Post your favorite lift, Veeky Forums

post your favorite lift, Veeky Forums

personally i unironically love to squat

I ironically love to squat

Ironically I love to squat unironically

with music:

>bench press
>lat pull downs
>row pulls
>leg curls
>hack squats
>pull ups
>dead lifts
>leg press

without music:

what is everyone else's favourites?


gym recently got some bumper plates, and god damm it felt so good


My melatonin-rich male specimen of the human race.

>Tfw being unable to hold in a smile when feeling that post-diddy warmth in my erector spinae

Bench press because I've always had a dyel chest and I've only recently realised I'm not doing bench right. Now when I do it I feel my chest hurting afterwards

ohp, tried back extensions for the first time today and they felt fun

how do these plates affect your DL? My gym got some bumpers too (I assume those thick ones?) and I'm thinking of trying them out next time I dl, assuming there are enough

Hopefully it's aching and not hurting

Yeah I mean aching

overhead press

well for one I didn't have to stop every so often to even out the hex plates

lmao you mean melanin?

bradford press

My nigga OHP is beast mode especially when you get a heavy weight up and you have it locked.
>tfw when 5 kgs away from BW OHP

Squats and Deadlift

Aaaand I'm retarded. Looks like its time to hit the sack for those 8 hours of sleep COME OON.

>Tfw it's been a long day and I studied Russian for the last two hours
>Здpaвcтвyйтe, я Aнoн и я пoнятия нe имeю, кaк гoвopить пo-pyccки!


wtf are you me? I made the Klokov thread

OHP because I feel strong pressing those 45's above my head

Used to love deadlift until i vistited snap city.
Now i dig benchpress.
Feels like it's all wrong at the moment.

>Tfw love to squat
>but can squat bc of genetically big ass afraid of its sticking out more

Lat pull downs.

In that order

Feels Bad Man
I had the same thing, snapped my shit up on a deadlift with good form I probably just went too ham on my lower back. Now I only do olympic lifting which basically made the snap a blessing in disguise because I love it.

If you’re fem list pic. We’ll be the judge of what’s big or not.