Redpill me on this

• 60 calories per serving
• 50% more calcium than dairy milk1
• Excellent source of vitamin E
• Absolutely no cholesterol or saturated fat
• Free of dairy, soy, lactose, gluten, casein, egg and MSG
• Verified by the Non-GMO Project’s product verification program
• No artificial colors, flavors or funny business

Am I missing something (besides the high price?)

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The only thing I drink

Only disadvantage is low protein

>Low protien
That should be reason enough

I have a glass of this and a glass of OJ every morning

This. It's otherwise godly. It doesn't have the protein content of dairy or soy milk, but if you're allergic to or trying to avoid either one, it's a great source of calcium and it's usually fortified with a bunch of other great shit. Throw it on cereal. Throw it in a smoothie. Throw protein in that shit. It's good.

High price and zero protein are reason enough

Shit protein. Soy is better

*blocks your path*

Just mix your protein with it and it's the best

Wouldn't eating a handful of almond + supplement give you everything this can offer & more for a tenth of the price ?

>plant based protein is absorbed with about half of the efficiency of milk proteins
>muh GMOs
honestly what’s the big deal about GMOs? it’s essentially expedited domestication, which no one has a problem with

GMOs are implemented to be pesticide-resistant retard. The crops survive all the chemical shit they spray on them but what do those chems do to our bodies when we eat those same crops?

I get usually get this, and it's pretty good. Doesn't taste a huge step away fromy regular milk.

I don't know.
Ask every country on the earth that demands that you tell people if a crop is GMO or not.

you do realise that the use of GMO crops has caused a reduction in the amount of chemical pesticides used on crops right? there are issues with GMOs but that is such a stupid point to make

It's overpriced sugar water dusted with multivitamin+multimineral powder and a teaspoon of rancid almond oil. You are gullible as fuck.

>sugar water
>less sugar than any type of conventional milk


I use it to replace milk in my cereal.

dumb nigger, buy unsweetened almond milk

We don't have it here (Netherlands)
How much does 1 L cost?

That makes no sense at all. What's your source?

>That makes no sense at all.
>Genetically engineering crops to resist pests and thus reducing the need for pesticides makes no sense


I think user believes that the plants are genetically modified so as not to be damaged by pesticides, rather than being modified so as to circumvent pesticides entirely

I never entailed a strict comparison to conventional milk. You can drink water instead. Nice straw man. Though even on that retarded point you're still wrong. Whole milk for example has 31% calories derived from lactose, whereas the OP product contains 47% calories from added cane sugar. According to the WHO they also have dissimilar health effects

>The WHO guideline does not refer to the sugars in fresh fruits and vegetables, and sugars naturally present in milk, because there is no reported evidence of adverse effects of consuming these sugars.

>overpriced water dusted with multivitamin+multimineral powder and a teaspoon of rancid almond oil
Oh wow, it's fucking nothing.

It's cheaper than organic milk though. The only drawback is it doesn't have the omega-3 contents of it.

Is silk keto?

I get my omegas from chia anyway
And as a vegan, getting enough protein is already challenging enough. I won't waste 1.35 (the cheapest 1L almond milk from Aldi) to buy 1.5 grams of protein

Water is "chemical shit". You have to use pesticides regardless unless you're keen on sending humanity back to primitive tribal culture. The pesticides that don't kill non-GMO crops are less efficacious and have higher harm on the environment and health in the long run.

look up tvp or soya chunks. they are infuckingsanely high in protein.

Tried them
Texture is 100% beef, and it has fooled every single person I've served them to
Taste is nowhere close to beef, no matter how much I season them. The only vegan food I have successfully made to taste like beef is shittakke (or w/e) mushrooms, no other variety, and they are really pricy. Like 2€ for a 100g package.

i started buying two of these every few days, same price (about $2.80) as the others and god tier macros. i put it in my oats so it adds fat and protein to my carbs

>Omega from chia

>Omega from fish carcasses
You can't make this shit up

>Protein nutmilk


They're modified to be resistant to pesticides you mong

What does water have to do with anything? And where's your source for non-gmo pesticides being more harmful?

Even if that was true(it isn't), the rate at which bacteria evolve to be resistant is extremely fast and genetically modifying crops can't possibly catch up as the generations of crops last at least a few months, so what happens is more round up is just sprayed to compensate.

>60 calories per serving

fuck off m8

Almonds are bad for the environment because they use up too much water. There is like a gallon of water required for just 1 fucking almond. If you're in California where we have a water crisis I would avoid it. My boss actually yelled at someone in work for eating almonds for that exact same reason.

Try cashew milk instead

not bad desu

i used to hate the taste but after i cut the insane amount of sugar i used to eat this stuff or at least the unsweetened type started to not taste that far off from regular milk.

also if you're on a cut the unsweetned one is god tier, 30cal for 250ml

This. We're used to so much fucking sugar that at first almond milk tastes bad. You have to learn to appreciate it on its own merits. Once you do that, almond milk + chocolate is god tier.

In New Jersey it's $4.50.

sure that same asshole has no problem typing away on his iphone full of metals that require fucking the enviroment

>What does water have to do with anything?
Why do I even need to explain this? You should have learned in kindergarten that almost every common thing one is exposed to on a daily basis is chemical shit or composed of chemical shit, including water. It even has scary chemistry names like dihydrogen monoxide, oxidane, hydrogen hydroxide and hydrohydroxic acid. The better question is what do you get out of using unrelated qualifiers that everyone else considers so trivial they are not even worth mentioning anymore? But then again you're probably american and the only thing they teach in your lower education schools is the bible. Perhaps the "simple" wikipedia will be more suited to your intellectual level (or more precisely the lack thereof)

>And where's your source for non-gmo pesticides being more harmful?
Glyphosate is a good example

>Heimlich et al. (2000) noted that substitution of glyphosate for other herbicides resulted in the replacement of herbicides that are at least three times more toxic, and that persist nearly twice as long as glyphosate. Gianessi and Carpenter (2000) came to similar conclusions. An analysis by Trewavas and Leaver (2001) showed that 3.27 million kg of other herbicides have been replaced by 2.45 million kg of glyphosate in U.S. soybean fields. Carpenter and Gianessi (2003) concluded that introduction of GR soybeans in the U.S.A. resulted in a decrease in the total volume of herbicides used. Gianessi (2005) claims that GRCs generally require less herbicide than non-transgenic crops. Furthermore, he estimates that averaged over all GRCs, glyphosate-resistance technology has reduced herbicide use by 17 million kg per yr in the U.S.A. In cotton, the amount of herbicide used per unit area in the U.S.A. stayed about the same between 1996 and 2000 (Carpenter and Gianessi, 2003), a period during which adoption of GR cotton grew from 0 to about 50% (Fig. 2). Among the herbicides replaced in cotton were arsenic-containing compounds. Gianessi’s (2005) calculations indicate that if GR sugarbeets were adopted, herbicide use reduction would not be as great as for combined GRCs, as the herbicides now used in nontransgenic sugarbeets are mostly low use rate compounds in the U.S.A. Coyette et al. (2002) estimated that introduction of GR sugarbeet to Europe would result in a decrease of herbicide use.

>As we mentioned earlier, glyphosate is less likely to pollute ground and surface waters than many of the herbicides that it replaces. Cedergreen and Streibig (2005) found glyphosate to be the least toxic herbicide of ten tested to the aquatic plant Lemna minor L. and the third least toxic of the ten herbicides to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (Korschikov) Hindak. The formulated version of glyphosate was fourfold more phytotoxic than unformuated glyphosate, but this did not change the rankings. A life-cycle assessment technique used to compare conventional sugarbeet agricultural practices with risks that might be expected if GR sugarbeet were grown suggested that growing this GRC would be less harmful to the ecology of water for the GRC than for the conventional crop (Bennett et al., 2004).

>Finally, glyphosate was recently found to reduce toxicity of some metal ions (Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn), but not ions of Hg or Se, to a freshwater claderceran by binding their ionic forms and reducing their bioavailability (Tsu et al., 2005). Thus, under circumstances of metal ion toxicity, glyphosate could benefit some organisms.

>Peterson and Hulting (2004) compared the ecological risks of glyphosate used in GR wheat with those associated with 16 other herbicides used in spring wheat in the northern U.S. Great Plains. A Tier 1 quantitative risk assessment method was used. They evaluated acute dietary risk to birds and wild mammals and acute risk to aquatic vertebrates, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic plants, and effects on seedling emergence and vegetative vigor to non-target terrestrial plants. They also estimated groundwater exposure to the herbicides. They found that the ecological risks for the 15 herbicides relative to glyphosate were highly variable, with glyphosate having less relative risk to non-target terrestrial and aquatic plant life and groundwater than than most other active ingredients. The study predicted that glyphosate use in GRCs will be less toxic to terrestrial and aquatic wildlife than several of the herbicides which they replace.

>In the context of the replaced herbicides and agronomic practices, the apparent health and environmental benefits of the glyphosate/GRC combination are significant. Glyphosate is more environmentally and toxicologically benign than many of the herbicides that it replaces.

get this into ya cunts

i'll up my almond intake because of this post


nothing just fuckin vegans sperging out over nothing. also not fuckin half eaten by bugs in the grocery store

vegan =/= anti-gmo


>plant based protein is absorbed with about half of the efficiency of milk proteins
Source: Uranus

How do you activate almond milk?
Just ad water to it?

yeah thats why you gotta activate your almonds

>grown man eating cereal

>hur dur I can post pretty charts that mean nothing too!

Unsweetened is

It's pretty obvious that water is made up of chemicals but I figured your little atrophied brain would be able to figure out that I'm using "chemical shit" in a colloquial sense to refer to chemicals used to literally kill insects which could also potentially have adverse effects on humans

You put it on one of those wireless phone charger pads overnight.

>my IQ is too low to understand it therefore it means nothing!

Water can kill insects and can also potentially have adverse effects on humans, you projecting illiterate dumbfuck. In fact pressurized foliar water sprays are often used for the former, in e.g. early management of low level aphid infestations. It's nice, though, that you and the other equally verbally defective cretins at whatever special needs institution you escaped from are so eager to share that horribly deformed and inconsistent slang. Please post more of it! This is what peak sides looks like.

You're a fucking retard if you equate insecticides to water. I'm done talking your inbred headass
a substance or preparation used for killing insects.

Looks like the prescription on your meds expired and you forgot to renew it again. Where do you live? Do you know where to find the nearest psychiatric hospital? In your condition you shouldn't drive there on your own. Ask a friend or a family member to drive. If you don't have friends or family, call an ambulance.