>historical figure fucks both men and women regularly
>"yeah he was definitely gay"
Historical figure fucks both men and women regularly
I don't know user, fucking women is pretty gay
I feel like "homosexuality" before the twentieth century is an anachronism
am I wrong?
'Gay' as a way to identify yourself is, homosexuality (that is, homosexual activities) is present even in the animal kingdom, fag.
people were definitely gaybos but I feel like even now the number of full-on faggots or people who are 100% completely straight is overinflated. If you haven't wanted to fuck a cute twink's tight asshole until he cried and threatened to call the cops while his asshole blood got all over your dick you're just lying to yourself.
The Queen of Bithyia. He is every man's woman, and every woman's man.
galias caesar subegit, caesarem nicomedes
>women like dicks
>liking dicks is gay
>men have dicks
>fucking someone who has a dick is gay
case closed, closet opened
People weren't "gay" as we understand it. You could fuck boys all day long but you were still expected to get married and have an heir.
if you took it up the ass though you were a degenerate
different cultures; different views
Traps aren’t gay
>>historical figure fucks both men and women regularly
Literally who?
why were the greeks so gay Veeky Forums?
anyone with any power in the west nigga
if you don't exert dominance over your cute male slaves by fucking them into submission you're a fag
Depends on the culture. In Rome sure but I'm not aware of any such stigma in China for example.
It's not gay if its feminine dick.
Gee, Napoleon or George Washington or Stalin or some other faggot took it up the ass?
Sounds like some #metoo historical revisionism.
I never said they took it up the ass you dumb nigger, and they were more modern than what I was thinking of
I meant Roman emperors/nobles, Egyptians, Vikings (when anally raping) and shit. Mostly I was thinking about Alexander the Great when someone said he was "a powerful gay" and that fucking triggered me.
Honestly I'm pretty curious about what type of homo shit went on in China because I don't remember hearing about that stuff ever, but if I was a Chinese emperor I'd have some cute soyboys in my harem
Is this actual historical document, or just ancient propaganda? They also slandered Alexander as an abject alcoholic, the same with grant, but none of it holds up to any historical rigor.
>Is Greco-Roman same-sex intercourse ancient propaganda?
Well, yeah. Have a few sons, just enough to survive the winters and then negate all risk of having too many sons by fucking cute concubine eunuchs
Maymay pop "history," doesn't count. There were Greeks and Roman's fucking each other between the thighs and in the buttholes, even recorded on the wall of Pompeii, but these are mainly called attention to because it's a juicy story, like some absolutely retarded or faggodelic Veeky Forums copypasta.
Reminds me of this kid Brad we went to school with. He came out as a gay in the 9th grade and this was back in the 80s when that shit wasn't nearly as accepted. Anyway, after football practice one day a bunch of us grabbed him fucked the shit out of him to try and straighten him out. I know, I know, but we were just kids, we didn't know any better. It kinda worked. He saw just how painful and unnatural anal sex between men could be and for a long time he lived a normal healthy hetero life. But a few years back they busted him for diddling a couple little boys and gave him 15 years in prison. Just goes to show that you can't save them all, but that doesn't mean you don't try.
The fuck is this post.
>case closed, closet opened
>historical figure dies a virgin
>obviously gay, t. homo-historian
>historical figure has a close male friend
>a homosexual icon, obviously, t. homo-historian
>historical figure who is very famous
>probably gay, no one can tell, but very possibly gay, t. homo-historian
>historical figure is an extremely intelligent scholar and a very religious theologian
>he was totally atheist, but just pretending because of the times, t. atheist-historian
I hate people like this.
De Vinci and Michelangelo are both gay, right?
Were you jerking off when you typed this?
It's all just subsets of the latest trend in "contrarian history".
For example, fifty years ago, it was taught:
>Columbus proved the world was round and discovered America
>the Pilgrims just wanted freedom and got along great with the Indians
>the Salem Witch Trials were due to paranoia, but we thankfully moved past that
>the founding fathers were all brave and moral men who believed in freedom
>the Industrial Revolution helped launch the US into a new level of quality of life
>Thomas Edison invented neat shit because he wanted to
>America fought the wars it did to help make the world a better place
Is it accurate? Not entirely. It's mostly either genuine misconceptions or simplifications meant to make it palatable to a bunch of middle schoolers. Even if it wasn't 100% true, people got what the teacher were trying to get across, and it was okay.
But then Lies My Teacher Told Me, Howard Zinn, the Oatmeal, Cracked, Adam Ruins Everything, and a bunch of internet journalists came along and saw that some details were wrong. And if that's wrong, then EVERYTHING's wrong:
>Columbus was a genocidal dictator who slaughtered his way across the Caribbean
>the Pilgrims were all proto-fascists that wanted to oppress each other without oversight
>the Salem Witch Trials were because theists are delusional
>every single person you thought was cool in US History class was a massive racist
>the Industrial Revolution was the wholesale slaughter of innocent workers by greedy capitalists
>Thomas Edison was a lying devil, Tesla was the Second Coming
>the US only fights wars if it means they can get oil while bombing children
And that's why modern pop history is so retarded.
Someone tell me the history of traps
we associate bi-sexuality with gayness all the time
Oh. Oh dear...
>Fucks both men and women regularly
>Men have dicks, that's gay
>Women like dicks, that's gay
Definitely gay user
>Man had a close friendship and loved a male who was not his son or father.
>He was totally gay and buttfucking/making out all the time.
I love sex, porn and pornography but it is not healthy for a society to think of relationships as requiring a carnal element or supposing that love obligates sexuality.
Is this bait?
>Is it accurate? Not entirely. It's mostly either genuine misconceptions or simplifications meant to make it palatable to a bunch of middle schoolers
Understatement of the year
>Even if it wasn't 100% true, people got what the teacher were trying to get across, and it was okay.
>it was okay
>And that's why modern pop history is so retarded.
>Criticizes liberal bias in History but says that conservative bias was 'ok'
>American education
No surprise here.
pls tell this to the teacher who taught us the Iliad and spent half a class trying to tell us how fucking gay Achilles and Patroclus were.
>let's do gay stuff to the gay!
>fucking men isn't gay
>Man likes both men and women
>Woman likes both men and women
>They must be gay
>Everyone forgets about bisexuals
I'm straight (as someone on Veeky Forums can be) and this always mystified me, it's like people either aren't aware of bisexuals or suddenly forget that they exist as soon as any leaning of homosexuality shows up. Plus historically many societies didn't operate on a strictly homo/heterosexual dichotomy in the ways we think of them today, so even using any labels like that feels kind like it's retroactively fitting our modern social mores to another time.
>the US only fights wars if it means they can get oil while bombing children
That's basically true though if you exclude the bombing children part.
>not fighting wars exclusively so you can bomb children
include me in the screencap reddit
>Better fuck him up the butt to show him being gay is wrong
>Columbus was a genocidal dictator who slaughtered his way across the Caribbean
That's close enough to the truth. La Española was some sick shit.
Most people say the Salem Trials were an attempt at a land grab by abusing the nervous superstitions of the locals, you dumbass. I have not yet seen a teacher explain it away as "hurr christfags dumb".
Sounds glorious, actually.
They were reverse lesbians
Gay as an identity yeah. But sodomy has been a thing since Biblical times.
Sodomy has been a thing ever since animals began reproducing sexually
>calls pop history retarded
>makes a bunch of claims of revisionism that people don't claim
well okay
one of the most infuriating aspects of the sexuality debate frankly. I've never understood why literally everyone has to only like one sex or the other according to 90% of debates I hear.
Honestly I unironically believe sexuality pretty much operates on a spectrum like the Kinsey scale. I've known more than a few cases of guys who are 90% into woman but are occasionally attracted to men (though they don't admit it, they're 40+ though)
it sounds like you're the gay one user.
>someone in the 18th century writes "I love you" or "I kiss you" to a friend
The cultivation of intimate friendships was common in the 18th century among the elite and poor alike. Friendships were seen as just as important--if not moreso, in some cases--as marriages, because they allowed for the friends to choose on another for their personal qualities rather than a financial or political marriage match. But 21st century people will have none of this "historical context is important, they didn't even have the same concept of gay/lesbian as we do today."
And it's not particularly hard to tell the difference between a letter written by someone who would today be considered gay or lesbian, and someone writing to a friend.
Woman to woman, friendship:
>I can tell you, dear heart, that I love you tenderly. My health keeps up but my heart is overwhelmed with troubles, sorrows, and anxieties. Every day we hear of new misfortunes and the greatest of all for me is to be separated from all my friends. I neither see nor meet eyes or hearts that understand me. I should be too happy if I only knew they were all in safety… Adieu, dear heart, nothing but death can make me cease to love you.
Woman to woman, romantic:
>I am writing you again, cruel sister, though I have only just left you. I cannot bear waiting to know my fate, and to learn whether you consider me a person worthy of your love, or whether you would like to throw me into the river.... I can think of nothing but that I am deeply in love. If I only knew why this is so, for you are so without mercy that one should not love you, but I cannot help myself. ... I love you madly, and I hope to kiss you well, also that I will be thrilled to see you, kiss you and be kissed by you! ... I am told that the day begins with God. I, however, begin the day by thinking of the object of my love, for I think of her incessantly.
And after that people will still think this is sane and still insult genders with the Attack Helicopter meme.
Wonder if “pedophilia” is like this desu
Like, a lot of people wandering around far from predominantly into children but who haven’t not thought something like that at some point
Don't bother explaining this shit to millenials. Real friendship and real love don't exist for post-1993 kids. This is the generation of "ghosting", tinder and facebook. Their friendships are fickle, their relationships shallow and banal, and their connections and understanding of other people borders on the sociopathic.
Late Qing was full homo according to a podcast I listened to about known predominantly gay Manchu speaking grifter and pro-Japanese court connected chiaboo Edmund Bacchus (real name “Backhouse”).
Also, all of this was predicted by the 1976 masterpiece, Network. This is what happens when you raise kids with TV, vidya and social media.
Watch this scene. If it makes you feel nothing, you were probably born after 1993.
on this note, if I see one more article or blog post about how Marie Antoinette is a gay icon, I will scream.
There are actual what-we-would-consider-lesbian 18th century women for people to latch onto without using a woman who was politically slandered with accusations of tribadism, which she considered hurtful and degrading to her friendships.
Firstly, that was a troll and obviously so. Secondly, anyone who believes in gender rather then biological sex has been brainwashed by insane leftist ideologues.
Don’t you have trap thread to post in you faggot
>He doesn't know about the beard full of sperm in a cloakroom full of Rugby players after a victory
Yes, I'm sure you know all about sportsmen and sperm. But, your fondness for other men's penises is not not my concern here.
I love this fucking site
Best thing about posts like this is all the reaction images people post in response. Oh and please put me in the inevitable screencap please.
Every so often, the old spirit of Veeky Forums surfaces from the gloomy light created by the endless shitposting between /pol/tards and tumblrina faggots. In those moments, the full glory of the chan is made plain to the imbecilic plebeians that inhabit the ruins left over from past glories. In those moments, we see the gods of old look down upon us, and smile.
What did he mean by this?
>liberal vs conservative
Nice retarded unhelpful dichotomy brainlet, the triad for both expressed value systems is "Freedom, Progress, Rationalism" except the latter just adds "and FUCK white people" because our decadence has caused us to valorize dissolution like every dying degenerate society and thus to hate the strong and praise the weak. People say Columbus is Hitler because they want to feel like they weren't wasting time when they smoked pot all day in college because they were "finding themselves", and thus have an interest in promoting a worldview where the strong and successful were evil and terrible ("Chad is such a materialistic normie, I'm so above that and could do it if I wanted to") while the weak are praised and defended.
Your post is so dumb (e.g. full of non sequiturs) i don't even know if you are being ironic or not anymore.
user, you ruined a person's life.
It's just like my japanese animes
It makes me think, is it actually much different today?
Do people really dislike gays or is it actually just feminine men?
homosexual identity was entirely invented in the 20th century. Before that people who fucked feminine guys were straight and people who got fucked by guys were feminine men that wished they were women.
Put me in the /r/Veeky Forums screencap, Redditfaggots.
It was like this
put me in the screenshot
it's like the one drop rule but with cocks
god i wish i was him
Dear fucking Lord
Nobody who isn't an actual fag would openly admit to actually literally fucking another man in the ass, but the whole "oi faggot, I'll fuck you up" or "if you keep that shit up i'm going to fuck you" and countless derivatives is incredibly common. So I'd say it's pretty much the same yeah.
>why were the greeks so gay Veeky Forums?
Remember reading that dialogue where Plato was talking about Zamolxes, and he literally interrupts the whole thing in the middle to talk about that cute guy's robe just showed some naughty parts when he leaned for something, and he goes full "omg, i'm so turned on right now, guys."
>The cultivation of intimate friendships was common in the 18th century among the elite and poor alike. Friendships were seen as just as important--if not moreso, in some cases--as marriages, because they allowed for the friends to choose on another for their personal qualities rather than a financial or political marriage match.
Oh Lord, i remember reading letters frontier preachers sent to each other because they were long-time friends and to encourage each other in their missions.
Taken in context, it was obviously just old-timey politeness and platonic love, but it was the fruitiest stuff i've ever read, with "my heart aches to see you again" and "i hope your wife doesnt become jealous of our deep, christian love, bro".
reminds me of this post (thread NSFW)
Brad here. Just got out of prison. I'll get you fucker.
They weren't. In fact finding out someone was a homo was a major scandal.
The gayreek meme needs to die
Fucking feminine boys isn't gay. Some men just have feminine traits that make them appealing to straight men. I'm straight and i would absolutely ravage a cute feminine twink given the chance. That's how most of the gay shit in Rome and Greece went down, masculine men fucked feminine men. That's not homosexuality that's just the law of nature, masculine traits being attracted by feminine traits.