Fine wine, Fine pay, sex, gaulish blood, raping and pillaging military, prestige and honor

Fine wine, Fine pay, sex, gaulish blood, raping and pillaging military, prestige and honor.

Being a roman soldier sounds like a darn good job back in the day.

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Twenty five years of anything is too much work.

>bideo gaems
Grow up

You also had to fight, march, camp and not see home for like forever.

How is it? It's a damn good deal.

Most people spend 40-50 years working and then retire on a shitty pension.

A legionary can join at 18 and retire at 43 on a nice state pension with some extra from war spoils too probably.

And given that its the ancient world is your chance of dying really much higher than anyone else? At least you've got permanent medical care and a constant food supply.

I'd join the legion any day over being a labourer.

...With your buddies, raping local village girls and stealing crops from their fathers along the way.

And i'm fucking stuck here in the 21st century

>And given that its the ancient world is your chance of dying really much higher than anyone else?
Yes. Your average Roman could sit in Rome, make a bit of money off day labour and live off the generosity of the state. Bread and circuses sounds a lot better than fighting and serving in a garrison.
Sure you'd have fun if you were stationed in Africa, Hispania or Britian after the conquest, but serving on the German, Dacian or Parthian frontiers is a different story altogether. You won't think it's fun when the locals stab a spear up your assistance and rape the sweetheart you have to wait 25 years to settle down with.

>reddit spacing

You know what, I'm fine being stuck in the 21st century. Because if my leg gets infected I'll have antibiotics. If my break my leg, one of the solutions is not going to be "get him drunk and bring out the bonesaw".

Ive been here for 11 years cunt

>wanting to rape and steal, but not actually doing it
You're a secret nigger.

And then you retire as a Villa Dominus with lots of slaves?
Seems great

That sounds like a load of eastern hogwash. Living day to day by the grain supply and surviving thieves and gangs

>draconian military law severely punished even the most minor infractions with beatings or outright execution. Your superior officer beats you daily with a club every time you don’t execute a drill with %100 precision
>grueling training regime which amounts to bloodless battles. Most of your life is spent marching, digging ditches, and planting crops. It’s all the shittiness of military life with none of the modern conveniences or modern sense of justice.
>your general and his staff are rich assholes who literally bought their ranks from the government and don’t have a fucking clue how to lead, they’re there purely to advance their political careers even as they lurch from one bloody debacle to the next. Nepotism was baked into the military command structure and great leaders were the exception, rather than the rule. Primus Pilus was the highest you could realistically expect to rise, assuming that you defied the odds and were among the best soldiers in the legion.
>enjoy your daily ration of hardtack and muddy camp water. On your lucky day the army can afford to give you a single bowl of soup broth. On a shitty day your superior officer makes you eat horse-feed, if you can imagine food so tasteless that it would make hardtack seem appetizing.
>nothing is more cruelly unfair than the sack. The same rich assholes who didn’t do jack shit to win the battle and had to be carried by their officer corps makes off with the lion’s share of the loot, leaving everyone else to fight over the scraps. Eventually the novelty of fucking a chick who is wailing in sorrow as she is horrifically gang-raped in front of her family members wears off, and you realize your life is an orgy of human suffering, most of it is yours
No thanks, all the bullshit and rigamarole of ancient military life is not worth the 3 or 4 moments in my life that i’d get to experience the novelty of fucking a chick against her will. It’s just pussy, bro

Woo, pals

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Until you are forced to fight a losing battle because of an incompetent leader that wants some extra prestige and either

A. die from an arrow or sling bullet to the face.


B. lose the fight and and either return home with shame and dishonor or be taken as a slave for the enemy.

that game was a historical atrocity. it shouldn't even be posted here.

I remember reading somewhere that there would be camps full of whores, hookers and sluts waiting for Roman Legions so that they could fuck the PTSD out of the soldiers.

Whether its true or not, I believe we should put all our roasties and sluts into such camps for returning Marines and Soldiers so that they can show their patriotism to their country

>t. Muhreen

Attached: Smug Devil Dog.png (600x736, 410K)

>Eventually the novelty of fucking a chick who is wailing in sorrow as she is horrifically gang-raped in front of her family members wears off, and you realize your life is an orgy of human suffering, most of it is yours
Great line that I can really identify with

The second part of the sentence ofcourse, after the comma

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