Have i made it?

Have i made it?

>posting on Veeky Forums for validation
no you have a long way to go still

Why do you send dick pics? Unless you have a massive dick you're better off sending ab photos.

Shes a nice one. Virgin, catholic etc. Cant force it with dick picks


She just said you always send her nudes?

Haha you're right i forgot

hahaha! are you admring?

Just to clarify. Pic related is what i sent her

How to fix?

I hope my body looks like yours. How tall u? Years working out?

For inspiring others who haven't made it yet.
Go back moaning to your mother.

This board is for bros helping each other out

That sucks dude. My gf is a lesbian so I don't need to let her see me naked or bother to have sex with her. She just visits her girl bessie if she wants to have sex. Very convenient tb-h.

Im not tall. Been about 1 year of casual working out-mainly bulking and about 6 months of serious cutting.
IF and keto + ECA for the cut.
This is today

more trade analogies obviously.

Slutshame her, always gets pussy wet af

Send me good punchlines so i can send it to her.

I rather be a fireman cause youre on fire and I'm gonna need to make you wet

What the fuck is wrong with you degenerates

beta my man


wow this is awful my man. there is a 0% chance you salvage this after three (3) meme lines

>not having sex makes you a degenerate
haha what

Are you autism?

The point is not degenerate hookups. But lols

>dat azan notification

Checked.. How aesthetic is your physique breh?


Call her sugar mommy if you want lols fag.

I remeember you kek

Hehe did u miss me?

Atleast you have got tinder matches


this interaction gave me skin failure

Hence my comment

you don't.
You go pray instead.

This girl is smarter than you in every way and she's shutting down lines smarter people than you made up.

Abort. Although, her blowing you the fuck out more would be entertaining.

>Are you a police officer? Because I want you to shoot me in the face for being a dumb nigger.


>sending girls naked pics

Rookie mistake

Say yes I'm a garbageman and I'm come to taste your pussy

If you have to ask if they're mirin then you haven't quite made it. Getting there but not yet

"Of course I'm a garbage man, why do you think I'm trying to pick you up ;)"



Just the way it is when you let the hood raise you
NEVER let the hoes play you,
Mental smart strong and stable.

Literally say this

I'm a garbage man just trying to do my job and take out the trash.

Then unmatch cause that conversation is unsalvageable.

This please

your only chance to draw even

Even tho i already replied?


Her reply

Abort mission

"I changed my mind, garbageman is the one for me. That's why I'm trying to pick you up."


"Nah, I am a garbage man... that's why I'm trying to pick you up ;)"

Use a wink like that and not an emoji. So she knows you took the extra time to be a dick. Worst case she doesn't respond, who knows maybe she will find being degraded as an attractive quality!?


"lucky for you it's about to be monsoon season"

Give up and delete tinder

Kill yourself virgin


"Be my oasis; be the source of the cooling rains that I need to quell the gross incandescence of my body, and the winds of change that I need to sweep over my mind and complete my radiance."

That's fine because I can dry dock this titanic without losing any seamen.

Yeah you're doing well body wise.

I'd probably tone the autism down a bit,, but remember you're still doing better than 99% of Veeky Forums

This one has my favor.

But if many prefer Ill take that one. Vote anons. Ill deliver in 3 mins

You mean I'll eat that ass like dessert til it's dry ;)

im bringing a bucket

Good thing i'll bring along my sprinkler.


This and be bold enough to ask for her number afterwards

looking good dude
you are reaping what you sow, enjoy yourself my man

Hehe hehe
Im dying

Her reaction

She's getting bored but still responding. She's interested. Stop being a fucking retard and you have a real chance here. I can't believe she's still talking to you desu.

She's pretty good at banter desu, that's cool, keep on going

What to say broskis.
Show me your magic my internet wizards

Ask for her number now user

What would you say then James Bond

To be fair, she must be one of the only girls with some banter. She's clearly above 90IQ. I don't think you're going to be smashing anytime soon though, she knows she's better than you.

I don't think that's the proper answer to the question "how tall are you?"

Close the deal now, if she's giving you attention and replying this quickly, move in for the kill

Tfw my iq is 129

Give me lines brah

Fix what? You posting an old ass and tired meme pic?

>So, are we fucking today or Thursday?
>You heard me
>*sips cool glass of lemonade*

>you might not like it but this is what women want

ooh no you havent made it dude

It's over senpai, time for navy seal copy pasta

Might actually be funny.

Nothing to fix there, kiddo.
Now watch your cartoons, Oreos and milk on the way.

Make it steak with fine spices

Hail Mary right here
Actually whonthe fuck are you kidding it's already over but do it anyway

Send the pasta

I hope you realise how unfunny you are. My father happens to be in the US army and he will not hesitate to find you and shoot your 12 year old ass. I also happen to be a member of the scouts and they have taught me many tracking skills that will be needed to hunt you down like a dog. You understand me idiot? Good
*Does finger on neck gesture *
You´re dead meat, kid.

This is not the right pasta

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youre fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead, kiddo.

I'd stop acting like an autistic man child and ask her out.

Ask her out?

Hmm or go with navy pasta.

What will it be?

>just replaced bone with your brain
literally any 12 year old can come up with that

Look I hope you post the pasta Bc it'll be funny for me.

But if you like this chick I'm telling you she is interested in you and you have a real chance to fuck her.

I don't know senpai, there are so many ways to go over from here, I would go directly to meeting, but you could go the phone number route

>such a smartass, I bet someone is helping you with the witty answers and you can't keep this up personally over a drink/coffee/whatever

Bro dont you see the athan notification above?

The hood men were raised by single mothers and put women on a pedestal, eating ass and other beta shit