Was he the biggest piece of shit in history to be remembered in a positive light?
Was he the biggest piece of shit in history to be remembered in a positive light?
>muh tower of Babylon
Blow it out your ass Abdullah
I really don't get why Caesar is so romanticized other than Augustus's posthumous propaganda campaign.
>lots of dumb luck
>betrayed his rightful quasi-democratic government in favor of personal tyranny and gain
>brought an army into peaceful capital city in violation of very smart sacred tradition / got his way through immoral unprovoked violence
>ended up stabbed for his stupid hubris anyways soon after because turns out you're not invincible
>seriously, he was one of if not the richest, most powerful, most privileged man in Rome but that wasn't enough. He still had to destroy everything around him just to be an Etruscan king
The best greek ever
He was a Slav
>brought an army into peaceful capital city in violation of very smart sacred tradition / got his way through immoral unprovoked violence
Did you forget about the 60 years of civil war before him? How others violated that "sacred tradition"? How Romans had no problem with immoral unprovoked violence in politics since at least Gracchus?
He created a situation where for the first time in decades the outlook for the citizens was not mutual self-destruction of the senators and their parties.
No, that would be Cicero or Ludwig XIV
Which great Roman wasnt
>>lots of dumb luck
Fortune favours the bold
>>betrayed his rightful quasi-democratic government in favor of personal tyranny and gain
To oppose the tyranny of the patrician as those who supported the plans in latter republic were always killed.
>>brought an army into peaceful capital city in violation of very smart sacred tradition / got his way through immoral unprovoked violence
A city mind you which was founded after the founder murdered his twin brother and had late on fallen to the gauls due to the inability of the senate to follow their own basic rules and let Camillus remain dont get me started on the social war, nothing is sacred as war in rome.
>>ended up stabbed for his stupid hubris anyways soon after because turns out you're not invincible
Like th gracchi, like Marius like many Roman patriots
>>seriously, he was one of if not the richest, most powerful, most privileged man in Rome but that wasn't enough. He still had to destroy everything around him just to be an Etruscan king
Etrusan kings go built the city and have them their traditions?
Cicero for sure.
The Confederate States of America. How on earth could the largest pro-slavery insurrection in history be beloved by so many?
>Roman patriot
that guy couldn't give less of a shit about Rome and just wanted money and if he would have controlled himself instead of buying his veterans with booty then the republic would have probably survived much longer.
Every time the roman army was involved in politics they followed the example of Marius
t. John Green
Alexander and the Greeks were smart enough to not meticulously record their war crimes and atrocities like the Germans did.
>or Ludwig XIV
Fucking krauts.
t. optimas
t. Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis
This, and MLK.
Biblius, relax and go blockade some Adriatic.
Because the war wasn't about slavery. Union propoganda made it seem otherwise after 1863
>starve as many people as Stalin or Mao
>get away with it
Truly the anglo is perfidious
Will anyone ever be called "the Great" again?
Donald The Great, first emperor of United States
Cato pls
I could see Xi Jinping being remembered as a pivotal leader in China's history equivalent to heavyweights like Taizong, Qin Shi Huang or Wu
Especially if he could take back Taiwan
t. Darius III
>especially if he could take back Taiwan
t. general 'Cash My Check'
Don't you have a cuckshed to be crying in Bibilus?
Just identify as a Greatkin switch your personal pronoun to "great one"
Republic was corrupt as fuck. It was ruled by oligarchs who refuse to share lands and wealth to the poor and kept it to themselves. Also they used slaves for work, which left poor citizens unemployed and starving.
>Xi Jinping
Gook shitposting is going to far
what was it about then, faggot
not him but, it was about states rights.
states' rights to do what?
Their own laws
their laws that allowed them to do what?
Cicero never did anything wrong.
The enforcement of said laws themselves, wich was the real problem, regardeless it was the slavery of the early XIX century or the death penalty to these days, they just wanted to create a reason
Hey Cicero, how's it going. Look, I know you were buddies with Pompey but I had nothing to do with his death. And I know you're worried I'm gonna go full Sulla on your ass and proscribe the shit outta you, but don't worry. It's all good. Look, I forgave Brutus and Cassius and even gave them positions! Maybe I can do the same for you buddy. Anyway, I gotta go to the Senate and be declared dictator, but we should have dinner some time. Love ya buddy :)
Nice try, cletus.
Cicero was a jackass. Brilliant, yes, but he is not an admirable fellow. Sold himself to the optimates in hopes of a legitimacy they would never give him. I always wondered how much of Tiro's work he actually took claim for.
Well, apparently the war wasn't about slavery for North Carolina or Louisiana. Also weird when these maps don't include Oklahoma... Indian territory may not have been a state, but it was definitely in revolt during the war.
texas doesnt give a fuck
Did Oklahoma make an official declaration of secession though, the map is based on what each state wrote in their declaration documents.
Because people are too dumb understand his fame was due to propaganda and just assume everything written about him is completely true and he was this unanimously beloved by the public. There's no grey area for this board.
Audible kek
Oklahoma wasn't w a state - it was a territory run by the natives deported during the Trail of Tears. The chiefs of the five "civilized" tribes all consented to their annexation by the confederacy in return for specific rights and privileges.
Mind you, the southern halves of Arizona and New Mexico, as the old Arizona Territory also defected, but they're rarely included in modern maps of the CSA.