What happens here?
What happens here?
No poo in loo.
Nebraska best state
>not Minnesota
Inb4 muh Somalis
>flyover states
If it ain't New york, Californa,Texas, Florida, or in New England it might as well not exist
Aside from Ohio (which can at least boast about Sherman) the other states are p cool, but I know the most about Michigan history so here we go..
Not as much fighting took place here during the revolution as on the east coast, but Detroit/Fort Pontchartrain
was a concern for the Americans as it was a key trading point and controlled travel in and out of the Great Lakes.
Key role in defense against Canada/British invasion esp in 1812 (we did our best desu) and was where the majority of Pontiac's rebellion took place.
Tried to fight Ohio for the Toledo strip but they were too scared to show up. The federal government was a bully and gave it to Ohio in the end.
MI was one of the few states to not call for peace talks during the civil war, they wanted to keep fighting it out until the end and Governor Austin Blair agreed to help make it easier for away soldiers to still vote in presidential elections.
During WWI and WWII Michigan supplied agricultural goods, pumped war materiale out of its auto factories (see: Henry Ford) and provided training ground for troops ex: U.S. Wolverine, a makeshift aircraft carrier on the greatlakes for pilots to practice taking off and landing on. Also, Camp Custer and Selfridge Airbase.
Kelloggs is where you get your delicious Frosted Flakes from. It started in Battle Creek at some 7th Day Adventist sanitarium and brother John and Bill Kellogg had a big legal battle over who had the rights to the company.
Zachariah Chandler, mayor of Detroit, was once sued by U.S. Grant for not keeping the sidewalk infront of his house clear or ice (Grant fell and hurt himself, Chandler accused him of being drunk), later Chandler served in his cabinet. I can come back with some more little anecdotes later if anyone is interested.
Agriculture and manufacturing. Every society that has a healthy, stable agriculture and manufacturing economy develops a völkisch culture. The American constitution gives a disproportionate share of presidential electoral power to these volk as well as disproportionate power in the House. This is counterbalanced in the Senate which gives disproportionate power to the elite/intelligentsia. As manufacturing declines, poverty grips this region. Its people, who feel entitled to an easy career right out of high school, have turned to heroin to feel fulfilled. Only Trump can save them.
Please kys
You realize coast states are the IRL equivalent of a containment board right
The Toledo War occurred between the Michigan and Ohio militias as a disagreement of mapmakers on the southern tip of Lake Michigan caused the ownership of the Toledo Strip to be in question.
See, the Michigan territory was declared the area east of southernmost point of Lake Michigan, and anything south would be Indiana/Ohio. However, explorers discovered a place further south that previously thought, and, so, with that redrawn line easrt, would have given Toledo to Michigan.
Ohio didn't like this, and so the militias were called to settle the dispute. After several skirmishes, one man was injured, and Andrew Jackson had to intervene. In exchange for Ohio taking the Toledo Strip, Michigan would be given the UP when it became a state.
a lot of worthless people come up from chicago and st louis to ruin major cities in minnesota
>Only Trump can save them.
I don't know whether to be depressed or disappointed that my people still assume that the Republican establishment has any of their better interests in mind.
>be from Michigan
>a state in the midwest surrounded by giant lakes
>best state, all hail
>have a city and state built entirely around one industry
>that industry fails
>cry for rich east coast tax money to bail you out
>Detroit becomes worst city in America anyway
>still better than bumblefuck Ohio, r-right?
>fail to perceive that you don't actually live on the coast, but in the midwest like every other midwesterner
>go so far as to call it "the third coast" of a country that has only two coasts
>convince yourself that you aren't like Ohio and Wisconsin, but more like New York or California
>develop a superiority complex that makes you hated by all midwesterners and even all intelligent Americans
How does this make you feel?
Manufacturing ended. Same thing happened a few decades ago in New England but we readjusted. Same will happen in time.
I think a lot of older people realize the GOP doesn't care about them but also realize the establishment Democrats don't either. After Sanders got beat by the old hag the Unions were so mad most of those people didn't show up to the polls. There is a reason that the dems lost states where Sanders was polling better than Hillary.
Lol what. It's vice versa
>What happens here?
I love being a Michigander desu
>share fun history of states
>limpdick tries to talk shit
No wonder why they all tried to leave for the moon
Coast state here.
If I had to live in any midwestern state it would be North Dakota.
That is all.
MO here, we pretty much just exist.
Nebraska doesn't exist
Yeah sorry about that, the twin cities offer a lot of interesting ideas we don't get down here in Chicago and St Louis.
I have seen more confederate flags driving in rural Missouri than I had driving through Tennessee and Kentucky combined
An extravagant amount of suburban degeneracy, wether it be blatant racism, or the extreme prevalence of drugs, to the utter decline of our once magnificent cities through yet more racism, suburbanism, and drugs.
>once magnificent cities
such as
>the place where fur traders get booze
>a giant meat packing plant
>a car factory
pretty magnificent desu
>Mfw family moved from based St. Louis suburbs to shitty Chicago suburbs due to recession
Who the fuck do I blame for ruining my life
>Missouri isn't bad enough
>goes to Illinois
you fucked up
I didn't have a choice.
Your parents, and the financial industry, in that order.
Michigainer here, the "Third Coast" is the gulf.
the suburbs of St. Louis are pretty nice, so yeah, your parents fucked up.
What exactly makes the gulf a different coast from the Atlantic?
I've never understand why there are 2 different parts of Michigan and the upper one isn't just another state.
>Only Trump can save them.
>only labor can be saved from the party that killed it
>is located in the middle east
>the twin cities offer a lot of interesting ideas we don't get down here in Chicago and St Louis.
yep, like walking upright
An excellent choice! Although, you should consider that Minnesota is grand as well, in fact, North Dakota and Minnesota go hand in hand
You're right, I can never hope to contribute as much to this conversation as you and your 2 word comment, woe is me!
pretty cozy here, unfortunately moving for better university and probably won't be able to get a job here afterwards.
contrast this with the coasts where all land is owned and used by international conglomerates and their bedroom communities.
>The shitty genes of your family
>The poor decision making ability of your parents
>Voter's stupidity
Now, cry,
filled with degenerates
dios mio...
New York, Texas, and New England are fine for the most part.
It makes me feel like you have no idea what you are talking about desu.
In 20 years here I have never heard anyone call MI "the third coast." Nor have I heard anyone seriously degrade a fellow midwestern state, (aside from that one time WI tried to steal our thunder and created a tourist campaign calling itself the mitten state. Not cool, Wisconsin, not cool, but we forgive you). negative comments are just memey jokes because a lot of people here have family living in those other midwestern states. And who the fuck has actually lived here actually compares it to NY or CA? The only similarity I can think of is that earlier settlers named some cities and towns after those in NY.
The best part of the country. Who else /Ohio/ here?
New England is GOAT America, do I have to make another thread about it?
Maine is pretty cool. The rest can live or die as far as I care tbqh.
Wisconsin is so fucking comfy especially during the summer, also best cheese and fish around.
You know the motto of New Hampshire is, "Live Free or Die" and that that Nantucket and Marthas Vineyard are basically the Caribbean but white. New England is the most Patrician part of the US.
Do you fellows want to just do the rest of the country a favor and secede? We midwesterners could forge a nation founded on dairy products, corn for days, a strugglebussing auto industry, and the concept of holding doors open for your fellow man when they are an awkward distance away and feel obliged to half jog so that you don't have to wait.
Michigander here, can confirm, but I prefer winter there especially when all the fields have snow on them.
I said most of New England is fine because the drug addiction and from the outside some of the people seem stuck up and shit like that brings it down. I am moving near there soon for grad school though so I will get a better feel for the people and location. Nature/weather wise it seems nice.
All those great cities got destroyed by niggers though, to the last one.
Aside from New England, all coastal states are absolute shit. Especially Flawda and California.
Thanks for the comfy UP hat Michigan
>2 different parts
Because Toledo and "Superior" doesn't have the population or economy to become a state
Aw you
Would have been fine if people weren't racist. Blacks moved in, white people panicked thinking for some reason it would drive down their property values, all tried to sell their houses at once for as fast as possible, ended up lowering the prices themselves. White landlords who rented to blacks didn't see any reason to make repairs to properties since blacks did not have many affordable housing options, they fell into disrepair. Blacks and whites started rumors about people of the other race assulting "their women" started riots and the army, not the national guard, but the fucking army had to be brought in.
I'm glad to see my state getting some love around here. Politically it has a lot of problems but Wisconsin is a charming place in its own right.
>whites move out
>whites move back in
Fuck off Jamal, just admit your kind fucking ruins everything you touch.
Why do racists like to oversimplify issues so much?
Whites moving out is bad because by doing so they crash the economy of the area, depriving all the people who stayed of sources of money. Whites moving in is bad because they radically change the economy of the area, such that the previous tenants can't hope to afford what the wealthy newcomers are making the new default. These both are a serious problem regardless of whether it was because of whites and blacks being shit to eachother or not.
You have to realize that by turning houses into crack dens with broken windows and fecal matter smeared on the porch you decrease the overall value and economic prospects of the neighborhood, right?
Doesn't all of the Midwest?
Are you referring to the politics or the fact that it's a Charming place? It depends I don't really like going down to Chicago at all and I don't know much about Illinois either.
You're right, that does reduce property values. Do you think that black people existing in an area causes crack addiction, or do you understand that drug epidemics go hand-in-hand with economic destruction?
Great cities in their time truly.
The entitles asses think their kings when they come to town. I'd say they have it pretty nice
East St Louis is a great example of this, almost every house in the area either came from the military or moved to their current lesser town from E St Louis in the 50's, 60's, or 70's
It has nice scenic views and it's people are amazing, but in the ways that count it's in essence Chicago's hat
You're saying Detroit and Cleveland weren't great cities before the Niggerpocalypse?
Next thing you know, the house across the street is a crack den and your neighbor is now the proud owner of a brothe based in his home. And we'll Jason and Tiffani can't have that. So the white family moves to the "safer" suburbs where Jason will get a girl pregnant at 14 or 45 no inbetween and die of an overdose a year later and Tiffani will get knocked up and become a prostitute because of 'daddy issues'.
>white people are at fault for lazy nogs living in their own waste and turning neighborhoods into warzones
You should probably just come out and admit that you haven't actually read anything substantial about white flight or the destruction of black communities and are just parroting memes you were shown on twitter.
I've lived a ghetto. Notice that in white neiighborhoods they don't install bullet proof glass in gas stations? Only in Niggeria.
Why should I trust some literal ghetto trash's understanding of how ghettoes are made?
>Living in based St. Louis
>Gee, I wonder what fun sports I can get invested into
>Blues is shit
>Rams left a year or so ago
>Cardinals are a good team but I dont wear their fan jerseys every day
>Eh, I'd rather watch on demand or shitpost on the internet instead.
I don't care how they're made, like it's not even relevant to the discussion. I'm saying the niggers are at fault for turning the places into unlivable shitholes. Nobody is forcing them to turning the neighborhood into 2003 Fallujah, nobody is preventing them from using the shitter instead of the pavement, nobody is forcing them to shoot at pedestrians for wearing the wrong colors, that's all on them.
North Carolina is great
You can go to a Cards game and get shot.
Roots with pioneers and fur traders.