Reminder that the only thing that separates us from animals is us actively trying to suppress our animalistic desires...

Reminder that the only thing that separates us from animals is us actively trying to suppress our animalistic desires for sense gratification, for a greater picture in life.

Those who live day by day endulging in food, sex, drugs and other worldly desires are literally animals.

Why has Western society abandoned personal cultivation in exchange for "natural" animalistic ways?

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low iq

There is literally nothing wrong with trying to enjoy life

Of course it's not "wrong", but it's very "basic" to say the least.

We should at least strive for perfection

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A cow led by the ropes on his nose, eats his daily fills, enjoys his life, not knowing death awaits at the next turn.

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>>Reminder that the only thing that separates us from animals is us actively trying to suppress our animalistic desires for sense gratification,
Wrong in the very first paragraph, what separates us from other animals is:

1. Our big brains. Obvious one this and it's the main reason why there's billions of people.
2. Our opposable thumbs. These enable much easier use of and in combination with the point above a greater variety of tools.
3.Our endurance. This one isn't as known obviously, but we are one of the few animals that can chase prey for days and kill it when said prey is too tired to fight back.

Finally we are all animals period, regardless of what any religion or philosophy might say to the contrary. Our animal desires are part and parcel of what makes us human beings, if you suppress them you become less then a human, not more.

That makes no sense. Ill take a life I enjoy over whatever you are offering. The fuck even is personal cultivation? Doesnt sound like it will improve anything

Get a load of this Darwinian fool.

Does it not upset you to realize we are no better than swine? Dont you want more?

Can you not imagine what lies beyond consumption of food, drugs, and sexual desires? Is your mind truly animal-like?

>>Darwinian fool
Funny word for correct.
Define more. I certainly don't want "more" to the extent that I intend on stopping the pursuit of tasty food, fun times down at the local "massage" parlor and various forms of entertainment.

Animals live better more fulfilling lives

Metaphysics is pseudo intellectual garbage, we are what we are and nothing more, the only way to become more is with genetic engineering or cybernetic enhancements.

>Why has Western society abandoned personal cultivation in exchange for "natural" animalistic ways?
I guess we will never know.

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>the only way to become more is with genetic engineering or cybernetic enhancements.

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>le hat tip meme

Not an argument faggot

Culteral marxism has poisoned the mind of the west. People thsse days are pig

Agreed. We all should just stop enjoying eating, sleeping and fucking.

If it means becoming less of an animal then yet you should supress enjoyment. Life is too short for that

>every human ever lived is a nigger like me

>have a mind
>your mind says it's the most importance thing in your life

Well it would think that, wouldn't it?

Not all of us are lost. There are new personal cultivation movements at work. /pol/ has some great self improvement threads and now we have people like Jordan Peterson guiding the way.

What did he mean by this?

Except there's nothing wrong with being an animal other then your own tedious insistence that there is.

> Jordan Peterson

My fucking sides

Animals cant control their own destiny

>Reminder that the only thing that separates us from animals us actively trying to suppress our animalistic desires
Actually, it's shame. You don't generally have an animalistic desire to shit on your own floor, like a fucking dog, you do however have a desire not to do that because it's shameful, faggot.

Veeky Forums is animalistic, they dont care about more noble persuits here

None of these things are mutually exclusive, fucking doesn't make you worse at promoting progress and less your only image of progress is a bunch of greek statues getting ogled at by virgin jordan peterson followers

Someone who doesn't have basic reading comprehension should take reading class.

Why comprehend reading when one can just engage in animalistic desires? It's definitely a binary choice.

Wrong. Humans are animals and we are each of us in control of our own lives.

Well said. Hedonists truly are the scum of the earth.

>he doesnt believe in determinism

I believe in everything in moderation.

I am the universe and I will have everything I want.

Avoiding mans inhibitions is what all religions have taught since the dawn of humanity.
Indulgence is not a sin.
Decadence is.

Every man must find his balance, it is not the business of any man to find anothers balance.

will to power. a living being seeks above all else to discharge its strength, nothing else matters.


It's just that now than life is more bearable (in a material sense) people don't find reasons for an ascetical lifestyle. A poor peasant from 1000 years ago had more reasons for seeing hunger resilience and hard physical labour as virtues, which would be hard to conceptualize for a modern office worker or engineer.

Reminder that the Buddha was a blue-eyed Aryan, and that sand rat religions are garbage.

Reminder that Buddha wouldn't give a fuck about how you see him as an Aryan, and that you are icchantika scum to obsess over the illusion of svabhava.

t. mudshit


The organization known in German as Der gruppen die Einsatz, was of purely an anti partisan persuasion.

>der gruppen
kys amerimutt

Holy shit you've done this in so many threads, the sheer level of anal-annihilation which must have inspired you to sperg out this way must have been a thing of beauty to behold, I wish I was in the thread that triggered you this hard

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Desire is the root of suffering.

Desire is the root of suffering therefore to set ourselves apart form animals we must master self control and nullify our desires.

Last time I checked, Buddha was a wealthy man with all the luxeries I could dream of.

It is said he was so in love with his wife that as he was fucking her her fell off the roof and never even noticed

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