>Paul spoke against circumcision for christians
>American christians do it anyway
Paul spoke against circumcision for christians
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Americans are not Christians
He didn't speak against it, he just said it wasn't necessary.
cut cocks are unironically better than uncut ones
>Having to rationalize this hard
Aesthetically I agree but I wish I wasn’t cut. It’s retarded our culture has made it so common, like honestly why the fuck did my parents do this to me. Meanwhile my other circumcised friend virtue signals about how awful FGM is, what a joke
Paul was trying to win over grown ass cultural Greeks who didn't want to get their dick skin cut awake and have it likely get infected in order to believe in Jesus n shit. he wasn't bad mouthing Jewish converts who cut their dick skin. His entire argument is basically Jesus got his dick cut so that the goyim don't have to cut theirs to reach salvation.
>American Christians
>Having any grasp of theology and Christian history
Circumcision and fgm really are not equivalent.
They can be. FGM is a whole different range of things, from ones that are equivalent to male circumcision to more like castration.
Has anybody seen the new Paul movie with Jim Cavaziel?
>There was a literal chapter in the judeo book which told people they dont need to larp as jews to be christians
>Aesthetically I agree
'no'. cut and uncut looks almost the same when erect, with the uncut penis not looking like a dried out mushroom that was dipped in acid half way
>For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision (Titus 1:10)
horse cock>both cut and uncut
>t. La creatura
This. The WHO literally says this.
well, my dick is cut and I like the way it looks
uncut ones just look gross to me
t. Schlomo
The filthy heretics
>uncut ones just look gross to me
Maybe stop looking at them then?
At least you're not a woman who admits to finding circumcised penises better. Any time I mention that on the internet, people flip and start threatening me ._.
I try not to
Tits or gtfo roastie
I find the prettiest dicks are uncut. Cut cocks look shriveled and dry at the top.
Considering it's aesthetic mutilation it should really be an optional procedure after you've turned 18.
>Cut cocks look shriveled and dry at the top.
what, mine doesn't
Let me get a closer look then.
people spew the aesthetics but once erect its all the same
nsfw, obviously
Ah, there's your problem. Your doctor removed your foreskin and replaced it with that of a horse. And I'm afraid I have to announce that statute of limitations for this kind of lawsuit has most certainly expired.
Kys roastie scum
Can't imagine my cock without the foreskin...
most of circumcised cocks seem mutilated to me
>wanting an anteater dick that no one will find attractive
>wanting phimosis
>wanting a smegma encrusted dick
>wanting a higher chance of catching sti's
Learn to wash then. None of that is true anyway.
It's just boomer lore from the 60's.
el atrocidad..
Go back to the oven
protestants aren't Christian
>American christians do it anyway
Circumcision only really became popular in the U.S. after WWII, when Jewish doctors promoted it for "health" reasons but in fact they wanted to assure that in the event of another round up of Jews, they couldn't be easily identified.
false equivalence
>Americans reject Condoms and vaccines against STDs because they promote a promiscuous living
>Cutting your dick to lower the risk is fine though
Why does SK do it so much?
Did you even look at the image you posted? It shows the entire Islamic world as non-circumcised, and the text on the left contradicts the supposed data. What kind of idiot saves this?
>it shows the entire Islamic world as non-circumcised
The map is only addressing a select few countries, not global rates of circumcision.
The map talks about infant boys, Muslims usually cut their boys at the age of seven.
>American (((Zionist Christian))) preachers tell their congregations that circumcision is desirable even though Bible tells us only Jews and their good goyim slaves should be circumcised, not Christians
>(((media))) shilling for circumcision nonstop, treating non-jewish penises as something gross and non-hygienic
>little boys cut against their will and get taught to cope, Jewish doctor rake in heaps of money, (((cosmetics companies))) make skin creams out of infant foreskins
>even inventing the word "uncut" as if being cut is the normal and natural state and being intact is the abnormality
>when confronted with the reality of non-Jewish and non-muslim world not sharing this retardation, they become baffled
>BUT MUH PHIMOSIS (something that affects only a tiny fraction of males)
When someone tells me ZOG is just a conspiracy theory I just point to America
>Why does an american colony practices american traditions?
Uh, who knows?
t. Abdul Amar bin Hadid