What are the main problems that caused India to lag behind China in terms of industrialization in the 2nd half of the 20th century?
Post-independence India certainly had decent growth, but China's was insane. What happened?
What are the main problems that caused India to lag behind China in terms of industrialization in the 2nd half of the 20th century?
Post-independence India certainly had decent growth, but China's was insane. What happened?
Low IQ
Please don't post in my thread
China has always grown faster than India once both gotten Independence.
The answer is obvious - superior political system of China, precisely for the task of resolving backwater economy and reactionary culture and mitigating unrest in a huge and diverse population and territory.
I think once they figure out toilets their industrialization will really take off.
India's political system - which is like this massive Federal structure, since technically its kinda like the US except the states are literally countries with their own culture & even ethnicity and languages- ensures that anything that needs to be done wades through a shitton of red tape.
China, meanwhile, is centralized as fuck.
The good thing about India is if Central Government fucks up, the country isn't paralyzed.
How does the federal system actually effect local economies and in attracting industry? Surely the states can just industrialise on their own?
>China is centralized as fuck
Durr, maybe compared to India but not as much as you think.
Basically it was nehruvian socialism.
It sucked and it failed
>what's 2+2
>but don't say 4
Low IQ
>what are environmental factors
They're different race
Thailand has a higher IQ then Greece and is behind in nearly every metric. We're talking about entire countries here.
The US became pals with China to exploit the Sino Soviet Split, also China has shitloads of people in the coastal cities with access to sea trade routes to the US and Europe
China is "centralized" at the most shallow level. Every ruling dynasty has to enforce their will on the hundreds of millions of people through fear and brutality. Those kinds of power structures always collapse quickly at the first sign of weakness because the people who live under that kind of system become very resentful and thirsty for payback.
In fact, china's system of power is so shallow that once the regime falls, the country shifts to total anarchy and provincialism overnight, like the people were meticulously preparing for these cyclic periods of disorder.
Just watch. When the modern chinese government collapses within our lifetime, you're going to see the next cycle of Somalia-tier anarchy that will make India look like 19th century Prussia in comparison.
Huge population split between Pakistan/India.
US fucking with India's economy/military.
Democracy being a very very slow process.
Uneducated people multiplying rapidly.
You think it will be different with nukes and a globalized economy tho? Or the fact there is no Mandate anymore, tho Xi is trying to reclaim that it seems.
Most Chinese dynasties still lasted about 150-250 years which is more than can be said for Roman dynasties.
Nigger, the era of the 'Mandate of Heaven' is over.
Xi dynasty is gonna become a thing, mark my words..
China isn't interested in having emperors anymore. Yuan Shikai tried to make himself emperor, that didn't work out so good for him.
India's genetic potential IQ is over 90, and most countries with IQs that high are richer than China. If the Indians had run their country even as well as Greece or Portugal they would exceed Chinklandia
The Chinese Dynastic cycle is historically manufactured for the purposes of continuity and has no bearing in IRL history.
Like, you have a shitton of freaks such as:
>The utter short life of the Qin Dynasty.
>The Han Dynasty """"lost"""" the mandate when Wang Mang usurped the throne but got it back.
>The Tang Dynasty got fucked up by the worst rebellion in Chinese history but retained Dynastic Legitimacy.
And many others.
India's quasi socialist ruling party had a big boner for USSR till it's eventual collapse.
It’s because India still had historical baggage from being a target of racist imperialism from Britain. China was targeted as well, but to a lesser extent and wasn’t colonized and exploited like India.
>The Chinese Dynastic cycle is historically manufactured for the purposes of continuity and has no bearing in IRL history.
Dynastic cycle literally is a projection or description of "IRL history" from the political aspect. But I know this somehow makes many honkie supremacists upset.