Atheists suffer a sickness of the soul. Only the devout Christian can have true wisdom.
Christianity is Atheism that fears to deny one more God.
You faggots are retarded for thinking that all muslims are like saudis.
Literally upside down
Prove me wrong
Deu 23:1
Tell me that's a necessary passage.
Pretty much. OP is just saying that he would rather be a LARPer that doesn’t believe in the divine and is only in because “deus vult XD” than to follow logic.
>basing your religion off of ""culture""
Literally the worst type of religiousfags. You base your metaphysial worldview off the fucking truth, not whatever random aesthetic context you were brought up.
its sick its piss
Christianity is about doing good things for the wrong reasons.
With Christianity, you do good things because God tells you to, and you obey Him because you want good things to happen to yourself in the future. In the end, it's selfish.
Buddhism teaches you to love others, and makes you do good deeds because of that love.
Most atheists I know including me would believe in a god if they saw undeniable scientific evidence proving it's existence. Show me the evidence and I'll join the club.
The truth is that preserving order in a society is of the utmost impirtance and most people are too retarded not to be hedonistic scum without fear of punishment.
It's practical
Without a God to objectively say what is right or wrong, there is no "doing good things".
> undeniable scientific evidence
What is Shroud of Turin? What is Holy Grail? What is Holy Lance? What is Iron Crown of Lombardy? What about Holy Bible itself, the text of undisputable accuracy in its representation of past, present, and future events? You know nothing.
God is a person, no person is objective.
what about utilitarianism, faggot
Alright, but then you don't go around pushing unintelligible theological beliefs you don't even believe yourself in order to accomplish this.
What version of the Bible is the true one? What sect of Christianity teaches the correct interpretations?
Only works for people who think that specific set of morality and purpose is the only good way.
It’s not.
In life, there is ill-ease.
The causes of ill-ease are craving, aversion, and ignorance.
The causes of ill-ease can be eradicated.
The way to eradicate the causes of ill-ease is the righteous path.
Literally no other ethical system needed.
Roman Catholicism
God is an omnipotent entity, he created the concept of objectiveness.
Which is just hedonism except you're trying to fulfill your needs through lowering the amount you need. Like an alcoholic who instead of drinking more alcohol, lowers his tolerance for it so that a single shot feels like 12.
It's either that or physical totalitarianism my guy. Otherwise you end up with a cesspool.
Happiness is not a measure of whether something is good or not.
Then you follow that as a philosophy, not as a religion you teenage edgelord. I swear, the quality of this board hits new lows everyday.
honestly this. Religion ought to be mankind's spiritual ties to the Truth and Love, not based off of some power structure meant to preserve people's self-interest.
> preserving order in a society
Yeah... Remember last time when it really worked out and not ended up with people killing each other over trivial disagreements.
Unironically what's wrong with hedonism?
Concepts are created by human mind.
You missed the part about most people being too retarded for philosophy senpai. They need to think there's going to be punishment or they start acting like monkies.
that may work for one's life, but Truly following Christ and assenting to him in Love as the Son of God is the path that affirms one's life in both the natural and supernatural.
My nigga
Nothing, except there, is no need for religion if you are enjoying life as it is and to promote itself, zealots strife to increase the suffering of neutral parties.
People will argue society will fall if we give in to hedonism but society is structured in such a way that you must participate within its rules in order to fulfill your hedonistic desires
Well the user was saying that Buddhism is just "hedonism needing less stuff." I was asking, what would be wrong if people still enjoy things but require less of them? Wouldn't that make for a more satisfied and sustainable society?
Those wars were driven by political motivations and you know it. The first Crusades were genuinely religious though.
Good is what creates and maximizes potential, evil is what destroys and minimizes potential.
Culture is upstream from politics. The law will eventually accomodate anything if the larger body of the people will it.
Nothing compared to the Quran.
Like it or not, the church is the political force. You can't just say that motivations were political and somehow exclude [ organized ] religion from the equation.
Daily reminder virtually no ethicist takes this amateur "argument" seriously
why, because you say so?
happiness has a biological root
>it’s another “I am very smart” poster
The Netherlands has over 50% of the population as non-religious. Somalia has almost 100% as religious. You don’t need to believe in punishment to have morals and stability you dumb fuck
You become like a leaking cauldron which keeps having to fill itself up, and you are left dissatisfied in your intention to fill yourself with higher purpose. It is a miserable life. I have tried it my first year at college, and honestly I can see that Plato and Augustine were right when they said it sucks ass.
That's hedonism to an excess though, which isn't necessarily just hedonism.
Is reading a good book not a form of hedonism? Or drinking a cup of nice tea?
Humans were designed by God. If we want happiness that means what makes us happy must be good. Why would God design humans to pursue evil? Especially if our design is based on God himself.
>believing that Christianity is JUST about morals and adhereing to rules from authority, or "being a good person"
I am still distressed and upset on how nobody is taught the true meaning of relationship with Christ, and everyone has watered down versions from either the Vatican or fundamentalists. It really is sad.
Floating by on the legacy of the better men who built their grand society. Btw, the Dutch won't exist in 100 years. Somalis still will.
I guess I only considered bodily pleasures or things secondary to the body. I forgot to think about how pleasure can be in any form the agent chooses to manifest it, so actually, I guess you are right!
> higher purpose
Why there even a need for a higher purpose? Do you people want life to be solved once and for all instead of it to be the infinite journey of insights, understanding, and experiences?
That's a big claim not backed by any evidence.
Somalis don't exist even now, autismoboy.
I'd agree with that.
>non sequitur
I'm glad you admit your defeat, religioncuck
praise Bentham
Somalia does not even exist and if you those religous countries you are free to go there.
Also your "claim" is just like your opinion man. Statistics proof that there was no better time for the Dutch as the last two decades in which the Dutch were irrlegious as max. And the statistics, our reality, not your opinion, kinda say that the Netherland is one of the most stable countries in the world so the probability of the Netherlands still to exist is higher than Ethopia or other high religous countries.
I completely understand that religion can give you that warm and fuzzy feeling inside of you, the feeling that someone is listening to your prayers, the hope of an afterlife, the feeling that jesus christ loves you. But christianity, like most religions, comes in a package. If you follow the religion you have to believe in the virgin birth, the miracles, prophets flying in charriots made of fire, etc... and it’s all ridiculous. Not to mention the amount of exploitation that almost all churches aubject their followers to.
If it's solid physical evidence you're looking for, you're looking in the wrong room. The existence of God is a question of philosophy rather than of the natural sciences.
Let's get philosohical: What is a god? What is the difference between a natural spirit and a god? What is the definition of a god?
>the self is a figment
>this is not considered literal satanism
lol fuck off
Why must a self be necessary?
An isis-raised kid will find happiness in beheading people. Yet that's not right (well debatable of course).
And yet, when Christians kill infidels it isn't wrong because the bible says so and somehow it is what objectively good...
Who said that?
the mystery of faith. the ultimate rabbit hole to throw yourself into.
But Christianity doesn't deny any gods.
you know where you should back to,
>having coherent beliefs is dumb
Western Civilization is the only truth we can know, brainlet.
Read Spengler
> Christianity doesn't deny any gods.
Where are all Christians who believe in Zeus than?
Only good post ITT
You mean now?
We live in a orderly society.
Atheists BTFO
>Coherent beliefs
Very cool if true, but this doesn't actually prove it's an image of Jesus Christ, and even if it is an image of Jesus Christ it doesn't prove he's the son of god.
Plus you know, the catholic church itself no longer thinks it's authentic. Just saying.
>This religion that I was brought up in conveniently in this time and place is surely correct and not all the dead religions that came before it, all the religions that will come after it after mine dies, nor all the religions presently existing.
Definitely deserves the pea brain image. I'm sorry but if you're following organized religion you're literally (actually literally) falling for a meme. I'm not religious but deists are the only religious folk I respect intellectually.
But the loss of happiness in the person who is beheaded, as well as his friends/family outweigh the happiness of the ISIS member, thus making it a net loss of happiness and therefore evil
Natural path to enlightenment:
Religious -> Fedora Atheist -> Religious again because “muh morals” -> Agnostic
But I never was religious even as a child I didn't believe in any kind of god.
Im on third from top i assume.
I have nothing against christianity, ive tried to become one, but couldnt "feel it".
Im good friend of local church priest though and he joked more than once that he would like to have more atheist like me than some of his christians
islam is literally christianity 2.0
>morals are real
Religious -> Fedora Atheist -> Pretend to be religious because it is socially convenient and gives you a framework of ancient wisdom you can fall back on when faced with a dilemma and you can always blame religion for your decision all while not actually being faithful or devout
The total happiness in the world has increased, so, whatever...
It literally isn't. Rabbinical Judaism and Islam are closer together than Christianity by far.
>And yet, when Christians kill infidels it isn't wrong because the bible says so and somehow it is what objectively good...
You havent really read the bible, have you ?
>basing morals on mysticism
> accomplish a long difficult road that leads you to become a christian
> end up a protestant