>Supposedly built dozens of cities and forts
>none have ever been found
Wew lad
Those were unarmed attendants killed. The armed army was actually away.
>At the signal to attack, the Spaniards unleashed gunfire at the vulnerable mass of Incans and surged forward in a concerted action. The effect was devastating and the shocked and unarmed Incans offered little resistance. The Spanish forces used a cavalry charge against the Incan forces, in combination with gunfire from cover (the Incan forces also had never encountered firearms before) combined with the ringing bells on the horses to frighten the Inca.[6]:176–180
>The first target of the Spanish attack was Atahualpa and his top commanders. Pizarro rushed at Atahualpa on horseback, but the Inca remained motionless. The Spanish severed the hands or arms of the attendants carrying Atahualpa's litter to force them to drop it so they could reach him. The Spanish were astounded that the attendants ignored their wounds and used their stumps or remaining hands to hold it up until several were killed and the litter slumped. Atahualpa remained sitting on the litter while a large number of his attendants rushed to place themselves between the litter and the Spanish, deliberately allowing themselves to be killed. While his men were cutting down Atahualpa's attendants, Pizarro rode through them to where a Spanish soldier had pulled the Inca from his litter. While he was doing so, other soldiers also reached the litter and one attempted to kill Atahualpa. Recognizing the value of the Emperor as a hostage, Pizarro blocked the attack and received a sword wound to his hand in consequence.[11][12]
>The main Inca force, which had retained their weapons but remained "about quarter of a league" outside Cajamarca, scattered in confusion as the survivors of those who had accompanied Atahualpa fled from the square, breaking down a fifteen-foot length of wall in the process. Atahualpa's warriors were veterans of his recent northern campaigns and constituted the professional core of the Inca army, seasoned warriors who outnumbered the Spaniards more than 45 to 1 (8,000 to 168). However, the shock of the Spanish attack—coupled with the spiritual significance of losing the Sapa Inca and most of his commanders in one fell swoop—apparently shattered the army's morale, throwing their ranks into terror and initiating a massive rout. There is no evidence that any of the main Inca force attempted to engage the Spaniards in Cajamarca after the success of the initial ambush.[13]
There's plenty of archeological sites.
user, do you know how many cities and roads were built over them? To say nothing of what the protestants were doing.
If amerindians weren't numales they would just run towards the Spaniards and win by default even if they were naked. But nope. Amerindians are numales and got BTFO by 100 men while outnumbering them 50-70 to 1 lol
But they had a higher civilisation potential. Give them another couple of decades without the euros and they would have had the steam engine
Keep in mind they never encountered such weapons or knew such things were possible. It's like when you see protesters fleeing in the thousands from just a couple dozen armed riot police.
>fight against white people
>common cold kills you before the Anglos do
A machine gun can legit kill 100 people in 10 seconds. And archebus and 60 horses could hardly do a dent on 5000 people even if they were naked. Amerindians were so beta that they let the Spaniards massacre them
I'm not sure whether you are THAT user, or if you're just making fun of him.
He's making fun of him. He is clearly speaking sarcastically.
It can be hard to tell sometimes. THAT user does make claims that are as ridiculous as they are vague. I still don't really know what "civilization potential" even means. I have a rough idea of what it probably means, but no details or specific criteria have ever been explained.
>Leaving your commander and absolute ruler almost completely undefended.
>Not rushing to his aid when he comes under a lightning assault.
To be honest the Inca deserved to lose with that sort of boneheaded performance. Why was the army away? Why was the Emperor and most of his commanders completely undefended? Why was the Emperor and his commanders so useless in a fight? At least the Tlatoani could swing a weapon if it came to that.
I'm sorry, but leaving such high value assets completely vulnerable to swift destruction is your fault, not the enemy's.
Name one
If you take 5000 unarmed people today and send 120 soldiers it will be the same result
>120 soldiers it will be the same result
If those soldiers are just equipped with words the 5000 crowd could just Zerg rush them. Obviously if they had semiautomatic rifles they would have a shot
Im more curious about what happened to the Spainards.
They went from this, to useless betas who would never be relevant again.
There was a lot of stuff that happened related to things like inflation and a tendency for Spain to get involved in stupid wars when it wasn't resting on it's laurels but the thing that really perma-fucked them was the Napoleonic wars and the aftermath of that.
A true chad race would have succeed inspite of all odds.
Iberians are the true betas of Europe.
They just got lucky when they discovered the Americas, it was relatively low hanging fruit
Have to agree there.
Out of all the great empires of the World, the Spanish Empire is the one I always consider a fluke. It honestly should not have happened.
I would have preferred the Chinese encounter Amerindians. The dynamic and syncretism would have been interesting and probably more of the culture would have survived. What really ruined many during the colonial period was the forced conversion and religious radicals the Spaniards were.