This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again

This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again.

This is bait right? Can people add "bait thread" to the title so we know they're only pretending to be retarded?

Why is it bait? Haven't seen it.

that would kind of defeat the purpose though wouldn't it

I know this is probably just bait, but you could easily eat mcdonalds for a month and be healthy. All this movie teaches is that fast food companies are to blame, rather than your shitty choices.

I eat fast food like 4 times a week after the gym and I look great. It's bulking season and the rest of my food intake is clean. An extra 1000 calories from Taco Bell or Chick Fil A doesn't concern me and even 4 times a week doesn't seem to push me past 12-13% bf.

>I look great
post body

It's exaggerated. The movie shows a hypercaloric diet and no exercise leads to weight gain and decreased physical fitness.
The scene where he's awake at 4 am whining is pure pathos.
None of the movie is applicable for real people and for those it applies to it won't change their minds. Fat Head is a mockumentary of Supersize Me and elaborates on why this movie is bad.

Ultimately, the movie is a cash grab. Thinking the point of this movie is to never indulge or eat fast foods shows you're an easily swayed idiot.
Everything in moderation. You knew this already.

I forgot that, the most important part:
The movie shifts blame away from the individual to the evil "Big McDonald's".
No Timmy, it's not your fault you got fat, it's because those dastardly fast food companies make advertisements!

>post body

Suck my cock bitch

not gonna happen fat boy

It is true though. Advertising is bad because it triggers our primate brain with flashy and catchy things. Is frightening how easy to manipulate people are.

Look user we all already know your thread is bait. I explained why the movie is retarded.
Is there more you want to know or do you want to keep baiting and me answering you seriously? Neither of us have anything better to do, clearly.

alright nigger boy

>this movie opened my fries. I'm never eating at taco bell again.

Those people who get manipulated by mcdonald's advertising deserve to get fat and have their health suffer because of it. No excuses for being that weak.

>needing a shitty movie to stop eating junk food

This. Sick of the liberal mindset that it's the fault of companies if people get fat. If people eat shit from McDonalds it's their own choice. Fast food places would go out of business if people chose not to eat there, they're not forcing food down your throats.
It's the same thing with that dumbass What The Health documentary. It's not the government's fault that fatties are too stupid to read ingredients and can't control themselves. Mommy I need society to baby me!!!

I remember just craving some maccy d's after watching this. Am pretty sure it was a sponsored ad by McDonald's.

This guy had a great concept for a documentary, and then he ruined it by forcing himself to eat like shit. Instead of potentially showing fatties how to make better choices he just assumed "well most people eat like shit so I'll force myself to do the same"

McDonalds actually have a fair amount of healthy foods now, there's no reason you couldn't eat there for a month and maintain quality health.

If you want to close your eyes again, just watch "Fathead". After that movie I felt like my IQ has declined a lot.

>mcdonalds is to blame for my obesity!
>the casino is to blame for my gambling addiction!
>jack daniels corporation is to blame for my alcoholism!
>marlboro is to blame for my chain smoking!

>Can people add "bait thread" to the title so we know they're only pretending to be retarded?

This is bait.

Couldnt have said it better myself.

You're right, Jack Daniels IS to blame. They should compensate me with a bottle!


Food documentaries are always kekworthy. They do just about everything they can to make remove any and all accountability from individual people.