We will never again have military uniforms as aesthetically pleasing as Napoleonic France's

>we will never again have military uniforms as aesthetically pleasing as Napoleonic France's
it's unfair

Attached: Napoleonic qt.jpg (1000x1414, 588K)

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Although it was supposed to be the lower troops hat, I think shakos looks more impressive than these retarded bearskins

>You will never be able to die by the hands of these posh Prussian gentlemen

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>dressing little girl cartoons in military uniforms

>war will never be this flamboyant again

Attached: French_troops_inspecting_Russian_gun_at_Borodino.jpg (1024x862, 359K)

At least Italian military police still know how to keep the A E S T H E T I C to this day

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seriously. It's like these Asperger babies can't experience the genuine sense of awe and emotion that studying history provokes in men, so they sexualize it in order to provoke a base carnal urge as a substitute

Fucking beautiful. Police uniforms are where all the real aesthetic uniforms went

Attached: Rhode Island State Police.jpg (1024x768, 174K)

reminds me of this

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prefer the all blue poilu uniforms to the early red pants

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>genuine sense of awe and emotion
Look dude, it's okay to be gay now, no need for the closet.

Plebe. Women in men's uniforms were entertaining even back then.

>Women in men's uniforms were entertaining even back then.
you don't say...

Attached: Princess Victoria Louise and Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia.jpg (915x1450, 671K)

Whose fucking retarded idea was it to have everyone marching through bogs and streets filled with peasant shit in white pants?

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You mean those bandits who ran around pillaging shit and bringing them back to France?

>only gay men are allowed to feel emotions
I honestly feel bad for you, son, if you're so emotionally stunted that you've never found a good reason to be that moved. You really should turn off the video games and live a little

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Get this brainlet shit outta here

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>tmw you realize that you'll never lay in bed with Viktoria

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ugh, imagine having to wear all the shit in combat?

She was still alive in 1980. There might be a few of the oldest oldfags on Veeky Forums who could have had a go at her if they were into senior citizens.

>you will never marry into royalty
a bad feel, for sure

Attached: princess victoria louise.jpg (2103x3155, 1.62M)

>why did they stand in lines!?!
>why did they also wear those bright uniforms, they so easy to spot
>This is how America won the revolutionary war, stupid brits
>Also Im a history buff
I cant sometimes

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>wall of gunfire
>guns wernt as accurate back then
>because the US had strong allies

No fucking thank you. I went to a military college where we wore the traditional wool blouse with the webbing, it wasn't nearly as ornate as that and I can tell you that it's the most uncomfortable shit you'd ever wear: too fucking hot in the summer, not nearly warm enough in the winter, it's wool so its heavy, scratchy, stiff, and God help you if it gets wet.

The aesthetic appeal makes it fine for drill and ceremony but for anything else I'll take modern fabrics any day of the week

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When will bicornes and the like come back into military fashion? Berets/caps/etc are too boring.

Projection : the post.
No need to be ashamed mate. It's 21st century, come outa your closet

Bright uniforms were mainly to make deserters easy to spot.

It will when we start wearing spacesuits and have wars on Mars.

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>He fell for propaganda
You didn't deserverved to be libéré.

>they sexualize it in order to provoke a base carnal urge as a substitute
I just like to be dominated and stronger girls in general tbqh, there is nothing wrong in combining your hobbies with your sex life
>tfw i can't afford 18th line half-brigade uniform for my gf because eastern europe wages are 3rd world tier
>just end it famalam

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>Shako hats

Most aesthetic is mid 18th century, when tricorns were big and people wore breeches

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sarabande starts playing

>we will never again have military uniforms as aesthetically pleasing as Napoleonic France's

*fashionably blocks your path*

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Not him, but these guys look like they're straight out of some gay porn or village people music video, so there's that.


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Shut the fuck up faggot

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Gay as all fuck

Just like the ancient spartans

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Whatever you tell yourself, fruit

Well this is from a movie anyway but the British ww2 battle dress can be Veeky Forums too

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Look at this chad

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Function first, aesthetics second.

Is that the Spanish foreign legion?

That's like... a whole army of mummies. Heaven

The spanish legion,yup

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One eye on the enemy, the other on your comrade's ass

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XDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm sorry I insulted your butt buddies, Juan, but that's just the way it is

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Mad af

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Can't they get headstraps that fit?

that's a bearskin

It only looks good when it fits well. Most of the time when you see it in pictures it's way too big and baggy.

>It only looks good when it fits well
That goes for almost all military dress. Most WW2 uniforms were pretty cool, but a lot of the commanders were either ugly, pudgy, manlets or all three at once, making the uniform look deformed and comical

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>east european

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>tfw no reformist Russia with serfdom Abolished as a French ally

>Gay men sexualize aesthetic uniforms and that's what makes them bad
>If you're a construction worker, country-boy, biker, police officer, soldier, or in touch with your native American roots, that makes you gay
You wouldn't say that to a statie's face. Those guys have a notorious reputation for being pitiless hard asses

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Why is the strap at their mouth? Doesnt that get annoying?

Its making my autism uncomfortable

Maria is better

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I'm a construction worker and I think the sexualized construction worker uniform deal is so goddamn lame. Even when women do it. If you're gonna sexualize something about it sexualize the hard work/ability to solve problems in the real world with your hands, not the hard hat and the reflective vest lolol.

I think the tradition was that in combat you wanted that leather strap to be really tight around your chin so that you didn't accidentally lose your shako in the middle of combat, but when you were just marching you wanted the strap off so that officers could shout orders more clearly and because its simply more comfortable. I may be mistaken but I'm trying to recall as best I can. It's actually more comfortable to wear the strap the way that those cadets are wearing it than to tuck it under your chin, which was never called for during any drill/ceremony.

But when it came to the comfiest uniform nothing beat the Dress Whites, that shit was like wearing pajamas but they were hands down the biggest pain in the ass to keep clean.

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They sure do look spiffy, how often/for what do police wear dress uniforms though?

I agree with everything you said, but don't you agree that it would be pretty fucking stupid if someone accused you of being homosexual because your outfit kind of resembles the village people or something that they saw in a gay porn once?

Another question, why do dress uniforms require people to wear their hat/helmet strap on their chin like this?

>Pretty fucking stupid
Yes I would agree

On Veeky Forums though that's just par for the course.

nvm, I didn't read to the bottom, thank you good sir

what's the point of these chinstraps? It looks horrible?

So your hat doesn't fall off user... What the fuck do you think they're for?

they are in front of, rather than under thr chin though and thus fail to serve their purpose

Those particular uniforms are their winter dress uniform, so it's a seasonal thing.

Their winter dress overcoats are fucking A E S T H E T I C

Attached: Seasonal.jpg (1024x767, 200K)

I'm feeling alive

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That keeps your hat from blowing backwards when you run user how fucking stupid can you be?

Post mid-17th century military history sucks, visually. When the colour of the uniform is the most interesting and most differing part, you know it sucks. Uniforms ruined warfare.

Talking about uniforms, anyone knows the name of the uniform that use Sergeant Deux Deux? I only know that is a french police uniform, but I still wihtou be able to find him on google images.

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It's the old French Gendarme uniform.

Sense of fit was weird during the 1930s and 1940s, even a little before and after that period. It was as though baggy and boxy were in fashion. I like the basic idea of those era's clothes and uniforms, but the fit could be quite weird. Extremely high and wide-legged trousers, boxy jackets and coats, and so on, although the hats and ties were cool for civilian wear, and the uniforms also looked cool when on more slim people (not "slim like Göring!").

That’s not Parthian cataphracts.

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Military fashion reached its height circa 1870-1910, before machine guns and all that crap rendered it dull.

user, contrary to what you might think, it's actually okay to be a faggot. You don't have to deny yourself like that. Some people on here might make fun of you for that, but we don't actually mean it

