What's up with the rise of stoicism lately?

what's up with the rise of stoicism lately?

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My 4 year old memes are finally blowing up.

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It's the same ordered tempered dictums one gets from Christianity, but no "leaps of faith"

young people has to live with less nowadays, and this is helpful to cope with it

It gives people who would normally mock self help books and "alternative lifestyles" a way to participate without any of the consumerist guilt

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I think this is largely right.

Many of the people interested in Stoicism today probably would have taken their moral guidance from Christianity in the recent past, but the public reputation of Christianity has been absolutely trashed (mostly deservedly) in recent decades: Fundamentalism, "creation science," televangelists, the prosperity gospel, "god hates fags," and the hypocrisy and stupidity that results when Christian groups involve themselves in electoral politics - these all tend to discourage people from considering Christianity as a viable option.

That explains it nicely. Christianity has a pretty solid moral code for the most part and it's nice to have pillars of upstanding conduct even if you shouldn't consider yourself restrained by them in order to be virtuous.

Christianity shat the bed. Virtue is lost in corruption and money and unreason and full-on apocalyptic hysteria. They sin because they cheat God and not themselves. In stoicism, who do you cheat if not yourself?

>Fundamentalism, "creation science," televangelists, the prosperity gospel, "god hates fags," and the hypocrisy and stupidity that results when Christian groups involve themselves in electoral politics -

That's all Protestants. Catholics have their own share of problems, stemming from massive amounts of sexual abuse.

I've seen a lot of dudebro like guys citing Seneca and Aurelius and saying it helped them for studying for their exams and shit. So i ghess it's just a new cool fad for showing off

Mostly emasculated and weak-minded young adult males being unable to cope with a lack of meaning in life as a result of the decline of religion and as a result latching onto whatever flavour of the month philosophy they can easily adopt.

1) I think that's just a meme that you alone probably have been pushing
2) People realize that even in a decadent technocratic utopia everyone can be miserable

also Peterson

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Catholic sexual abuse is significantly overblown in western media. Catholic priests have lower rates of abuse than protestant clergy, and *significantly* lower rates of abuse than public school teachers.

I say this as a non-catholic btw, the pope is a faggot

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>*significantly* lower rates of abuse than public school teachers.
Provide some numbers for this please

Stoicism is mostly apolitical though. Liberalism and Stoicism are compatible.

>Catholic priests have lower rates of abuse than protestant clergy, and *significantly* lower rates of abuse than public school teachers.

{{Citation needed}}

Wtf literally me

>being a dumbass on Veeky Forums

It doesn't matter if its true or not anymore we are way past the Streisand effect now

It is not rising.

I think it depends on what kind of liberalism. "Slut walk feminism", "microaggression theory" are incompatible with Stoicism.
Classical liberalism is compatible. "Welfare state liberalism" is compatible, as well.

It’s the first step of people who have trouble getting laid getting over their autism and learning to handle the ebbs and flows of life as a whole.

>t. Me

Pretty on the ball about Christianity, especially how it is in Burgerland. Evangelicals can be some nice people, but their “piety” is insufferable and quite stupid. I had Christian friends who didn’t see what was wrong with a church having its own coffee shop inside and still had the gall to ask people to donate as much as they could before each sermon.

stoicism is babby's first greek philosophy. epicureanism is patrician's choice

It doesn't surprise me that neo-commie Vatican II "clergy" was diddling kids.

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pic related is the end goal of epicureanism

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Is it useful though?

Epicurianism is a rich boy telling someone "DUDE STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE" as they are criticized for their total abadonment of honor and duty

Greek philosophy is just a bunch of different flavors of apathy

Childhood is believing in Stoicism. Adolescence is thinking Epicureanism is right. Adulthood is realizing that only through Cynicism can one find Truth.

It’s called frogposting, you redditfaggot.

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you are such a fucking faggot holy shit


Reddit + Youtube meme.

Millennials realizing Atheism is hollow and need more.

Well, that plus the really big one - there's no actual reason to believe IN Christianity, at all.

>there's no actual reason to believe IN Christianity, at all.

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Your funny hat doesn't make him wrong

I hate that this is becoming a dudebro thing. I've always enjoyed stoic thought and think it's not the worst way to go through life. With Nihlism and Atheism losing steam with millenials growing up I suppose this would be the next phase for them. Lots of YouTube psueds harp on about it like it's some revolutionary way of thinking so normies pick it up thinking they're being profound and different. Since the bible isn't the most popular self help book anymore directionless and disenfranchised people move towards the next popular thing being espoused by their favorite talking heads.


>Generic marketing trickery playing on and exacerbating common insecurities
>In this instance, The Consumer is told to ignore their feelings and therefore ignore possible unique insights and inherent intelligence, and instead follow specific advice of the bullshit peddlar
>Consumer is further told what to think, is given false or impractical advice to common problems and anxieties, exacerbating their insecurities
>consumer continues to consume constantly changing self help advice garbage due to insecurities, remaining disempowered
>meanwhile shit advice peddler gets rich and fascism gets unironically popular because masses of people can't tell the difference between truth and bullshit anymore

It's a fad.

>revolutionary way of thinking

It's actually super old, and many religious people have similar thoughts. It just seems "revolutionary" because it's such a contrast to current paradigms.

No shit it's old I'm just saying what I've observed from others. It was old when Marcus wrote his meditations.

Stoicism fell out of favor. There was a real trend in the 18th to 20th centuries of bashing it. Nietzche, and Bertrand Russel both took shots at it. But they were pretty shallow attacks that showed they didn't go into the philosophy deeply. If they did, they would have seen overlap with their own beliefs, and probably taken from it. I definitely think it's a good starting point for pretty much everyone. And their day to day ethics are pretty solid.

Christian themed "Golden Rule" thinking has dominated multi-faith discussions, which isn't bad, but there are different ways. Virtue Ethics like Stoicism posit that you shouldn't do bad things because of the damage it does to you far outweighs the good to you. Epictetus says his oil lamp was stolen, but he just lost a lamp, but the thief lost his integrity, thus Epictetus is ahead. It's an interesting way to see things.

Stoicism is kind of a neat middle-ground philosophy, in that it can be used to launch into different areas such as:


You are that idiot that got BTFO in the other thread, aren't you?

> Bertrand Russel
His criticism was awful. And he probably wouldn't be as miserable as he was if he understood Stoicism better.

What about my post is idiotic?

All of it.
Stoicism is pretty much about developing a strong and independent mind. And there is not much of a way to make money of it, since you can find the entire literature on Stoicism on the internet for free.

Frankly, my impression of your posts is that you think the only things in life that have value are money and power. Not everyone has the same mindset you have.

This, Stoics would argue against modern "liberalism" since it's just degeneracy disguised as freedom, and is harmful to individuals and to society.

It is pop psychology wrapped in classical (i.e. easiest to understand) philosophy.

Wtf. Are you an idiot?
They are classical philosophy to their core.

>Fundamentalism, "creation science," televangelists, the prosperity gospel, "god hates fags,
All those assholes were literally right about everything though.

> what's up with the bitching about the rise of stoicism lately?

>Epictetus says his oil lamp was stolen, but he just lost a lamp, but the thief lost his integrity, thus Epictetus is ahead.
Only one step removed from this line of reasoning just slightly more passive aggressive.

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I meant modern rendition of Stoicism™.

> degeneracy
another meaningless buzzword

Oh the irony of your post.

just b yourself :^)

Unironically this. Though some people would be best if they'd change who they really are.

>thinks he is crushing people with his meme neoromantic revivalist fad ideology that got BTFO by Christianity in its classical heyday because of its inability to provide answers to important life questions to anyone outside a small circle of jaded Roman urbanites

Say, weren't you that idiot who thinks Western philosophy stops after Marcus Aurelius?

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So, you are that idiot.

That wasn't me you were responding too in this thread, but when I clicked on the link and scrolled through all the delicious criticisms of stoicism pervading it, I could tell it was you by your smug and uncritical deference to men who spent their time poking at cow entrails or feeding the sacred chickens in order to discern the intentions of the universe, and like a LARPer who joins movements because he thinks they are "cool", you just take what those kind of people had to say without ever subjecting them, or your own opinions, to rigorous scrutiny.

It's both hilarious and sad at the same time. Don't worry, in about 10 to 15 years you'll have grown out of this phase and will go crawling back to the church like a Roman in search of a cause and a struggle greater than detached apathetic defeatism

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Everyone is too emotional these days. This leads to a fascination with a philosophy that was about controlling emotions. That's an oversimplification perhaps, but I thinks that's where it is ultimately coming from.

>“What? a Stoic rouse enthusiasm? He is much more likely to extinguish any enthusiasm the student may have had to begin with. … Their meagre little syllogisms are mere pin pricks; they may convince the intellect, but they cannot convert the heart, and the hearer goes away no better than he came. What they say is possibly true, and certainly important; but the way in which they say it is wrong; it is far too petty.” (De Finibus IV.7)

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>Frogposter being so fucking unaware and calling others Reddit
Top wew

Dude, I hate to break this to you but christfaggotry is dead or dying in the first world and nobody with half a brain takes it seriously anymore.

No they weren't. Especially not the creationists, are you fucking retarded?

t. edge von fedora

Firstly, you didn't go through the bare minimum effort of actually posting an ugly person wearing a hat, you lazy bastard.

Secondly, it's hardly edgy, euphoric or whatever other buzzwords you care to use to point out that the world is not 6000 years old and that all life upon it is ultimately the product of biological evolution. I personally am not religious, but there are plenty of religious people who know that you shouldn't interpret religious texts literally when it is readily and obviously apparent that said interpretation makes no sense.

That's a meme. Church attendance in mainline Protestant denominations is in decline, but that doesn't mean people are abandoning their faith, it means that they're reinventing the way that they're practicing it.

No it isn't. The number of people who identify as being non-religious is increasing, not decreasing.

Oh naive child. Did you look at the brethen who sat in those mega-churches? Pitiful wasted kingdoms of loathing, mediocrity, and fat. What Lord would want to rule over such disgusting examples of the human race? What Lord wants kingdoms of the body, and kingdoms of the soul, so wretched that they think God is a skinner box that delivers when prayed to? Where charismatic con men abuse their access to church coffers, with near impunity, because the audience just wants to feel good?

We live in a certain hell but even this hell is better than what all those shucksters would impose on us.

It has been to me.

>The number of people who identify as being non-religious is increasing
In absolute terms, yes. But this growth is projected to occur at the same time that other religious groups – and the global population overall – are growing even faster, mostly because they don't flush their unborn children down the toilet

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>>world population
The third world doesn't matter though. They will either become wealthier and more secular as their quality of life improves, or these people will all mostly die out once climate change destroys the agriculture in their nations and the first world refuses to let them in.

>The third world doesn't matter though
I'm not talking about the third world, I'm talking about atheists in first world countries blowing their wads onto their waifu pillows and/or aborting their actual children while religious folks in first world countries raise big families as their faith dictates.
>the first world refuses to let them in.
Oh yeah, we'll all just sit on Donald Trump's big beautiful wall (which Mexico paid for) watching all the women and children starving to death, and liberals and big business (who loves an easily exploitable labor-force and wants them gone even less than the screechiest SJW) will just stand there and let it happen

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Stoicism is alright in moderation.

He doesn't fall into that. He realizes that his lamp is gone, it iddn't matter, because it was an indiffernet, but the thief lost his virtue. Virtue is everything.

The non-religious segment is growing in first world nation states. Conservative religious people having more children will not change this as some of their children will inevitably not believe in the faith of their parents.
>>trump's wall etc
Nobody is going to let in hundreds of millions of third-world migrants. You really don't understand what's going to happen if climate change gets as bad as some people say it will. The doors will be slammed shut and locked, the windows will be boarded up, and anyone who tries to force entry into the country will die.

>The non-religious segment is growing in first world nation states.
But the religions segment is growing faster in first world nation states.
>children will inevitably not believe in the faith of their parents.
Then they can join the ranks of humans who's line is being outcompeted

>Nobody is going to let in hundreds of millions of third-world migrants.
The Romans thought that way too, but when there's an army 50 times the size of yours storming into the countryside because they don't have any other choice but to fight for their lives, there won't be much that anyone can do about it.

Just take a leaf out of ceasars book, build some walls and slaughter the lot

God fucking dammit, im already at Traditionalism.

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Based on data from 2014-2016 The vast majority of young people in Europe are not religious anymore (exceptions include Ireland, who will probably begin to leave Christianity when they reunify.), This doesn't make them atheists, they just don't care. Only something like 12% of young people in the UK identify as Christian, and of those that do - the percentage that even go to church once per week is vanishingly small. The religious component in western europe that is growing is Islam, as they gave a higher retention rate and generally have more children. But the writing is on the wall in western Europe, Christianity is quite thoroughly moribund and will never be the 'default' there again in the foreseeable future.

>but the public reputation of Christianity has been absolutely trashed (mostly deservedly)

And yet he is still correct, since it's a deliberately ambiguous word that amounts to little more than signaling.

Stoicism is apolitical and that means it has appeal to a broad section of people. Marcus Aurelius is dead, which gives him a lot of protection. Also, what is old becomes new from time to time.

>the conservative against society
As wrong as it ever was.

>Also, what is old becomes new from time to time.
It was timeless to begin with.

Indeed it was, user. Indeed it was.

The world is tempting you with retardation and easy existence so your human dignity, if you have any, is insulted.

Stoicism has literally always existed.

>But the religions segment is growing faster in first world nation states.
No it isn't. I honestly have no idea where you get this from.

>>Then they can join the ranks of humans who's line is being outcompeted
Cute, but unfortunately for you, it is the sincerely religious who are being outcompeted in the first world.
>>The Romans thought that way too, but when there's an army 50 times the size of yours storming into the countryside because they don't have any other choice but to fight for their lives, there won't be much that anyone can do about it.
Yeah see now I know you don't know what you're talking about. Unlike the Romans, We have machine guns and landmines. The poor hungry masses of the third world are going to die and be forgotten except for the occasional sad documentary on public access TV channels.


good post, the modern world is trying to tell you that life can be easy and basically perfect, so we are affronted and feel lied to when it does not happen

naturally, this then speaks to wanting an understanding of just what we REALLY are in relation to the universe.
