Why did Nazis make only 2 decent aircraft in 10 years of trying?
Why did Nazis make only 2 decent aircraft in 10 years of trying?
Doesnt really matter when 99% of the time planes wont be in dogfights but instead raining hell on dug in infantry.
Maybe in 1940, but by 1944 when they were being shit out in the tens of thousands to zerg the enemy they were basically flying coffins for their pilots.
The control of Tetra-Ethyl Leaded aviation gasolene by the U.S. In the 1930's and 40's non-TEL avgas engine design was a dead-end. All modern designs specified TEL. They could operate with non-Tel but at a loss of performance, say 30% and an increase in maintenance costs. The supply unreliability of German tel avgas made planning difficult, and placed German pilots at a disadvantage in combat. Same was true of Japan and Italy, only more so.
all of their real effort went into making their saucer fleet.
where did you get this statistic
my arse
>early war
Bf 109, Bf 110, He 111
>mid-late war
Fw 190, He 219, Me 262, Do 217, Ta 152, Ar 234
The Germans designed all kinda excellent aircraft, the problem was;
A. they didn’t build enough of them
B. they didn’t have the pilots even if they did
C. they didn’t build a strategic bombing capability
Bf-109, Ju-87, Ju-88, Fw 190.
Maybe if they focused more on Continental Strategic bombing rather than the autistic Amerikabomber projekt.
Correct. The bongs were beholden to this as well.
The Nazis ran out of pilots, not serviceable aircraft.
looks like zerg got strong
And fuel
And ammo
And land
And time
Ernst Udet was obsesed with dive bombers and fucked up the designs. They had more than 2 good designs though.
>I've only heard of two German planes so they must be the only good ones
>implying BF109A is the same Aircraft as BF109G
They might have had more pilots if they didn't send their best ones into combat and instead let the aces actually train the next generation of flyers.
vid related:
Of those, only Bf 109 and Fw 190 were worth anything.
>Bf 110
How do you assess a plane's "worth"?
Do you have an assessment of the 110's operational history that shows it was sub-standard beyond whatever pitiful knowledge you have?
Answer: you don't, because it was a great night fighter, among other things
>Doesnt really matter when 99% of the time planes wont be in dogfights but destroyed on the runway
Why are you spouting bullshit? Fuck this is such a bad board sometimes
It was absolutely garbage during BoB and had atrocious loss rates
>Ernst Udet was obsesed with dive bombers
Can you blame him?
And the period from 1939-mid 1940 then 1941-1944 where it saw success?
BoB lasted for three(3) months
>that thick accent
Do you know anything about the late war?
The German air force wasn't even there on D-Day because they were so crippled. One scout plane flew over and that was it.
Does this relate in any way whatsoever to your claim that the majority of planes were destroyed on the runway?
Not only can you not back up your argument, you don't even know what it is!
>The German air force wasn't even there on D-Day because they were so crippled. One scout plane flew over and that was it.
>Do you know anything about the late war?
Do you? You're trying to tell me Jagdeschwader II and its 24 victories on the 6th of June in 1944 was just an illusion the allies came up with? Fuck's sake it's even on Wikipedia
>JG 2 was the main Luftwaffe unit to see action against Allied Air Forces during the D-day landings on 6 June 1944.
It's a comedic attempt through manipulating another users post through the meme of "fixed" to highlight how by the late war the German air force was reduced to an ineffective force with a significant number of planes destroyed before they even got into the air.
Does it matter where the German planes were destroyed? I mean, if they were shot out of the air would that prove your point that they were superb designs?
A better question, why did the bongs never make any decent aircraft? All shortranged, poorly armed, difficult to upgrade, fragile in combat, poorly equipped, expensive to manufacture, difficult to maintain
Lancaster, Mosquito, Spitfire, Tempest, etc. were all excellent in their roles. In any case Britain doesn't have the inflated reputation that Germany has as a military tech innovator, so I don't think your question is very good or interesting.
Pretty sure Band of Brothers lasted for 10 weeks. 1 episode a week for 10 weeks.
>Lancaster, Mosquito, Spitfire, Tempest,
all limited in most or all of the above ways, limited versatility of use in theaters as well, so your observations aren't very good or interesting
>limited versatility of use in theaters
Are you fucking retarded?
Also, Herman Goerring:
"In 1940 I could at least fly as far as Glasgow in most of my aircraft, but not now! It makes me furious when I see the Mosquito. I turn green and yellow with envy.
The British, who can afford aluminium better than we can, knock together a beautiful wooden aircraft that every piano factory over there is building, and they give it a speed which they have now increased yet again. What do you make of that?"
Source: en.m.wikipedia.org
The mosquito was, at the time, the fastesr plane (without turbojet) in the world. It was adaptable to many different roles with great success, cheap to make and could carry extreme weights long distances for its size.
I believe it is overall the most effective WW2 bomber
Are you fucking retarded? Nobody sensible built wooden aircraft and for good reasons.
Goering definitely was a retard by the way.
Wooden aircraft that allowed for heavier bombs, greater distances and faster speeds. Wooden aircraft that significantly reduced cost and materials were reafily available.
The Luftwaffe was simply out of range on D-Day, because any airfield in France, Netherlands, Begium has been plowed over by RAF and USAF. Even after sending 1.000 planes (of which one third crashed ...) to the western-front the ratio in the air was 50:1 Allied vs. Luftwaffe.
... and 1944 there was a massive moral and drinking problem of the German Air Force in desperation
Nobody else agreed, other than Goering.
>Goering definitely was a retard by the way.
This is your answer OP. He really fucked the German airforce hard.
Mosquito was shit then?
Things like pilot training programs, pilot rotation, operational ROEs, are completely lost on casuals.
Let them surf wiki and fap to kill totals, delving only into the most surface aspects of the air war
No sensible ww2 plane historian would ever say this
At least inform yourself before you post stupid shit...
And the Bf 110 was great in the early war years, it simply wasn't suited for escort missions which it had to do during the BoB (for the Bf 109 lacked the range).
The Bf 110 slaughtered bombers in the early air battles of 39-41 and did well as a night fighter too.
>this many posts about the 110
>still fail to mention its fighter-bomber capabilities that were heavily used in the east
No sensible WW2 aviation builder would consider otherwise.
Yet mosquitoes were built en masse and were proven to be effective. Seriously stop talking out your arse
They had most all of the above mentioned negatives, and nobody else agreed with your analysis. Seriously, stop talking out of your arse.
>de Havilland just built almost 8000 Mosquito's as a joke dude lol
One of the dumber things I've read on Veeky Forums in a while
>british plane designers make a two-engine fighter-bomber made out mostly of wood
>somehow it's the fastest plane of its kind at the time of its deployment
>exported to several countries and used until the end of the 40's
more than 70 years later
>some user decides to say wooden planes were shit just to shitpost and make people mad on the internet
What the...
The de Havilland Mosquito, in 1941, could outmaneuver and outspeed all Luftwaffe planes at the time. It was lighter, faster and cheaper.
It's made of fucking wood, that shit could be produced by the thousands at little cost and time.
It could be used as a daytime tactical bomber, high-altitude night bomber, pathfinder, day or night fighter, fighter-bomber, intruder, maritime strike aircraft, and fast photo-reconnaissance aircraft.
German night fighters were physically incapable of intercepting them.
>There is nothing the British do not have. They have the geniuses and we have the nincompoops. After the war is over I'm going to buy a British radio set – then at least I'll own something that has always worked
Say what you like about Goering mate, but the mosquito was a massive humiliation for him.
>nobody in the aviation world other than a retarded drug addict agrees with you
>70 years later you're still championing retarded drug addict's ideas
Ok you must be trolling by now. You haven't refuted a single point and obviously have no idea what you are talking about
>drug addict
>implying the hundreds of german pilots shot down while landing on their airfield and infantrymen killed by rockets and bombs aren't part of the argument
>implying you have an argument at all
>A wooden plank with guns blows the shit out of your gay metal fighters over and over again
>obviously have no idea what you are talking about
kek, neither did the entire world aviation industry apparently, although apparently the retarded drug addict did.
Literally where are you getting this from?
Who says the mosquito is shit, apart from yourself?
Literally who in the aviation industry agreed with you, and why are you so enamored of retarded drug addicts?
>C. they didn’t build a strategic bombing capability
This thing was actually pretty good, but produced too littleand used in the wrong way.
please type a sentence without "retarded drug addict", "aviation industry" or "aviation world" in it.
Insisting on a dive bombing ability during development was completely fucking insane
Read about things before you chat shit
>German night fighters were physically incapable of intercepting them.
Until the introduction of the He 219
That's an erroneous claim and was never proven
No you retard. By the end of the war they could, It's just they were never mass produced
Nobody in the entire aviation industry agreed with, and your only supplicant seems to be a retarded drug addict. Facts is facts.
Every other country rotated their pilots back home regularly, Thatch made ace, then was put in charge of training. Only Germany kept their pilots on the line so long.
They also had the most forgiving system of tracking kill counts and were up against Slavs.
This plane was such a success that the german pilots called it „Brennender Sarg“ (Burning Coffin), „Reichsfackel“ (Torch of the Empire) or „Reichsfeuerzeug“ (... lighter)
Literally every type of bomber is a burning coffin if you don't provide it with fighter escorts.
>The He 219 was the onlypiston-enginednight fighter capable of facing the British Mosquito on equal terms, given its speed, manoeuvrability and firepower,but it never played a significant role in the war because the industry failed to make it available in sufficient numbers.
Not only slav pilots but engaged a lot of obsolete planes, too. Over half of Bubi's kills are 1940 model LaGGs.
Yeah, this.
But lol at 'equal terms', a fucking interceptor on equal terms with a bomber
Compare the two aircraft, they're essentially the same type, despite their classification
It's worth remembering the Finns had aces flying Brewster fucking Buffalos, which is like the biggest piece of shit in the war, the VVS wasn't particularly stellar
>Say what you like about Goering mate, but the mosquito was a massive humiliation for him.
Everything from 1941 onward was a massive humiliation for Goering.
They invented jets so owned epic style I guess
Where are you getting..well any info from?
Brits had them before and their engines were superior
Literally every type of bomber did not have the He-177's massive engine troubles.
Terrible defensive armament that they could only be used at night. The designers were dumb enough not to put ventral armament. The B-17 was superior in speed and survivability.
Kind of a gimmick but agreed
good aircraft but early versions had terrible armament(either just MGs or too low cannon ammo count)
I think the guy is talking about meme Blackburn designs
At least the krauts upgraded the Bf-109 throughout the war to at least put them close to comparing to the British and American fighters that they were having trouble with. They didn't make any engine improvements to put the 109 on par with the Spitfire nor did they make any weapon improvements that could easily take down the heavy bombers that were Germanys greatest threat. However I do feel they did upgraded them enough to make them at least comparable to the P-51 and Spitfire. My point is they did a way better job adapting than did the Japanese and, dare I even mention, the Italians.
Also the Fw-190 was hands down the best Axis aircraft of the war and arguably one of the top 5 fighters of the war.
I think 4372388, given how he talks about "The bongs"is an /int/ style troll and has no idea about anything, and is just fishing for (you)s
First ever flying jet aircraft was German and the jet fighters fielded by Germany were faster than their British counterparts. And before you say it the lack of adequate alloys and other important materials late in the war doesn't mean the German engines weren't good designs.
I don't disagree however I wouldn't say the Lancasters defensive armament was terrible. Just too focused on defending the aircraft from attacks from the front, rear and above. Yes those were the most likely to be attacked but as im sure we'll agree, waist and belly guns are important especially in such large formations to put more fire on the enemy from every angle.
Also I do believe it had a speed advantage over the B-17 but don't quote me on that.
t. history channel pro
t. Hearts of Iron IV pro
Have you more examples of allied or Axis Airplanes from this Source? Almost had a thing for the early minor-axis Planes.
Just looked it up and according to a website dedicated to comparing military aircraft and the Lancaster Mk.I had the exact same speed as the B-17G.
>de Havilland just built almost 8000 Mosquito's as a joke dude lol
Why not? They did it with the tanks, many thousands of those built as a joke dude lol
You're retarded.
It was trash from the battle of France. It was only a "good" night fighter because nothing else was ready when it was, just like the Defiant.
>BoB lasted for three(3) months
It was a beautiful plane, but don't get carried away.
>I believe it is overall the most effective WW2 bomber
Going by the definition, I'll have to say the B29 was the most effective.
Then, of course, all large bombers.
>The Bf 110 slaughtered bombers in the early air battles
maybe you'll want to check what kind of bombers it shot down (pic related)
Would you call it more successful as a fighter bomber than an IL2, for instance?
>strategic bombing capability
>2 engines
retard alert
fucking wood, it burns without leaving traces
How come there is enough place inside a Brit to have so much of shit and himself at the same time? Oh wait
>implying Japan didn't make the aeronautic progress of two Germanys from 1937 on
But it was ugly as a pot of tea. B17 are pretty, like a bald eagle.
>hurr durr I'll answer everyone and pretend I know what I'm talking about
And you're the retard actually, the He 177 had four engines (in two nacelles)
Yes, but the point of having four engines is really to avoid having the propulsion of one wing being shot in one go, isn't it?
>implying Japan didn't make the aeronautic progress of two Germanys from 1937 on
Are you on crack? The IJAAF barely improved any of their fighters throughout the war. All they did was beef up the armament and add things that were standard in other air forces, such as armored head rests and self sealing fuel tanks. The IJNAS didn't do anything to the Zero that made it a more capable fighter and they could never replace the D3A1 and B6N in suitable numbers. Not like it mattered anyway because most of their carrier force was at the bottom of the ocean less than one year into the Pacific War.
The only aircraft capable of standing up to the Americans were the Ki-84 and N1K2-Ja. Both were excellent fighters capable of matching the Corsair, Hellcat and Mustang but came too late and in too few numbers to make a difference.
But regardless of how their aircraft had light armament until 44, lack of protection for the pilot and the unmatchefd ability to burst into flames after taking minimal damage, where the Japanese really failed was in their powerplants. The only Jap plane that even came close to having a good engine for when it was produced was the Ki-61, which just used a licensed copy of the Bf-109's engine.