>Destroy Western civilization because you have to pay market price for bread
Destroy Western civilization because you have to pay market price for bread
Fuck off anglo scum
Unsage (;
Resaged >:3
>implying the revolution of 1789 was about abolishing the monarchy
>implying 1 loaf of bread costing the equivalent of almost 1 pound of silver is a reasonable situation for people to be living in
this is what Veeky Forums has come to
It was about Napoleon
France was a shithole before the Revolution.
just buy a cake lmao
>I can't pay a fair price for bread
>Better throw a collective national autistic fit
>Millions are starving because the government is not doing enough to relieve the problems causing said starvation
>millions are deprived of social and financial mobility by archaic restrictive laws which grant privileges to an elite few due to their birthright
>millions are forced to work every year on the lands of nobility because of an archaic law
>Millions are suffering under a mismanaged, corrupt government which is controlled not by the actual head of the government (king who, for all his good intentions, lets himself be led astray by corrupt nobles almost every time he tries to do something for the betterment of his people) but the selfish elite who serve under him to preserve their own interests and little else
But how dare they want equal representation based on population and not social status at the Estates General, and how dare they want a say in how their lives are affected by the government, and how dare they react to the king forcibly removing Necker because he's been convinced that it will do damage control.
Then again you don't seem to know the difference between the revolution of 1789 and the revolution in 1794 so I'm not sure why I'm bothering.
Why can't frogs eat fucking potatoes? Shit was easy to grow.
Fuck off, jacobin.
Yeah but there's no epic smug jokes to make now.
>Then again you don't seem to know the difference between the revolution of 1789 and the revolution in 1794 so I'm not sure why I'm bothering.
>implying the French Revolution isn't Western civilization
Revs up those guillotines
It was literally illegal to cultivate potato plants in France until 1772. Potatoes were believed to cause leprosy, among other ailments, when eaten by people. In most of Europe at that time, potatoes were considered only suitable for consumption by animals at best.
Augustin Parmentier championed potatoes and it was due to this work that potatoes were declared "legal" and edible in 1772, although he still had to overcome 100+ years of superstition and popular beliefs about potatoes being dangerous to eat. He did stunts like surrounding his potato fields with armed guards so people would associate them with being valuable, then withdrew the guards at night so people would steal and hopefully eat the potatoes, spreading the word that they were good. He also hosted special society dinners where every dish would be made from potatoes, and gave Marie Antoinette potato blossoms which she wore in her hair to promote them.
By 1785, potatoes had been grown enough that they were shipped throughout France and in particularly rural areas kept people from starving to death during the bad harvests of 1785. The king ordered Parmentier's treatise on potatoes, with recipes, to be published in 1789. The first "people's" potato cookbook was published in 1794. In 1795 another famine caused by the siege of the Paris Commune resulted in people growing potatoes in just about every available space, even public gardens, to ward off starvation.
So, once they weren't legally allowed to eat potatoes and had been assured that they weren't poisonous or dangerous, they did.
>>implying the French Revolution isn't Western civilization
No, French Revolution destroy western civilization.
The West is christiniaty, monarchy, aristocracy and philosophy.
I mean once they were* allowed to legally eat potatoes.
No, that's what your conception of the west is. The modern west still exists without those things.
You say it like if the french revolution hasn't turned the world into PlebLand, where every moron has a say on economics and politics
Jesus Fucking Christ :))))))
>Destroy Western civilization
Hmm... I wasn't aware 1789 was the peak of Western civilization.
West died a long time ago.
This is the kind of post I come here for. Well done.
French revolution wasn't the end of Western Civlization, just the beginning of the end. Entire 19th century was just the monarchs trying to salvage it and making concessions to the radicals left and right, until there was nothing left to preserve. WW1 was the final blow, the West is no more.
Architecture is a good example. Have you ever been to Germany, France or England? Any beautiful buildings in those countries have been built before WW1, everything built in 20th century and later is just sterile, shitty and uninspired. This includes nazi architecture, by the way. They weren't saviors of the west rather than symptoms of decaying flesh.
>Hurrr the government should solve my problems for me
Umm sweetie are you a monarchist or something because you need to be beheaded
>government causes the problems
>people want problems fixed
Jesus fucking christ.
>the West is no more.
It's more economically, militarily, and politically integrated than it has ever been before. It hasn't fought itself in over 70 years. It has created science and technology that greatly surpasses what existed in 1914. That all counts for something. The modern West is flawed, but I wouldn't rush to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
let them eat
>It's more economically, militarily, and politically integrated than it has ever been before.
This but unironically.
I mean, it seems better than murdering millions of each other in wars.
Very nice
Have a (you)
Let them eat cock!
Jesus Christ user. I think everybody here can agree that the French Revolution went kind of out of hand, by anybody who says that the government under Louis and the Nobles was greater on the sole purpose of aesthetics is retarded.
And people here are taking about how the French Revolution destroyed Western civilization as well, and yet the only Western Civilization they've ever known was the one that was influenced by, and adheres to the values and ideals borne from the Revolution.
Most people on the internet take sides from a purely aesthetic point of view.
My post was about potatoes...
Which is an improvement over having just some morons having a say in those things. Fuck your nobelese oblige shit
That's not what noblesse oblige means.
>>West died
Citation needed.
>implying thats a bad thing
there's a big difference between the government leaving you to your own failure and the government fucking you in the ass
The thread is about bread being sold at market price.
>the price of bread at the time was within normal market parameters
>making this kind of bullshit excuse and passing it for causality
I like how you know just enough to sound impossibly stupid, as opposed to ignorant. Enjoy shitting up this board with the rest of them.
>fair price for bread
In 1788 and 1789, the price of bread rose about 40% due to bad harvests. The average male peasant worker had to spend 88% of his daily wages solely on bread to last one person one day--up from bread costing 50% of his daily wages during times of good harvest. Servants and female workers got paid less than the average male peasant worker, and sometimes their daily wages were not enough to even cover bread meant to last the day. Paying almost your entire day's wages--or even half your day's wages--is definitely more than "wah bread isn't priced fairly."
Imagine working for hours each day just to afford a large hunk of bread, which made up the bulk of your diet. With only 12% of your wages left for paying rent, or for clothes, or firewood, or blankets, or god forbid if you have children to take care of. The bread price hike also coincided with some of the worst winters France had seen in decades.
>He did stunts like surrounding his potato fields with armed guards so people would associate them with being valuable, then withdrew the guards at night so people would steal and hopefully eat the potatoes, spreading the word that they were good.
My sides. Truly the work of a clever genius.
>western civilization means DUDE MONEY LMAO
Fuck off.
The French revolution is the worst crime in history of mankind
why does this board have so many butthurt francophobic monarcucks lmao
use more buzzwords!
>price of bread
you mean the price of life
I'm glad you have a say on economics and politics then. Anyway, you're doubly retarded if you think that modern society doesn't have elitist control over its policy making, 1789 didn't have any popular checks over government, and that those who are supposedly the smart educated elite are inherently the best decision makers.
Look, the rest of us aren't cucks. We're glad that we get actually some sort of vague if small sense of social mobility, meritocracy, and capability to direct our own government. Your fantasies about being some brilliant aristocrat leading the nation are just that, if you were in the 18th century you'd be some dirt poor beggar or peasant. Political democracy in the West in 2020 minus 2 is highly imperfect but its a helluva lot better than an absolutist monarchy or the incredibly elitist and entrenched British parliamentary system.
There have been so many different governments, religious conflicts, political systems, and ideologies throughout the history of what we view as "The West" (which stretches back to Ancient Greece in its typical conception), that trying to boil that down to four concepts alone is insanely stupid. Its just what your conception of it is, with a cheap attempt to try to reconstruct history to fit the current extremist political lens that you adopted for edginess' sake.
>market prices
The average Westerner can probably barely understand what this would be like. I mean, I can buy an entire day's worth of actually good, nutritious food for less than 10% of what I make in a day.
Also, this is the reason kulaks later got btfo'd.
Their definition of "fair price" is awfully close to "give everything and more and don't bitch about it".
Faggots don't even grasp the possibility of the people just taking their shit and tossing them in the ditch.
I'll take a wild guess that said price rising also allowed for the worst kind of usury and "loaning".
What is your point?
>government shouldn't solve your problems
>people solve their problems via lynching, guillotines and defenestration
How much of a fucking nigger one must be to unironically be angry that plebs don't want to remain fucking cannon fodder for some inbreds.
>almost the whole Western world has transitioned to socially minded democracy
>most of them did so while still keeping their monarchs in positions of respect
>no civil war or massive bloodshed required
But go on revolutionary scum.
Go on and tell us how a man born a king as no fault of his own deserves to lose his head. Then tell me how a man born poor at no fault of his own deserves to escape starvation. Tell me how the murder and mayhem and war and strife was worth it because you were 'democratizing' and 'modernizing' Europe when it wasn't necessary throughout most of the world for monarchs to step down. To let government do its work.
So there were some aristocrats with their rotten boroughs, this is a far cry from the guillotine.
The revolution was all about gouvernment and how it shall be run, feudalism loose and modern check and balance with unified civil code win. It wasn't about king.
The point is that that same dialogue can be had (and was had) inside of the parliamentary body of a constitutional monarchy without decades of intercontinental bloodshed.
go back to redit
>Most of them did so while still keeping their monarchs in positions of respect
Sorry to break it to you chap but most Western countries are not monarchies, and even in some of those which are monarchies (England) the king has indeed lost their head.
I like potatoes..
Most of that was after ww1
>implying you didn't come from there
Because of revolutions mate, most monarchies have been overthrown, and we haven't kept them around.
You're the one who tosses around the accusation of people using buzzwords, pretty sure your one of the reddit waves that has infested this board
Good post user have another (You)