Make one and post, rate other ect.
Fit favorites
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off with your Facebook bullshit, you moosefucking cunt, saged.
>Can't even tripfag correctly
Hi newfriend, make sure you ready the sticky
>canada has a military
>joining the military is worth it
>football in canada
why not just move to the fucking US?
I actually want to but at this point I'm already tied down here. I think I'll retire to the US one day and lift out my retirement somewhere in Montana
blue board user
holy fuck you are a faggot
>it has a dick for a face
>and I'm the faggot
chinese dress with one kneesock makes my dick diamonds, why is it so rare
Pls no bully
do u find alphadestiny attractive?
He's a balding manlet, so no. But because of him I started doing concurrent periodization.
>not finding alphadestiny attractive
you must have to be lesbian.
There's something depressing about condensing your whole character into an ms paint file.
>Check below waist for dick
All right nice
>look at face
Don't feel like finding images for template.
>video game
Left 4 Dead 2
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Queens of the Stone Age at the moment
Probably steak
Probably pull-ups
>non-fiction book
The Things they Carried
>cheat food
Motherfucking egg nog
You wouldn't know her
Coffee, water, or green tea
Honestly, probably Michael C. Hall in Dexter. I'm 5'10" and don't care about getting huge as much as not being as fat as I was or still am.
Working towards a degree in Finance. Would love to be an actor if it wasn't an incredibly unrealistic dream though.
Don't really watch anybody in particular.
I'm a mediocre, yet rapidly improving guitarist. I love it, and I've been teaching myself for a year, though I've only been serious about it for a couple months.
I was a swimmer in high school. I'll always love it.
You Canadians have shit taste in chicks.
Fuck yeah baby, USA!
RCA here, what's your trade?
Dutch as fuck, bro.
>Norm MacDonald
My man. What's that sport though?
nice op, op
>Vom Kreige
Mein Neger
pretty good lineup
overall bump so this is still top when i finish class so I can make my own
I think it's called "Impaling" or some shit like that.
They used to play it during breakfast before they hunted swine with dogs for sport. It was a different time back them, but I'm kind of old school like that.
this flag
this books
beautiful and moral
Canada, 26 Male.
Vidya : NHL
Movie : LOTR Trilogy
Music : J Dilla
Food : White rice
Supp : Zinc, Caffeine, Magnesium, Taurine, BCAA
Exercice : Curls
Book : L'odeur du café, Dany Lafferière
Cheat food : Pizza, poutine
Gril : Leah Gotti
Drink : Beer (stout or lager)
Goal : Jeff Seid, Zac Efron
Job : Writer
Youtube : Long interviews
Hobby : Vidya
Sport : Hockey, boxing
Hello Alex, no I love penis, specifically my fiance's penis.
You'd be my type to be quite honest, but you're too short (as you might have noticed I'm Dutch), you're balding, and you have a shitty arrogant attitude.
I stopped doing test tho because I dont need steroids for my casual exercise
pretty good
let me fuck u, ma fille
half is garbage half is decent
great tier
le deus vult xD *kisses a negros shoes*
nintendo games r 4 children
good tier
so average and cliche
I like it because of the Lovecraftian themes and because it fixed a lot of issues I have with my second favourite game (Dark Souls 1). I like how the religion of the healing church is parallel to Catholicism and all the hidden meaning and symbolism in it.
26, Britfag
Don't play that shit.
The Blues Brothers
Stan Rogers
Lamb, mutton, goddamn sheep meat.
Poorfag MyProtien whey
>Non-fic Book
Wing Commander, The Mighty Nimrod, More Readings From One Man's Wilderness, The Jungle is Neutral some others.
>Cheat food
Fish and Chips
Tea (redbush, Earl Grey), brown ales and water
Gone back to fulltime education
Rifles, /out/, fitness
Fuck that shit
Shitty thread
Can I get a Starting Manhunter program user.
Gotta keep my prey in line nahm sayin.
Nice dub-dubs. You seem like an alright guy, but I don't know if we have a ton in common.
You don't deserve those dubs, you lazy cuck.
5/15 but you rated everyone. I'd download titty mods with you and pin each other's asses
>I dont use roids
Would play competitive tetris with
What hobby is this?
You're an alright guy
I feel like there's some decent diversity in this thread. Kind of nice. Keep them coming guys.
Soon, Desu. Soon.
pls sauce on your Girl
She looks exactly like that girl from my college i have a crush on
>You're an alright guy
You too user
Patrician taste in girl routine
>pls sauce on your Girl
iveta b
samefagging while using a name
please fucking kill yourself or go back to you autistic retard
Le Black people are bad because I only think about their dicks and not their potential as warriors to kill Pegans.
Le kill the blacks all because I want to fuck animals on the down low.
Le let me critique your personality even though I worship literal losers who couldn't even take over even half the world.
Le larp as a Nazi because Jews prevent me from being happy and successful.
Le le Jews be poisoning my diet-fag sparkling water with lime, no homo, to make be think about sucking black penises and nothing else.
Le I like slim athletic blond bitches that legit look like Blonde and Albanian Beta-Jew-traps.
Le le look at me, look at me, I'm the Hitlers now.
Le lol nobody cares, Nigger. Hitler killed faggots too, retard. There weren't any faggot SS Officers, that's for sure
>That Flag
>That Girl
Nigga you need Talos.
will reply with opinions later
This shit all types of suspect.
>Def Jam Fight for NY
fuckin based my dude
Holy fuck I hate using Gimp. I really need to get Photoshop on this Arch Linux machine.
Hey TW buddy. I didn't get to play Medieval 2 as I skipped from Rome 1 straight to Shogun 2 as I got sick and tired of the shitty UI in Rome 1. Is the UI just as shit as Rome 1?
You mean you want the image? Won't I get banned for posting nudes?
see my book section lol
i mean name or source
No idea, I just save images of good looking aryan women that get posted on image boards.
inb4 mods blow me the fuck out
>Trash taste
Looks like you're dedicated to the cause. Climbing is a lot of fun, I hope you get better at it!
>Lo-Fi hiphop stream
Me too.
Also, Black Raven is pretty good. Coco Jones is nice but I'm still amazed by Beaktweaker. First time I had it, it was draft off a fairly new keg (was working in a bar) --blew my mind. Ended up selling it out in all growlers the same day.
If you don't rate others, you're just jerking yourself off in what's supposed to be a much larger circle jerk. Not very fair or fun.
choice band pick my friend
Black Raven is bomb, unfortunately I'm not a big fan of IPAs
good taste m80
you didn't miss a crazy amount, pretty much just Rome with updated graphics lots of heavy cav and cannons n guns. Just loved Medieval setting and the mods community for MED2 was ridiculous, shit like Third Age Total war etc added almost a decade of extra life onto the game. I think the community is still going strong actually, shits ridiculous
UI pretty much the same aswell, a little bit less obnoxious
>Phoenix Marie
She just fucks like that because she's paid broooo
I don't mean battle UI, I meant the campaign UI where the unit lists had size 72 font for each unit name and would only display like 5 units where you had to scroll, stuff like that. At least Rome 1 has rally points unlike Shogun 2.
But I don't know, I like her demeanor when she's doing scenes, she seems fun and laid back in a way.
what's trash about huh buddy boi
Based on your vidya taste I can say you must be cool to hang out with
it says sport not thing you watch while you sit on your ass
IPAs aren't for everyone, and I much prefer when people admit that. I've just had to drink everything.
I prefer dopplebocks, Belgian dubbels, tripels, and abbey ales personally. Barley wine is nice around these colder months.
>And you're from Newzea Land
>Anne Frank for girl
>Blue Cheese with that steak
>Using the most overtopped, cheesy pizza as your cheat food
Otherwise I don't have much against you, but step it up son.
PS, I hope you don't take too muh offense, we can only infer so much from these threads. Maybe you're perfectly cool --I'm just going off first hand impressions.
But we're mandated by law in my country to love that movie
and it's Kate Bush silly
>tfw I like to write
>tfw all I write are greentext stories
>can't tell anybody I like to write
>Konrad Adenauer
Literally kill yourself
>andrei rublev
patrician taste friend
Infantry, I was QOR for a while but not anymore.
Potato, potato.
Football is up there, same with swing dancing (if that's allowed as a sport), or soccer. Overall, it's probably rock climbing.
plz r8 don't h8
>Kate Bush
Oh shit, I didn't realize.
I'll give you 5 redemption points.
What are you producing?
Fucking love that yt channel
bretty gud
>fruit juice
>tattoos on girls
What are you painting though?
Forgot pic
This has to be bait. You can't be this stupid.
>He doesn't know how names work on Veeky Forums
user go back to pleddit
I think that you don't know what happened.
Effort to edit.
UK, M, 22
halo franchise
Ribeye steak and chips
Cretin powder
Prince - Machiavelli
>cheat food
I’m always cheating but I’ve cream
Natasha Aughey
Ardbeg single malt
Natty limit
Oh idk daily wire?
UK, M, 20
Master and Commander
Taylor Swift
Seneca / ficciones by Borges
>cheat food
Miriam leone
Garou (OPM)
Jessica Clements
Writing literature
Rugby, no homo
actually very good
>What are you producing?
mostly guitar shit, hiphop