
/fraud/ - "blogposting is fun" edition

Read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.

No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them.


previously on probably the fastest thread we've had in months (what's happening?):

first for long hair compensates for my lack of gains

>roiding hard for cosplay events and banging 16yr olds hmu.
I'm pretty sure this is what's considered the dream

I'd fucking KILL to meet people like you irl.

Its the perfect way to impress and humble every normie.
The 16 year olds are the cherry on top.

I really don't feel more alpha on blasts, I just want to be left alone to do my own shit desu, anyone else feel?

Man I just wanna cosplay Joseph Joestar and not look like shit, that's not too much to ask. Pic semi related, I just wanna look as good as Tails in this Sonic porno I found.

so today at work I had to help an older lady with dementia get changed and I had the most rock hard erection the whole time. This is NOT my fetish. Tren pls go

What to do if 12.5mg aromasin eod slowly crashes my estrogen and at 12.5mg e3d my estrogen slowly raises.

6.5mg eod?

I feel alpha when I get under the weights that used to crush me and they now feel like nothing. I feel alpha when I start getting veins in my delts and traps.

These feels lead to more alpha feeling in general.

Wow this is the power of autism You too I guess

I'm not sexually starved. The nips were even hairy. I was disgusted with myself.

Tfw roiding so people can't make fun of my long hair

I don't understand why you keep saying "you too" but I'm gonna take it as a compliment. Don't worry bimbo, my levels of autism aren't contagious as far as I'm aware. Still I wouldn't recommend you get too close.

I stared into the autism abyss. When it stared back, I sperged.

what do you nerds cosplay as.
one day i'll cosplay nudist beach from kill la kill sakura con.

Yeah bro, I thought that was you. I gained about 12 pounds of lean mass and skyrocketed my body dysmorphia. Every normie says I look great but I think I only want to be impressive by Veeky Forums standards

Younger Toguro.

I like anytime fitness it's 24hr which is nice.I like it because school is fucking up my schedule and I can just pop in whenever i have time.

Oh yeah like my parents and friends say I've gotten bigger and that I look great, but I look in the mirror and all I see is a fat loser who needs to do more work. I don't look how I want to and I'm definitely garbage by /fraud/ standards, so I'll definitely be working more on my physique.

I guess this is my life now.

I actually have an anytime membership, I've been to the one on Kingsway but my entry key only works in the states so I have to go when it's staffed. Wonder if I've ever gym bullied you

Thats what every retard cosplayer does now.

Also unrelated to the thread but does anyone know of a good mobile Veeky Forums app for Android, all the ones I've been using just don't feel right.

Also Rasputin, we started our first cycles around the same time right? You're already hopping on tren? Yeesh, lemme know how that goes.

What do the advanced retard cosplayers do? Asking for a friend.

old ass anime, grandpa

Patrician? They get real jobs and make cosplays for young stupid people and then get drunk at VIP parties.

Meh tier? Metal gear, record of lodoss war, or yyh

I've been lifting for 6 years and have fucked around with a bunch of oral only cycles like an idiot, wish I would've just pinned 5 years ago. I have a problem with moderation and self control.

I use clover, I actually prefer it to my desktop now.

>Implying anyone who posts in these threads is patrician or isn't retarded.
Just curious, do you live the patrician lifestyle? That actually seems like a good business model, assuming you have the time and skill to craft cosplay shit.

Lupin III

Maybe i go at like 3 in the morning after I've done all my homework/studies, but if i have time at regular hours ill just go to the Uni gym

I do but with gains instead of chicken wire and Eva foam

Did steroids have any effect on your face?

OK, bimbo patrician sounds like a fun first cosplay idea to tryout. So about how big are the dildos that you usually take in your gay porn scenes? I want to be as accurate as possible.

Can't fix ugly. I'd know.

I power top these days. Ask crusader.

I started growing facial hair in spots I never used to on my first test cycle

tfw you want to cheat but your gf's friend already saw you once on tinder and you had to pretend it was your old undeleted account then deleted it so now you can't use tinder anymore and you're too autistic to pull irl

I wish I was better at being a degenerate

Why did you lie?

because I might be a degenerate but I don't date degenerates. I wouldn't want to go out with a girl who would accept an open relationship

i started at 20, and am 23 now.
i think my face looks more masculine.

Oh you're one of those.

the word "cheat" should have tipped you off

That's because you're 3 years older dipshit

Ahahaha yeah I'm the retarded one for not just saying "I'm fucking other people". Most people are so consumed by their fear of loss they'll stick around through whatever.

i'm a girl

So is Jerry but you don't see him bragging.

Well you're still a dipshit


>sorta-strongfat: 263lb @ 6ft, approx 25%bf
>25 yo
>no chronic illnesses/conditions
>lifted for a year, then took a year hiatus due to moving multiple times+having a kid
>dad contracted congestive heart failure after getting double pneumonia
>family history of heart disease on dad's side
>dad also has prostate cancer

>want to run a 500mg test cycle, taurine, Anastrozole

I have a wife and kid. Considering heart/prostate stuff in family, should I hold off? Or wait until I cut down to like 10-15% bf? I ONLY want to run test. More interested in strength than aesthetics, but still interested in both. But don't want to leave a widow and a fatherless child and frickin die for roids.

Roids are for manlets and faggots sorry. You have to be this gaytiny to pin.

I'm gonna hand in my natty card. I think it's about time. I'm most looking forward to having my girl (she married, lulz) pin me.

I think I've kinda figured out what my cycle will look like. 500mg T Enth x2 wk and AI. Maybe I can not do PCT and cruise after? If not how fucked would my depression be?

Also, I'm confused as fuck buying gear. It appears readily available, like too easy.


Tfw still too small to cosplay anything fun.

One day I'll hit Armstrong mode.

I have kinda gotten that impression. Basically, I want to get stronger, and I know I can re-get some newbie gains because I'm getting back to lifting after a break. However, I'll plateau fast without eating a ton, and while I'll stay fat if I have to, I'd rather be able to keep gaining strength and at least cut SOME fat...

Ah well. Guess I'll try to cut next spring. Better than dying

I had the same reaction. Literally first google result has no bad reports on scam sites...

Cut first. Also do all the cardio for heart gains.

No bulli pls

Is 15% bf too much to start a test-only cycle?

It's a little high, but you should be fine.

>implying you'll ever be able to pull off an armstrong cosplay
probably would do better cosplaying envy desu

Does anyone have experience with high dose sdrol cycle and what you took with it

>high dose sdrol

Sigh. Fucking ordering bitcoin is such a fucking dick.

Ordering some deca, EQ and dbol today. Haven't tried any of them before. Hopefully it'll all work out. Also going to look at pocket knives but small concealables are difficult to find in Australia.

I hope you're ready to bleed yourself


I get dizzy at the sight of blood. I almost passed out when I got my bloods.

So /frauds/ I am preparing to cultivate mass for the coming winter months. I am planning to imbibe the following bathtub chemicals:
600mg Nandrolone EW 1-15 weeks
600mg Test EW 1-15 weeks
50mg anadrol 1-4 weeks
I am:
6'0" manlet
14% bf (I know I'm fat but idc I just wanna be a big guy 4u)
I train 5 days EW, PPLPP. I don't know how much my caloric surplus should be... Should I just stuff my face? or just go 300-500 over like a natty? I was thinking I would gain a minimum of 30lbs on this cycle, as it is only my second (already did TRT).

What is bad about amping up sdrol

your first "cycle" was trt and you're now doing 600mg npp/600mg test? lol

if you already know how much weight you want to gain, multiply that by 3500 then divide that by your number of days on, that's your daily caloric surplus

How do you guys dose your t3?

Im currently in the middle of clen + t3 (and a lil test thrown in) and felt fuck all

Currently on 50 mcg/ED Day 12
Im thinking of bumping it to 60-75 mcg
But i dont wanna fuck up my thyroid permanently

I cant up the clen cz i have shitty heart genetics and test just makes me bloat/oily with acne so i'd rather keep it down.

Also when should i taper it down if im running it for another 10 days?

No faggot. I meant I did TRT before I ever cycled. I first did 500mg test 12 weeks, and anadrol 50mg 1-4 weeks. Adding deca this time because reasons.

Go back to /r/eddit faggot, you talk like a homo

Why is the canadian sources always underdose their shit.
Transpharma's dbol is absolute shit

What's the verdict on myostatin inhibitors

>posts about source now that he gets called out in the other thread
what the fuck is your deal?

letro makes my earwax come out in chunks

>Using a tripcode
>Telling people to go back reddit
Choose one sir, tripfags are not looked upon highly here.

This thread is dyel

Huh? Speak for yourself retard.

They really don't exist in a way that meatheads in the public can inject or take something to inhibit it

too much sdrol might crash your estrogen.
you may need to up your AI with such a wet compound like deca.
last time i ran deca at 500mg a week i needed about 25mg dbol.

metribolone. yes or no?

>be on first tren ace cycle
>looking like a fucking sick shredded cunt
>fucking sloots left and right
>sudden mono out of nowhere
>zero energy, massive fatigue,constant headache, swollen neck glands, and sore throat
>keep lifting but feel like death the day after
Anyone else gone through this?

Fuck my life

What about foods like raw eggs,cacoa and green tea. These are pitched as natural inhibitors with a level of effectiveness

Who /AlwaysFucksUpBTCpayments/ here

Sounds like low e2 in general, it tends to dry everything up like skin/joints etc

Is crashing e lvls really that bad on a tren cycle


Never heard of that in my life

With tren yes

If you don't mind getting constipated, no dick function, dry skin, aching joints, less gains and lethargy sure

post pic

Breh, people here aren't laughing with you, they are laughing at you; you misunderstand the situation. Why tf do you think people were constantly posting your pic just to piss you off. They stopped when you stopped giving a reaction. People look down on you bro, not up to you. You are the manifestation of what Veeky Forums is, but since you gave yourself a name, we can all project our insecurities on you. Veeky Forums despises tripfags, unconditionally, why the hell else would we be here other than to shitpost anonymously.

>Why tf do you think people were constantly posting your pic just to piss you off
You think I don't know that? Whilst it makes me uncomfortable I still enjoy the attention.

I don't care what people do to me. As long as they give me attention. Negative or positive. Of course I would prefer positive attention.

You were Aussie right bro? Sydney?

No. I'm in Qld.

>meal prep didnt cover enough calories
I havent even started and Ive failed

Sound like you have problem with needles,

I actually do go to sakuracon, i was in a giant panda onesie.

Reminder as an ectomorph zyzz body type I just have to eat and workout to look defined Ottor mode the most desired bodytype females prefer.

And if I choose to roof I'll look like zyzz and Greek muscle statues

Please kys you drug users look phony

Not anymore my man, I could pin my urethra if I needed to


So why haven't you pajeet?

Don't need roids to look good xD they are just an accessory to the bodytype I already got

i had 260 calories today and maybe 500 yesterday. How hard can one boy fail.

Not sure how that will help but here you go