What does Veeky Forums think of the most legendary general of the American Civil War?
Robert Edward Lee
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He didn't support slavery and he didn't give a single fuck about the Confederacy, just Virginia.
A retard.
>brown eyes
Not white
cry baby
really good general
sherman is my favorite though
He should have hanged for treason
What if he turned into an Anaconda?
the biggest killer of y*nKoids in world history
My hero.
t. Northern subhumans
The very definition of a southern gentleman. I would say his loyalty to Virginia reasoning for supporting the Confederacy is shaky considering half of Virginia's officers stayed with the union but at the same time he wasn't a secessionist sympathizer by any means and if anything I think a part of him might've been glad the union won the war so America could be united once again. He also didn't hold any grudges against his former enemies and repeatedly told Confederate veterans to put aside old hatreds and work with unionists to make America greater than before. He made plenty of good and bad choices as a general but I don't really think it's his actual skill in battle people remember and honor him for all of these years later. He and Longstreet were quite cooperative with the federal government after the war and Lee mourned the assassination of Lincoln. Really Lee wasn't bitter about it all unlike Forrest or Gordon and had the right attitude about what the south should do going forward after the war.
Jackson was better desu
he was a good boi
He supported slavery and was pretty racist desu.
> This is what Yankees have to tell themselves to sleep at night.
Literally definition of treason. Military leader who defected to a hostile successionist terrorist organization, then used his knowledge of American military tactics to wage war against the United States, killing over 600,000 Americans and very few of those actually guilty of treason. And continued to wage war to protect a regime based on the right to own other people, even as it became increasingly dictatorial and defeat became inevitable.
Do it again, Bobby Lee!
y*nKoids were guilty of treason. they deserved it
Heh. Traitors betray the U.S. over slavery, get fucking wrecked, then bitch about it for a 150 years.
As far as I'm concerned, this comic shows Sherman got results. More than a number of Civil war generals can say.
Cletus' whole family showed up to this thread
Is it believed that the March actually hastened the end of the war? Or was this just how he justified what is clearly an act of hatred? Hatred I can fathom, but can't admire.
Sherman may have done more than anyone else to prolong the culture war that has damaged our politics and the South for 150 years. Even Lee wanted to bury the hatchet, but Sherman has been a rallying cry for would-be rebels ever since. Even if his tactic did work, in the big picture it may have been better for the country if he hadn't done that, even at the cost of prolonging the war.
probably the best Napoleonic General from america, fought a war 60 years too late to actually be useful using napoleonic tactics, was a destincly average civil war general, the best general the rebs had, literally an american rommel in terms of reputation outweighing any sort of actual accomplishment.
That said, the Reb army was one of the best in the world in 1865, and the Union army was the best in the world in 1865, bar nothing.
Sherman is the reason people hellbent on restarting the war like exist
It's become a matter of revenge for them, and they're hellbent on getting it, come hell or highwater.
Eventually, they'll succeed in touching off a war that will drown this country in a sea of blood and the Union will be forever undone.
He was a good tactician, but a shitty strategists.
>All these southern shitposters
>All these yank shitposters
Lee and Grant would spit on all of you.
Pro-tip: Lee would punch the yank shit posters for shit talking his rivalfu.
More y*nKoids died in the war than we did. Deal with it.
the y*nKoid is subhuman. Lee tried to civilize them after the war but unfortunately he was wrong.
he was just smart enough to wage total war on rebels
confederaboos get mad he blew them out completely
Shhh, people itt are too busy making edgy memes and laughing about other people's suffering to listen to a reasoned and level-headed analysis.
if you think that last post was level-headed analysis you might be braindead
secession will definitely not be happening anytime soon especially with the federal government stronger than ever
tiki torch wielding LARPers are not a valid threat to the US government
don't forget we had to burn Atlanta to the ground to help get our point across
fucking crybaby losers
Ahh yes, the current political and strategic climate is eternal and will never change. There's a word that describes this attitude, "Hubris". You might want to look up the meaning sometime when you're not too busy gloating.
Dixiechimps did not deserve to be lead by such a fine gentleman
sure thing john hernandez DU SAWF WILL RAHS AGAYN
I'm from the north you idiot, I don't like the lost causers anymore then you do and I largely consider the Union to have been in the right during the civil war.
The best way to get a dixiechimp to stfu about the south rising again is to post Robert E. Lee quotes
Is he Chinese?
>secession will definitely not be happening anytime soon especially with the federal government stronger than ever
That's exactly why it will happen you dumbass. And not to put too fine a point on it, but the USSR and SFR Yugoslavia were both 100 times more oppressive of dissent the United States has ever been and it still wasn't enough to prevent them from Balkanizing. Strengthening a tyranny is no way to fight a group of people who believe they are being tyrannized.
>tiki torch wielding LARPers are not a valid threat to the US government
Give them rifles and have them go out and enough kill government officials and military personnel to convince countries that don't like America (and that's a long fucking list) that they might actually succeed and they become the deadliest threat this country has ever known.
Finally someone who gets it.
Pretty much this. Lee and Grant both wanted to put aside the old hatreds and have the country move forward together so Neo Confederates and Sherman shitposters would sadden them.
My level-headed analysis did not raise the specter of another secession. The politics are very unhealthy and an intransigent Congress has made the most routine work of governance a perpetual deadlock, minefield, or even a shooting match. Our standing in the world and our ability to better the lives of all Americans suffers for it.
I'm not afraid of any uprising, but I am afraid that as the baseline of functionality, efficiency and good faith in governance sinks lower and lower, we will continue to see our civics decline to a degree that threatens our primacy and leaves the world a more dangerous place for everybody.
Not even that guy, and you're retarded
USSR and Yugoslavia made the mistake of being so oppressive that they alienated their entire population.
The U.S isn't even close to that and you're just being a melodramatic faggot by calling it "tyranny" and making that comparison. A far larger percent of the U.S. population would march in opposition to secession than in favor of it, such as the cops who put an end to Ammon Bundy's little experiment in self-organizing uprisings
>Give them rifles and have them go out and enough kill government officials
Oh yes, I'm sure that the cops will just roll over and let you all do that. I'm sure people will just magically self-organize and ammo, fuel, and rations will just sprinkle down on their heads like manna from God for the true believers. I'm sure that you won't need money, organization, or strategic vision, just some good ole fashion shooting is all that you'll need to win a war.
Robert E. Lee himself would be ashamed at you. When a war widow asked him how she should react to the Yankee victory, he told her: "Remember, we are all one country now. Dismiss from your mind all sectional feeling, and bring them up to be Americans".
His aunt, sister, wife, and cousin only count as one person, desu.
>USSR and Yugoslavia made the mistake of being so oppressive that they alienated their entire population.
And you don't think that large numbers of Americans don't hate their government? Quite the contrary, hating the government seems to be the only thing Americans have in common these days. They just hate it for different reasons.
>The U.S isn't even close to that and you're just being a melodramatic faggot by calling it "tyranny" and making that comparison.
I literally said America wasn't 1% as repressive as Yugoslavia and the USSR you fucking idiot. You've completely missed the point.
>Oh yes, I'm sure that the cops will just roll over and let you all do that. I'm sure people will just magically self-organize and ammo, fuel, and rations will just sprinkle down on their heads like manna from God for the true believers. I'm sure that you won't need money, organization, or strategic vision, just some good ole fashion shooting is all that you'll need to win a war.
And you don't think they're capable of obtaining those from illegal channels when drugs already flow to American cities like a river?
>think that large numbers of Americans don't hate their government?
They certainly do find reasons, but most Americans agree that civil disobedience and voter turn-out initiatives are far more valuable tools for enacting social change than violent revolution. Going back to the example of Communism, every single revolution to overthrow a communist regime, every single color revolution with the exception of Romania was enacted through civil disobedience, and the Romanians fucked themselves due to pro-life autism and accidentally breeding a massive underclass of revolutionaries who hated their country's guts. India was able to cast off the shackles of colonialism with civil disobedience. Henry David Thoreau wrote at length about the effectiveness of civil disobedience in winning hearts and minds, it's a quintessential aspect of the American spirit.
>missed the point.
The point was calling you out for a poor analogy. Just because you have to deal with the inconveniences of political correctness, that's a very different thing than watching foreign tanks roll down your street, and people aren't going to conflate the two the way that you are
> drugs already flow to American cities like a river?
The Illicit drug industry is fucking peanuts compared to the sheer scale of organization that you would need to outlast the feds, who learned well and good their lessons from Waco, and know that when it comes to violent confrontation, isolate-and-contain is a winning strategy, a sort of modernized form of divide and conquer. Towards the end of his siege, Ammon Bundy was going online daily begging his audience for basic supplies, but whatever resources his buddies could bring to bear, the Feds could bring a vastly larger amount to bear and could simply wait for Bundy's supplies to run out
Islamic thugs fueled themselves on the illicit drug trade, and there was still very little that they could do about American and Russian fighter jets bombarding them unmolested.
>Just because you have to deal with the inconveniences of political correctness,
lol PC culture is dying. What you see with all these people bitching about shitlords on the internet is the last gasps of that culture in it's former strongholds. It's already dead in most rural areas.
>lol PC culture is dying.
So moving forward that makes even fewer reasons for violent revolution. People have to be really, really desperate for it to get to that point, like, revolt-or-starve-to-death levels of desperate.
seeYou assume that the current situation will never change in ways you don't or can't expect. Furthermore, there are two serious sources for potential future(as in 50 years or so)divides. Firstly, the split between rural and urban populations is still very much present. Secondly, I dunno if you've noticed this, but the economic prospects for a lot of the former white working class are poor now and not likely to get better anytime soon. Unless the government decides to bribe them all enmass like they do with various minority groups, this will eventually lead to trouble down the road.
I like him. He did more with less than anyone else in the war and very well could have been a decorated hero if he hadn't made the mistake of throwing his lot in with rebels.
Burnin' Sherman is still my favorite though
It never existed in most rural areas you fucking retard. You live in a fuckin bubble if you think that people care about this shit as much as you do, or get this spazzed out when people disagree with them
I never said that the political situation can't change, I said that things would have to get extremely shitty, far shittier than they are now, before violent revolution becomes a viable option, and we still have plenty of time before it gets to that point to keep it from getting to that point.
>split between rural and urban
A meme. Cletus and Jamaal are far more alike than either would care to admit. The divide comes from greedy power-brokers on either side training Americans to hate each other. That is a problem that needs to be addressed at some point, but not something that could really be fixed by shooting people.
> but the economic prospects for a lot of the former white working class are poor now and not likely to get better anytime soon.
Violent revolution has no guarantee of producing a favorable result. Far more likely is that you'll end up with a clusterfuck like the French Revolution. The only reason that the American revolution went so smoothly was because Americans put aside their differences and united, keeping all the same institutions and governmental apparatuses in place that had existed before, they merely cut out the guy on top and relegated his duties to a more easily contained president and a constitution which clearly outlined its responsibilities and duties.
If these white working class poors want to better themselves, they'd get better results if they stopped voting for politicians who force plutocracy and corporatism on them
>muh kda
The US betrayed its own founding principles for muh equality then realized niggers suck and that's why they gave up on Reconstruction.
Look what Alexander Stephens said about a riot between union troops and niggers and how an abolitoinist leader wound up as a white supremacist.
>Islamic thugs fueled themselves on the illicit drug trade, and there was still very little that they could do about American and Russian fighter jets bombarding them unmolested.
Until they use drug money to buy SAM launchers...
Blame the autist who assassinated Lincoln for Reconstruction getting fucked up, Johnson was Carter-tier
The number of SAM launchers you could buy with illicit drug money would be paltry, far too small to support a sustained war effort. I mean fuck, it was considered a huge fucking deal when drug lords built one small shitty submarine that broke down. It takes far more effort to sustain a war effort than you seem to think.
You need the kind of revenue that only taxes can pull in, plus an already established military industrial complex that can churn out supplies and materiel on a level necessary to be competitive with a world power because that's the reality of warfare between industrialized economies. But oh wait, the feds have nukes, they could fucking disintegrate your military-industrial complex if it got to the point of being an existential threat to them. In the words of segregationist Earl Long to secessionist Leander Perez, "Whachya gonna do now, Leander? The Feds have got the atom bomb."
Why go through all that trouble when civil disobedience has a proven track record of getting results with far more oppressive regimes?
Relevant to a Lee thread Lee immediately denounced Booth for the assassination and basically said all Americans should mourn the death of Lincoln.
because from an economic standpoint terrorism works, shoot down one passenger airliner, and that country suddenly loses billions in potential tourism.
It is estimated that, due to people going less on vacation and spending less in restaurants, pubs, fairs, etc. the EU economy has lost 52 billion Euros from 2014–2018.
He was probably the best tactical general of the civil war, but comparisons to Napoleon (and other all-time greats) are vastly overblown.
He probably didn't think of slavery as a positive good like many of his compatriots did, but his words and actions concerning the slaves he did own show that he was no abolitionist at heart. Though he does deserve some credit for promoting reconstruction after the war.
Basically he was a good general and a flawed, but probably not evil man.
>because from an economic standpoint terrorism works, shoot down one passenger airliner, and that country suddenly loses billions in potential tourism.
Are you suggesting waging a terrorist campaign against your own country?
You won't be willing hearts and minds by butchering civilians. At best you'll be like ISIS, terrifying a small corner of some shithole into compliance while basically uniting the entire world against you
>You won't be willing hearts and minds
>But oh wait, the feds have nukes, they could fucking disintegrate your military-industrial complex if it got to the point of being an existential threat to them. In the words of segregationist Earl Long to secessionist Leander Perez, "Whachya gonna do now, Leander? The Feds have got the atom bomb."
US Government uses nukes on its own population (presumably the target would be some city the rebel forces are using as a staging area and produce weapons, but still has a substantial civilian population), at least one of five things is gonna happen.
>Russia or China (or both) use the attack as a pretext for a military intervention on the side of the rebellion and place them under the protection of their nuclear umbrella
>Russia or China (or both) launch a full-blown pre-emptive strike on the United States using the same justification
>support for the rebellion explodes overnight, adding millions of soldiers to their ranks, easily replacing losses, support for the Federal government and their ability to prosecute the war collapses
>rebels have excuse to use WMDs (ex. improvised biological and chemical weapons) of their own
>silo commanders who receive orders to launch a nuclear strike either refuse to obey or alternatively, horrified at such a command, turn their weapons on Washington DC and destroy it instead
Oh yeah and if any sub or silo commander at any point manages to be convinced that he's fighting on the wrong side, he could just go ahead and do the last part and no one would see it coming.
tl;dr using nukes to put down a domestic insurrection is a fast-track to defeat
That's because no conflict since World War 2 has been severe enough to warrant their use, because any insurrection can be put down so easily that even the thought of using them sounds like laughable overkill, not even ISIS at its height warranted their use when we could just as easily dump shitloads of conventional ordinance and there was fuck all that they could do about it. Plus most people have caught on to the fact that you can get much farther politically agitating through civil disobedience.
But you'll notice that I said existential threat, and do you really think Vladimir Putin wouldn't use the nukes on an enemy that legitimately stood a chance at defeating Russia militarily and overwhelming his government?
the main target of the french resistance were civilian collaborators.
hearts and minds is a meme, fear is a much stronger emotion.
>the main target of the french resistance were civilian collaborators.
And the main reason why the Nazis ultimately lost is because America brought the money while the Soviet Union supplied the bodies, two huge military-industrial complexes to throw at the Nazis. Frogs being shitty to each other probably wouldn't have deterred Hitler if that had been the only threat that he had to deal with
>hearts and minds is a meme, fear is a much stronger emotion.
An alliance forged by bonds of cooperation and mutual respect are vastly more durable than an alliance forged by bonds of hatred and petty self-interest.
If you lived on a desert planet you'd need desert power, but you live on a planet with billions of humans, so you need human power
>we could just as easily dump shitloads of conventional ordinance and there was fuck all that they could do about it
I hate to break this to you... But the airbases that those planes launch from are mostly located in the US, and it would be much easier for a rebel group within the US to attack an American airfield fielding attack aircraft and destroy the airframes and weapons stockpiles than ISIS can when they're thousands of miles from the nearest American airbase.
Hell, the Taliban managed to knock a squadron of USMC Harriers out of commission with just a handful of fighters. Destroying millions of dollars in equipment at the expense of a few dozen men.
He should have listened to Longstreet at Gettysburg. But with Stonewall's help he was extraordinary at Chancellorsville.
>I hate to break this to you... but have you gotten a load of how militarized the police are, these days? You really think that you could get away with attacking an airport on U.S. soil and they'll just let you get away with it?
Look how quickly they caught that right-wing nut-job setting off bombs in Austin.
>one bomber using the mail delivery system vs an organized network of attackers who will likely have inside information from defectors and sympathizers.
>organized network of attackers
What makes you think that people will magically self-organize? That shit doesn't come out of nowhere, you'd need money and logistics support, which basically means that you need to be the bitch of some foreign government. The thing keeping Islamic terrorism alive is states surreptitiously funding them to support their interests in places that they shouldn't be.
And if you were the toady malcontent of some foreign oligarch looking to profit off the suffering of Americans by murdering civilians, you probably won't find much sympathy among the people you are trying to (((liberate)))
Its been 150 years. Get over it, Dixie.
Not until every last Yankee invader has been driven from Southern soil and their
degenerate federal rags ripped from their poles.
But you are a yankee, Cletus.
Them fighting words boy.
Johnson was following the way Lincoln wanted it. Even if Lincoln was alive the Radical Congress would impose their will since they had enough power to override vetoes. And in case you're wondering Lincoln wasn't going to deport the niggers, read his last public address. It's what drove Booth to assassinate him.
Southerners are supposed to be honorable, why are you mad at me for telling the truth?
>'muricans will kill each other once again, finally ending the 'Pax Americana'.
He killed a lot of Americans so he’s good in my book
>Johnson was Carter-tier
Johnson really wasn't that bad.
>Thaddeus Stevens
>Charles Sumner
>Benjamin Butler
>General Sheridan
>Roscoe Conkling
Johnson had to deal with the most corrupt political figures in our history, as well as a corrupt press. Even Grant, who deems so reliable during the war, tried to lie about him. Johnson exposed him by submitting evidence to the public.
Keep in mind that these people literally searched out randos to testify that Johnson had conspired to kill Lincoln.
Despite the treasonous imagery and fringe retards, the south is extremely patriotic. There is no way they will rise against the Union, they are loyal.
>Despite the treasonous imagery
>worrying about the old rebel flag when we have hordes of foreigners here in the north who would gladly spit on our flag
The battle flag these days just represents southerners in general than anything involving the CSA. Symbols changing over time and such. It's as harmless as any other flag used to represent regions of the union.
This , stay mad yank niggers
see below
I didn't say I worry about it, I just lament the fact the flag chosen by the south to represent their heritage is a traitor's war flag that in reality deserves to be shamed. It's unfortunate, and might have been avoided had the leaders of the insurrection been hanged like they deserved.
I know. See above.
>I just lament the fact the flag chosen by the south to represent their heritage is a traitor's war flag
lol fag
who cares what it was, no one sees that way now except autists who can't into symbolism
>No one
I... ok.
>>split between rural and urban a meme
ahahaha no.
>>Violent revolution has no guarantee of producing a favorable result.
I never said it would, so this is irrelevant.
>>If these white working class poors want to better themselves, they'd get better results if they stopped voting for politicians who force plutocracy and corporatism on them
There is no option at this point other then voting for plutocrats. Last election, the "deplorables" voted for the plutocrat who talked like them and seemed to empathize with their concerns. You want that to change? Good luck, corporate money isn't leaving politics in either of our lifetimes even if we live to see our 1000th birthday.
yeah i meant that literally not a single person sees it that way
pls get a vasectomy
I don't even know what you're trying to get at with this post. I don't spazz out when people disagree with me.
I took "no one" to mean the majority of people, and I still disagree.
>When you bitch and wine for over 150 years that the war was over slavery because your schools were too shitty to teach you about the
>And has no idea that Lincoln himself admitted the war was not over slavery
>My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.
"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so,"
>Then conveniently forgot all the differences in the US and Confederate Constitutions except for muh slaves
Why are Yankees so uneducated?
>history isn't important to me
Maybe now that the country is full of tards like you
In hale deeply for 4 seconds, friendo