> 15 % French
Is this the end of him?
> 15 % French
Is this the end of him?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I-it's mostly German!
>Implying that being 14.999% percent kraut is any better than being 15% frog.
Because it is.
Is it true that the entire human race was cucked by Neanderthals?
DNA tests deliberately skew their results.
It’s more like the opposite
Homo neanderthallus were interbred by Homo erectus and the resulting hybrid is modern Homo sapien
Neanderthals were humans and it seems more likely they were 'cucked' by Homo Sapiens.
However, having clarified those points, yes it does appear that Homo Sapien populations and Neanderthal populations did have some level of interbreeding when they came into contact with each other.
Nope. Sapien women fucked Nyandertal men and their daughters fucked Sapien man, resulting in modern humans.
Sapiens are modern humans and Neanderthal genes only account for a small amount of the DNA of contemporary populations.
T. Varg
Lindy just told me that the Neanderthals fucked human women silly.
>stage 3: denial
>stage 4: accepting your genetic heritage.
I still dont get the deal with genetic heritage, it seems that it only matters for racist people and idiots
t. Wakandan
You explained it pretty well also its a meme forced on Veeky Forums by americans without an actual history culture or identity.
So it only matters if you are white? Btw im south european, white for my country but not for an american, most likely i will have north african genes and shit too
>most likely i will have north african genes and shit too
I imagine if I had north African genes I would prefer to believe that genetic heritage doesn't matter too....
>falling for Jewish propaganda
>white for my country but not for an american
>Implying americans are white
Still whiter than you, Sanchez.
Could someone explain the joke why he doesn't want to be French?
I found out I'm 40% Western European, but this could be Kent. Not denial as it would be pretty cool to be part German or French.
Could be worse. He could be a yank mutt.
Because he’s British and hates the french
Imagine if a ku klux klan dragon found out he was 15% west African
Couldn't it be Anglo-Saxon or Norman though? They came from continental Europe.
You're an American yourself. Literally only Americans consider American opinions on whiteness.
>some dude with average opinions talking out of his ass most of the time has more threads than actually "History & Humanities"
I still like him though
The most surprising thing in the video is that his name is Nikolas.
Im spanish and the only place i heard about genetics and being white is his, but you may be right and i thought only americans are obsessed with whiteness
In real life nobody in Europe talks about "whiteness". We wuz having wars with our neighbours who are practically the same as us for centuries and we never had (until recent years) a non-European minorities so this retarded American racial thing never developed.
Can you people stop with the "Hurr durr Lindy is French" meme already? The test says French OR German. Anglo-Saxons were originally from Germany. There's not even any way for me to get French DNA from anywhere.
>B-but da Normans
Were Scandinavian-Frankish, you twits. Those are Germanic tribes. Not frogs, so he cannot have gotten it from there. Just let it go already and face the fact that your Lindy is French memes are just that, memes.
The Normans heavily interbred with the French.
This, I think he’s an agent funded by Putin to shut down discussion here >Anglo-Saxons were originally from german
>let me tell you about the Great migration when everyone kept on moving and losing so got reabsorbed into someone else’s kingdom
Saxons started in what would now be Holstein
Still pissed we have no recorded Burgundian crown tho
Nikolas isn't a Russian name, Nikolai is.
>Lindy is still in the denial step
>~20% French
>~20% Dane
His profile perfectly reflects the cucking of Britain by the NORMAN bull.
He's been reading Veeky Forums threads, you can tell. He knows people were suggesting he took his time on this vid because he's French.
reminder that Lindybeige claims:
>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>British naval guns on Malta could launch projectiles into space
>brodie helmets were superior
>English accents are superior
>English is the best language
>Normans weren't French
>imperial system is better
>dunkirk was a british victory
>british officers don't duck
>the bren gun was like a full auto sniper rifle
>boer concentration camps were refugee camps
>the French are German
Fuck off lindy
Why the FUCK don't Anglos understand that German and Germanic aren't the same thing?
He does, he's just clarifying the French DNA that shows up in the results isn't French
The cheese eaters fear the Anglo-Germanic warrior
>isn't French
The Franks weren't really Germanic.
The Gauls (Celts) went into Germany, not the other way around of Germans going into Gaul or Frankia.
The migration period was a group of Celts led by Germanic Nordic aristocracies who were bred out.
Most of Europe is Celtic.
Why is "German & French" put together in 23&me? They're not that similar genetically. That test is fucking garbage.
Maybe he does, but the argument in the picture is as follows
>France is named after the Franks
>Franks were a Germanic tribe
>∴The French are German
Which is an absolute asspull even if we made all the implicit reasoning explicit
>tfw he turns up the “confidence meter” until it says he’s not French
Neanderthals and homo erecti literally never made contact, don't know where you got that bullshit from
Yeah, i always though his name was Lloyd and that his last was private
Turns out Lloyd is his last name
Is he gay or just a old bachelor?
He doesn't care for thots, he only cares about his waifu
But they were actually kangs.
Have you two not been paying attention, at all?
Hmm its almost like the entire genetics test thing is a scam to make money off of gullible americans
Wait, did the meme really come true?
yup, 15% French
err I mean French AND GERMAN
and even if they were French they were really Franks, so they're still German
so he is 0% French after all
Not a single drop of French blood!
Oui!. He is 150% Croissant
People can post comments on youtube too you know
>not wanting glorious carthaginian genes
you disgust me
they where, though, only the nobles where danish
No. People here are just memeing because they do not understand that French&German=/=French. All Englishmen have German blood from the Flemish migrations and the Anglo-Saxons. There is no path of entry for French admixture into England.
>99.2% NE Euro
>Only 0.7% Southern
He says in the video that his great grandfather was from Norway, so the 'Scandinavian' came from him.
Every single time a Euro takes this test it gives back roughly this result. Are the Americans who keep ranting about how 23andme inserts African DNA into their profiles out of nowhere actually bullshitting? Never seen that happen to a non-Muttistani.
I wonder how far back they go to label something Scandinavian
I mean, do they mean as recent as 3-4 generations back, or do Angles and Saxons and Jutes count, since they came from Denmark and northern Germany
Imagine actually thinking Napoleon was an evil person. Just let it sink in how much of a brainlet this guy is. And this is coming from an anglo lmao.
These companies really only care about America so they add african dna to them, and by proxy they also seem to do similar things with eastern europeans. (I'm polish and they added jewish dna to me)
He went to an upperclass boarding school. He's bent as a nine bob note.
>These companies really only care about America so they add african dna to them,
Or maybe Amerimutts really do have a great-great-great Grandfather who's black? If it's that far away it'd only have to happen a few times, but it wouldn't largely affect their outward appearance.
>Is he gay or just a old bachelor?
He's shown a girl a few time sto dance with. If anything, I'd expect a sex scandal with Lloyd. He seems to be the rapey or gropey type.
>There is no path of entry for French admixture into England.
Normans you fool.
>they added jewish dna to me
Okay Mr. Shekelstein.
Is that really likely given that they already lied about me?
Except for the fact that we don't know the entire Neanderthal genome so we have no way of knowing just how similar we are genetically.
I just think it's pretty convenient how the only racial group with no Neanderthal genetics at all is the least successful.
Normans were NOT French. They were Danish Vikings, much like the Anglo-Saxons, who settled in Normandy, and intermarried with the local Frankish Germanic population. LARP harder Pierre
LOL wut
>Normans were NOT French.
Hello Nikolas.
1. Good presenter.
2. Passionate.
1. Egotistical. Thinks he's the smartest.
2. Sloppy as hell. He doesn't do deep research, and much of what he says is wrong.
They also settled in Sicily, North Africa and the Levante. Does this make them Southern Italian or MENAs?
>own language
>distinct culture
>distinct genetics