this is my body. I have never really taken care of it as you can see. I am 21 and it is time to do something about it. the more I think about getting in shape I always think it will be pointless to some extent. the gyno I have is roughly golf ball sized(probably slightly less). It is very visible in t-shirts. I have nearly no self esteem and don't do anything besides stay home and go to work (hvac construction and service tech). what steps would I need to take and approximately how long do you think it would take to look and start to feel good. I really just want to have some decent muscle mass and get/stay around 10-15% body fat. I guess I'm just asking how far out I am from actually making this happen. thank you for any advice.
Please for the love of god fix your posture you look like a gay slave master
Damn bro your target weight must be fuckin' light. You have the same damn body I do but I'm 6 foot and 260
what is wrong with my posture, arent i standing straight?
start doing cardio. running/biking whatever. this will make you feel a lot better and help you lose weight. once you're at a comfortable weight start lifting. do your 4 heavy compounds and whatever else you want to add, like curls or pullups.
also eat half of what you normally eat and drink nothing but water, and drink a lot of water.
Its an easy fix man. Your body looks like shit now but you're not that fat. You won't have any lose skin. You could easily lose the weight in 3 months. Get the surgery and be looking damn good.
Skies the limit man.
if you want fast results-> immediately start waterfasting. do this for 2 day intervals. every third day you can eat but eat nutritiously and low carbs and sugars. 2 weeks of this will lose you 40 lbs guaranteed.
t. fastingfag
once you’re done with the weightloss, hit the gym and get start a basic program like 5x5 stronglifts or a broslplit. you have a nice frame. if you get rid of the gyno you can be pic related or more aesthetic.
good luck user, you’re still 21. you can get fuckn amazing
nigga whut??
is water fasting a safe thing to do?
what about my tit
>once you’re done with the weightloss, hit the gym
you fastfaggots give shit advices
he should fix his diet and hit the gym right now
explain. should i be cutting weight first? or should i fix my diet and go to the gym. how can i incorporate both bf loss and muscle mass gain together
cut then lean bulk.
>how can i incorporate both bf loss and muscle mass gain together
by lifting weights and eating clean... you will grow muscles and lose fat
i have same gyno except im skinny
holy fuck
Keep your shoulder blades on the same plane (pull them towards each other) and your neck vertebrae neatly stacked (push your head back from your chin until it almost feels awkward). Pull your whole upper body up as if you were trying to make your spine longer.
If you catch your shoulder blades or your head slumping forward, fix it and focus on holding it right; eventually your body will relearn proper posture.
dont worry about fixing your posture unless its actually giving you problems
You sure? I'm 6'1" and 200 and also look like that
it would be easy as fuck for you to get fit with water fasting and keto, you could EASILY do it in 3 months lol, lucky cunt
i have a similar frame and body to op. that's inspiring man, didn't think i could look like that
It's going to take a while to get Veeky Forums but I have your Halloween costume set.
Stop thinking in a self-defeating manner and start doing yourself some favors.
You aren't happy with your current body, improving this will make you happier, improving it is attainable.
Discipline your mind and body or suffer your own negligence.
How far? Lets say you for example download Starting Strength, read it and learn the lifts correctly and you started doing that within a few weeks and you got your technique and form down, you'd start feeling better about 1-2 weeks in just from the effects of the training. In about a 1 - 2 months you'll notice that your posture is slightly different, you stand up straighter, your shoulder are more back. After 3-4 months you'd most likely see your arms thicker, shoulders a little bigger and chest while at the same time your bodyfat would go down.
You'd be eating a deficit so your strength gains will stop after a little while and come lot slower but that is okay because that is what happens when you eat at a deficit. After about 6-7 months you would have lost some fat and your clothes will fit better around the shoulder and arms while slimmer at your waist and legs.
Basically there are small things to notice as you go along until suddenly "BOOM big differences"
Don't waterfast, don't go on a to big caloric deficit, just reduce your calories at a propriate amount and eat healthy shit while you work out and the process begins.
In 6 months your body is stronger and you feel it move differently, in 12 months you arne't disgusted by it, in 18 months you like you arms and chest. In 24 months you will start to think "i look kind of good"
long post. Anyways, good luck
scared of deadlifting and squatting desu. hurt my back when i tried it before, don't think i'm flexable enough
This is one of the best posts on this board right now.
As a skinnyfat fuck who only started going to the gym a month ago, I had no idea how quickly or how slowly I was meant to be seeing changes. I was starting to get worried I wasn't doing something right, even though my lifts have been going up. This is incredibly useful. Thank you.
how did you go about teaching yourself proper form? i'm unathletic so it's pretty hard for me to know if i'm doing it right
YouTube videos on proper form mostly. I use to practice with a broom handle at home for proper form ( I know, autistic ), but it's not ideal cause it's obviously nowhere near as heavy as an actual bar.
Best advice, just go into the gym having done at least some research on your lifts, and try them out.
does it only look that way or do you have gyno on just one side?
Do mobility drills every morning, both ankle and hip stretches.
>I really just want to have some decent muscle mass and get/stay around 10-15% body fat.
With this attitude you won't get anywhere, aim higher, aim to become a beast with 6% body fat and massive muscles. Myself I was a year ago a disgusting fat piece of shit weighing 210+ lbs for a 5'8" height, now I'm 158 lbs with a lot of muscle, still I have a lot for get to my goal. All I can tell you is don't make up excuses, do what it has to be done, it will payoff later. Get obsessed, there is plenty of information in youtube about fitness and nutrition.