Can you /pol/ fags and commies just like, fuck off or something?

Can you /pol/ fags and commies just like, fuck off or something?

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Hey do you know what toys is that it looks neat and I wanna buy it

It doesn't even make sense for commies to come here, this is a history board and there's literally never been a successful communist society in all of history, so the only possible way they could talk about communism is in reference to the future, which this board doesn't allow.

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t. that one retard that keeps posting distributism threads

I can atleast accept that Holohoaxdomor wasnt as malicious as the holohoax but not that it isnt still completely shit and 100% kulaks fault

Is there still the "Posts most be about 15 years ago" rule? Haven't posted in almost 8 months (No electricity in Puerto Rico).

It is our duty as liberals and democrats to reject radicalism.

>Left, left, never right. The center cannot hold but center-left can. Never left, never left. Just as bad as right.

history isn't only about discussing successful states, idiot. one can easily talk about why communism failed, what were its successes, why it developed as it did etc. etc.

Hey that a kool toy can anyone tell me what is that so i can buy it?

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Shrek 5 is 'planned' for 2019.


>and commies...

I don't recall denying any crimes committed by folks accused of being Communist or the holocaust.

I do recall being grouped together with Mao and Stalin, even though I'm a pacifist and socialist with very strong Marxist-Leninist, Stalinist(he did some good things), Mutualist, Humanist, Egalitarian, Anarchist sympathies/ leanings...

Okay, that does kinda sound odd.

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What's wrong user?

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>t. neo-conservative, neo-liberal shill of the ruling class merchants

>Stalinist(he did some good things)
Yeah, like dying.

And killing other commies

Only if you agree that there are racial diferences

I will not be satisfied until the last tankie is strangled to death with the intestines of the last stormfag

Are you cool with racist libertarians

I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the American alt-right are exactly that. Seems to be the case from what I see on /k/. Basically they believe no rights for non-whites but libertarian capitalism for "white" people.