Shoulder Impingement

Has anyone ever really recoverd from shoulder impingement. I have had it for five months now. I have rested and only done the exercises that my physio has told me to. I have tried to find succes stories of people who have overome this, but none have fully recovered. Is this so?

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what caused it?

i fuck up my shoulder every time i try OHP
the solution was switching to seated shoulder press and daily stretching

Yeah, mine was a like Stage 1 or 2 I believe. I did the exercises at a physical rehab place for a couple months and iced it everyday.
It's been about a year since then it doesn't bother me anymore, but I will always have that bump. If you're not a DYEL it shouldn't really affect you after a couple months of exercise, as one I just do pushups now to help stabilize.

Yes op
Go here, read this
Your welcome

OHP and jugling

daily stretching of the chest and biceps?

I have a malformed acromion on one side, so I had trouble for years. For me it was as simple as not doing regular barbell bench, had to switch to reverse grip. If you can't OHP I suspect you have some serious protraction issues; stretch your pecs out, strengthen your rear delts and rotator cuff muscles, get a band and start doing shoulder dislocations.

how long do you ice it for? any certain time of the day?

Seems like my physio wont approve of this though

Hanging worked for me. Not KYS hanging. Hanging from a bar in a way that opens up the impinging components of the shoulder. Look up John Kirsch and shoulder impingement. You can also get a nice spinal stretch that way.

15 min. Usually I would do it in the morning and once at night, but I guess it doesn't really matter

should one do that even when though it is enflamed

OP I have had shoulder impingement for 9 months. Nothing helped except medication which I have been taking for 2 months now.

I am not 100% like before but it's pretty much day and night compared to not taking it.

I was a 10/10 before being unable to lift my arms to even drive to now being able to go to the gym (Lightly), walk my dogs, clean my house and just live normally again.

It's about a 2/10 now.

Take Lyrica 150mg twice a day. It will help everything.

should I not worry abou the inflamaton, making it worse by lifting up my arms and impinging it more

Thats great its so much better, sucks that it really messes up ones life though. Just holding my phone for 5 minutes, brushing my teeth and such really triggers the pain. I wish I could do it without medication but that doesnt seem very likely.. Is lyrica antiinflamatory?

i have a good friend who is one of the best physio therpaists i know.
he did 2 weeks of work, every 2-3 days, 10-15 minutes and i never had any problems since.
it was very painfull to be honest and i couldnt tell you what exactly he did but that worked wonders. i couldnt even bench 80 kilos anymore but after he was done, i went up to 120. no problems ever since. i do a lot of rotator cuff warm up though on chest and shoulder days.

Apparently it's a mix of everything and as my doctor says "calms the nerves down and helps numb them".

I advise you to ask your doctor about this because if I did not get on this medication my life would be hell.

>tfw have thoracic outlet syndrome which hurts my shoulders

>yes goy, keep gobbling down our pharmaceutical products instead of regenerating for good, after all that would be "magic" and is impossible amirite?

enjoy your permanent pain and not being able to lift HARD, altho u could fix it in a matter of short time

If it's still that painful then you need to manage the inflammation enough to get benefits from the rehab exercises. Connective tissue takes a long time to heal due to slow protein turnover. If you're not already, take a few grams of fish oil every day, with ibuprofen as needed up to 1200mg per day (ibu before doing your rehab is always a good idea).

Im all ears

Yes. Impinged at 30kg ohp (babbyweight i know) when i first started due to poor form. Had a month only benching and then Took it real careful and upped 1kg every week. 40kg now, no impingement again

maybe you should man up and take the pain instead
This fixes it