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Health #432
/Gymcel/ General
Do nootropics actually work?
/FPH/ Fat People Hate General
Best place to talk about your Sarm induced gyno
/plg/ powerlifting general
You Need People. Be Attractive
Help me become my old self again
Hi, I'm on DNP
When does it get better
Block your path
Describe your relationship with your father, Veeky Forums
Is this faggot right or is he just claiming this to get views?
Low IQ high T thread
Fictional goal bodies
Just a warning to our melanin-deficient friends here on Veeky Forums, remember to keep things in moderation
/NoFap/ general
What does Veeky Forums eat for breakfast?
Stop eating meat
Ordered pizza again, Veeky Forums
Gym Crush
Alright Veeky Forums, how do I make good coffee?
Sunday Thread
How to get non twink hands
Bow down to your alpha
So, who's /biz-fit/ here?
How do i go below 95kg?
Hypothetically speaking...
Okay Veeky Forums, so my cat has diabetes and I give her the smallest possible amount of insulin 2x every day...
Alex pls go
Left: lifting is great!
Tfw your dog is hogging the bar
If you're reading this - I hope something fantastic happens to you today!!!!!!!!
Reminder that 90% of people on Veeky Forums reside in mount stupid
Before Lifting: attracted to nice, 'girl next door' types
ITT favorite excersize
Reminder that natty lifting is a waste of time
No Fap + Fasting + Black coffee
Admit it, there's one part of your body you work out harder than the others hoping it gets bigger quicker...
These people
I fucked up Veeky Forums
Gym main character is having a fight with his rival in the curl rack again
Veeky Forums every day I eat the same shit, so much so I've lacked certain nutrients
Gf for 2 years dumps me
This is for all you faggots saying lean bulk/recomp is impossible for natties
How come this guy looks so good? Whats so unique about his proportions or whatever?
It's over
Who are you lifting for?
Any Veeky Forumsizens defeated thoughts of their life bring worthless or wasting their life? Battling that now at 24
What mode is this
Tfw I figured out how to maximize lateral delt size as a natty
How Veeky Forums do I need to be as a manlet before I'm equivalent to an average guy in attractiveness?
How many of you guys have body dysmorphia? be honest
Does steak really cause cancer or is it just a meme??
Chad thread
Halloween Costume Inspiration
Is ground beef just as good as chicken breast?
How to prevent aging
Too Much Exercise Can Kill White Men, Scientists Find
I typed too much shit so now nobody is going to reply to this
Attractive Privilege
Which countries have the most ripped, built, muscular, fit, strong people
Why lift when you'll always be a facelet?
At what speed should I """run""" on the treadmill if I'm trying to lose weight?
Leg press is such a faggoty machine with plenty of faggots using it
Deadlift Motivation /crew/ -
State of Youtube Fitness
High-school user here (18) with some questions for older, more experienced anons...
Veeky Forums, when did you realise that the male physique is objectively more aesthetic than the female?
ITT: We post what normies outside fit think is huge
ITT We judge each others' daily supplements
Are Elon's face gains from lifting or survery
Quartering of Troops
Excessive masturbation has been scientifically linked to:
Naked attraction
This is considered huge in MMA
Its bulking season lads, why are you drinking your milk?
"Oh god, you're in so deep.."
Come on user, just have one slice of cake
Fuck powerlifting
Calorie estimate
Need to run a mile in a half in 15 minutes in 1 month and half
Let's dispel this myth about milk once and for all
Post calves
Remind me Clarence Kennedy does 5 x 5 of squats everyday?
>tfw no t-rex gf
Why lift when all my Saturday nights end up like this
What do I say next, never talked to a model before
ITT: slightly autistic fit shit you do
Antifa training
Excessive masturbation has been scientifically linked to:
Tfw you can't pull down that thick qt latina's sweaty yoga pants down and just slide it in her tight butthole as she...
Fat fuck at the gym talking down to what i think is his girlfiend, when do I step in?
Chill Thread
How does an autistic hermit (21 yrs klhhl) with 1/2/3/4 and an attractive face get laid...
Lifting for a real purpose
Are women intimidated by muscular men?
Who else is looking and waiting for the perfect gf meanwhile you pass young and single 6-7s all day long and never even...
Break bench and squat 3x5 PRs every week
Tfw chest only looks good when nipples are hard
Have you taken the nosejob pill?
Not lifting for Christ
Current Body Thread - Back Edition
Derrogatory Term For Fat People
I thought looks were everything. I'm tired of losing how do I become Chad Veeky Forums
Did you ever realize that the entire 'fit and healthy' culture is also white and straight, Veeky Forums...
American here, how much of a worthless faggot would I be if I wore this to the gym. Also: gym wear general...
Are you able to lift more when women are lurking in the gym?
How do we stop asian women from seducing white men?
You should be bouldering, Veeky Forums
How much protein does cum contain compared to something like eggs...
What's the point of working out if I have a penis just under 6 inches that's not even girthy...
Cocoa = good
What is the ideal female form?
2 weeks in to no-fap and life just feels painful, lonely and miserable
Explain to me why fastfoot is bad if im under my maintenance
There is a Pool Party coming up in 7 days. What can I do to achieve best possible mirin results in that timeframe...
How do you build mass on your ribcage?
Anyone else never brush their teeth?
Have you ever gotten mired like this?
The real life turbo manlet
I finaly joined 2pl8 bench club after 6 months
Be 18
Sexual Health General
Can I eat this as pre-workout before a workout? I'm piss poor
Does weed kill gains?
Married woman at work wants to come over tonight and fuck
Who is /fat/ for?
Why aren't you training your neck, Veeky Forums?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Jocko Willink Navy SEAL
Your average dutch gym
/routine general/
What country is the most Veeky Forums?
What is the male equivalent?
Current Body Thread
Veeky Forums Approved Hobbies
U mad vegan boi?
Year 2017
ON Whey
What is the biggest scam in Fitness right now?
Yesterday my friend showed me Deadlifts for the first time, (he's been lifting for two months)...
Damn bros
Tfw poo genes
Explain how to properly throw a punch, Veeky Forums
What does Veeky Forums think of Pea Protein?
You can make it
Working At Fastfood
What does Veeky Forums do for their traps?
Monthly reminder
You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza
/v/ here
How'd it happen, boys?
Gf cheated on me. with a dyel
Only Alphas can reply to this thread
Sleeves for knee pain?
Bradley Martyn
You're at the gym when this guy slaps your GF's ass. What do you do?
Decided to finally upgrade from bodyweight to metal today and went to the gym for the first time after lurking here for...
Sweet Aryan jawline thread
Just one chance at life
Confidence after weight loss
Need some advice bros
Is it possible to be Veeky Forums and a virgin?
/skin/ general
Symmetric Strength Thread
Started SS
6'3, 205 pounds
Gonna start water-fasting tomorrow, want to do it for a week or two
/Friday Night Feels/
How can i even compete bros
When i see white boys in gym i cringe, they try so hard to be like us
Is it even possible to make it if you work construction?
How do i achieve this mode?
Get Veeky Forums
Who /eat big to brap big/ here?
Ugly subhuman creature here
Who does fit prefer
Do you shower after you workout? Does your gym have showers?
How many of these would you be able to take on?
Cailer Woolam, How to sumo deadlift
How many years of strict natty lifting would it take to achieve this?
Smoking & Working Out
Thoughts on becoming a personal trainer? Thinking about getting a NASM certificate
Girl threatens to leave
Most alpha MBTI type
What mode can I achieve with this brutal...been lifting for 2 months not sure If I should continue or not
How do you start making money off you’re fitness? I’ve got the look to gain followers and stuff I think...
/chad/ general
What else needs to be done?? I want my physique to be in shape. Am I fine and over thinking?
How do I get a swimmers body???
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
A guy was doing 4pl8s on the leg press machine
Opinions on nofap?
How can I get a waist like this?
Posts ending in 2 must recreate this pic
How do i achieve running back mode?
Sulforaphane Blocks myostatin
University thread
Meal r8 thread
My arm is autistic
The diet of the healthiest country in the world
What’s Veeky Forumss favorite thing to drink
QTDDTOT - Couldn't find a thread edition
Anyone else /cereal/?
Would you eat this keto breakfast?
How do I achieve this mode?
How the fuck do you approach your gym crush? Any success stories?
"How much you bench? Yeah I could probably bench more than that just no time to lift too busy working...
Stretch marks
Can I get a quick rundown on this fella? What routine do you think he uses?
Dream becomes lucid
How much do you pay for your gym membership, Veeky Forums?
AlphaDestiny is now a male model
/SIG/ Self-Improvement General
Potatoes, some fat and some salt
How do I grow a chest?
Sleep with clubskank
Stop saying we are all going to make it. No, that is false, most of us will fail, few shall succeed...
Isley is the TRUE king of Veeky Forums
Imagine that guy looking at his recent training videos and knowing he has to fight him
Why does the tall skinny guy always have it easy with women?
What are good snacks to have during the workday for bulking?
Do you hit your 10,000 goal every day?
What happens when you go from fat to fit? And what does it feel like?
Unironically do rubber weights weigh less than steel ones...
How do you do squats without destroying your neck? i get bruised
''you won't eat the pizza because you have to count calories?!''
Veeky Forums will try to defend this
Have you guys seen anyone from your high school at your gym?
What colleges do you guys go to? Do you have any thoughts on UCLA?
My GF was slim until she had our daughter. 4 years after pregnency she still get +20 kg
How do I avoid this? My palms are getting ripped
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
What does Veeky Forums wear?
Reminder that natty lifting is a complete waste of time
Are you friends with the gym receptionist?
Yo, this meathead used to be your boyfriend? What did you two talk about, bench press technique?
Hi, is muscle memory real?
23 years old and want to take up boxing
It takes forever to build muscle and notice significant changes
I train my calves really hard with high intensity but the fuckers won't grow. Are implants my only option?
Who here /1 arm pushup/?
Penis inspection day at the gym
Are your hands big enough to hold a basketball like that Veeky Forums? I cant do it and I feel like a little bitch
This is the body women want men to have
'do you want the receipt?'
/fat/ Halloween is coming (fat wojak approved!)
I'm 19 years old and I've noticed I've been getting taller over the last few months...
Are split squats bad for your knees? I thought if you don't squat below parallel...
So, why have none of you talked about Practical Programming novice program?
Does edging increase test?
When will they learn?
Body goals as fuck. Who's your inspiration?
Hey guys I've been lifting for 4 years now and I just notice that I have an uneven chest...
We post gym equipment and give them more appropriate names
What are some essential testosterone boosting foods?
She said no
I feel fatter even though I'm losing weight -
Have you ever been in a fight Veeky Forums?
Hey guys. boogie here
How to get rid of lower back pain?
/run/ - running general - data mining edition
Does this really happen Veeky Forums?
He is 6'3. How can men under 6'3 even compete anymore?
Any Utah Veeky Forumsizens here?
How the hell do you make working out fun?
What sort of training would create this physique?
That guy in the gym who looks unhinged and gives people angry looks for no reason
Tfw got kicked out of the gym because one of my oxygen balloons burst and scared everyone
How do I obtain the body status of this great kung fu master?
The TRUE king of Veeky Forums
I'm 6'1"
2 week Var only cycle
Supplement General
Cannabis in my protein powder??
Is the test loss from smoking enough to affect gains?
Can Veeky Forums recommend a good soy protein supplement?
How are you supposed to act around gymsluts like these in the gym? They are almost naked
What is this mode called?
Just throw a tv on her from a rooftoof bro
Strength symmetry thread
Help fit
How do I achieve this physique?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
I thought cardio kills gains? Why is he so fucking muscular and shredded then?
So, I know GOMAD was parodied in that one sketch from a few years ago on adult swim...
She left me Veeky Forums. After two and a half years. Are women really just a meme...
He doesn't begin and win a fight to get a boost of testosterone
No fap
Chill thread
How do I achieve Geralt mode?
Alcohol consumption
Anybody here fix kyphosis?
Cute bodybuilder chick says, wanna wrassle?
All the lifting in the world wont make her like me
What does Veeky Forumsness consider to be the ideal female physique?
ITT: shit Veeky Forums says
No matter how much you lift in the gym, you're still as vulnerable to bullets
Tfw coworker is organizing after work drinks. somehow i get invited
Gym stories?
What's a respectable one arm curl? I've worked my way to comfortably repping 60's
When mom takes your tinder photo
Getting Veeky Forums to stop dung cucked
Did Rich Piana's rice diet kill him?
Is too much milk bad for you?
Post your country
Lost 13.6 lbs, thanks fit
What bodyfat is this?
How does it feel knowing that once you go Veeky Forums you can never go Veeky Forums?
How do I not fuck up the landing?
Let's talk about this study
Going out on a limb asking FIT this...
Is the gym a bad place for a date?
Janitors deleting Über Chad threads
Flat v. Incline bench
Veeky Forums shills a program
Do dumbbell shoulder press for years
Tfw looked better before cutting
What is it with delts man, why cant they just fucking grow
1.What is the purpose of hamstrings in real life(give an example)
Redpill me on this
340 bench
What kind of workout will give me a face like this?
*Über Chad strides towards you*
Gotta smash that 'super like' brehs
Why do fat people hate it when other fat people get less fat?
Locked out of dorm >roommate wont be back for 2 hours
Area code thread, if someone is in your area you should lift with them. I'm in 801, currently DYEL need partner
It's settled, you fascists. Stop shaming me for things beyond my control
Are you doing your vacuums Veeky Forums?
/mirin/ general
*enters gym*
What video games does Veeky Forums play?
We know what the SuperChad looks like. What about the SuperStacey?
Does IF actually FUCKING do anything other than make cutting mentally easier?
Bigger calves
Fat Wojack is Back
Music that gets you pumped
Your opinion?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General: Mr Intensity Edition
Oh you workout? Me too bro. What's your bench?
Help with shin splints
Be me
How do I cure eating-when-bored syndrome.....please don't tell me it's terminal
It's literally impossible to make it without roids if you are skinnyfat
That guy whos been going to the gym for a year and only benches 1pl8
What's the best routine for social gains? I don't want to be "Do You Even Socialize?"-tier for the rest of my life
What is a respectable weight for DB ohp?
Anons, wtf are these on my cock? I've had them for several years now. I keep matching pics to STDs online...
Where do you fall Veeky Forums ?
Start water fast
FPH-Cringe Edition
Dear metal fans for da der gym motivation. Please check out
187cm Chad here. Well on my way to being a doctor. Green eyes. I frequently fuck escorts now...
Normies in the 80s considered this to be "ripped."
Water Fast update
So i started gym two months algo and i looked like this:
Does Veeky Forums ever get a massage?
How do y'all feel about strong lifts 5x5?
Be me
Why is it that we can't agree on anything when it comes to diet?
What are your vices Veeky Forums ? Whats keeping you from making it?
Body fat % estimate thread
Which one of these four destinies is the correct choice?
How Veeky Forums do you have to be to fuck girls like this?
Cutting at 900 calories a day
How do I photoshop myself to look like this?
Lifting with female lifting buddy
Cheating /fraud/ general
How did you get your shit together?
Symmetric Strength
I am thinking of starting steroids so I don't have to work hard in the gym. Would it work? I am 18 yrs, 185 lbs and 6'0
Reminder that lifting weights at the gym doesn't give you functional strength or spiritual fighting power
I havent lifted in 3 months
How to attain the Zyzz cuts
What do you guys do for a living? Does your job kill your gains?
Starting late
Which individual (fictional or real) inspired you to start lifting?
Advice for a beginner who just wants muscle size and doesn't give a fuck about strength? Fuck these SS shits man
Smooth or lumpy?
Can't sleep on an empty stomach
Working out before breakfast (when fasting)
Does NOFAP his entire life
Marky Mark did 22 pull-ups to raise $22,000, meanwhile you're doing 5 assisted at best raising $0
No carbs
Go to class all day
POLL: Wilks Score
Why do girls love strong men in modern times when it's much more important to be intelligent for a successful life
What's point of lifting I'd you're a facelet?
Matches you on tinder
Why would you want to look bigger than this if your goal is to look good?
Is it actually worth it to lift if you're ugly? Lifting takes time, money, and effort...
Is CICO a myth?
See this guy at the gym
I miss him, Veeky Forums
Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney says team doctor repeatedly molested her
What am I in for
Brain gains> Muscle gains
Is this achievable natty? IMO it looks like it may be the natty limit after many years of training...
GOMAD wont fuck you u-
Lifting for yourself
Alright brehs, milf superliked me, what's next?
Tfw dick looks decent size first person perspective
What is the official Veeky Forums stance on fitness expert Jason Blaha?
Anyone here with brain fog ?
How come darker skin people tend to look more massive than lighter skin people?
Posts ending in dubs must recreate this pic
Someone breaks into your house
If you could give advice to yourself when you first started lifting, would would it be?
/fat/ to Veeky Forums stories
What do you guys listen to at the gym ?
Water fast for 12 days
Day 5 of NOFAP
Do I bulk or cut?
ITT: Military SIPs
Why haven't you taken the eyepill yet, Veeky Forums? It's literally impossible to be a Chad unless you have blue eyes
Why does water fasting make me tired? I am doing everything right
Which is better?
Do you have a smart watch Veeky Forums?
Vegan Bodybuilders EXPOSE Meat-Based Diets
Manlet pit design
God tier fitness youtubers. I will start
Fitness cringe thread
What are Veeky Forums's current main lifts?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
*Uberchad strides towards you*
Looking at your phone in the gym
Best Ab Exercises
So I read a bunch of posts yesterday about people struggling with sub 200 bench (for reps)
Guys I'm addicted to cigarettes, i smoke at least a pack a day and I'm 23
Jeez fucking crist... I took a zinc supplement yesterday (250% RDA) and my cum has increased by 3x...
What are the essentials for manlet aesthetics?
/NoPorn General/
Fictional goal body thread
R8 this
Be me
Google cancels fitness app among contraversy
Walking to squat rack
CBT- Current Body Thread
Uni gym thread
Can someone explain this fucking meme to me?
Manlets are better than lanklets prove me wrong. Protip: You can't
Almost Veeky Forums enough to be accepted by other gay men
Black superior race confirmed
Behind the back bench press
My lil bro got assaulted
Finally trrying to be a normie
Left fit years ago when i got serious with a girl
Redpill me on coffein?
How old is too old to start lifting?
I want to feel fuller and I'm not getting that from what I'm eating (breakfast is steel cut oats and rice at dinner)...
If you had to describe proper diet and exercise in 10 words or less, how would you do it?
The case for doing the most difficult version of a exercise
How does somebody know if they made it
Alright Veeky Forums, gun to your head question time
Fall asleep laying on my stomach
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on l arginine
/infio/ - Infographic General
Do I just have shitty chest genetics ?
Why do women consider this manly? Is it manly to be a lazy piece of shit? Why even lift?
Dad is 5'11
/fat/: I ate the whole pizza edition
What's the ideal height for everyday life? What about for lifting?
Veeky Forums bros can someone explain this to me?
Larry Wheels 22 y/o powerlifter Bronx, NY
Drink shitloads of water every day
Height of your parents and your height
Hey Veeky Forums. How true is this image?
White bois BTFO
Fifth month of doing no shampoo
The best part about eating right and lifting for years is seeing fat slobs with their cute gfs while I sit at home alone
Gods Snack
Progress thread
Why lifting when a 16 years old kid with some beats and lyrics will make more money than you we will ever make ?
OPH in the squat rack
Post yfw you fail the last fucking rep
How do I balance three girls and the gym, guys? Will they kill my gains?
Is there any way I could get my face to look more feminine? And my breasts more noticeable?
Be 32 year old kv with no friends
What are manlets supposed to learn???
What does Veeky Forums think of Zyzz?
What does Veeky Forums think about people who use machines at the gym?
/thicc/ general (beard not included edition)
Is cycling better for your legs/knees than jogging?
I'm about to do something bad
Anyone else here try cat milk?
Is this bs?
Hey man, I'm using that bench
Dem shoulders
VEGAN BULKING. What do you eat in a day?
This kinda ticked me off Veeky Forums. I saw this on Twitter and all this dude said was “idc get whatever”...
He lifts for thots and not pic related
I feel stupid in the gym as the fat girl lifting basically no weight. How do I get over that?
Hi, I'm doing DNP
Mental Health Thread
Is it possible to increase your height?
Tomorrow is squats
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on soylent?
My sister is 14 and she is already taking anticonceptives
How you holding up Veeky Forums?
Cheaty Cheaty
This was not the case in black men, based on 3,175 participants
How would you feel if pay was based on physical fitness
One chance at life
How would you react if your mom told you, your real father was a black man ?
Is he...dare I say it...The next king of Veeky Forums?
Benching 205
He does not listen to his favorite anime OP while lifting
Should I be using milk in my protein smoothie shakes, or water?
Why lift when it's all about the face?
Operation fat gf
Bulking food
Anyone else here done an extended fast? That is, no eating (only water) for more than 3 days?
FAVE " 'LET " terms?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General: Stronk 4 Jebus Edition
Would you date these 6'6 giants?
How the fuck am I supossed to afford a fucking daily gallon of milk
Incredibly aesthetic body
Why even lift when it's all about the face?
One chance at life
Eric Bugenhagen appreciation
How can rice even compete?
Whats the point of losing weight if you are still gonna be ugly?
This guy is proof that you can make it even as a manlet if you lift
Hair removal
God tier sups
Why is the deadlift the greatest exercise?
Tfw just under 6'
Can I not squat and just do leg press instead?
Veeky Forums in person
Unironically name one thing better than seeing someone lifting significantly less that you in the gym and struggling
Do you go to the gym with your girlfriend?
What are your emotions and thoughts upon seeing males such as this IRL?
Does anyone have experience Phenibut or other (legal) nootropics?
I'm a firefighter, and our fitness level can destroy most of you. What are you doing with your lives...
Have we spawned a new meme?
Just came across this video. This guy is skinny af and deadlifts nearly 1000lbs? Are these fakeplates Veeky Forums...
The Gigachad
Optimal female physique
Health At Every Size
How Many Carbs?
Why is crab in the bucket mentality so rampant among non-lifters
Wtf did I just heard...
/alpha/ AlphaDestiny Appreciation General, Smug Edition
User I
/sig/ - self improvement general
Testosterone for a teenager
On a date w/ qt3.14 gf
How do you approach or ask out a woman at the gym?
Which of these following statements is true:
You've always been hot, now just a little more chiselled
Has never touched weights
Tfw genetically gain fat quickly
Tfw 6'3
Humour thread
Fit favorites
Legs of Veeky Forums
JWG - Joint Wrecks General
Are these worth it? Do they feel like the real thing?
Whats the point of eating protein when you're cutting? protein synthesis isnt taking place anyway
/fat/: Binged on cat food again edition
Shit Normies Say
Gh at 18 for some height increase? I'm 5'8'' unforunately
Hi user I made you muffins
Enough with the manlet threads
Poo thread
How does a 35 year old kissless virgin find a gf these days? I've been Veeky Forums for 5 years and its not helping
Why does this pic make me rage so much bros?
What’s the point of lifting if no one will love you?
I see a lot of tinder posts on here as well as people complaining girls aren’t pure. Let’s settle this
Whoops! looks like I accidentally brought too much of this low calorie, high protein, high iron, high calcium...
Mirin' Thread
Since guys generally have a higher drive than girls how does sex with your wife/gf work...
Anyone else go home and jack off right away after getting back from the gym?
Fictional goal body thread
On TWO separate occasions this weekend, I observed really attractive girls oogle over tall, good looking guys
Tfw to intelligent to lift
What should I say to this testosterone temptress
Baby wrists
Why the Blaha hate?
Why lift if you're not italian?
Who or what prompted you to start lifting?
There is a total collapse
Veeky Forums BTFO LMAO
Gym sloot told me today that she wants to break up with her boyfriend because he dosent fuck her good...
Is ss a meme
How fast do I have to run a 10k to get a gf
How to cope with friends' death, Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums tat thread
Post dream physique
Hear the sound of your dad pissing on the toilet
An untrained person can do 1/2/3/4 with green plates
Going to jail pretty soon
Anyone have naturally enhanced...
Love handles
Hey there Veeky Forums, here's my situation:
New routine general?
Why are native humans, in their natural habitat, that spend sunrise to sunset everyday working...
Are their tiers of the "Chad" and the "Beta"
My gf downloaded tinder "as a joke" with her friends this weekend...
Where do you find the top 1%?
Is the existence of manlets justified by nature?
Post lay count and deadlift 1RM
How much weight can i gain in 3 months? i am currently very skinny 120 at 6 ft. is it possible to be 155 by january...
Sexual Health - Limp like Noodle?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Why do you lift for women?
Just happened
Lower back hurts. Can't squat or DL heavy. Don't want to lose gains
Fierce 5 Routine
Photoshop fag here. Post your body pics and I'll turn you into your most aesthetic self
I know this ass isn't fit, but it's not fat either, right?
Fat Hate /fhg/
Are Weight Belts a Meme?
I need to loose as many lbs in a few hours as I can for a job weighin
Take up lifting because of Veeky Forums
Why aren't you raising chickens at home?
How do you drink your coffee user?
Fit Feels Thread?
Veeky Forums
70 calories each
Skincare and facegains thread
In South Korea, this is a "man"
Hey Veeky Forums i'm a degenerate, lazy neet
Veeky Forums what do I say?
Tfw manlet
Am I fucked Veeky Forums?
Let me tell you the truth about nofap
Just one chance to born
German Volume Training
Stacey thread
How you holdin up Veeky Forums?
Does Veeky Forums have a waifu that they care about? Does she approve of your Veeky Forums lifestyle?
Is Phil Heath natural?
Saddest place on the internet??
Is MuscleThicc the ultimate female body type? i.e. strong and muscular on a large frame - tall...
Reverse progress thread! I find these highly motivating
Year long results
New achievements thread
Should men in the middles ages work out?
Implying he isnt an asshole
This guy actually unironically exists
Have i made it?
So Veeky Forums, you think you have what it takes to satisfy Stacey?
VEGAN GENERAL - AlphaDestiny Edition
Does caloric restriction (-500) stunt growth?
Rough break up now i'm dead set determined to be a sick kunt. been thinking about roiding nonstop
Chin surgery
Woman all over the world are posting this image
Ate 5 eggs today. Am I killing myself slowing with the cholesterol?
What drinks do you drink when fasting? I know about the standard water, black coffee, tea and diet sodas...
Friendly Reminder
Isn't PPL just a brosplit with 2-3 bodyparts crammed in on the same day? Wouldn't a normal brosplit be better?
Good Feels
My weight loss
Do NOT jack off
Are females actually this stupid or is it just a select few
Elliptical or treadmill?
Any military fags here?
Does lifting make up for being white?
CBT: Vegetarian keto edition
I work in a gym
Can we get a good nutrition going?
Is steak and eggs a good test booster?
Best way to eat eggs?
Is it even worth it to lift if you can't get a full nights sleep...
Why do people keep insisting you need to lift in order to get girls...
How can Jon Skywalker so openly admit to using tren...
Social gains
Does anyone else put these bad boys in their proton shakes so it feels like a thick protein load?
FPH/FPS White Whale Edition
One chance at life
I failed again. Other day is gone
/emptyvessel/ posting
Social gains
Is creatine worth it?
Olympic weightlifting worth it?
Veeky Forums isn't a gay board. Stop spreading these lies
Ideal woman
Male butterface
Protein bottles
Ctrl f
Thoughts on thinn braplets?
Tfw jawlet
PROOF that Height doesn't matter
To anyone who couldnt get a gf before Veeky Forums...... how about now?
How do you guys manage to find the time to work out when working at a job with a rotating shift?
Strong jawlines on girls
When is Veeky Forums going to realize that pic related is the true endgoal, not being some fucking zyzz clone twink?
What would this look like in real life?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
I can't take coldshowers anymore
/fat/ not the place for water fasting faggots
How can i look hot?
How different is it dating a black girl?
I've been lifting for like a year and a half and made like no gains, I still look DYEL
Anyone else feels like a manlet at 180 cm?
Have you noticed any misogynistic behavior at your gym?
Men with darker skin tones are rated as being more attractive. Just how bad is tanning for you...
Tfw the 6'6 memes are becoming real
Is One the greatest and most widely used PR song there is?
Let's say, hypothetically, I have an 8.5 face and a 7 body, I'm reasonably tall...
Is he natty?
Would you be Veeky Forums enough to survive a sexual encounter with Julia Vins?
Mental Health
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games