Why don't more people know about the African Enlightenment?
Why don't more people know about the African Enlightenment?
It's not the role of the west to know about African philosophy, it's the role of African philosopher
If African philosophy is underestimated this is because Africans didn't work to promote it, Africa is actually in a cultural crisis that will erase all their culture.
I call bullshit
Because it didn’t happen? There’s not even a Wikipedia page for it and when you google “African enlightenment” you only get Reddit posts and some blogs.
>There’s not even a Wikipedia page for it
I'm writing it.
But Zera and Amo have wikipedia page :
>I’m writing it
Based on what sources?
>Anton Wilhelm Amo
>African philosophy
An African in Germany who studied German philosophy, and was raised in Germany. Totally African philosophy.
He created his own ideas.
I just begun.
Ideas that would have been heavily influenced by his German upbringing and German education. Let’s say I was born in the US and brought to Nigeria as a child and raised in Nigerian culture. I then study Engineering at an Nigerian university and come up with a revolutionary invention. By your logic it’s an American invention.
What the hell is wrong with that sub? Everything with the word Africa gets thousands of upvotes while other posts get maybe 1 or 0
>Why don't more people know about the African Enlightenment?
>Proposed by an Ethiopian in a Cave
>Ethiopian in a Cave
Well THERES your answer user!
I agree. The thing is that his ideas were similar to those of the enlightenment era, but I agree that calling that an "African Enlightenment" is a bit wrong.
People interested in African philosophy should study the ethics of a particular ethnic group, like the Yoruba, the Akan or the Fanti.
>I just begun
Inventing sources?
writing the page.
Google Zera Yacob
Last time I posted something about Africa on r/philosophy, I got 5 upvotes.
>By an Ethiopian in a cave
Are these idiots aware that in order for something to be considered a movement, it has to consist of more than one person?
Consider /r/science. Based on the little I've lurked there, I'd say that there are maybe 200 posters with an actual scientific education and background, and the other 18,999,800 subscribers are, like the rest of Reddit, just various high school memelords, humanities 420BLAZEITFAM undergrads, and normie cute-cat-video watching dumbfucks, who only go there because SCIENCE FUCK YEA, CARL SAGAN PLEASE HAVE MY BABY, ALSO DID YOU SEE THE NEW RICK AND MORTY EPISODE, SCIENCE SO COOL. They basically just spend all their time upvoting various clickbait, posts with Reddit-tier buzzwords in them, and the posts that sound the most articulate and scientifically-written to an uneducated normie layman, basically posts that are "well this guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about so I think I'll upvote it even though I don't understand a word of what's actually written or know anything about the subject."
Then there are subs like /r/space where the situation is a hundred times worse. It wouldn't shock me if the situation on a sub like /r/philosophy is a million times worse.
I know it's been said countless times before, but pretty much the only subreddits worth lurking are the very small, very niche ones dedicated to a very specific topic, with a few thousand subscribers tops. Anything with over a few thousand subscribers is guaranteed to be hideously infested with normies who have no clue whatsoever what they're doing there.
You have to go back
I hate reddit now.
>mfw WE WUZ and cultural marxism are combining to form some of the funniest meme "historical" accounts
First the black romans on BBC, then Chedder man, and now this lol. Whats next?
It's actually been proven that that most redditors upvote based on title and don't even read the articles
It's Karma.
Whites painted Jesus as a feminine Viking, made Egyptians Europeans(in their movies), tried to give a Greek origin to ile-ife bronze heads, tried by any mean to give a non-Black origins to stone ruins in southern Africa.
I mean look at how whites painted Jesus "WE WERE JOOS VIKINGZ N SHIEET"
I’m sure it will be great.
So what are your sources
>being surpised that each culture will draw jesus to look like them
Are you also butthurt that jesus is depicted with slanted eyes in Asia and the Philippines?
Again, I didn't even wrote a single line, I just begun.
No, the problem is that AA will systemically be called "Afrocentrists" "Kangz" for depicting Jesus as a Black man.
Pre-Arab Levantines looked whiter
holy fucking shit
I am not that user but i NEED to interject to end this cycle of idiocy
what factual information have you come across that leads you to believe the "african enlightenment" is actually a topic that can be fleshed out with more info?
how sure are you that "african enlightenment" is not merely an anachronistic way of viewing certain african philosophers work?
Fuck off reddit
>I’m writing it
Please don’t
Walter Benjamin was raised in Germany and he studied German philosophy. Does this mean that Benjamin is not a Jewish philosopher?
Why is the very existence of African philosophers triggers whites so much? Why are white people so insecure?
I’m not familiar with his work so I couldn’t tell you. It depends how heavily his work was influenced by other Jewish philosophy.
Prove that the african enlightenment happened and was started by an ethiopian in a cave
Jewish people used to live in a very insulated culture. So your comparison is not good
>Jewish people used to live in a very insulated culture
So did Africans
Not that particular african.
No afrocentrists get laughed at for far more stupid reasons.
Sources and facts are rayciss
>Africans were living in caves in the 16th century
Plenty of Levant people look "white" tho.
St Augustine was African
1. St. Augustine was not Sub-Saharan African.
2. St. Augustine was a good millennium before this supposed "African Enlightenment" took place.
St Augustine was a ROMAN
Roman is code word for african.
>this guy had kind of sort of maybe but not really enlightenment and humanist ideals at their most basic
>this mean we wuz
There were probably many African individuals that have come to the same/similar ideas even before Yacob, but for one reason or the other (white washing)their thoughts were lost in time, like tears in rain.
I'd really like to know what you mean by that.
>Africans think collectively rather than individually
Is western philosophy the only individualist (or individualism inclined) philosophy?
Whenever someone talks about unwestern philosophy it is often someone with apparent leftist leanings and they always make the exact same observation.
A north African was the first writer to come up with modern economical theories outside of mettalism and mercantilism
Buddhism is pretty individualistic. Lots of stories of Buddhas abandoning wife and kids for their own enlightenment. The difference is they practice a form of denial of the ego. The philosophy is all very egocentric, it just doesn't embrace the ego as westerners understand it.
Its probably not actually as WeWuzzy as it sounds, a lot of the ideas of the enlightenment were nothing new and had already been proposed or had been come up with, the big difference for European enlightenment philosophers is they actually got the chance to apply that into practice. I wouldn't be surprised if some African people actually did come up with a lot of the same concepts, the difference is just that they probably never got applied in a legitimate or recognizable form. Ideas like humanism, individual rights by virtue of natural law, secular principles and an opposition to organized religion, the free transmission of knowledge, education as a tool to free the mind, and the focus on reason, aren't original concepts, they've popped up throughout history in various forms, they just never got combined as a unified mass in an applicable program that lasted.
Which makes this actually a legitimate answer, the only thing to remark at is that naturally if somebody in a cave proposed it, then well, there's a reason why it isn't getting applied and hence known about.
You can read it anyway "eastern" philosophy anyway you want. Confucianism probably would get called collectivist pretty often, but Wang Yanming's school of thought took it and argued that the individual had an individual capacity to seek truth and so everybody was empowered to attempt to figure out the truths of the universe, which sounds like a rather individualistic concept.
Funny how all of these articles that claim Africans were more developed always come from these professors of comparative cultural studies ie cultural relativism: the field.
>Within the discipline of history, new studies have shown that the most successful revolution to spring from the Enlightenment ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity was in Haiti rather than in France. The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) and the ideas of Toussaint L’Ouverture (1743–1803) paved the way for the state’s independence, new constitution, and the abolition of slavery in 1804. The historian Laurent Dubois concludes in Avengers of the New World (2004) that the events in Haiti were ‘the most concrete expression of the idea that the rights proclaimed in France’s 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen were indeed universal’. In a similar vein, one might wonder: will Yacob and Amo also one day be elevated to the position they deserve among the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment?
>Haiti is literally the pinnacle of the Enlightement
The Haitian revolution was a footnote. No one back then cared
Modern image of Jesus is based on the Syrian Jesus Pentocrator. Egyptians were from blonde to brown haired through red haired.
>Of those whose hair was preserved 54% were blondes or redheads, and the percentage grows to 87% when light-brown hair color is added"
If the Fagg el Gamous werent Egyptians, they were levantines of Jesus era, proving that European depiction of Jesus is not dishonest.
>Anton Wilhelm
Ah yeah, classical African name. Come the fuck on, he was raised in the family of a German duke.
>OP is about Ethiopia
>dude was born in Ghana
>murdering as many frogs as you can
Seems like a classical enlightment move to me
why is he wrong, the Haitian revolution was far more radial and broadly-sweeping than the French one. The same argument gets applied to the French revolution being more of a revolution than the American revolution, and no one bats and eye. If he's counting it as successful as a good result, then no, but as successful in going all the way in applying revolutionary principles, then its an entirely logical candidate.
That essential bit of memery out of the way, do blacks know how stupid this shit makes them look? Enlightenment philosophy was not fucking inspired by some ethiopian dude in a cave for fuck's sake.
Because Haiti is maybe the one country furthest removed from the Enlightement ideals. A vile place full of savagery and corruption.
>Fagg El Gamous (translated Way of the Buffalo) is an ancient Egyptian cemetery located in the Faiyum Governorate dating from the 1st to the 7th century AD, the period of Roman rule in Egypt.
So theres a great chance Jesus could have been blonde. Case closed Faggs.
>large Jewish community in Germany
>virtually no Africans at all
Gee, I'm sure you're an unbiased source...
Also, it doesn't really matter if some goat herders in a cave thought something. They were not able to publicize it and that's basically the end of the story. Countless people have surely had thoughts/'philosophies' long before that are attributed to a specific person. The first socialist, capitalist, libertarian, feminist etc. was probably eating deer brains and locusts for breakfast in an ice age cave.
I remember as a little kid playing around with magnets and thinking gee wouldn't it be cool if you could make a train (I was thinking subway/tram) that could float on magnets instead of wheels. Do I credit for the invention of maglev then? Of course fucking not.
No. He was Jewish, but he was not a 'Jewish philosopher' in the sense that of all his writings, only a small fraction relate to Judaism. Walter Benjamin was pretty Germanized. He drew on his Jewish background (more specifically kabbalah) in some of his works yes, but he was not a Zionist. Quite the opposite, he was committed to 'Europeaness' and specifically situated his identity in European philosophical/Enlightenment tradition. I would say he was a German philosopher who was Jewish.
I just began writing it.
Doesn't make him an Israeli one.
I think you shattered his world view. I guess now he'll quit his /pol/ ways and go back to being a decent human being.
Can you not be both a German philosopher, and a Jewish philosopher?
>no sources
>high school tier writing
this is not up to standard
> not even a wikipedia arguement for this
What kinda fucking argument is this?
Kek at this insecure Nigerian filling his days with we wuzzing
>IP Location, Lagos Nigeria
I take a photo of him in my travel to Nigeria.
The organization known in German as Der gruppen die Einsatz, was of purely an anti partisan persuasion.
It's not me idiot.
>Anton Wilhelm Amo
*Ghanaian-born German philosopher of the Empricist tradition.
Ok? But the thing is, his personal ideas were developed prior to the enlightenment
>Great Royal Wife
Is this guy retarded? The Heiress theory has been refuted since 1983, let's unite ourselves remove his page.
I changed the page a little bit.