ITT: Post Your Greatest National Hero

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>Nationalizes the oil industry
Psssh, nothing personal, America

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uuuuh, I doubt more than 2% of Russians will say that he was a hero

Only 2% of people in Russia actually produce all the wealth. The other 98% are parasites. Believe me, I have to work with these retards every day. My dad owns a company and he forces me to sometimes interact with the workers. Most of them would be glad to Gulag us at the first opportunity.

He used to look like this. What went wrong?

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Yep, vodka.

t. Semen Katzenstein

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Due to Russia's corrupt mafioso system of centralized wealth-extraction (I don't think you can even really call it an "economy"), it's hardly surprising that Russian workers have an ineffective work ethic. Why should they bother? They get shoddy services at best, minimal return on effort, etc. Your dad has probably sucked some dicks to be in the position he is. That his workers would gulag him of they could just shows how fucked Russia is. They'd rather kill you than suck dicks.

You reap what you sow, and Russia sows shit.


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You watch too much propaganda son.

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Your heroes are jack shit compared to ours

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Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin

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Well, your country is jack shit compared to ours, so it balances out.

Bitch slapped spain so hard, if it wasn't for France, he would have gone farther into changing the history of North Africa and you wouldn't see islamists and arabs doing what they like.

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Since we are doing this...

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Teddy Roosevelt
Tom Brady
Hulk Hogan
Neil Armstrong
Robert E Lee


>BTFO Trusts

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Tom Brady and Robert e lee? Where do you live, the sticks of New England?

What are you going to do? Another failed invasion?

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>The Arabs are invading from all sides again to genocide us. They have a 4:1 advantage in aircraft, 3:1 advantage in tanks, more than. 2:1 advantages in men and artillery. I suppose we'll be taking more land again boyos.

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That guy is the source of half this country's problems. Fuck Jackson, fuck Trump, fuck Bernie, and fuck populism.

>Fuck Comrade Sanders


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iranians have red hair?

>Nation is literally named "Land of the Aryans"
Think user... think.

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lmao he became asian