post leaders that weren't corrupted by the power
Post leaders that weren't corrupted by the power
Dying before getting power hardly counts.
a shame he wasn't that great at governing
a nobody can't run for president
>implying he was going to change shit
t. amlo voter
true, he was corrupt way before then.
He was corrupt before having power?
wrong, he wasn't corrupt at all
that's literally not the point you stupid piece of shit
Lee Kuan Yew
Fuck off tankie
>Iósif "kill al civilians, after all, they are all villains" stalin was't corrupt at all
only here, on Veeky Forums
He was corrupt. Just not nation hindering corrupt.
Top lad
Seriously, Veeky Forums?
The best answer.
Louis XI of France
>time of crisis
>be given uncheckable dictatorial power
>kicks barbarian ass
>promptly hands back the reins of power to the senate and goes home to his farm
*louis IX
That's literally the point, if he wouldn't have changed anything anyway, that would have made him a 'corrupt' politician, you imbecile.
from billions to gorillions and now everyone
Best answer yet
>baphomet George
first of all, suck my dick
then, as I say it before, you can't run for president if you're a nobody. He had already some kind of power and didn't corrupt him.
The thread is "leaders that weren't corrupted by power" not "presidents that weren't corrupted by power"
Yeah, he could have become a dictator or a king very easily. In fact a faction planned a coup to make him a dictator but he talked them out of it.
>leader of one of the most corrupt regimes at the time
>personally incorruptible
Confucian methodism is a hell of a drug
>a faction planned a coup to make him a dictator but he talked them out of it
Why would they do that before asking him? Why would they want him to become a dictator? Hero worship or did they plan to assassinate him after and replace him with one of themselves after?
Don't think there'll be a better answer all thread.
could you give me a quick rundown of this guy?
Only those who were already corrupted before getting power, I guess.
This and maybe Sulla.
I agree, he was already corrupt.
I'd argue his refusal to solve the Soong and Kung issue is tacit endorsement of corruption
Not a very good president but I think he was an honest guy with good intentions.
fuckin fascist
This is going to send Dixieniggers into conniptions, but the plain truth is that Abraham Lincoln wielded all the power that he needed to wield in order to keep the country together, and made sure that they stayed "emergency" wartime powers and nothing else.
Its one thing when you're just going through the motions of government. It's another thing entirely when extraordinary situations call for protocol to be suspended, and then you go back to said protocols when the extraordinary situation has passed
>pussypuckered unwashed barbarian scum detected
he still ballooned the federal government dude he's not perfect
He was power.
Yes. He was what the country needed to heal after Watergate.
Nope. Killed an olive tree for no good reason.
It was to provide a lesson for his disciples.
Beat post
literally follow me or rot in hell
You have a choice of either embracing God or rejecting him. God is the source of all things good though, so you cannot reject God and expect to keep all the perks of the comfy life that his goodness has brought you. You wanted separation from God, fine, he'll grant you that request, but don't go complaining to him when it turns out that separation from God sucks.
Dude it's still tyranny as described by you. A supposedly omipotent being that actually cared about his/her/it's creation would come up with a better solution to the issue.
That aside
You two do realized that we know jack and shit about what if anything the historical person behind all the myth and nonsense actually said right?
>A supposedly omipotent being that actually cared about his/her/it's creation would come up with a better solution to the issue
That is the best solution user, God has no interest in forcing you against your will to love him. He'll love you all the same, and he'll invite you into his home, but he's not gonna kidnap you and force you to stay inside if you don't want to.
But he is going to condemn you to hell if you don't.
And that is your choice. He doesn't want you to choose Hell, but he will respect your free will even if you do.
Only correct answers so far
You're retarded.
>Accept me or burn for eternity
>Hey that's bullshit
>Nope! Enjoy burning!
>hey, I hate you and reject your love, I don't want anything to do with you and would rather be completely separated from you
>you realize that being completely separated from me means that life is gonna suck for you right? I am the source of all that is good, after all
>yeah, I'm fine with that, so long as I don't have to be around you
>welp, the only place that is completely separated from my presence is Hell. Unsurprisingly, because of that, it sucks. But hey, you made your choice, and I'll respect that.
Man it must suck to know your religion is dying out.
But here we go again
It's not even I hate you homie it's, I don't know you, I don't want to know you.
>Okay Suffer
Or alternatively
>I created arbitrary rules, suffer for not following them.
Your deity is a petty tyrant. He doesn't respect others, he doesn't care for others the old testament made that pretty clear.
God is an insane yandere.
You don't know what omnipotent actually means, but that said I really don't care that much about this to continue debating it with you. I don't believe your religion is correct in it's claims and you do. I find it highly doubtful either of us will convince the other of anything so I'll just drop this here.
>your religion is dying out
Statistically false. There are currently 2.4 billion adherents, with a growth rate of 1.32% annually.
>I don't know you, I don't want to know you
Well, if you desire to never know me then you can choose to go to the place where you'll never have to know me. Everything that might give you insights into me will be ripped away and you'll be left without my presence. As mentioned earlier, this is gonna suck, but there is no option that allows you to benefit from my presence while rejecting me. That would be downright ludicrous, and I respect your free will too much to allow that.
why did you make me discover this guy Veeky Forums? Now I am sad.
This man
So, the good kind of corrupt?
I wouldn't have anything against my countries politicians if they were a bit corrupt, but they are mostly nation hinderingly corrupt and dumb
t. eastern european
>t. eastern european
There is your problem. [spoiler] But really most of politicians aren't ideologues like genuine answers to OP's questions [/spoiler]
>Publius Valerius Publicola
Who else?
>literally jump-started America's descent into authoritarianism.
The lesson being what? I'm in charge and I'll punish you for things you can't possibly control? It was a [fig] tree out of season. In other times of year, it might have fed people.
Humanity is not meant to bear fruit once a season, we are meant to bear fruit all the time, user.
>Old Testament
That’s for jews
New Testament is where it’s at
Fig trees aren't humans.
>destroys a fig tree because he was hungry and it wasn’t in season
Imagine how petty he’d be if he got actual power
Fuck off Cletus.
He saved this nation, and more importantly for you, saved you (the South) from your own selves. Lincoln's only fault, in my honest opinion, lies with being too soft on traitors, instead of giving them the punishment that they historically would have gotten. Instead we let you build statues and name schools to the failed leaders who would have led you to ruin.
I honestly can't believe you faggots are still salty about Lincoln. You literally, actually decided to break away from the Union so that YOU COULD OWN OTHER HUMANS. Let that sink in for a second. Many men who fled Europe to be free kept other men in chains.
Not only are you not repulsed by that, but even after we dragged you kicking and screaming into what would become the strongest, richest country in the world, you STILL to this day are seemingly butthurt by the prosperity that Lincoln's actions afforded you.
It's funny how you guys enjoy all the benefits of being here in the only world superpower while complaining about it. Like an agricultural economy built on slave labor wouldn't be a 3rd world shithole today if you all had won the war. Jesus fucking Christ
>cue the short, snappy meme replies because anything longer is beyond Southern education
Proof commies don't understand jokes
>Louisiana politician
>not corrupt
Pick one.
Dude had his own private newspapers where people who bought ads would get political favors. He put taxes on literally every newspaper and magazine in the state that opposed him. He got a bunch of state senators to agree to never impeach him regardless of evidence presented. He was both Governor and Senator for Louisiana for a year, and even after becoming Senator, he'd still personally draft laws for the state legislature.
You can say that he used his power for good, but he was definitely corrupt as fuck.
why haven't I heard of this guy before, what a cool dude, such a shame how it ended for him and Burkina Faso
I imagine he'd keep benchmark interest rates very low
I've never heard about this story but it reminds me of the story of Smedley Butler and the business plot. I think they planned to do the same thing and ask him to take over but of course he refused and exposed the plot. What reason could they have to not get him onboard?
When King George heard that Washington had refused the crown, he said that this had made him the greatest man on Earth. Or so it's said.
>appointed into government
>cannot impose what he thinks is best for french people
>wins an election
>loose a little referendum
Ah, yes, the guy who imprisoned people for accusing him of corruption was definitely not corrupt.