/fat/ "i eat at a small restaurant" edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy(Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>"i eat at a small restaurant" edition


230 lbs 6foot 1 should I start bulking or cutting, if I use creating will newbie gains maximize, I want to do a bodybuilder routine so is rep range 10 to 15 fine? Abs how the fuck do I do abs what do I do ro strengthen core.

>703*230/(73^2) ~= 30.3

if you're going for a skinny but strong aesthetic, cut

if you want to be a muscledude, bulk and cut at the same time by keeping your calorie balance stable while improving your diet and lifestyle in quality rather than quantity

>cheat day
>stuff my face constantly
>body is overwhelmed by sudden intense shift in calorie intake
>unable to digest the food
>have mass quantities of diarrhea
>shit out all the calories
>lose even more weight than on diet days

Im going for bear modes

>Always did lifting before cardio because when I researched it, that's what everyone said to do
>Did exactly that, and months passed
>Decide to do cardio today first, and then lifting
>Lift like a madman like never before, lifting harder and better

Is anyone here like this? Do you lift better if you do cardio first?

Or can anyone come up with an explanation of how I got that kind of experience.. please help...

Confess user, tell me what's hurting you today.

i do 10 minutes of either treadmill or elliptical before i start lifting. it helps warm up the body and loosen me up. can't say that it helps me lift heavier though

>mm....murdoch chan?

Excuse me...

Not today but Thursday drank 3 beers, a full box of orange chiken and rice, and a pbj.

Gained 5 pounds once hydrated the next morning.

I'm pretty sure I've had over 2000 calories today.

My maintenance is more like 3500 or something but I still feel like such a pig.

>feel bad and anxious cause I missed a workout
I never thought I would feel like that

thinkin' I should get a milk shake, just woke up from a nap.

How fat do you have to be to have a maintenance of 3500?

>540 calories left


2 slices of pizza is your best option, because then you'll have plenty left over that you'll be forced to eat (don't want to let it go bad)

I ate like shit yesterday. Probbally hit my tdee for sure. I didnt eat all day cause i knew i was going to the club for dinner.
I had 12 oz sirloin sandwich, some hot wings, loaded chips, a bunch of nice cheese and some pretzle chips, 2 glasses of milk etc. At least it was good food. Back on the horse today

im 21 5,10' 280
my tdee is 3300

It's 3000, I just checked.


>power walking through park, trying to keep mind off hunger
>pass a mother and her toddler
>instinctively unhinge jaw and swallow the child whole
>by the time the police can pull him free, he's already half digested

there goes my fucking caloric goal for the week

might as well hit quiznos too

I'm changing my diet plan up a bit.

Gonna ease up from 1000 calories a day to 1200, where I'll eat exactly the same except I'm going to add in 200 calories worth of a protein shake (100 calories of milk and 100 calories of Whey protein).

Doing this because it is impossible to reach my protein goal on 1000 calories, and I've done some searching and researchers have found that protein shakes are helpful with dieting. This will be especially useful for me because I've been walking an hour and a day and doing some lifting every other day and this should help me retain more of my muscle, keeping my metabolism and TDEE up.

Also I want to eat a little bit more in order to avoid my paranoia that you fat fucks have been feeding me that one day I'm going to break and binge eat and regain everything I've lost.

i feel horrible. im 5'2, get mild excercise daily due to marching band, and am pretty depressed so i have bad habits with my health.

the lowest i can remember being is 180 pounds. thats still obese, but i used to be 200 pounds, so i felt very confident then.

tonight, i noticed that i had a minor double chin, so i weighed myself. i had just ate, so it is not entirely accurate, but the scale read 220 pounds.

i really want to kill myself. i feel like an absolute waste of a human. i want to be vegan again (currently bad pescatarian) because i was much lighter then and felt confident, but i have no idea how to do that. i can hardly even motivate myself to make my own food. my day to day diet consists of packaged snacks (think granola/protein bars, poptarts, trail mix) and usually some rice or pasta for dinner. i am definetly deficient in fruit/vegetables and eat way too many processed food.

can somebody please give me some advice? or at least give me pity? im sorry for being such a waste. thank you if you actually read this

im the 5'2 user that just posted, you can read that if you want

You are asking for advice on a weight loss thread but you're pretty clearly depressed. Deal with that while changing your diet.

Actually get help for the problems you know you have. See a therapist or at least a doctor.

359lbs, that's how fat

ive been depressed for a while. i have bad relationships with my therapist and my doctor. i think my problem is that depression and health go hand-in-hand, that the worse my health is the more depressed i get and vice versa. im just living a negative feedback loop

sorry for sadposting

I ate a cookie today

I'm so sorry

Read the sticky if you haven't already.

If you don't like your therapist and doctor get fucking new ones. It's pretty much a given that your weight and depression are connected, but my point was that they are also separate.

You have two problems, not one. We can only give you weight loss advice, but you already know your issues there. So make the changes you know you should make, but also work on your depression. That isn't really an issue for this thread.

i have this problem but with anorexic women :^(

the fat content is less but the carbs are still there and that's what gets you anyway

they don't entirely seem to mind though??? i mean to be fair they were already slowly killing themselves anyway

how many times u been to prison for it m9

already well past 2000 for today
currently eating orange juice and tomato soup with my family on top of it

This was supposed to be a cheat day anyway yet i'm still disappointed in myself

>starting gym next week
>6'5, 120kg (about 260 pounds)
>bmi is around 30%

Should i be doing cardio and lifts or just cardio? If so for how long? I have a bit of muscle but its slowly gone away over the years. Do you think its possible with a good diet and gym 5 times a week to lose 60 pounds by the end of the year? Sorry for noob questions

>if so for how long

by this i meant if cardio, how long before i start doing lifts, my bad

Are you usually warming up before lifting? Cardio will use up glycogen and you will have less for lifting. It's probably other reasons for why you felt better that day.

Do both, alternating days.

60 lbs is asking a lot by the end of the year. It took me 6 months to lose 60.

I'm currently at 160lbs down from 220lbs. I hate the overhang of fat on my belly that seems to always be there, I'm going to try lose even more weight and see if it disappears. does it look like loose skin to you?

Alright thanks man!

>lose 2-5 pounds a week for 6 weeks
>at 254 for my second weekly weigh in

I.. I don't...

What's a good way to warm up for lifting? The thought of that never really occured to me...

Don't forget that you should be doing IF (16:8 recommended) and don't forget to hit your protein goal! Drink shakes if you must, but don't go over your TDEE!

I've been lifting seriously for like 3 years now and I still a little of what you have. Cutting helps a fuck ton, but when I bulk its always kinda there

Nah it's just fat. You're skinny fat.

>with skinny friends
>mention how I'm fat but you can't tell unless my shirt is off
>they all laugh at me

You have to lose at least 10 more pounds

It will help tremendously if you start lifting and running. Even if you just want a twink/otter body, you need to at least start running and drop the last 10 pounds.

Do light cardio for 5-10 minutes or look up some warmup routine to do. You should have a light sweat when you're done. You'll also want to stretch after the warmup if you haven't been doing that either.

Find a gym, force yourself to go everyday even if you absolutely want to just fat out like a tard.

learn how to cook easy shit (just put any fish or chicken on a george forman or skillet and buy store brand steamable veggies)

slowly change from all bad snacks to 50/50 bad snacks and fruits/veg snacks, then eventually almost always good snacks.

Shit like this is kind of a no-brainer but 4 real just start grinding, regardless of weight loss you'll definitely feel less like a pigfag if you try it.

Okay! Thanks user!

I was posting here for a while and then my girlfriend moved in. I'm actually almost at my goal now, which was to fit into all the clothes I bought when I was "in shape". There's still a few things that are definitely too small, but, I can fit into all of them. They're just tight. So I'm pretty happy. Gonna keep on it, get the rest of the way and hopefully finally get these visible abs. Then when I move it's back to the gym.

I also used to suggest making stir fries a lot. I come to you with a revised recipe. I'll even give quantities.
250-300g chicken breast
1/2 red pepper
1/2 onion
1/2 broccoli head/stalk thing
150-200g noodles of your choice (I prefer chow mein style or thick noodles)
1 chicken stock cube
Garlic powder

So it's simple:
Chop chicken, onion, broccoli and pepper
Boil water
Noodles in water
Cook till not entirely cooked. Depending on your preference. I like them stiff/almost chewy
Put back in pot
Heat frying pan to maximum
Put a bit of oil in the pan
Put in chicken, cook till basically cooked
Pitch in vegetables
Stir fry for like 1-2 minutes
Toss noodles in a bit of oil (not a lot)
Put noodles in pan
Add stock cube and garlic powder
Stir that shit constantly on high heat until the noodles are nicely fried.

Do that 2x per day as the only thing you eat. It's fast to make, and incredibly delicious. Calories are like ~750 per portion assuming 200g noodles, 300g chicken. (138 per 100g noodles, 110 per 100g chicken. ~120 for the veggies. A bit extra for the oil) It's incredible filling as well. You can try other sauces and generally fuck around with it but it makes eating 1500 calories per day easy.


I used to hate feeling hungry while dieting, but now I feel anxious when my stomach isn't rumbling because I feel like I went over my goal.

Does anyone else get "mental cravings"? The real hunger feeling is easy to supress, but for the past few days I've been getting these mental cravings for food.

For example, I see leftover empanadas made. I don't touch them all day. Then when I'm laying in bed, my mind just goes "empanadas empanadas empanadas" and it gets so bothersome I'm just like fuck it and eat them all. I felt like shit.

I'm trying to stay at my 2000 calorie limit, but I probably went up to maybe 2500 today, all because of those night time cravings.

I just ate some pieces of chicken after 12 am, telling myself "well technically it's the new day, so I can eat today's calories now, right?" R-right??

i ate like around 2300 cals today but then did some heavy-ass lifting up a hill and a flight of stairs, 3 trips ~50lbs each

am i good? or did i still fuck up

Is chin fat possible? I'm hoping...I'm just 40 pounds away from my target weight but my rather pronounced chin hasn't gone away.

yes, it could be fat

but if it isn't, just bulk afterward and your pronounced chin will fit right in with the rest of you

Same thing for me bro. I need to cut from 170 to 155 so I started doing 20 min HIIT before lifting. Now I hit the weights with 10x more energy.

you're good, you probably didn't burn much calories but it's hard to imagine it wasn't at least 300

Why is my mood affected if i don't lose weight sometimes? I know that weight fluctuations are normal even if you stick to your diet, but why do i feel like shit everytime it happens?

>tfw I've been eating like an absolute disgusting slob for the past 3 days eating a little bit over my TDEE one day but maintaining the others
Fuck. Will eating 700 calories a day kill me? I need to do this to make up for lost time. I've already been doing 1000 a day sometimes

My sister just brought a box of donuts to my house. I've managed to not eat them today because I already ate at my limit, but I'm afraid tomorrow I won't control myself. Why do people try to sabotage you like this?

No, there are even certain diets where you eat at or above maintenance on some days of the week and then barely eat on others.

can confirm, I had that fat for ages, I fucking hated it so much, it's like that last 10% fat that you can still look skinny with it, it's annoying as fugg

Because you care too much about the scale number. Just take pictures and compare them, or focus more on fitness goals.

Dig this juice, I was never a fat fuck like the dudes in this thread, but if there was some fat food around that was free picking, I would eat it. Yesterday, there was a fresh plate of donuts on the table, I moved them, wrapped them up, put them in the fridge without even thinking about eating them. I dunno what's happened to me, I think cutting out porn has somehow made me control myself way easier.

Just view yourself as a solider, and you're also the general/sarge incontrol, you don't want to fail yourself and you don't want to see a failure of yourself. Tad insane, but it can work


I've been doing so well for the past couple of months, but September comes along and I have been binging on over 10,000kcals srs.

binge on popcorn my man

it's stomach padding

Holy fuck have some self control.

>tfw 82 kg last 2 months
>now still 79 kg eventhough I hit the gym 5 times a week
Did I do something fuck up here? I calculated my daily consume and it was even lower than 1500 calories, around 1200 calories.
Or is it because I only hit the gym for an hour?

I either fast or binge eat. There isn't any moderation for me right now.

bigger question is what are you doing outside the gym?

Hmmm, makes since in the long run since it will all be the same amount of calories consumed I guess. Thanks user.

what are you, a midget?

Holy hell how do you binge that much? How big are you?

>go out with friends
>play computer
I'm still trying to get a job and that's why the activities are around those greentexts if I don't get called from job recruitments.

I guess something like that, I'm 170 cm.
N-no bully.

walk more

>I'm 170 cm.

Asian or grill?

SW 330
CW 249
GW 150
5 8 male

Replaced all 4XL shirts with 2XL shirts today. Felt good.

Being a manlet sucks though. Trying to replace pants and anything 30L is too long. Used to be about 46W now I can put on 40W just fine.

I had a milkshake today that was least 3-4,000 calories. Also had some shitty processed shit. So, about another 2-3 thousand cals. I moved in a big city and although i see no white grills (i dont wanna fugg, i just want them to 'mire me from afar) i still wanna look good for if a white accidentally finds its way in memphis.

I meant 5,000kcal+ but I'm short. I can't control myself. I believe it's because I'm not getting enough sleep due to my new job. Lack of sleep triggers binges. I don't know if it's a cortisol thing or if there's another chemical thing that happens when you fuck with sleep.

Ah shit thanks. I'll try it.

>Asian or grill

Asians get off free for being short so don't worry there, just be like bruce lee and clean ya nose

>post ends in 88
The only thing hurting me today is the fact that I don't live in an ethnostate.

i'm around the same weight and progress but i plan to replace all my shirts in spring/summer, gonna wear oversized shirts all winter under the hoodies.

so nobody else can relate? fuck man

remove all junk food from house, assume all junk food is a jewish trick to make you pathetic. Helped me

I can relate.

Even when I'm completely full I still want to go to taco bell because the act of going to taco bell psychologically snaps me out of depression instantly and makes me immensely happy, and I continue the feel that way as I eat the food. It's not about hunger at all, it's about needing mental relief from the pain of life. That's why I'm fucking fat in the first place.

Only if I haven't cheated in a while, in which case it doesn't really matter if I eat it or not.

How common are galstones? A big reason im afraid to do a meme diet that makes me lose all the weight insanely fast is because i don't want a galstone. Are they like kidney stones? Or worse? How exactly does one form

Just fucking plan a day where you can eat the things you want, it's much easier to avoid shitty foods when you know you can eat it later in the week as much as you want.

>Put a tarp over a dump truck
>Now no one will be able to tell it's a dump truck and not a Miata!


i was confused about the size of those shirts and your weight but then i saw your height, it's amazing how a couple inches can alter a body so much, i'm 6ft 220lbs and wear L shirts and i can squeeze into some M's as undershirts for when i'm wearing dress shirts

>4000 calorie milkshake

was it a fucking lard shake or wtf


I'm currently on penicillin because of an inflammation
Should i continue being on a caloric deficit or go maintenance for the time being?

post pics

Been stuck at 98-100 kg (~218 lbs) for several months now. Strongfat (I think), 5'11, 30 yrs. At 19 I was 180. Haven't been back at that weight ever since. I fucking want it man. Will I make it?

Fuck, I only lost 0.4 kg in 3 weeks.

If you've lost 80kg and are consistently keeping it off you're well on the way user, keep at it and good luck!!!