Saddam fed his opponents to a human shredder and using their remains as fish food. His forces in Kuwait took babies out of the incubators and let them on the floor to die. He sponsored Al-Qaeda and he even did 9/11! What the fuck was his problem? What other messed up things did the dictator do besides those heinous things historically speaking? I'm glad someone stopped him and hung him for his crimes. A human Shredder man.
Saddam fed his opponents to a human shredder and using their remains as fish food...
Other urls found in this thread:
He gassed Kurdish civilians by the thousands and was so hated by his own people he was very nearly overthrown in 1991. Then again none of this is upsetting to you since dictators who murder their own people en masse are fine as long as they're not the degenerate (((kike))) controlled West, isn't that right my fellow BASED citizen of #Kekistan?
*citation needed
*same source as the one that said he had wmd
/ thread
>His forces in Kuwait took babies out of the incubators and let them on the floor to die.
Literally a total fabrication sold by coaching a Kuwaiti princess on PR techniques and acting.
I was just watching the PBS Frontline documentary called Bush's War.
The shit in that documentary is enough to make your head spin. Aluminum tubes was made up and fed to NYT via the administration covertly, then they cited it as evidence by the administration talking about the NYT article.
Yellowcake from Africa was a total fabrication. The guy who supposedly leaked details of a mobile chemlab was from a source named " "curveball" who was a relative of someone in Iraqi National Congress - the western backed opposition party, almost certainly a western intelligence operative.
The story of a meeting between Iraqi intelligence and Atta in Germany was ALSO from curveball and was never confirmed by any intelligence across the entire community.
It was the head of the see eye A at the time, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush making up their own reality with the help of curveball, and even the other people in the administration and intelligence community did not believe anything they about what they were constructing.
A full on, high level conspiracy making the country go to war for a variety of nefarious means, based on lies, and absolutely no one got in trouble for it. Not even a fucking slap on the wrist.
if only half the sshit i hear about saddam iss true he was still aa crazymotherfucker
Saddam Hussein was a piece of shit but that wasn’t our problem. He also wasn’t nearly as bad as the US media made him out to be. He hated Iran and even though he was tribal he was also a secular leader. Sometimes he would pretend to be a really good Muslim. None of it matters because the only thing he cared about was holding on the power like most people. A case for war could be made legally, but was it the best thing for America? I believe had we gone in there, completely destroyed the country and taking their a while, then left, that would’ve been the best thing for America.
I don’t have a problem with conquering Iraq, I have a problem with what happened after we had neutralized any threat from his army.
No one from Saddam’s tribe was allowed to hold any position of any authority after we took over. The problem is that if you wanted a good job you had to be part of the Saddam Hussein‘s party, kind of like Nazi Germany.
After World War II we had learned a lesson from World War I. Meaning Germany was left in ruins and with unpayable debts after world war one but they were not occupied and micromanaged. Of course Germany became resentful and militaristic. Whether this was justified or not is entirely different discussion. But because they were not occupied they were able to begin aggressive behavior 15 years after they were defeated. We occupied Iraq on the same principle we used after World War II. No country is truly defeated unless they are occupied and their government becomes vassals to our government.
This pisses me off so much. these guys should get hanged.
why is nobody in a position of power ever held fucking accountable?
t. Schlomo
What nobody from the West understands is just how much the ruling party is involved in mundane parts of lives of the citizens of a totalitarian state. I'm not talking about some high tech 1984 bullshit, but just how many jobs REQUIRED you to be a party members or at least enabled you to progress in your workplace, and how millions of people were in the party and how being in the party was far from being in "the elite". I am from Slovakia and my grandfather was in the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia from the mid-50s onwards, he worked in a chemical factory finally getting an administrative job of some kind there. He still had to stay in lines for bananas, he got no special shops, when he was invited for a chemical conference in the Netherlands his family couldn't go, as this was a guarantee he'd return. He had to pay a membership fee, and while membership brought him career advancement and he visited the West once, he only visited because of an international conference of chemists and the party never gave him jack shit, in fact he had to pay the party. You'd also be surprised at the amount of jobs that required a party membership, like, for example, being a school principal (if the Simpsons took place in CSSR, Skinners would have to have a little red party membership book). It was also a mass organization and like 1/4 of the whole population were members, yet only a miniscule fraction had any real political power. My grandfather had pretty much none, he got some friends out from some minor political infractions but that was it.
>He sponsored Al-Qaeda and he even did 9/11!
Al-Qaeda hated Saddam and his secular state, they wanted to fight him in the first Gulf War but Saudi Arabia said no
t. Nazi
I've been found out!
I'm surprised everyone here is so retarded, but that's to be expected after the deluge of retards from /pol/ and /int/, anyway dumbfucks, OP is being ironic, these are all things Neoconservatives like Republicans, and the US gov in general were saying.
Because the power that does this control half the US. Not only that, it controls the supreme court, the congress, and the presidential court. They have complete power making the checks and balance useless.
Right user, op was clearly brought up on American propaganda, it is a known fact the baby story was made up and the girl told her father made her do it.
in the grand scheme of things, pulling babies out of incubators during a time of war out of pure edge lordism isn't exactly totally unbelievable
sure, we know it was fabricated, but really, who's to say what is beyond the pale and what isn't?
source: my inflamed Kurdish ass
Imagine being so brainwashed that you're still taking the Nayirah Testimony as fact 27 years later.
And why would anyone do that?
Keeping Iraqi oil being sold in US dollars, defeating a long time enemy of Saudis and Israelis, opening up Iraqi reserves to western oil companies, revenge because he tried to kill Bush's dad, selling weapons, creating a testing ground for conventional war and defeating urban counter-insurgencies, Haliburton contracts for re-building a whole country, swinging American dick, taking the first major step in reshaping the middle east under American control, setting up bases next to Iran off the top of my head.
Iraq was a perfect target for US oligarchic interests for a ton of reasons.
>muh oil
Oh right, and just straight up opening markets of any kind to US based corporations. You know, like the US military has done dozens of times among the other 10 reasons I listed for your dumbass.
Yeah we totally went to war for "revenge for Bush's dad". Your reasons are conspiratorial noise.
Reagan and the two Bushes single-handedly destroyed the United States.
Proof for any of these claims?
>I believe had we gone in there, completely destroyed the country and taking their a while, then left, that would’ve been the best thing for America.
Then the US would just be in a worst position than they are now in trying to contain Iran's influence over Iraq. Allowing Iran to rebuild Iraq is going to kick US influence all the way back to Israel and Egypt.
>No one from Saddam’s tribe was allowed to hold any position of any authority after we took over.
Yes, this was a failure.
Yes, nation building from scratch is hard.
Holy shit how fucking thick are you?
>American Education
Keep cryin' poltards
Good bait op. Now you will have a horde of muzzies flocking to this thread explaining how he wasnt bad at all.
>using conspiracy as a derogatory in reference to causes of a war that was factually sold on lies
I don’t have a slowjak good enough for this.
WTF I love ISIS and war-torn shitholes now!
You really think Iraq would've come out of Arab Spring better with Saddam in charge?
"Arab spring" was a CIA operation.
Thanks for outing yourself as a retard early on so this conversation can end already
t. Hasbara
>any kind of muzzie
Ur all the same shit desu
>he's on a history board
>he sees covert regime change actions as a fantasy
Read some books you fucking troglodyte.
>make assertion
>don't cite evidence
>get laughed at
>Expects CNN to report on daddy see eye A's actions.
Grow a brain you sweaty neanderthal
No it wasn't, it was a legit manifestation of discontempt from the populace. The fact that it got co-opted by Islamists instead of liberals is another matter
Not doing any favors for yourself here schizo
>covert regime change action is the realm of schizophrenia
>because it's a conspiracy I'm not obligated to provide proof for my claims beyond unsourced infogaphs and memes
"a high level of discourse is expected". Back to /x/ you go friend
There are publicly available documents calling for regime change in Syria as early as 2009.
The state arming a rebel group publicly is always preceded by a covert arming operation with black money. Al-Nusra was driving around in Tacomas with graphic design prints from Texas small businesses.
You're a fucking clown and you need to sit down and learn how things really work.
The majority of US foreign policy action is done in secret with intelligence operatives, jackals, special forces and covert action. This has been the case for 71 years straight and you need to wake the fuck up.
>videos from conspiracy channels on youtube with nothing to with what we're talking about
Every fucking time with you people
>congressional hearing during the church committee and a top general blowing the whistle on camera
>reducing it to "conspiracy channels"
Neck yourself weakling.
So "FacelesswithEyesOpen", a channel with 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB on right on thier channel page is not a conspiracy channel? You take your schizo pills yet today?
How much does Putin pay you?
Typical braindead spook. Attacking primary source material on the basis of the youtube channel it's hosted it on. What lazy shit work, I could do your job so much better than your squishy brain you consider important to the function of that pathetic meatbag attached to it.
Fuck Putin, fuck Russia, this is about reality and your sweaty denial of its acceptance.
My grandpa had a PRI membership card back in mexico needed for his job
(The pri was this one part that ruled mexico for 70 years it was nicknamed “la dictadura perfecta”)
Every country involved in the Arab Spring has had a protracted civil war except Tunisia and Egypt, which is now controlled by the military after brutal repressions. Having an entrenched strongman in charge is much preferable to chaos and the next, inevitable, unknown strongman who will arise in his place. Syria would be worse off if Assad had been deposed. How are those open air slave markets in Libya anyways?
>muh incubators
Western propaganda, already been debunked and proven wrong. That never happened.
Kurds being oppressed? Yes that was true.
>brutal repressions
Uhhh, no.
The civilians went out to the streets in millions and ordered the stumbling idiot Mohammed Morsi to step down, or the military to intervene.
What happened in Egypt was an awakening, the people realized the Arab Spring was just a farce. They wanted the army to save them from the MB puppet.
Yeah cause Syria is really the fucking role model when it comes to Arab Spring, right? Iraq already had uprisings against Saddam which he responded to by brutally murdering protesters. There's no fucking way Iraq wouldn't have entered a full scale civil war if Saddam was in power when Arab Spring came around.
A civil war with a distinct governing body trying to maintain its grip on the country. Instead we get current Iraq which is chaotic and fragmented and will remain so for years, probably decades, to come. The choice is to leave a brutal dictator in power in the hopes that he will crush opposition to his regime and restore some sense of order or to roll the dice, let it all burn and hope that whatever rises from the ashes is better than what came before. The latter option gives us Iraq, Haiti and Somalia
And Libya, forgot to mention it
>Iraq already had uprisings against Saddam
No genuine uprisings really. There was George Bush trying to incite the Shiites is Basra saying he will depose Saddam if they revolt. Then they revolted, George Bush did nothing, and they got BTFO by Saddam.
Literally t.kuwaitigovernment