Why is pride a sin?
Why is pride a sin?
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Because god is jealous
Even a brief glance at 'muh ancestry' /pol/tards will make you see
A better question is if it's a sin, then why are there so many prideful """Christians""" on Veeky Forums?
it is delsuion of a man at the cost of mankind
Bro national pride is like pride in your family bro
White guilt is stupid it doesnt make sense to feel bad for shit your ancestors supposedly done but did you know WE invented civilization my ancestors invented everything?
t. enlightened and suicidal
Pride is the first/original sin.
Pride entered Lucifer's mind. He wanted to be above Jehovah, take God's throne.
He was blinded by his own beauty and ambition, and fell from heaven as a result.
Out of pride comes fear, hatred, envy, etc.
anything good that can harm you when indulged in excess is a sin. it isn't evil to be proud, or want sex, or enjoying good food. When you do too much of these things they will have negative consequences on your life.
People are dumb and can't absorb wisdom if it's told to them straight. So make it a sin, punishable by god and the patriarchy.
it's a Semitic trick to keep the proud Aryans in line
imagine being this retarded
Because overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
because in order to be a good "X" you have to be fully aware of "X"'s capabilities and, more importantly, its limitations
pride is willfull ignorance of ones limitations
Pride in moderation is a virtue.
Looks like they forgot to start with thr greeks
Because sin is "missing the mark", in this case, "not being like God", as God is meek and humble.
If God, who made you and gave you everything you have, is meek and humble, what right have you to be proud?
Another and better question is what makes you think you're equipped to distinguish between born again Christians and Catholics/Orthodox/Christian Identity/etc.?
>meek and humble
Well, Jesus commands the sea to calm, spits into people's faces to heal them, parties with "sinners", destroys church shops, casts away "demons", argues with clergy etc., while telling people to humble themselves like the little ones, accord to the Bible.
I sure am retarted, but that is hardly meek and humble behavior.
It is, when one knows the proper definition of meek (mild, gentle and kind) and humble (lower yourself to serve others, think no more highly of yourself than you are).
Matthew 11
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Partially these. It's easier to control, rule, and extort money from humble people who don't realize the godhood that is in them.
God is the exact opposite of meek and humble. Have you ever even glanced at a bible?
interesting. I wish I wasn't too brainlet to debate and provide intellectual discussion.
I think they intended "arrogance", and excess of pride.
He is, in the protective sense. Which is not the same word as "envious".
>God is the exact opposite of meek and humble. Have you ever even glanced at a bible?
He's certainly not meek, but all things considered, fairly humble. The Son is certainly humble and even meek at his death.
God is as he is, and he will be as you want him to be. If you want to see him as your enemy, and go to war with him, expect no quarter and expect your losses to include eternal torment.
If you want him to be your loving father, bend the knee and consent to become one of his children, whom he loves.
Even you can imagine a scenario where a man is fierce to his enemies, and loving to his children.
Jesus is God. You cannot say God is not X, but Jesus is X. because the Father and Son are One.
Three aspects guy. The whole point of me even bringing up Jesus is referencing Trinity. Please don't embarrass us on here.
"Part of the Trinity is X, and part of the Trinity is Not X".
Don't bring up what you don't understand.
>Please don't embarrass us on here.
What a shockingly non-Christian thing to say. But then, what would you know about being a Christian?
Not just non-Christian, anti-christian.
What sort of Arian heretic are you? JW? SDA? Mormon?
God is jealous to prevent people from worshiping demons in his name. It's for your sake, not his. He's not jealous of his creation in the same way you're jealous Chad gets to date Stacey.
I imagine it's because it separates you from God. If you believe in God, you should be thanking Him for any good thing, not believing you did anything by volition of your own power.
It's /b/tard because /b/tard sounds like retard, idiot. /pol/tard doesn't. You're like a leftist trying to accuse a rightist of being triggered, or calling them a snowflake because you don't even know what the fuck these things mean; it's just a "no u." Kill yourself.
There's nothing wrong with being embarrassed when some asshole thinks he's correcting you but doesn't even have the basic reading comprehension to figure out that even bringing in Jesus to the conversation is referencing his part in Trinity. Let's look back at the OT and see what the Spirit and the Father are about- they're wrathful, mighty, they level cities and punish the wicked. That's not meek nor humble. They're aspects purely because they have differences. So Jesus has hypostatic union, but what you're implying is that doesn't exist at all. That's why they're aspects of the same thing.
You are this type of heretic right now ^
t. Orthobro
What I said concerned the Trinity, not the hypostatic union.
Here's the Trinity in the OT, linked to this post, as it is lengthy.
Trinity in the OT
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1).
The Hebrew word for God is Elohim. Elohim is a plural noun but it is used here with a singular verb bara. Elohim speaks of the true God and is always used with a singular verb. In some sense God is both singular and plural
God Says Let Us
Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness… (Genesis 1).
The phrase let us again gives the idea of plurality. The word us cannot refer to angels because angels do not create
And now the Sovereign LORD has sent me, with his Spirit. This is what the LORD says - your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go (Isaiah 48). In verse sixteen, God the Son is speaking. He identifies the Father [the Sovereign Lord] and His Spirit as having sent Him. In the next verse, the Son is clearly spoken of as the Lord
Have we not all one father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of our ancestors? (Malachi 2)
Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. Your royal scepter is a scepter of equity; you love righteousness and hate wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions (Psalm 45)
I have set my king on Zion, my holy hill. I will tell of the decree of the LORD: He said to me, You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in him (Psalm 2)
The Holy Spirit
The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him - the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD - and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears (Isaiah 11
>t. Orthobro
t. Pagan
Sorry for your luck.
I defy you to find examples in the OT of the Spirit doing any such things.
Jealousy doesn't come from observing pride.
Nothing wrong with being proud of your ancestors.
It was arrogance, the claim to be greater than god that was the first sin, not pride itself.
Irrelevant. You said Jesus is the SAME as the Father and the Spirit- which is true in essence but not in aspect. Again, there are personality differences, afforded by their abilities, that reflect in their actions. Jesus did very different things then the Spirit in effect, but to the same ends.
Explain? It's literally the original church started almost two millennia ago.
What right does anything God created have to be proud within themselves of the way God created them?
There's a profound misunderstanding in this thread.
Satan took pride in himself, in how elevated he was, in how amazing he was, in how well garbed he was, in his position in the Assembly of the Angels, equipped with all sorts of heavenly instruments with which to lead the worship of the Almighty.
Each and every single thing there was created by God, and had nothing at all to do with satan.
Satan taking credit for what God did, that's pride. That's what you do when you pat yourself on the back for being so damn smart.
Forgetting who made you smart in the first place.
Your claim to be a Christian church is false. I don't think that's very nuanced. It's as much a Babylonian pagan church as the Roman Catholic church from which you came.
Jesus is the SAME as the Father and the Spirit, as there is only ONE GOD.
Your church, for instance, has icons of Jesus standing next to an older man, with a dove above them.
Who is the older man, again?
>Partially these. It's easier to control, rule, and extort money from humble people
You are a puny insignificant mortal regardless of whether or not you follow false prophets like Abrahamics.
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.
Nah, I'm not doing anything worth remembering right now.
I'm about to play games with my bro, so I'm going to run over this quickly:
>Passover is called Passover because the Spirit passed over Egypt and judged it(and it's "gods"/native spirits)
>The spirit is of "fire"(OT)
>Your claim to be a Christian church is false. I don't think that's very nuanced. It's as much a Babylonian pagan church as the Roman Catholic church from which you came.
Catholics split from Orthodoxy around the 11th century,same time the Pope started calling himself the Pope but two centuries after the first fiasco with Photius and Leo. The icons literally come from the earliest days of the church. I'm surprised you thought pastor Cletus had better interpretation of Christianity than the people who formed the Nicene council.
>Jesus is the SAME as the Father and the Spirit, as there is only ONE GOD.
Yes. And Jesus had the spirit of man and divine. The personality traits used to describe him don't universally share with the Spirit or the Father.
>Your church, for instance, has icons of Jesus standing next to an older man, with a dove above them.
You have sixty seconds to jump to the point before it gets wasted.
Excessive pride. AKA Hubris
Not the Holy Spirit of God; the Angel of Death. Jesus.
Catholics and Orthodoxy split; what concern of splitting pagan religions has to do with God is unknown to the Christian world.
There is only One God. Wrap yourself around that, and meditate with it, until you understand. There is only One God.
Your idolatry includes an older man depicting the Father. It's nothing but pagan idolatry.
In fact, the older man in your iconography, to which the son is seated on his right hand, is actually Nimrod of Babylon, and the son seated on his right hand is Nimrod's son, Tammuz.
You're a pagan and don't even know it. Maybe the worst kind of pagan there is.
>Not the Holy Spirit of God; the Angel of Death. Jesus.
Stopped right here desu with you
here are two potential reasons:
1. (a Christian answer) it subverts the authority of God, by assuming that the perpetrator is wise enough to make decisions apart from the guidance of an omnipotent God.
2. (a consequentialist, humanist answer) pride causes you to only care about yourself, which in turn leads to you treat other people with disregard. Basically, pride hurts other people and society.
Why do you equate me being proud with mistreatment of others? I can walk firmly and not bown and kiss others, doesn't mean I disrespect them.
>Not the Holy Spirit of God; the Angel of Death. Jesus.
He sort of gets it, except about the pagans being evil part. Abrahamics are evil.
Yes, I am the angel of death - the spirit of God in flesh.
"it is identified as dangerously corrupt selfishness, the putting of one's own desires, urges, wants, and whims before the welfare of people."
Is Chad gonna make it
Shame and guilt are better motivators. If you believe you are good, you don't try so hard to improve yourself.
When you face a shrine say "take mercy on me, that I am a sinner" and you will go home more vindicated than the man that boasts of his good deeds before the Lord.
Pride isn't a sin. Taking pride in the wrong thing is.
It might be my own interpretation, but pride is self-congratulatory and openly public. Whereas being proud is a more personal and intimate perspective held in reserve to open conversation.
Pride is the modern translation, it's originally called "vainglory"
I'm going to assume this is the insane guy but I actually read the picture for the first time and picrelated actually made me laugh
In christian terms, pride in moderation isn't really considered pride
Because pride leads to "fuck everyone else, I can do anything I want" and lead to other sins
What said.
Being proud blinds you to the truth, it literally makes you insane.
Having pride in your work or yourself, as in having dignity and standards for what you do is no the kind of pride the Bible talks about. It's kind of shitty that in english the word can have such different meanings.
English didn't translate well, there are several forms of pride , a good and a bad. We need another word for it
Yeah. In Paradise Lost Satan has this attitude.
Because enjoying yourself isn't allowed.
Apparently, meek may be a mistranslation.
>The meek shall inherit the earth
Meek meaning something more along the lines of "stable/gentle power." E.g. you have your sword, but you don't use it unnecessarily. In that sense, God would be very meek, unless he's been manipulating events without our knowledge.
A people without pride are a people easy to control, subvert, and dominate. Just look at the west today.
Christians seem to take this all-or-nothing approach to pretty much everything, whereas reality is much more gray. I would argue that while excessive pride is conducive to gaining wisdom, having some pride is necessary to combat the nature of man.
Jealousy, properly defined, is virtue, whereas envy is sin.
Jealousy is simply the vigilant defense of what one already has, whereas envy is the coveting of something one doesn't have. That is why God refers to himself as "jealous". It isn't self-deprecation.
>Christians seem to take this all-or-nothing approach to pretty much everything
No, that's what westerners do. In Eastern Europe it' not the case, not to mention the west isn't christian anymore and still has extremist attitudes, now more than ever I would say.