Why did African and Middle-Eastern swords focus on slashing while Euros focused on stabbing? Is stabbing a meme?
I-I don't know user. Africa had some pretty cool weapons too
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stabbing conquered the world, it is much faster and deadlier than the virgin slash.
Just shows that Meds are the highest IQ people on earth, followed by Nords, Arabs, then nogs.
I've always fell for the "Africa was an uncivilized badland" meme but especially the one that said Africa had no shields besides the Nguni. While this buckler is made of hide (rhino hide) it's still a lot sturdier.
I'd say stabbing is perferable when working with such a short, impotent weapon like the germanic shortsword, but if one has a loong, sturdy weapon then the sideways slash combined with reach should have better results, no?
Arabic inscription btw
The spear is really the weapon of choice especially if you're in a region where wood is available –and it stabls. Easy to train men with, good reach, somewhat durable.
This one belonged to a warrior in the Kuba Kingdom
Most people are more naturally inclined to slash/bash/swing their arms rather than thrust them. You need to train in order to thrust reflexively. Besides, aside from Romans it's not like Europe didn't focus on slashing until the high to late middle ages, where you get more pointy at the end of the blade. Most of the time the arming sword looks like type X which is clearly not optimized for thrusting (unlike the later e.g. type XV).
Ceremonial shield given by Ethiopian Emperors to their provincial governors
Crocodile Hide Breast Plate found around the nile
I've got to imagine in climates with denser foliage, slashing has the added benefit of clearing brush for you.
Stabbing is better for killing people but significantly worse for battling the environment.
This plus when it’s hot nobody wants to wear armor all day
Stabbing is more lethal but it hardly stops someone charging at you. That's why most people used spears, because it can stab and it got reach.
West Africa used fabric armor and some chainmail so slashing weapons was more logical thou africans did have some stabbing swords
Western sudanic african warriors
Mandinka saber
ITT: Veeky Forums tries to rationalise why genetically less intelligent people came up with less effective technology then genetically more intelligent people
How did the ottomen conquer byzintine then?
go back to /pol/ you fucking nazi
go back to plebbit you fucking nigger.
* bullets and diseases conquered the world
Yeah now i see, that 90 years old german veterans are posting on /his.
How can you be this stupid?
>and Middle-Eastern swords focus on slashing
That's not true. Middle Eastern weapons were both slashing and stabbing (with an emphasis on slashing for cavalry)
Shut the fuck up you brainlet
It seems to me that Africa's relative global lack of trading power, both resources and geography, as well as its isolation from the global community, led it to fall behind technologically. This line of logic seems to be proven by the fact that when sufficient amounts of water and connectivity are provided, trade, craftsmanship, and culture seems to improve vastly. It is also supported by the fact that in all places where the Muslim outriiders invaded into Africa, when they left, the Aficans developed well INDEPENDENTLY of the Muslims, forming their own ideas and advancements. It is no coincidence that for some 100 years, Timbuktu was the centre of Arabic liteterature, and even then, people like you tried to come up with reasons why "genetically less intelligent"(?) peoples were not able to do such a thing.
*shakes head disappointedly*
This thread is about African weapons, boy. Therefore I will post African weapons, and not bring up foolishness
If that is so then why did...
...Romans move to slashing swords...
...Arabs move to slashing swords...
...Japanese move to slashing swords...
...Chinese move to slashing swords...
... Koreans move to slashing swords...
...after all of them had been using stabbing swords for a long period of time?
oops, wrong image :)
Gabonian crossbow presumably used for jungle hunting
>Horse head and body with human legs
That's not how centaurs are supposed to work.
Kanem Bornu had some t o u g h spearmen
Stabbing has a higher chance to crit but slashing has significantly higher base damage. Slashing is also heavily correlated with cavalry development.
>Followed by nords
t. Snownigger
t. Iqlet whyteboi
I figured it was because in hotter countries you often wear lighter armour, making slashing more effective. In the western world there was a lot of heavier armour, slashing would do nothing so you'd need a good stabber for neck and groin joints etc
Almost like Europeans had armour that can only be defeated by stabbing at the gaps, while African didn't...
>a slashing blade is less effective against people without plate armour for... reasons
>they're stupid for not inventing a type of weapon they had no use for and would actually be counterproductive
Mistook it for your Veeky Forumsfap folder, eh?
Why not both?
I'd suspect different priorities.
Armour wasn't as prevalent in hotter climates as it was in Yurop.
did glorious germanics invented spears and bows too?
They did have some stabbing swords
Not really guns and numbers conquerd the world
More like this
horses, dummy
>African and Middle-Eastern
It's like saying "Europeans and Gaulois"
nugga thats the kkk
Europeans were more heavily armored, so stabbing was needed to pierce weak points in Armour.
Because you need stabbing to get through European armor while on the other hand all Africans wore was loincloths.
>all africans wore loincloths
>literally skipped the whole thread to post this
c'mon man
One thing is that mail (and later plate) made slashing near useless against armored opponents.
Stabbing trough gaps in the armor became way more important.
The Portuguese Edit
The first unfamiliar threat to Mali came not from the jungles or even the desert but the sea. The Portuguese arrived on the Senegambian coast in 1444,[65] and they were not coming in peace. Using caravels to launch slave raids on coastal inhabitants,[66] the Malian vassal territories were caught off guard by both vessels and the white skins within them. However, the Mali Empire countered the Portuguese raids with shallow-draught watercraft. The Mandekalu inflicted a series of defeats against the Portuguese due to the former’s expert use of poison arrows. The defeats forced Portugal’s king to dispatch his courtier Diogo Gomes in 1456 to secure peace. The effort was a success by 1462, and trade became Portugal’s focus along the Senegambia.[67]
>the absolute richest Africans around could afford some padded coats
fucking hilarious
They would of died of heat stroke in the desert because of the metal armor
The wore chainmail to also not just the richest but most of the army
Yeah because steel is such a superior insulator compared to cloth, i wonder why we don't wear steel plate during the winters for warmth, jeesus christ listen to yourself.
Sahelian soldiers usually typically wore padded armor over chainmail. Actually pretty effective. Everyone from the Scythians to Late Medieval knights used it.
Because metal conducts heat so the armor would heat up in the desert also it would be a bigger stamina drain in the sahel
Insulation isn't the only factor mate. The heat transfer coefficient of steel and most metals is vastly superior to cloth and so is it's emissivity.
sad, you don't wear it everywhere you know
Swords aren't that great of an infantry weapon.
It doesn't really matter what kind of swords a civilization makes.
I'm much more interested in you responding to this
And what is that claim supposed to be supporting anyway?
Why would they need anything else based on the weapons they were facing?
The Crusaders didnt seem to mind the heat.
They lost thou
>Shows a picture of men wearing chainmail over unpadded cloth to support the plate armour claim
literally this
Because of lack of cooperation and logistics. The Crusaders has superior armies though
lol, what?
When doing wide slashes you need to be able to move more efficiently, meaning lighter armor, which is more susceptible to slashing. When stabbing, you can wear more armor because you don't need as much range of motion to be effective.
I’m pretty sure that the nobility wore plate army
>it's another /leftypol/ afrocentric circlejerk
Why is it lefftypol Afrocentric when you discuss africa in a positive light
Crusaders wore pads & chainmail
Because Veeky Forums is consistently invaded by brainlets from /pol/ thinking the two are the same when Veeky Forums actually talks about reality and all /pol/ is is a white nationalist and Christian echochamber circlejerk.
Not even positive but neutral light
Then what do you call a medieval knight thread on Veeky Forums, colonizer?
Didn’t the nobility wore plate armor?
You have to go back
Wait, so talking about armor is afrocentric? Wtf I love /pol/ now
Plate armor wasn’t a big thing until the late middle ages
Lmao retard
Plate armour wouldn't be around for about 300 years after the First Crusade...
Fuck off Jared, nobody cares about your meme book.
He's right thou
Slashing vs. piercing is a an arbitrary decision that comes down to, for a lack of a better phrase, historical fashion trends.
Sometimes it's fashionable to stab.
Sometimes it's fashionable to slash.
Neither holds an inherent advantage over the other.
it's better to slash against multiple opponents and better to stab against one
nice video game logic
/leftypol/ is a meme. There is only /pol/ and Veeky Forums.
I'm trained, you just don't know point/line.
>implying a snownigger wouldn't autistically put himself at either the very top or the very bottom according to his personal political convictions
>this damage control
What do you mean? They actively talk about raiding us from their board on cripplechan
Barbarossa probaly drowned because he wanted to cool down in a river.
which river?
I doubt it
Leftypol is a bigger boogeyman than the KKK and MGTOW combined