Your Majesty, we're fucked. We need to ask for an armistice!

>Your Majesty, we're fucked. We need to ask for an armistice!
...few years pass...
>We wuz stabbed in the back, LOL

Attached: general-erich-ludendorff-former-commander-of-the-german-army-and-a-friend-of-bauer-who-knew-trebitsc (1024x1335, 182K)

>few years
Ludendorff started blaming other people as soon as he possibly could.

Tell me about this guy and his military career.

I just read a bit more about the end of the war... wow, it seems Ludendorff was a real ass-saving sort of swine.
Wish I could, but I don't really know much.

>Alright, guys, I know the last few offensives failed. But THIS is the decisive offensive that will bring the Entente to the negotiating table and we'll have the upper hand!

Attached: 1522148944392.png (925x1262, 1.31M)

>the ABSOLUTE state of ludenDORK

What does that have to do with this thread?

Do it again, Erich!

Put a high functioning autist that doesn't comprehend abstract concepts like "morale" or "war exhaustion" and sees only numbers of soldiers and artillery and you get Ludendorff.

2+2 = JEW

>be autistic sperg
>virgin in your 40s
>never had any friends growing up, sucked at PE
>have a nack for math though
>despite not being a Prussian aristocrat, raises self through the meritocracy
>autistically scopes out Belgian battlefields while on vacation years before the wall
>like an autistic badass sperg run up to a fort with hundreds of Belgian soldiers, bang on the door with sword hilt and demand surrender
>absolute madman actually gets it
>get sent to the Eastern Front with the fossil Hindenburg and Based Hoffmann
>BTFO Russians at Tannenberg although Hindenburg gets all the credit
>Fling shit constantly with Falkenhayn
>Unironically say "I am only capable of love and hate, and I hate General Falkenhayn"
>Falkenhayn gets shafted after Verdun and Luddy gets the job
>Start off doing pretty well
>Lead a very successful offensive campaign known as Operation Michael
>But being the autist, can't understand things like "morale," and "exhaustion," and "supplies," because autist.
>Like the trillion other WW1 offensives, Michael grinds to a halt
>Instead of calling for terms right then, just keep going with autistic sperg attacks
>Keep getting BTFO
>Start getting pushed back towards Germany
>Have an autistic breakdown and has to see a shrink
>Tells the Kaiser NOW is the time to sue for peace
>Bail out of the German government before peace terms are signed
>Claim the "bolshevik jews stabbed us Germans in the back"
>Help Hitler in Munich
>Dies a few years later regretting helping his fellow sperg
All in all an interesting historical figure


So, in other words, a Jew gave the Germans a new lease on life in WW1 by providing aid to the factor that decisively took Russia out of the war? Can you possibly imagine how bad things would be for Germany if Russia was still fighting, even mostly ineffectively, all the way into 1917-1918?

>Can you possibly imagine how bad things would be for Germany if Russia was still fighting
WW2 ?

>Ludendorff, hey buddy
>Yeah um you gotta lay off the Alex Jones
>Heh heh sorry buddy, personally I think you're onto something with the moon landing but Adolf just doesn't like that stuff
>Thanks for understanding

Attached: Screenshot_20180328-103018_Chrome.jpg (1439x580, 159K)

Quintessential G*rmanic Autism it seems

Do we have Ludendorff's notes? Might be some weird shit:
>Ribbentrop is collaborating with the British to make us invade the Soviet Union
>Dunkirk was sabotaged and there are German high commanders collaborating with the British, looking at you, Goring

For most of his life he was a no-friends turbo-virgin who didn't get married until his 40's. During his days in the academy, he was noted for being particularly quiet and never really getting along with any of the other boys. However, did very well in school and he rose quickly through the ranks despite lacking the aristocratic family connections that many of his peers benefited from. One day, though, he saw a young woman walking home by herself in the rain and he offered her an umbrella, and he walked her home to her house. Against all odds, he won her over and they got married later that year. They had several children, and by all accounts, this was the happiest time of his entire life.

Then the war happened, and Ludendorff quickly proved himself to be one of the most brilliant generals of the entire war. The Kaiser came to rely on him more and more until Ludendorff was basically Germany's de-facto dictator. He pulled some strings to get his boys into aviation school so that they could become fighter pilots. This turned out to be a huge mistake. One by one, they all died as the war progressed, and each time one of them died he became more unhinged. His wife never forgive him for getting the boys into flight school. He began showing signs of severe depression, to the point where his staff started begging him to see a therapist. He eventually agreed. He confessed to the doctor that his life was terribly lonely, that the war had stolen from him the only happiness he'd ever felt, and that the only thing keeping him going was the thought that Germany could still win, somehow.

When Germany finally did lose, Ludendorff basically went insane, and spent the rest of his life peddling bizarre conspiracy theories. He blamed not just Jews, but also Christians and Freemasons for Germany's loss in WW1. He eventually became a unapologetic Hitler-supporter, attending Nazi rallies and stuff like that.

The first two paragraphs really makes it seem like Ludendorff was unironically /ourguy/

A dude with his surname used to run a show here in Sweden where racists were named and shamed on state television, a few years ago.

>stabs you in the front

Attached: LQ8E1.jpg (185x360, 15K)

> Took over a belgian fortress by knocking on the door and convincing them they were surrounded.
> BTFO the russians in the east
> climbed up the ranks to fieldmarshall and eventually military dictator of germany together with hindenburg.
> Created the hindenburg line together with hindenburg which was pretty genius
> launched a blitzkrieg like offensive before the americans came but didn't have the logistics to back it up
>gets beaten by the entente pretty viciously, country endures some warcrimes while waiting for the entente to accept your armistice
> Germany goes crazy
> stabbedinthebackmeme.jpg
> Sparks Hitlers autism

Attached: bb46-3.jpg (781x424, 74K)

You forgot
>Thinks Germany's war production isn't dying because of lack of resources, but because the Germans aren't productive enough

What kind of batshit crazy conspiracy theories did luddy believe in so that even hitler avoided him?

man that's sad

Is this the German thing?
>It was Hitler's fault! I was flawless commander, but this dude...

>a few of the Communists happen to be Jews
Please don't insult both of our intelligence by posting that /pol/ nonsense where even the non-Jews are falsely labeled as Jewish.

Read the last sentence in the photo you replied to.

last time i checked Germany picked a fight with Russia in WWII

>He eventually became a unapologetic Hitler-supporter, attending Nazi rallies and stuff like that.
he turned against them in the end to his credit, but he still believed in crazy stuff by this point too.

>endures some warcrimes

Hitler dabbled in ariosophy and other esoteric aryan pamphlets from the thule society as a youth, but at least in his later life and political career he showed a great distaste for mystical racism common in some circles. He barely tolerated Rosenberg and Himmler's ideas. Eventually he stopped taking Rosenberg seriously and he only liked Himmler because of his fanatical loyalty and his effectiveness as an administrator. Hitler thought of himself as more of a scientific/biological racist with tinges of mystical and religious imagery thrown in when it suited him.

Also, Ludendorff's dabbling in batshit insane theory is due just as much to divorcing his first wife and remarrying a new fanatical racist wife. Ironically enough Himmler and Goebbels would also be radicalized by their racist wives too.

Excuse me, Goering* not Goebbels

Goddamn, you made me feel sad for him, you fag.

Are you saying there weren't any war crimes in the 100 days?

German generals did same shit in the aftermath of WW2, pretending Hitler was behind all the failed operations. As if many of them didn't lick Hitler's balls hard when it appeared he was a strategic genius.

He died in 1937

>Are you saying there weren't any war crimes in the 100 days?
i'm not sure i never heard about it before

The Americans used shotguns. Shotguns = warcrime.

wat. is that all you have?