What kinda Philosophy does he fall into
What kinda Philosophy does he fall into
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Democratic socialist
German idealism
Divine mandate.
He's part of the Bob Ross school of thought - one that focuses on the redemption of mankind free of happy little accidents
lol, He killed commies. Sanders lost, get bent.
Being a good neighbor.
>He killed commies
Why do people always say this? Fred Rogers never served in the military, he was too young for one war and too old for another.
You need to leave.
>mfw just want to be the person Mr Rogers wanted me to be
limp wristed cuck who talked about singing "kumbaya" and all that lovey dovey libtard shit. Rest in piss. He would have cucked for the Muslims if he was still alive.
Mercy is the for the weak. Christianity is cultural marxism. Compassion and forgiveness is cucking for the enemy.
t. varg
Hyper Ethno Nationalism mixed with Taoism
I guess they think black dynamite is a accurate source of historical information
How did this faggot stay on the air as long as he did? I never willingly sat through his show as a child.
indeed. it was the complete opposite what television is about on usa. this man is the least american person on american television
I liked it. Show was comfy.
That's because you're a limp wristed cuck and a faggot who is plagued with being a weakling and a cultural marxist. Mercy is for the weak, like I said before. Compassion and love is retarded.
I don't know m8 I'd have just rathered to run around outside instead of watching an old man teach me how to tie my shoes.
T. Some one who's never seen Mr. Rogers and doesn't know what being a good neighbor is, and what it means to be the best person we all know you can be
>dat edge
It can still be a wonderful day in your neighborhood even if there are muslims in it. They have very strict hospitality customs
>this man is the least american person on american television
No wonder he is so likable then
Ah, I remember when I was 13 too.
kikerian pedoism
>"Now kids, remember not to go on any streets named after black people, those places are usually filled with niggers"
How did he get away with this?
user finish the quote
>"But you shouldn't say that to them, because you wouldn't want them to have an unpleasant day"
It's extremely funny imagining Mr Rogers as a racist while still being very considerate and nice
He was a Presbyterian minister
It was dangerous to run outside where I lived due to gangs.
Being a nice person. Which he was, honestly. His philosophy of being a nice person works really well when you live in a wealthy nation with little in the way of internal or external threat.
Damn what a sweetheart
Nice-Guy National Socialism
This is falseflagging bait.