>Wellington's reputation is footed on Napoleon's, but the reverse is not the case.
ITT: Historical figure whose reputation is literally based on someone else
>Napoleon’s reputation is footed on Hitler’s, but the reverse is not the case
>Sargon’s reputation is footed on Vee’s, but the reverse is not the case
>schola gladitoria’s reputation is footed on Lloyd lindybeige’s, but the reverse I not the case
>Wellington's reputation
...is footed on propaganda.
>Babylon’s reputation is footed on Assyrian’s, but the reverse is not the case
When I first started reading/learning about Napoleon, I really hated Wellington. After a while though I came around to realize that even though Wellington was not nearly as great a general as Napoleon (when asked who the greatest of all time was, he replied with Napoleon) you still have to respect him for he fought with great courage and undertook admirable efforts.
>Germany's reputation is footed on Austria's, but the reverse is not the case
>Scipio’s reputation is footed on Hannibal Blarca, the reverse is not true
>America's reputation is footed on McDonald's advertising campaigns, but the reverse is not the case.
Anne Boleyn
John the Baptist
quite a lot, really
Horrible depiction of Barca, also Kaiser Wilhelm's success is based on Otto Von Bismarcks
muh dick's reputation is footed on all the skanks I've railed, but the reverse isn't the case.
Scipio Africanus 100%. The only reason he is remembered is for beating Hannibal
Nice try Anglo
Don't forget that Zama was ridiculously one sided even before the battle. Hannibal had zero luck that day.
>Churchill's and Stalin's reputation is footed on Hitler's, but the reverse is not the case.
Tbf, Stalin would probably still be well known. Most Genocidal dudes are.
Virgin Napoleon (eternally cucked) vs Chad Wellington
His good reputation is staked on Hitler. As with Churchill.
Every historical figure's reputation is dependent on every human being who has ever lived before them.
>murder your friend
>hope you have won freedom for Rome
>be remembered in history as a cowardly murderer
Yea I agree completely.
The Carthaginian government lost that battle more then anyone winning or losing it.
Actually Brutus was and is remembered very fondly by republicans. During the 1848 revolution in Rome they fancied themselves to be following in the footsteps of Brutus and co.
>Augustus's reputation is footed on Caesar's, but the reverse is not the case.