Last thread was here and the ass-ravaged stormfag tears were delicious. Let's continue.
Non-Holocaust Nazi Atrocities
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's recap.
Prepare yourselves for some neo-nazi whataboutism
Oh the hypocrisy
>blatant political flaming is fine as long as it's anti-/pol/
It's all so tiring.
>Stop talking about what I don't like
>anyone who doesn't spend their free time hating nazi germany is a wehraboo
this board should be limited to history prior to the 1900s
Maybe jews and various other non-whites shouldn't have been spending centuries upon centuries violently and economically antagonizing the historically most inventive and battle hardened civilization in history... Muslim bullshit was the reason Europeans colonized the Americas, blame them; Jews spent centuries doing their best to work in tandem with each other to dominate the economies of Western Europe and play puppeteer in their own interests all taking advantage of a catholic aversion to usury (which on several occasions was in question by the papacy but was in fact lobbied FOR by now suspected Jewry), and had been taking advantage of and occupying various high teutonic states since well before the German state was even an idea... EVEN SOME JEWS knew of the Jewish conspiracy and converted to catholicism in disgust and tried to convince local powers to burn their books...
(The jew conspiracy is a goddamn real thing, every other culture who has ever had contact with Jewry believes it, why are we so averse to the notion... is it because it's a scary thought?)
Good job illustrating my point that this topic has no substance but to bait.
Look up the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre.
>Btw wanna see my thousand infographs on how the Holocaust never happened?
Fuck off, he's doing God's work.
>this post
My fucking eyes bleed.
The guy in the pic does not look very Aryan to me.
>being so contrarian you literally waste your time spreading Jewish disinfo about a fringe, dead German ideology
lmao @ ur lyfe kiddo
>being so contrarian you literally waste your time spreading neo-Nazi disinfo about a fringe, dead German ideology
>WW2 thread specifically NOT about the Jews
this desu. keep all this stupid shit on /pol/, people treat this board like it's their battleground and are surprised when the /pol/tards come to meet them and ruin everything from everyone.
Yes, cutting g edge stuff shit talking the most reviled regime in the history of mankind.
Implying nazis are the exception. You missed all the funny isis videos user? The Mexican cartels? Humans are pretty brutal, deal with it.
My favorite story is this French military who blew up a dynamite stick in the ass of a nigger to celebrate Bastille Day, lol. He got a blame though.
Nazis and jews are sick cunts. They deserve each other.
Well, they were godless eugenicists who fought like a prehistoric tribe using modern technology...
Around 5000 people died from the forced sterilisations towards the retarded, the inmates of psychic wards and alcoholics.
Eh, is the same not allowed with commis?
Digging up some shit from southeast asia would be worthwhile.
When was that ever implied you absolute psycho?
anti-German propaganda is fine
lying about Germans is fine
Germany is pure evil
remember the 6 000 0000 000 000
blah blah blah
anti-German is by definition pro-Jews
This is obviously implied. Nazis = absolute evil!!
If you stopped focusing on these fuckers you would realise that they were nothing but common. This stupid cruelty contest where nazis are always the winners is just neurosis, borderline brainwashing.
I like Nazis
I dont give two shits about what attrocities they did
Every major conflict has fairly equal attrocities on both sides
Seriously, the world would be better without kikes, gypos and faggot devos
>Seriously, the world would be better without kikes, gypos and faggot devos
You forgot the blacks.
And ackbars.
cry more faggot
You forgot Slavs since they were also on the Nazi 'To Kill' list.
literally no proof of that
Slavs who were killed were Soviet soldiers
they cleansed Eastern Europe of Jews, which is why it's a nice place nowadays
Slavs are Aryans. Nazis were retarded and payed the price.
Blacks and ackbars weren't on their list though.
>The Hunger Plan (German: der Hungerplan; der Backe-Plan) was a plan developed by Nazi Germany during World War II to seize food from the Soviet Union and give it to German soldiers and civilians; the plan entailed the death by starvation of millions of "racially inferior" Slavs following Operation Barbarossa, the 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union. The premise behind the Hunger Plan was that Germany was not self-sufficient in food supplies, and to sustain the war and keep up the domestic morale it needed to obtain the food from conquered lands at any cost. It was an engineered famine, planned and implemented as an act of policy. This plan was developed during the planning phase for the Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces) invasion and provided for diverting of the Ukrainian food stuffs away from central and northern Russia and redirecting them for the benefit of the invading army and the population in Germany. The plan resulted in the deaths of millions of people.[1] The plan as a means of mass murder was outlined in several documents, including one that became known as Göring's Green Folder, which quoted a number of "20 to 30 million" expected Russian deaths from "military actions and crises of food supply."
Also check out for keks:
>Nearly all the wartime documentation on Generalplan Ost was deliberately destroyed shortly before Germany's defeat in May 1945,[7][8
Key word being, 'nearly'.
Devo - deviate
Like what any army in the world did until recently? These nazis invented some advanced cruel shit user.
This is why I think the nazis deserve all the hate they get.
>Demand proof of Slav's getting exterminated by Nazis.
>Get proof.
>Resort to whataboutism.
You're not wrong.
I didn't demand anything. We need ids on this board...
It's literally the same ADL shills as previous
I recognise their grammar
At least I hope they're getting
Imagine doing this for free
why do i need to choose between hating nazis and hating muslims or hating communists? all of them deserve helicopter rides
the Nazis weren't perfect but at least they didn't have a Rothschild funded bank and George soros-funded agitators in Germany. no Rothschild Bank means they're the good guys.
they fucking let a rotschild heir escape Austria by bribe...
when is a commie crime thread gonna go up?
We literally have them all the time, and communist rulers rank very high among most evil or most fucked up people in history. Stop being such a little bitch, we're actually exploring a part of WW2 that's rarely talked about.
Wow Kevin that's really edgy I bet you're the edgiest kid in your class aren't you ?
That's typical Zionist propaganda I need a real legitimate source the back that up because that sounds like BS. And it probably is BS there were no Rothchilds at all in Germany under Chancellor Hitler.
Nigga, do you really think nazis were supermen that were above bribery and materialism?
Make one.
I never said that the Nazis were perfect. I just hate the Rothschild so much they've gotten away with so many crimes which is why I'm always happy when there are countries that are independent and they don't have a Rothschild Bank. it makes me happy every time people demonize those countries like Germany under Hitler or currently the dprk under Kim. Independence and freedom is just a wonderful thing and if there is no Rothschild Bank I support them because I don't believe the lies about the countries that don't have them.
Nazi generals planned a lot of shit, they had to compete each other and would often backstab one another if they didn´t come up with messed up shit like that
My Ukrainian (non-jewish), grandmother was taken from her village by the Nazi's for labour. They marched her along with other women to the train depot at gunpoint. After that she was sold to a well-off Austrian couple to be their servant. I heard a lot about forced labour camps, but never about people being sold to families. I have reasons to doubt my grandmothers memory at the time she recalled this story, therefore I was wondering if anybody knew if such things happened, and on what scale.
>we have them all the time
is it like the 20 min nazi threads?
you are all annoying and the reason this board is trash, 20th century history should be banned on here
You know this is in response to the constant holohoax, nazibood threads right?
blatant lie there are very few such threads, uncomparable to the daily "feel sorry for the 6 million" threads
>Czesława Kwoka was born in Wólka Złojecka, a small village in Poland, to a Catholic mother, Katarzyna Kwoka.[1] Along with her mother (prisoner number 26946), Czesława Kwoka (prisoner number 26947) was deported and transported from Zamość, Poland, to Auschwitz, on 13 December 1942. On 12 March 1943, less than a month after her mother died (18 February 1943), Czesława Kwoka died at the age of 14; the circumstances of her death were not recorded. >After her arrival at Auschwitz, Czesława Kwoka was photographed for the Reich's concentration camp records, and she has been identified as one of the approximately 40,000 to 50,000 subjects of such "identity pictures" taken under duress at Auschwitz-Birkenau by Wilhelm Brasse, a young Polish inmate in his twenties (known as Auschwitz prisoner number 3444). Trained as a portrait photographer at his aunt's studio prior to the 1939 German invasion of Poland beginning World War II, Brasse and others had been ordered to photograph inmates by their Nazi captors, under dreadful camp conditions and likely imminent death if the photographers refused to comply.
>She was so young and so terrified. The girl didn't understand why she was there and she couldn't understand what was being said to her.
>So this woman Kapo (a prisoner overseer) took a stick and beat her about the face. This German woman was just taking out her anger on the girl. Such a beautiful young girl, so innocent. She cried but she could do nothing.
>Before the photograph was taken, the girl dried her tears and the blood from the cut on her lip. To tell you the truth, I felt as if I was being hit myself but I couldn't interfere. It would have been fatal for me. You could never say anything
Cunt deserved it for being a woman.
>Czesława Kwoka was born in Wólka Złojecka, a small village in Poland, to a Catholic mother, Katarzyna Kwoka.[1] Along with her mother (prisoner number 26946), Czesława Kwoka (prisoner number 26947) was deported and transported from Zamość, Poland, to Auschwitz, on 13 December 1942. On 12 March 1943, less than a month after her mother died (18 February 1943), Czesława Kwoka died at the age of 14; the circumstances of her death were not recorded. >After her arrival at Auschwitz, Czesława Kwoka was photographed for the Reich's concentration camp records, and she has been identified as one of the approximately 40,000 to 50,000 subjects of such "identity pictures" taken under duress at Auschwitz-Birkenau by Wilhelm Brasse, a young Polish inmate in his twenties (known as Auschwitz prisoner number 3444). Trained as a portrait photographer at his aunt's studio prior to the 1939 German invasion of Poland beginning World War II, Brasse and others had been ordered to photograph inmates by their Nazi captors, under dreadful camp conditions and likely imminent death if the photographers refused to comply.
>She was so young and so terrified. The girl didn't understand why she was there and she couldn't understand what was being said to her.
>So this woman Kapo (a prisoner overseer) took a stick and beat her about the face. This German woman was just taking out her anger on the girl. Such a beautiful young girl, so innocent. She cried but she could do nothing.
>Before the photograph was taken, the girl dried her tears and the blood from the cut on her lip. To tell you the truth, I felt as if I was being hit myself but I couldn't interfere. It would have been fatal for me. You could never say anything.
>Of all these children and young people, "Only slightly more than 20,000 ... including 11,000 Gypsies, were entered in the camp records. No more than 650 of them survived until liberation [in 1945]."
Sorry for deleting the post twice, I kept forgetting to add the last part.
Anti-German is Anti-German.
>hurr why you are against Germans acting like niggers on your compatriots?
Stalin was too humane.
>Nazis = absolute evil!!
Maybe, if they weren't larping as champions of white race, people would give less fucks.
>You missed all the funny isis videos user? The Mexican cartels?
I missed ISIS and Mexican cartels declaring themselves warriors for the future of the white race against "degeneracy, kikes and cultural marxism (whatever it is).
In reality, though, krauts are nigger-tier deviants, while, of all people, fucking soviets turned out to be actual fucking conservatives and prudes (which was used in the cold war propaganda against them, see picrelated)
>literally no proof of that
Mein Kampf. Slavs, especially Russians, are openly considered "lower race".
Nazis and "muh fascists" like Pinochet are too coward to openly admit their degenerate policies, so they need to do it discreetly and secretly in case people find out.
And these people accuse jews of being rats.
Yeah, let a commie crime thread pop up and let's talk that, instead of 150 gorillions, only 7 million (IIRC) people were incarcerated in gulags.
Why are you so obsessed about Germany? I mean I get why one would have a thread about German war crimes, but why do you need to generalize on the entirety of Germans and their history and start insulting them?
>blatant lie there are very few such threads, uncomparable to the daily "feel sorry for the 6 million" threads
This is what stormfaggots actually believe.
Search for Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild and go from there.
This. Mention the Holodomor and watch them kvetch about "stormfags" -- while talking about someone who has never visited the site. Can't blame them entirely though. They watch MSM and underwent educational indoctrination, just like everyone else.
Just a thing I don't understand in the stormcuck logic. After the unification in the second part of the 19th century, Germany became the leading power of Europe. During that time their jewish population was intact and there were barely any grievences with them. How was that possible if the jews are to blame?
The jews work in mysterious ways
Fuck off faggot
>Death camps
>people survived for years
>Mention the Holodomor and watch them kvetch about "stormfags"
This meme again? Everyone rightly shits on tankies that deny the Holodomor. Widespread Holodomor denial on Veeky Forums is a stormnigger fabrication.
>death camps were slave labor camps that immediately killed anyone who couldn't work and didn't try worth a shit to keep the people who COULD work alive
it's not hard, user.
That's it. I have changed my entire worldview now.
She's a lying whore who grabbed the opportunity to smear Germans to get some attention
look at this dude
Saw this photo at Auschwitz. Heavy stuff.
This thread really embarrassed me for calling myself NatSoc...
Didn't knew the depravity SS committed on fellow europeans...
Guess i will stick to Mosleyan fascim while condemming Hitler and his entire degenerate fanatical clique.
>let me tell you about your family
Not him but you just reached a new low, subhuman.
They can't fathom the idea of centrist "normies" being better informed than them and getting them BTFO. In the stormfag worldview we must all be either brainwashed stalinist commies or JIDF shills.
Germans are gypsy tier. Not only they settle in your land and cause problems, but they also steal your children.
>murder kids/kidnap kids and tell them they are actually germans
You're like a little baby, read this.
>The babies and children, most of them resulting from rape at the place of enslavement,[2] were abducted en masse between 1943 and 1945. At some locations, up to 90 percent of infants died a torturous death due to calculated neglect.[2][3]
>Stalin was too humane.
I don't see how murdering more Anarchists and ethnic minorities would have hurt the nazis, user.
Why waste bullets in insects? It's a war, reddit. No resources to be humane to non-humans