access JSTOR is an argument

>t. Either a poor or a jew
Not on my Veeky Forums

Tsarist Russia still had something like 75% of the population working in agriculture.

And its "successor"

Similar model is in place with China/Korea/Singapore as well.

Basically sorta like really powerful merchant guilds with the backing of the government. This allows for efficient economy but at the cost of freedom/competition.

Keiretsu is just businesses having close relations with frequent business partners. It's an entirely normal phenomenon that you see everywhere in the world and you would be surprised if you didn't.

Nigga they literally pioneered state owned enterprises. They East Asian corrupt family dynasties all started in Japan

japanese state is hugely dirigiste even now, though less so since the late 90s. just read a book on 20th century japan senpai

use sci-hub