What are your Veeky Forums fetishes?
Pic related is mine, i can hardly play eu4 anymore because of it
>inb4 pregnant anne frank
Veeky Forums fetish thread
>play EU4 as Spain
>colonize the new world and set my policy to coexistence so I can make qt Latinas
>impregnating the natives
The colonists killed the natives, they didn't mix
Didn't the english genocide basically all the native population (so almost no interbreeding)?
>tfw no ancient Greek boy
This but with India because I am a rare curry fever-ist
Mine is being in Bronze age Sardinia with bare breasted cuties. Then set out to take some Mycenean wombyn and fight for the Egyptian pharaoh to be rewarded some Egyptians. Then retire in peace.
The general idea of taking other people as spoils of war is arousing to me. Just imagine killing some foreigner, taking his wife and children as slaves and taking his lands and property as your own.
Kind of, disease wiped out 90% of the people in the Americas, and the English colonialists didn't see religion as a way to incorporate the natives like Spain did, or trade like the French did, the English basically saw them as Welshmen 2.0 and just tried to push them westward.
Also the population wasn't there like it was in Meso America and Peru. And there weren't jungles form them to hide in until the 20th century like most of South America.
They coexisted fine untill king philips war
It happened, just not the same as it did further south, being more nomadic and all. It was more of a frontier thing, which people tend to think of when they think of early colonisation.
>tfw you will never be a communist and have your way with the Romanov princesses or take them as sex slaves.
>Romanov princesses
>Not all Romanov children
Don't be such a fag, user.
I can get behind that
>tfw almost no historical lesbian stuff
feels bad gals
That's because lesbians were invented in the 18/19th century.
thats not rare m8, there are lots of qts
I furiously fap to Boudicca in CivV
Pregnant Rutka Laskier (I will pay for pregnant Rutka drawings)
>mom is a Wayuu native from Colombia
>dad is a Scottish soldier
>sister looks full on Amerindian
>I look full on European
>people always ask both of us if we're adopted
It's a hard ol' life
No. Americans are on average 56% European origin. The rest is a mixture of indigenous and african.
>I have no idea what I am talking about
Africans, and being generous including those who are mulattoes/mixed breed, make up barely 12% of the population in the US. Native Americans. According to latest census, they are barely 5 million out of a population of roughly 400 million. The largest non-white population/demographic is Hispanics, who make up almost a third of the population.
my fetish is to imagine myself as a Spanish king with long term planning
>ywn be a patrician's son in the Equites
>ywn fight in Gaul
>ywn take a Gallic Celtic qt as a war bride
>ywn bring her back to your villa
>ywn give her all the food, wine, clothes, and jewelry you can afford until she stops trying to kill you
>ywn see her slowly grow to tolerate you, then eventually love you
>ywn watch her gradually abandon her barbarian ways and serve as the mistress of a proper Roman household while rearing strong Gallo-Roman sons
>ywn kiss your thicc Romanized Celtic MILF wife goodnight as she whispers "ego amote" in your ear
why even live
Being the son of a wealthy Roman arostocrat and having a harem of qt twink bois
Imagine your surprise when she slits your throat in your sleep and legs it to Armorica
Post pics of your sister
Any kind of sexual slavery where I could [spoiler]be gentle[/spoiler], even having a 19th century maid turns me on
Imagine being a filthy rich roman patrician and choosing your (permanent) whores from all around the mediterranean
>one guy actually decided to live his whole life to fulfill his fetishes
Sade was the ultimate degenerate pervert.
>long term planning
I regularly masturbate to Neolithic fertility icons. They're just so fappable.
You are a immigrant from /d/ aren't you?
Me too, brother. The red tone around her nose and under her haggard eyes gives her that furious look that drives my dick wild.
You know who I am...
And you know what I want.
I've been here since the days of constant >H>R>E spamming, and even then a bit of tits and ass is a lot less /d/ tier than all the slavery shit itt.
if he was a metal gear boss people would think he was too ridiculous
You know you like your girls fat, just admit, user.
Me too, brother. The red tone around her nose and under her haggard eyes gives her that furious look that drives my dick wild.
Drop me an email and we'll talk.
[email protected]
Lets make a thread about Neolithic thicc women.
>playing as Suebi in Europa Barbarorum II
>defeat the king of the Boii in battle
>retinue gained: bed-slave
>"the wife of an enemy chieftain, eager to server and good at it too, though your men are suspicious of her and think she's only trying to make you let down your guard"
>-2 personal security
I would, but they always turn into bullshit flinging about beauty standards and whether fat people actually existed before 1776.
They didn’t
Fuck off back to Veeky Forums you illiterate shitposter
The uk created the first declaration of rights for the natives
this is Veeky Forums you namefag
Absolute dingus
I never really had a Veeky Forums fetish, but if I had one it would be a tankophile Erwin Rommel knocking up a tankgirl from panzermadels
Raiding and pummeling pussy from the Eurasian steppe to Bohemia, Kievan Rus to the beard nations to the south.
Dude I thought I was the only one
Marrying this guy, having his children, not cucking him because he's an autistic loyalfu, raise children saying dad is a hardworking, tries his best and loves them so they dont feel so disattached to their missing father.
Such a great character. Shame they ran out of budget
You're not alone, fiú testvér.
>tfw you will never be a nordic pastoralist rampaging across eurasia, spreading your aryan genes to dark qt's and creating the indo-european foundation
life is suffering
>start playing ck2
>genetic enginering 20+ intrigue genius elusive shadow
>pick seduction as focus
>literally can't stop masturbating
>stop playing due to sore dick
Sad times is not having a thicc Sami girl to jump on your dick
>you will never be a bronze age priest focussing your entire life on fulfilling autistic rites and casting lots for the local minor deity making the people happy with your holy NEETdom while discreetly shagging your favorite templeslave
Going Viking by the side of my ancestors and have them congratulate me on my fine taste when I bring a qt Celtic princess, all clad in gold and emerald with a fine long silk dress on, on to the ship and back to my large estates in Greenland to breed over and over again along with a few choice concubines. Then, decades later, my son with the princess is all grown up, and I call upon my þingmenn and thralls, along with my other sons, to sail with me to Ireland and press his claim, and war and rape the Irish countryside until I die to expand my son's kingdom. A fetish worthy of the Sagas.
>I'm a retard who takes memes too seriously, the post
The U.S. has about 325,000,000 people. No where close to 400,000,000 yet...
How did Indian sculptors create this shit without fapping all over it?
>asian russian women
>consensual sex and handholding
>a l o v i n g p e r s o n a l i t y
/d/ is just like Veeky Forums but with penis's
Who says they didn't
penis's what
samis are so horrid looking
Naaah some are fine, depends on how much of outsider blood they have.
You can track mitochondrial DNA and find a good number of natives intermixing with whites and blacks.
>good number
A tiny number compared to literally any other colonial society
is there a database for these?
any involving poland, germany, hungary or france?
Well seeing how the population of indians in North America was already very small, of course it's going to be smaller compared to the societies of South America
well there's a template
>Neolithic thick
>not NeoliTHICC
You had one job, user. ONE LOUSY JOB.
Whatever occurrences in history where women got fat and/or fattened consensually or against their will
I can’t think of any specific occurrences honestly
>Once upon a time, a prince proposed to a princess.
>The princess refused.
>The prince lived happily ever after.
>tfw no teen norse waifu to welcome you home after a successful raid
I know Ibrahim the Mad had a fat concubine that influenced some of his orders as Sultan, other than that I got nothing.
I want to go back in time and nipplefuck Theodora's Byzantine milkers.
>you will never bury your dick in this
why even live?
Feel like this is an example of an ancient historian having a grudge or wanting to sell slates.
Uh, easy: Minoan.
There culture was like waterpark aesthetics and big tittied woman. Yeah, that’ll do.
Water. Park. Aeshetics.
But the island women, oh, the island women...
Make 'em yourself my nig
>tfw no Confederate pregnant Anne Frank gf
>Anything involving impregnating non-white women with my Aryan seed and bleaching the world like a white Genghis Khan
God how I wish their was more interracial porn with white guys in it.
>you will never conquer hordes of pathetic try hard "civilizations" with your steppe brothers
>you will never burn their churches and despoil their women
>you will never have a harem of concubines from across the European lands to statisfy your carnal needs, plowing them without remorse
>your concubines will never learn to love you and fight over your affection as you treat them with a humored indifference
>you will never have so many children that you singlehandedly alter the course of human genetic development.
Fuck this nonsteppe life.
>Not Catherine
There was a great history channel special back in the day about the Russian Czars and god did it used to get me diamond thinking about having sex with Catherine the great in her hay day.
There's a massive amount, especially with asian women. There's even tumblr of girls worshipping white cock. Just search up raceplay