The trinity

is this guy correct, Veeky Forums? how would you refute the concept of the trinity and how it possibly contradicts the OT. i am christian myself personally, but I like to see debate and discussion.

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>how would you refute the concept of the trinity and how it possibly contradicts the OT.

The gospels deny any such thing as a "trinity." Jesus is God in flesh not Moses Jr. in flesh. The question for a real Christian is not "how do the gospels contradict the Hebrew text?" but "how does the Hebrew text contradict the gospels?"

The gospels say 4 very important things about God that deny the majority of the Hebrew text's veracity (more than that really, but these are very important points):

1. God is a spirit.

2. God is living.

3. God actively sends "prophets, teachers, and sages."

4. The Jews worship the devil.

Attached: godlive2.png (717x1124, 108K)

Reminds me of Spinoza.
Spinoza was against attributing human traits to GOD.

God is all around us user

Dumb kike is pulling all the usual tricks.

The whole OT is full of prophesies of Jesus Christ. That's the whole point. jews reject Him because they are perfidious. It's not worth debating any of those rats because they aren't interested in debate in the first place.

Think of it like an egg. You have the yoke, the shell, and the egg white. Are they all separate? Yes, in some ways. Together, do they all compose a single object? Yes.

You can also think of God like water. Water can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Are those states all H2O? Yes.

In the Bible, man is composed of three states. You have a flesh body, you have a spirit (life energy which animates your body), and an eternal soul (your consciousness). Man is made in God's image. Meaning, we have a creative, intelligent consciousness. However, I am also inclined to think that means we are also composed of three states, just into one vessel though.

>You can also think of God like water. Water can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Are those states all H2O? Yes.

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The prophecies predict a Messiah, a king of Jews, not a god cosplaying as a man. Making claims about God that He Himself hasnt directly confirmed through His prophets is a fatal error.

Trinity is ultimately an incoherent mess and part of the reason why hebrew mythology must be rejected outright. However, let me highlight just one problem:

If "The Father" is not "The Son", then "The Father" and "The Son" cannot both be "God". Otherwise they would be the same; you'd have three synonyms. Extend that to "The Holy Spirit".

The obvious response is that "God" is a superior category that contains both "The Father" and "The Son". We can go down that road, but already we have shown that the graph is lazy in its language and contains a mistake. "The Father" is no long "God", anymore than my hand is me. It's an inferior portion.

As the conversation progresses, countless semantic errors and logical contradictions are revealed. The entire system collapses because it is incoherent, and the hebrew worshippers are left saying "Well, it's a matter of faith, it's beyond reason". Which is one way of ending things, but then this whole discussion started form the dishonest premise that the hebrew worshippers ever cared about the truth.

Christianity, and hebrew mythology in general, is not about the truth. It's about faith.

>It's not worth debating any of those rats because they aren't interested in debate in the first place.
It reminds me of that :
« The Disputation of Paris, also known as the Trial of the Talmud, took place in 1240 at the court of the reigning king of France, Louis IX (St. Louis). It followed the work of Nicholas Donin, a Jewish convert to Christianity, who translated the Talmud and pressed 35 charges against it to Pope Gregory IX by quoting a series of alleged blasphemous passages about Jesus, Mary or Christianity. Four rabbis defended the Talmud against Donin's accusations.

Louis IX, who sponsored the debate, stated that only skilled clerks could conduct a disputation with Jews but that laymen should plunge a sword into those who speak ill of the Christ. »

The Bible was translated like 10 times.

Hmm, that reminds me of another thing.

There is not a single statement in the Synoptic Gospels or any of the authentic Pauline letters, our earliest written sources about Jesus of Nazareth, attributing claims of divinity to him.
The obvious inference one would draw from this is that Jesus never claimed divinity.

Paul and the synoptics certainly think Jesus is divine. Not equal to God himself but definitely divine.

Well okay fair but equal to God is what most people think 'divine' means today

Thank you for this, i've been looking for this quote.

Obviously the trinity is paganism, but they don't understand that one cannot equal three. Jesus was not eternal, Jesus did not exist in the time of Abraham and Moses, and the OT prophets did not know of Jesus, by this logic, this means that Abraham and even Adam and Eve are unsaved; they really are a bunch of idiots. I would like to remind polytheists, such as trinitarians, that their reward is the eternal fire.

Catholicism is a pagan religion that promotes the sin of idolatry

So instead of actually engaging, you resort to name, every other Christian I've met is a degenerate who doesn't even follow their religion but thinks they are holier than though, they are no different than muslims at heart. At least Jews don't believe that outsiders burn in Hell for not giving the pope $$$. The talmud doesn't even say bad shit about Jesus in it. Why would it? It's a commentary on the Old Testament.

Catholics are awful, at least the muslims i've debated on here can usually say realize when they're wrong and not thinking about the bigger picture, like how the conflict with Israel is overall petty since their two religions are almost the same and there are bigger threats on the horizon like China. Christians, especially Catholics, do not listen to reason. Probably why Europe went from having shit like functional empires to living in mud huts and petty kingdoms declaring war on each other over silly reasons for nearly 1000 years.


yes very good post indeed

From 2 dead languages, (latin and old greek) to old english and old german to english to american then to all the brown people languages.

>Obviously the trinity is paganism
Only Arians and Muslims say heresy like this.
>they don't understand that one cannot equal three.
You don't understand that an infinite intangible being can and will if it deems it morally necessary, take a sliver of it's infinity and shape it into the soul of a morally perfect man inhabiting a flesh and blood body aka a son of god.
>Jesus was not eternal
Yes he is. His soul existed as a part of gid for as long as god was.
>Jesus did not exist in the time of Abraham and Moses, and the OT prophets did not know of Jesus, by this logic, this means that Abraham and even Adam and Eve are unsaved
Old covenent, new covenent. The difference lost on you?
>they really are a bunch of idiots.
No you are because your stupid god model doesn't work. God was responsible for our sins and it was his moral duty to come down from heaven and suffer as he had us suffer to grant us salvation through his blood and flesh. Anything less would be chaos worship.

Catholics use statues, paintings, and other artistic devices to recall the person or thing depicted

>Only Arians and Muslims say heresy like this.
Jews as well speak this simple truth. In fact, every other Abrahamic religion will agree on this. Don't forget the original Jewish Christians themselves and modern Unitarians.
>You don't understand that an infinite intangible being can and will if it deems it morally necessary, take a sliver of it's infinity and shape it into the soul of a morally perfect man inhabiting a flesh and blood body aka a son of god.
God has no physical form. Anyone who would look onto God would perish: "God said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!"
>Yes he is. His soul existed as a part of gid for as long as god was.
And this is never mentioned in the OT despite Jesus supposedly already existing. Really makes you think.
>Old covenent, new covenent. The difference lost on you?
There wasn't a difference in the amount of Gods between OT and NT; "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" and "The Father is greater than I".
>No you are because your stupid god model doesn't work.
There is no God "model". There is simply God and the objectively correct understanding of God. You have an incorrect understanding along with many others.
>God was responsible for our sins and it was his moral duty to come down from heaven and suffer as he had us suffer to grant us salvation through his blood and flesh. Anything less would be chaos worship.
And so why didn't Jesus come earlier if it was his moral duty? This isn't a part of Church doctrine, but that is insane to pretend God has to "suffer", of course God has to power to do as God wills; God does not need to suffer to grant salvation, it may simply be granted by the Lord's will.

So with this being said, I think protestants are generally good people, and some orthodox, but catholic larping seems not great. I pretty much meant Catholics on this board, protestants, Orthodox, and some Catholics elsewhere are good religions.

There is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 45:5-6). Yet there are three persons presented as deity in Scripture: the Father (John 6:27; Colossians 1:3), the Son (John 1:1-3, 14; 8:24; 20:28-29; Romans 9:5; Titus 2:13; 2 Peter 1:1; Hebrews 1:10-12) and the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17; Acts 5:3-4; 2 Samuel 23:2-3; 2 Corinthians 3:18). Lastly, these three are presented as distinct persons (John 8:16-18; Luke 11:1; 3:21-22; Galatians 4:6). Thus from Scripture we learn that although there is one God, there are three distinct persons who are deity. So the Trinity is the biblical position to hold to once one examines what Scripture teaches.

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Why do christians want to hold onto their idolatry so much?

Couldn't let go of their pagan roots, so they do mental gymnastics to believe 1=3, and they are monotheists too.

What a lying little viper. The trinity was taught by Ignatius, the first "church father".

Ignatius never refers to a trinity and the trinity wasn't taught by Jesus or his disciples.

yeah he does

lel it clearly was, otherwise there would be no concept of a trinity. the trinity is the logical conclusion from reading the bible