You can alter one event in history of Byzantine Empire to prevent it from devolving into a shithole and eventually disappearing. What would you do?
You can alter one event in history of Byzantine Empire to prevent it from devolving into a shithole and eventually...
I save Julian.
Make peace with the Persian Sassanids and prevent centuries of military resource exhaustion.
Causing the Sassanids to collapse into sub kingdoms by assassinating the royal line. The Byzantines should be able to conquer Armenia and Mesopotamia and become masters of the middle east
Give Belisarius a Challenger 2 MBT
Kill muhammed before he can unite arabia
>implying they wouldn't just break the peace
Pretty sure there are other ways to destabilize an empire without resorting to military force, user.
The sassanids broke the peace before, why wouldn't they do it again?
The empire was doomed as soon as Iustinios waged campaigns to recapture the west, it is often painted as a glorious triumph by the chronicles when this was the furthest from the case.
>Belisarios' campaigns financially drained the empire and stretched the Roman far too thin and made them susceptible to sassanian incursions.
>The Rhomaion should've first decisively defeated the Sassanids first because they were undoubtedly the greatest threat to Roman hegemony, but rather Iustinios opted to waste his manpower recapturing the west for pride's sake instead dealing with the true threat in the east.
>The Goths in Italy were subservient to the Purple as well, so it was an opportunistic attack by Iustinios that devastated Italy, the primary target for liberation, making the province utterly useless and easy pickings for the Lomardaioi.
>With the Sassanids brought to heel, Iustinios could've easily mustered enough men after removing the eastern threat and concentrate on the west without being harassed by the Iranians.
>I mean ffs Belisarios had to be recalled to the east as soon as the Sassanids learned of the Roman Reconquista, how can anyone be so foolish to praise Iustinios as one of the greatest leaders, he doomed the Romans with his pride.
Well, since this is an alternate history wwyd, I would see to it that both sides would find a way to keep peace between them for as long as possible.
the sassanids were the biggest opportunists, they were unreliable in any treaties they agreed to.
In all honesty the sassinids and byzantines could never co-exist
If you want to stop the arabs on would have to fall and be conquered by the other
>Make peace with the Persian Sassanids
they break it
>Make peace with the Persian Sassanids
they break it
>Make peace with the Persian Sassanids
they break it
>Make peace with the Persian Sassanids
they break it
Make peace with the Persian Sassanids
they break it
>Make eternal peace with the Persian Sassanids
they break it
Are you autistic mate?
Why would I save that shithole?
Manzikert? Isn't it obvious?
Stop Phocas the Usurper from overthrowing Emperor Mauricius, keeping peace with the Persians long enough that they're able to BTFO the Muslims the moment they invade Mesopotamia. At the very least, it delays Islam's spread by 50 or so years.
That's how I was taught in school, that's how I will speak; you are definitely a burger.
Advise Romanos IV throughout his campaign against Arslan.
You don't have to go that far back, to be honest. Just smack the Turks back over the border and you avoid catastrophe while legitimizing Romanos.
Make damned sure Basil II has a son or two. Preferably someone whose already in his 20's or 30's by 1025. If there had been a skilled Emperor with a good grasp of diplomacy, administration, and military affairs, the defenses and army of Anatolia would be able to thwart the Turkoman raiders mid-century and thus no Manzikert or the devastating civil war that invited the Seljuk Turks to occupy Asia Minor.
became christian
Kill Justinian at birth.
Pay debts, greekling
Ban wearing military style dress from civilians.
make anna komnene fuck her dad in the purple room
I'd spend the entire time doing the mating press with Theodora.
Readopt paganism.
>*gets 1204'd*
Expel the Jews
Make Basill II immortal.