When is Greece going to retake what belongs to them and their people?
When is Greece going to retake what belongs to them and their people?
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It's far too late for that
It's never too late to take what is rightfully yours back.
Of course it is. Not much is left of the old city and Istanbul has a higher Turkish population than all of Greece.
When is the native American going to retake what belongs to them and their people?
>yfw Istanbul alone has a higher population than the entirety of Greece
Reproducing is hard when half the population is gay.
Never, because ethno-nationalism and territorial claims are stupid.
It's not gay if you suck the dick I R O N I C A L L Y
I don't think there are enough Native Americans for that anymore
Bitch, they had 12,000 years to create an advanced civilization to match the might of the Europeans should they come into contact with them. Maybe people like that don't deserve to have good shit all to themselves.
I feel the same way about them as I do post-election Shillary: 0 sympathy.
No such thing as a "Greek" city, cultures and ethnicity change all the time.
>leaving the population intact
>muh might
Bitch please. The only reason europeans had the edge was gunpowder which they JUST learned from the Chinese.
Fucking poltards and their delusion I swear. Do I need to remind you that you were getting your ass kicked by the Ottomans before discovering America?
muh rightful greek clay
Point still stands that Natives were so far behind in civilized advancements that even the weakest European army could take them easily.
Forget gunpowder, and forget the disease (which did way more damage than muh might), fighting naked and with bows and arrows and wooden weapons just wasn't good enough by that point.
Living in America is harsh
>victim blaming this hard
The strong and accurate survive in America.
>victim blaming
Fine, take your clothes off and go live on a reservation then. I won't tell you how to dress.
>defends colonialism of America from Europeans
>doesn't realize European civilization advanced due to being subjugated by the Romans
wew, lad
how many times do i have to teach you the same lesson?
The eternal Anglo should have given it to Greece after World War 1 but the Anglo can never be trusted.
They already did, and they lost it AGAIN.
they tried back in 1920 and got absolutely btfo. Even in battles where they outnumbered the Turks..
oh shit you already posted it.
truly underrated war btw
So from each according to their ability, to each according to their need?
Turks are much gayer than Greeks are. Look up oil wrestling.
Constantinople was historically a Greek city regardless if you think the Byzantines were Greek or not, LARPer-kun
id like to see them try to take it
>About 1350 the Grand Duke of Moscow sent money for the restoration of the Hagia Sofia, and as though it was not bad enough to have to receive foreign gold for such a purpose, this pious gift of the Russian prince was immediately confiscated and passed over to the infidel, for it was spent on enlisting Turkish mercenaries.
From George Ostogorsky's History of the Byzantine State. I think it makes it quite clear that the Turks did quite well with the city compared to who they were taking it from.
Based Turkey provides more meme value than would a restored Byzantine Empire
>The only reason europeans had the edge was gunpowder
This is what leftists actually believe
>The only reason europeans had the edge was gunpowder
Umm, sweetie. It's guns, germs AND steel.
If anything the Byzantine empire banning Latin as the official language is the reason why it went to shit.
>hey bro I'm like going to suck your cock because I'm like totally gay and shit, right? lmfao
The greeks were on a whole other level...
never happened
οντως kεk στο δινω αυτο
is this what greek boys looked like.... damn
They need to stop drinking the fire water first if they plan to do any """retaking"""
Seriously dude, Americans has given these people so many opportunities to make something for themselves. Did you know that if you can show that you are Native American descent you can get an immediate scholarship for school?
thank God there are nukes these days
>The only reason
Then why didn´t the american natives invade europe?
Kostas Mitroglu, former player in b*nfica, a half greek half turk spawn, your post smells like intelectual disonesty
Latin America is full of political movements by native descendants that are quickly gaining power. Bolivia even had a native president.
The US can barely stop shooting black people, what hope do natives have?
The land is to who can defend it. If you cannot protect it, what is the point?
The Jews would never allow it.
>a half greek half turk spawn
doesnt matter as turks are just muslim anatolians and he is a christian anatolian.
the contrast between him and an ethnic greek are quite beautiful though. kek
Why not?
>turks are just muslim anatolians
don´t they have turkic dna, and also, werent they slightly persianized at some point?
trips of truth
yeah a part of their population has turkic dna.
>slightly persianized at some point?
their rulers in antiquity were persians. though i doubt you could say that they have iranian dna. perhaps they might be close to them.
Wait for someone to post a kara boga thread and call him a Muslim Greek, he'll furnish you with plenty of statistics and studies showing that there is a genetic difference between Anatolian Greeks and Turks.
Turks are more closely related to Armenians than Greeks, Anatolian or otherwise.
I get the feeling that the guy you are talking to is himself a Greek. They are as fractious and contradictory as Turks are eerily unanimous.
kek how did you know? i was just saying there are genetic differences between ancient greeks and anatolians.
i wouldnt doubt that some "turks" have turkish dna. it would explain their connection to turkics
>kek how did you know?
Greeks are purveyors of schism and edge without peer. Ask a Greek what it means to be Greek and his friend will laugh and say 'why are you asking that Slav?'
There's only ever one Greek in Greece and it's the one you're speaking to at that particular moment.
Don't get me wrong, it's a very endearing quality.
Kek that was beautiful. To me everything that isnt ancient Greek is not Greek though. So i guess you you arent wrong.
If we want to call ourselves Greeks then we should have to go by the first of them
It's not theirs unless they claim to be Roman and not Greek
Doesn't stop the Turks