What was the motivation for the British? Was it the monarch or Britain itself?
What was the motivation for the British? Was it the monarch or Britain itself?
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Nothing, they were just authoritarian lemmings doing as they were told. The best motivation was the pay.
It was the British system rather than the monarch. The monarch was imperialist, but the monarch had minimal power since Charles was beheaded. The architect of the Empire was the British elite, and the British soldiers were just the underclass doing what their leaders wanted.
For the king, for home, and for the prize.
A paying job.
People shit talk this but the fact is Britain up to a point cared about the people who served it. They had a purely professional military until the first world war.
Pic related
That's true. Shame we don't care about our soldiers at all anymore.
Our soldiers are cared for more than ever. Don't equate a tightening of the purse strings in peacetime with completely screwing regular soldiers.
God and Glory
I dislike the Bongs, they helped keep my country under oppression for centuries, but I can't deny that there was a loyalty to the glory of Britain and its expansions.
For King and country.
>British army
A Brit who wanted glory would rather have joined the famed Royal Navy rether than Europe's shittiest land army...
food and a little money
Escaping Britain itself
there is no need to be angry mbembe
Your country is probably a shithole and conquering it wasn't glorious in any way
Bongs went with it because they were too weak for Europe
I'm eastern euro and you fags helped a bunch of muslims for muh balance of power
guess things haven't changed much huh
He's either pajeet or Seamus
African colonialism was over in 70 years or so. Pretty soon Africa will have been independent longer than it was colonised
>being this autistic
Conquering Europe is rarely profitable nor lasting. Napoleon, (aka the greatest general of all time) managed it for what? Less than a decade? Hitler even less.
>Bongs went with it because they were too weak for Europe
Ahem...inb4 "not real"
confirms my theory its mostly poles doing the anglophobic shitposting
but im balkan and russia pro
poles are butthurt af though
you join and you get plenty of drink, so they recruited mostly drunks
>The most liberal place in Europe at the time barring a few German city-states.
>Authoritarian lemmings.
Money, dear boy
The entire empire was an accident of capitalist endeavour. So were all European Empires except Napoleon's and the German "Empire"
British society was certainly liberal, but the army was something else entirely. Soldiers were loathed by society at large (British liberalism came with an inherent distrust of professional soldiery), and beaten within an inch of their lives by their superior officers. They ended up being the dregs of society who joined purely because there was a wage and could expect few other economic opportunities.
>Germany calls its unified nation an empire immediately
>without actually being one
was it the hunnic inferiority complex striking again?
>Soldiers were loathed by society at large (British liberalism came with an inherent distrust of professional soldiery), and beaten within an inch of their lives by their superior officers. They ended up being the dregs of society who joined purely because there was a wage and could expect few other economic opportunities.
Yes and no.
Yes because- what you said.
No because the British army allowed privately raised regiments by nobles, rich cunts, and civic minded people, who got bunked in
Case in point: the thousands of loyalists that formed up local regiments fighting for the British side during the American revolution.
I was more referring to those pathetic African colonies it grabbed after no one else wanted them.
>Europe's shittiest army
>this map
Is this some weird merging of Danish dominated England (Danelaw) and French dominated England (Angevin Empire)?
Is this the biggest cope in the world?
They could literally barge into your home to prosecute impressment
Provided you lived in some third-world shithole
If you lived in Europe, they'd never reach your home as the Belgian police would arrest them upon landing
Private armies were a-ok, because that's nominally citizen soldiers. Y'know, of sorts. You wouldn't normally get those forming from European Brits, tho.
No. It's the land conquered by King Arthur in the 6th century
That forms the entire nucleus of the War of the Roses.
Why do you lie?
chance to plunder,rape and pillage
Different time period, Chum. Britain didn't exactly have a professional standing army to loathe and the liberal parliamentarians to loathe it until the English civil war.
>time period
Which one? None is mentioned either in your post, any preceding it or OP's. Were they not 'European Brits' in the War of the Roses?
Getting paid.
Given that OP'S picture is of line infantry, we can probably guess at the time period in question.
The flag would indicate that the Irish cunts hadn't been fully fucked yet.
The weapons and uniforms indicate they'd long been.
Acts of Union with Eire happened around the turn of the 19th century, they'd been using redcoats and muskets for longer than that at least.
"Beaten by superior officers"
Yeah as a punishment.
But in terms of drill and training? Nah. Most drill manuals of the 18th-19th Century say that recruits should not be treated violently or disdainfully otherwise they will likely try and desert.
Come, cheer up, my lads, 'tis to glory we steer,
To add something more to this wonderful year;
To honour we call you, as freemen not slaves,
For who are so free as the sons of the waves?
Heart of Oak are our ships,
Jolly Tars are our men,
We always are ready: Steady, boys, Steady!
We'll fight and we'll conquer again and again.
We ne'er see our foes but we wish them to stay,
They never see us but they wish us away;
If they run, why we follow, and run them ashore,
For if they won't fight us, what can we do more?
>Not putting up the picture of Picard singing it.
>not appreciating the marginal gains of England's Brave big cav
>What was the motivation for the British?
Implying you need motivation to be press ganged into service
LOL, the only arguement I see here is "We have no sources *disproving* that that empire *didn't* exist. Therefore I might as well!"
Fucking hyper-nationalsts taking their folklore way too seriously...
I don't think he's being entirely serious user.
Stage 1: denial
Regular soldier here. We get completely screwed on an almost daily basis.
T. Serving in a British infantry battalion (not saying which one, but its not an English one)
>What was the motivation for the British
For Britain itself:
Take some Picts, Celts and Silures
And let them settle,
Then overrun them with Roman conquerors.
Remove the Romans after approximately 400 years
Add lots of Norman French to some
Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, then stir vigorously.
Mix some hot Chileans, cool Jamaicans, Dominicans,
Trinidadians and Bajans with some Ethiopians, Chinese,
Vietnamese and Sudanese.
Then take a blend of Somalians, Sri Lankans, Nigerians
And Pakistanis,
Combine with some Guyanese
And turn up the heat.
Sprinkle some fresh Indians, Malaysians, Bosnians,
Iraqis and Bangladeshis together with some
Afghans, Spanish, Turkish, Kurdish, Japanese
And Palestinians
Then add to the melting pot.
Leave the ingredients to simmer.
As they mix and blend allow their languages to flourish
Binding them together with English.
Allow time to be cool.
Add some unity, understanding, and respect for the future,
Serve with justice
And enjoy.
Note: All the ingredients are equally important. Treating one ingredient better than another will leave a bitter unpleasant taste.
Warning: An unequal spread of justice will damage the people and cause pain. Give justice and equality to all.
>Celts and Silures
Bants desu
Bants among the brits got boring
The frogs are too feminine to engage in banter
The krouts are too autistic
The dagos are too lazy
The Italians are too hot headed
The Portuguese are alight though
So we went to the new world for my banter
We met the native American tribes which we got along with quite well and had a bit of cheeky banter but not much
Then the yanks killed em all since they can’t handle the bants
Then we went to India and had a cheeky curry and some cheeky banter
Then we went to Australia and had some VERY CHEEKY BANTER
Then China
And of course a bit of cheeky tongue and cheek banter with the japs
Also tea
Anglos only fight when their tea is threatened. Other than that they are not a warrior race.
To satiate the ceaseless urge to inflict suffering and death on others that their Saxon and Viking blood has cursed them with.
Gimme some real proof, or else...I might be not convinced...
Damn. I hate it when people might not be convinced without real proof
I feel like 9 everytime I hear that. That're just the perks of beeing a sceptic...
Ur a silly poophead lole
King arthur is real prove me wrong!!!11
you type like a redditor
You have experience with that?
>Muh transcription, of a transcription of a tale of a person that most probably exist, is a hundred percent accurate when depicting the size of the realm of said person and is clearly unbiased and clearly has nothing to do with "We Wuz Romans"
Prove me wrong!!11!11!
I won't, because all of that is right, just worded weirdly
I mean, why did anyone fight in any war that wasn't purely for self-defense?
Why did Oswald the peasant go off to fight and die in France for some king he's never even seen? Why did Fritz from the Alps have to go and fight random Spaniards so that his liege could have a relative on the Spanish throne?
Politically-motivated war is always arbitrary. Most people will never think about this critically however.
>they can’t handle the bants
>Why did Oswald the peasant go off to fight and die in France for some king he's never even seen? Why did Fritz from the Alps have to go and fight random Spaniards so that his liege could have a relative on the Spanish throne?
For their countries!
Britain and the British race
for foreign pussy