>The aztecs where savages for sacrificing the lives of innocent people because of superstition
The aztecs where savages for sacrificing the lives of innocent people because of superstition
>the lives of innocent people because of superstition
no tribe is innocent. they're savages
>witches and heretics
They certainly weren't savages.
just saying that the spanniards who use this as an excuse for genocide, did exactly the same thing
>captured soldiers of surrounding hostile tribes
>people from a different religion to me deserve to be painfully murdered
i am slowly starting to misstrust any (((christian))) information. i remember a part where the Spanish told the Aztecs about op pic and the Aztecs said thats fucked up and brutal.
just by this you can imagine how truthful spanish documentation was
Honestly pretty much every civilizatino has done "savage" things. At the least you can say the Mexicah viewed human sacrifice as a religious thing rather than legitimately taking pleasure in the killing and destruction of your enemy like some civilizations.
No such a thing as a spanish black legend, isn't it Nigel?
If you thought the world would literally end if you didn't tear out the hearts of humans, wouldn't you do the same? The Aztecs did what they did for the good of us all.
Meanwhile Romans sacrificed humans for entertainment
>spanish black legend
>look up the wiki
>"Conquest of the Americas"
>"Other people did bad stuff too!"
>tu quoque
Nice try Filipe Almeida "Guadalquivir" de Santiago de Compostela
No, for entertainment.
The world ends if the plebs are bored tho
Every strong, forward-looking society needs to burn its heretics, it needs ideological fervor.
>max 5000 people killed during Spanish inquisition
>Aztecs literally kept rival tribes as slaves to ritualistically sacrifice
Totally comparable. You people are fucking morons
>Compares two things
>"You can't compare these things."
t. brainlet
so the Aztecs were justified then? ok cool
This. Like pottery. Pro tip you can always compare two things.