Is this the most powerful empire in all of human history so far?
The US Military is so mighty and powerful, they could very well fight a defensive war against the rest of the planet and still win.
Is this the most powerful empire in all of human history so far?
The US Military is so mighty and powerful, they could very well fight a defensive war against the rest of the planet and still win.
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Not many other empires had the actual ability to destroy the world, so yeah.
The user known in dubs as 4334809, was of purely an homosexual persuasion.
The US is not an empire, and is no more an empire than any other western democracy, fuck off
>being this braindead
Define an empire
They can't even beat the Taliban.
>loses against rice farmers
Not quite.
What the fuck is wrong with Cuba and North Korea?
thy ere embargoed from buying it
Why do some people get so angry whenever the US superiority is mentioned?
I'm not even from the US, but I've been in the military and I've been on foreign missions, I've witnessed the power of the US first-hand, the rest of the world doesn't even compare. The US NAVY alone would fuck up all of Europe by itself and it wouldn't even be a fight.
Europe doesn't exactly have the worlds best armed forces anymore, to be fair
Actually l think cuba can get it now can’t they?
Superiority is a social construct.
*loses to goatfuckers and jungle monkies*
It is indeed, the real question is 'How long will it last'?
Russia could beat America if it was a fair one on one. American army is full of trans and women commanders. Russian military is fucking crazy and WILL do whatever it takes to win.
Also America is degenerate as fuck.
U.S. of A. is absolutely the strongest State in existence today, with the military to boot.
But they couldn't win a defensive war against China, let alone the entire world. If you think about the economic consequences that embargoes imposed cause on the nation at war, you'll quickly understand that. As the largest importer of goods and commodities in the world, the US are hardly capable of fighting any war without economic backup from several other superpowers.
But if it makes you feel better, I don't think any country in the world could sustain a large-scale conflict these days without still running a global economy. And since the first victim of any war is the economy, I therefore don't think global conflicts are possible anymore. We live in the age of Pax Parsiomoniae.
Russia couldn't even beat EU without nukes.
America imports a lot of oil, but actually has one of the world's largest oil reserves if I recall. I don't think we actually use much of our oil. I could be wrong about that though.
EU can't even defend its border from fugees. You really think they can take the Russian bear?
But Russia had women in combat roles far before the US did.
>The US Military is so mighty and powerful, they could very well fight a defensive war against the rest of the planet and still win.
Absolutely not.
"The US Military" remains powerful as long as the USD remains the world reserve currency and the US government can continue to bully the other countries to purchase its debt. Or destabilize the other countries, so US treasury bonds are ''the safest investment".
This is the only way how America can afford to maintain its current military. By exploiting, destabilizing and bullying other counties.
If America is at the war with the whole world it means the USD is already worthless. It also means that you won't be able to afford all this shiny new hardware and pay exorbitant amounts of money to the MIC contractors. Also no more mercenary-based army, your government would have to reinstitute draft again. I can imagine how much enthusiasm this will cause among the masses, especially among the minorities, considering the fact that all the benefits, health care and other bonuses will be cut to the bone. You'll have a Civil War 2.0 before something like that happens.
How would the EU fight back?
Most followed the Conventional Forces In Europe Limitation treaty.
Much of what they have is in disrepair.
Only France would put up a good fight.
In communist days.
That was the USSR, not Russia.
Hello companylet
>m-muh degeneracy
how does this correlate at all with the military? you're just spouting retarded shit you've been fed
What are you talking bout, the Taliban lost control of the government and was forced into the mountain caves. Just because they survived dosen't mean they won lmao
lol, okay buddy get back on your medicine
>t. yuropoor assmad that he hasn't been relevant in 75 years
would they use their
You are correct. Murriblubbers are also sitting on the largest deposits of natural gas in the world IIRC.
>What are you talking bout, the Taliban lost control of the government and was forced into the mountain caves. Just because they survived dosen't mean they won lmao
Soviets said exactly the same thing about the Mujaheddin, lol
how would russia invade? they are a regional power with most of their equipment being old shit in storage
How much longer do you think the American Era will last?
In a defensive war America would thrash china. Even in an offensive one the same thing would happen.
All of their carrier groups would move to the pacific and mow down all the tonnage of the chinese navy.
Sure the economic ties between the two countries would put a strain on them both, but China doesnt have the military to invade america or defend itself from 5 carrier fleets sitting off the coast throwing TOW missiles among other things like they are candy.
Has an emperor
RIP the British Empire then.
Russian military is full of corruption and faggots forcing each other to suck them off.
Not to mention technologically and numerical inferior.
>an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state.
America fits the latter definition if not the oligarchy one ;^)
Victoria was Empress of India.
Yes but the British Empire was regarded to have existed prior to the creation of the title of Emperor/Empress of India, as well as after it.
couldnt win a defensive war against China? Is this bait?
China would need to do an amphibious landing after traveling thousands of miles across the Pacific, while avoiding the full might of the american navy and air force. Its so unrealistic its laughable.
t. Russian
I'm struggling to imagine Island hopping - modern warfare edition
In no sense is the USA the greatest empire the world has ever known.
There is no evidence aside from burger delusions that they would win a defensive war against the rest of the world.
All international bases would immediatley be over run, they would be hopelessly out numbered, out thought, out spent and even out gunned.
This is a country that within the last 50 years has failed in vietnamn, cuba, afghanistan and somalia.
Seriously, what evidence is there to suggest a country this incompetent could acheive such a feat.
The southern border is porous already, the nothern one more policed on the foreign side, naval and air superiority are waning and the nation is divided.
Britain in the early 19th century would fair better in the same war game but no single modern nation would exhaust the rest of the world at any point in their history.
>There is no evidence aside from burger delusions that they would win a defensive war against the rest of the world.
They do spend more money on military than the rest of the world combined, pretty interesting evidence
Athenian empire?
The US is certainly special for many reasons, both good and bad, but I honestly wouldn't call it an empire.
>But if it makes you feel better, I don't think any country in the world could sustain a large-scale conflict these days without still running a global economy. And since the first victim of any war is the economy, I therefore don't think global conflicts are possible anymore. We live in the age of Pax Parsiomoniae.
They were literally saying the same thing in 1912. That said, as far as embargoes from China, keep in mind that the US handles most industries that could be considered strategic domestically, we just import cheap luxuries from China.
>itt:larpers who pretend nukes arent a thing
Wtf is that
The US navy and air force is bigger than the entire rest of the world combined, and then some. Especially considering that France and Britain are the only other militaries with the ability to operate on a global scale, as strong as Russia, China, and others may be locally their navies are extremely weak and outdated so they lack any global power projection. Given that, and considering the US' only land borders are with militarily weak nations, invasion by any foreign power, even a coalition of them, is impossible.
If we don't consider nukes or the economic effects, the US military is easily strong enough to defend against the entire rest of the world, you're flat-out delusional if you believe otherwise.
>This is a country that within the last 50 years has failed in vietnamn, cuba, afghanistan and somalia.
There's a massive difference between incursions in countries half the world away and defending your home territory, what a stupid comparison. As for Cuba, were it not for the pressures of the cold war keeping outright invasion off the table, the US easily could've occupied the island in war.
>The southern border is porous already, the nothern one more policed on the foreign side
Patrolling borders against illegal immigrants has quite a deal less importance assigned to it than defending the borders against military invasion.
>naval and air superiority are waning
Citation needed.
>and the nation is divided
Russia and China suffer from this even more so, debatably Britain as well.
the southern border is a fucking desert. an invading force would literally have to put ashore in brazil and then move their way up an entire continent. Through the rainforest and oh yeah, there is no overland connection from central to south america the swamp is so thick. think about the logistics to move all those men and materials, while being bombed and probably nuked by this time. then once you make it to mexico your either going to have to cross a mountain to invade cali or go thru texas. Texas with fort bliss and the armored divisions they keep there, Cali has the marines.
Invade through canada, your going to have to go thru alaska and all their army and airforce bases then move men and machines from alaska all the way down to the USA. all the roads and bridges are going to be bombed to shit and 6 months out of the year its so cold metal cracks, and when it thaws the perma frost melts and it turns into quicksand
Only a clueless fool thinks China or Russia pose a real challenge to the US.
US military power is unparalleled by every metric. It has vastly more advanced tech, vastly better projection of power and the world's largest (by a long shot) economy backing it up.
Invading the mainland is impossible, period. The US Navy alone is so mighty the US can handily defeat any country in an all-out war using it solely.
British Empire at its peak had had more power projection than the modern US.
The nation was divided in 1942 as well, we usually put our petty bullshit aside when things get real
>And since the first victim of any war is the economy, I therefore don't think global conflicts are possible anymore. We live in the age of Pax Parsiomoniae.
literally 1912
The French Empire?
>being this brainlet
its google
no it didn’t. The US controls all 3 oceans, the British never had total control of the pacific, and as ww2 showed, couldnt deal with three fronts at once. The US handled that by the time ww2 was over, not to mention the gains since. I am the first to make 56% jokes, but there’s no doubt the USA is the most powerful empire in history, as no one else managed to enforce a global peace.
I want a world government and I believe it should be created by the power of the United States of America.
I'd fight and die for this belief.
Someone really ought to help you die for that shitty belief.
I'm saying that as a proud American too.
That moment when Americans are so delusional they believe they can beat China.
Is this how America copes with histotical irrelevancy?
>3 oceans
Serious answer here:
I suppose the only fair way to judge this is through relative power.
Currently the US is indeed the most powerful nation on earth, however there are 9 nations that could easily obliterate the US at a button's press thanks to atomic weapons. This is an important factor that must be considered, however there are also other metrics.
There have been empires in the past that have had a direct control over greater percentages of the Earth's population such as the first Persian empire and the British empire.
Furthermore there have been empires/kingdoms with greater economic dominance such as Han China at 25% of world economy, British empire at 24% and middle Indian kingdoms at a whopping 32%.
In terms of global influence i believe the US may have this, however the British empire is a contender with huge cultural influences similar to the US but hard to compare.
In terms of projection of power again this is close between the US and the British empire, although relatively it seems like the british have the advantage as many nations today can project military globally.
Overall however i believe it comes down to hegemonic power. The US simply doesn't dominate its competitors and this is all down to nukes which you can't just conveniently ignore as technology is a part of power
>this whole thread
I love being American
>A country with no real culture of their own leading the entire world
Fix your own country first, amerilard.
Pretty much; that and larping as other ethnicities.
>But they couldn't win a defensive war against China, let alone the entire world.
>British Empire at its peak had had more power projection than the modern US.
kek, muh empire got humiliated everywhere they weren't facing naked savages.
>They do spend more money on military than the rest of the world combined, pretty interesting evidence
1. They don't. There are 193 member states of the UN, of those the USA spends the most, about as much as the next 7 or 8 nations combined.
2. The way that money is spent is grossly inefficient, it will cost the USA several times more to train a soldier than #2 spender China, that soldier will not be several times better.
3. They don't have anything like the manufacturing base or population to match even #2, let alone the rest of the world as a united front.
4. What technological advantage the USA has over #2 is dissipating quickly, China already has overtaken the US when it comes to supercomputing, high speed rails and energy. The USA would not have a technological advantage over the rest of the world combined.
>naval and air superiority are waning
>Citation needed.
>The US navy and air force is bigger than the entire rest of the world combined
Citation needed
This isn't 1810, attrition won't be that devastating and geography is much more traversable, Serbians managed to shoot down a F-117A when they were regarded as state of the art what do you think Russian surface to air would do if the USA attempted aerial bombardment, let alone the ENTIRE WORLD working together.
Christ people are dim.
The USA rules the world because it's the dominant power in the dominant military alliance (NATO)
>kek, muh empire got humiliated everywhere they weren't facing naked savages.
He's not wrong though.
All humans started out as savages, Britain created the pronounced tech advantage, it wasn't given to them (which is arguably the case with the USA - and ironically, largely by Britain).
Also Britain didn't get humiliated everywhere, they lost 2 wars out of over 50 in the era some call the pax Britannica, in both instances they went on to win in campaigns against the same adversaries.
Compare that to the USA's recent martial record.
you are the delusion
>there are 9 nations that could easily obliterate the US at a button's press thanks to atomic weapons
>thinks the us doesn't have nuke-nullifying tech
are you calling any republic an empire now? those are federated states, not separate peoples you spastic
The Serbian shoot down was more a cause of laziness on the part of american military planners as well as the pilots that flew the missions. Thinking that their planes were completely untrackable the USAF flew the same missions night after night, at the same time, opening the bomb bay doors and releasing the ordanance at almost the exact same spot time and time again. well the first rule of OPSEC is to never fall into a predictable pattern. and the americans failed in that respect. The radar operator, was extremely good and noticed a blip appearing on the screen at the same time roughly every night, the shoot down while impressive did have an immense amount of luck behind it. The only time the plane was visible was the few minutes when the bomb bay doors opened up. the end of the day the plane still got shot down, but it wasnt because the tech was so much better than the americans. fascinating story you should really read up on it before throwing out factually wrong information
I think you are underestimating the enviornments of south america up to the mexican deserts and Alaska and Northern Canada. The geography is not much more traversable, the roads and bridges are going to be bombed to shit as well as mined and booby trapped the whole way down. They are going to need to secure a deep water port to continue to resupply the army, and thats going to need to be defended and cleared of mines.
Even coming from the south poses, that probably poses more problems. Look at a topographical map, mexico has a mountain running down it, oh yeah that mountain is also a desert, you know like Afghanistan and you see how much trouble some goat herders are giving us.
I'm absolute terms America would certainly be the most powerful nation in history. I'm relative terms it may not be compared to Britain and some large pre-modern empires. The whole US vs everyone argument is retarded though, there is no realistic scenario where that could happen. Also the US is not an empire, maybe a hegemony, but not an empire.
of course it would never happen faggot, but its fun to debate
The country will be irrilevanr and/or conquered in 30 yeats.
Screencap this
I actually made that shitty image. All the countries that are red are nations that officially sell Coke. Both Cuba and the Norks have Coke, they just import it (Malaysia for Norks and I think Mexico for Cuba).
Their old shit is still better than most of the new shit the EU has.
What did they do with the ships and subs I always wondered..
>30 yeats
>he doesn't know about all the island shitholes we own and ignore
>tactically retreats
there's a difference
>muh technicalities
You know damn well what OP meant by 'empire'
>US is not an empire meme
Kek Russia still is communist. 73% of people voted for Putin and most think the fall of the USSR was bad.
they miss their empire not communism
>source, my fucking ass
inb4 screencap of that old romanian
And still win? The rest of the planet could launch an assault and never reach our coasts or borders..... fact.
Not even considering nukes btw