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whats opinion on STrong sleeves? are this IPF approved?

all guys at my uni have SBDs I want STrongs desu but cant tell if they good

who is that he looks like a lean Chad Wesley Smith

They are ipf, but there's no real reason to get them.
I have heard that the seam rips easier than SBDs, so if you were planning on getting a pair 2 sizes too small be aware.

Is it possible to be too manlet for belt? Today I first squatted with a belt and I felt it pushing on my hips and ribs. I barely could even reach depth with it.

my knees felt wrecked, my lower back always hurt, i strained both biceps and delts, bench started dropping, deadlifts became painful and fatigue set in hard making anything past set 4 made catback look good

well his squat and bench would have had to equal 510 cause the qualifying total for 120kg is 700

damien pez

guy might be a great only bencher than that just do some squatting and dling enough to get there

Add 2 Scoops/400g quark to your breakfast/snack. that should solve most of your current protein issues.

How manlet are you?
My 5'3" gf wears an Inzer just fine by having the back of the belt higher than the front.
So just angle it down a little when putting it on.

Yes, it is possible that your build makes it very difficult to use a standard belt without rib and hip contact. Though a lot of short guys

>going down ass to grass

good luck with that knee replacement surgery.

ok so are there any other fun things other than SBD?

Going to a Halloween party and the invitation says I need to wear something spooky.

What to wear lads? I hate dressing up. I guarantee everyone will either go OTT or half ass it and I don't know which one they'll choose.

wear your singlet, sbd everything, headband like ray williams and take barbell with you

ive heard good things about the titan yellow jackets

but das not spooky

I've heard people like Titan Yellow Jackets. Don't know about quality, but I think they're cheaper than SBD.
I think BenchBro has a pair so ask him.

If your BMI is low enough it is.

5'6 so technically taller, but I don't think that would help since it was pushing on both hips and ribs.
If I have to spend even more money I rather lift beltless.

>my knees felt wrecked, my lower back always hurt, i strained both biceps and delts, bench started dropping, deadlifts became painful and fatigue set in hard making anything past set 4 made catback look good
Shit dude how long in the program did this start developing?

Quit being a pussy and just wear it. You'll eventually get some scar tissue and you'll feel it less.

Suit yourself. Maybe look into refunding the belt. Are you sure you're wearing/using it correctly or did you just buy one and slap it on?

Today marks 2 months since I started a SS/SL hybrid.

I haven’t stalled yet, making all kinds of gains that are measurable on the bar.

I still look the same though (fat), should I even expect to look different before a cut happens?

Were you wearing this right I am a 5'7 manlet and I can easily wear a thick as fuck titan belt during squats (did high bar and low bar) however I have to change to a 2.5 belt for deadlifts since the belt stops me from getting in the set up position.

depends on weight and what you lift

I wouldnt suspect that 100kg man will look buff squatting 140kg while im 100kg too, much stronger and Im not buff

>2 months lifting
>expecting noticeable results
lel try 2 years lad

It's not about being a pussy I just can't reach depth with it.
i mean I tried it in different positions, but it's like the size of half my torso.
I can do high bar ok, but the problem starts like you said with dls and with low bar as well.

I get knee pain when I wear my SBDs. Are they too tight and compressing the patella?

For low bar I set the belt with my leg raised so my kneecap is further than it would be on depth. For deadlifts I set the belt high, bottom edge at the height of my bellybutton. Particularly the deadlifts really get a fucking boost with this.

You're not maintaining an upright enough position on the lowbar. Try having the bar even lower on your back. I hope you're stretchy, but it can be done
t. Has squatted 200kg with the bar below my delts

>You need to be more upright
>Have the bar lower

Are you sure about this

You need a lot of upper back flexibility and have a secure thumbless grip, but yes you can be more upright with a lower bar.
I've had people comment that they think the bar will slide down my back.

I'm gonna need some pictures of this honestly. In general having a lower bar position forced more forward bend, telling him to be more upright and simultaneously set the bar lower seems contracting.

>bottom edge at the height of my bellybutton
Damn that would make top part at my fucking nipples. Isn't that too high?
If I wanted to be upright I would do high bar. I do low bar because it allows me to be less upright.

Aw, maaan.

So what’s the agreed upon cutting program after LP hits a wall, no way you’d move to TM and start eating at a deficit, right?

So I just stick to SS and ram my head into the wall for a couple of months hoping to maintain my progress?

Trying to be upright and doing lowbar is just stupid. Its all in your torso lenght, you want bar overmidfoot. Thats your best position.

Adjust and find where it works best. Lower it a bit if you like but the point is you can set it pretty high and still get the primary function out of it.

actually doing gains at deficit on SS is possible, on TM naah man.

I don't necessarily advocate it because you can fuck up your wrist IF it slides down. This has happened to me once while doing sets with 170kg after using the form for about a year. Since then I have the bar higher up my back.





your triceps are not a shelf lad wtf

Werked for me :^)

David Laid said that they add a lot more to your squat than SBDs like 15-20 pounds

where was the one video of a compilation of this guys's shit with some weird music



why is this so funny as fuck

does madcow work for squats

didnt want to make a whole thread for this (owg) so any oly fags here that see something really wrong with this clean

pls be in kgs

knees arent cued out
also you could extend a bit more

you had a nice third pull though. Other than that idk havent done oly in a while my eyes are untrained

I'm doing madcow 5x5 linear but my bench and squat have stalled. Is it a good idea to to 3reps and 5 sets instead of 5x5?

How long are you resting between sets?

3-4 minutes depending on the wieght.

are you on a deficit ? lifts and bw ?

I'm not on any deficit. My lifts that i failed are 100kgx3 bench
110kgx3 squat.
My bw is 105 kg.

dress up as drumpf

>100kgx3 bench
>110kgx3 squat.
>My bw is 105 kg.

I don’t know the Madcow details, but I’ll answer assuming the question is about TM.

>3-4 min
There’s your answer. Rest more. 5 min, 7 min, 8 min, as long as it takes. Let’s say 10 min is the arbitrary upper bound, since you’re gonna ask anyway.

Volume days are meant to be hard and you’re expected to stay long in the gym. That’s just reality. Warm up for the next exercise between sets if you have to.

The question was “should I switch to 3x5” and the answer is “no, you should increase rest times.”

you don't want to decrease volume for bench
look up nuckols int. x3

I would deload squat and keep on a linear program it is lagging

do more leg accessories

Never mind what I said here , you shouldn’t be doing Madcow, you should be a newfag LP program.

am a baker
And today is my birthday
And I just turned one years old
And I’m very cold
Cause I just found out
I’m a baker man
And I live inside a baking can
With soft and pretty
Baker’s hands
And I’m also lonelyyyy-yyyy…yyy

I thought madcaw was linear?

Okay I will do that. I have also been sickfor 2 weeks so that might also have affected my results.

It is, but it’s not a newfag program.

You should be doing daily progression, not weekly. You either switched from he novice program too soon, or skipped a novice program altogether.

You were probably doing a “bro-split” with “chest Monday”, decided to hop on some strength training and thought “I’ve been lifting for 2 years, therefore I need an intermediate program”.

That’s my guess since your bench is too good for your squat which is too bad for your bench.

Damien Pezutti

red pill me on knee sleeves, i'm up to 3x5 @ 160kg / 352.74lbs now and i'm starting to "feel" my knees

>red pill me on knee sleeves
comfy as fuck

>red pill me on knee sleeves
long term fucks up your knees even more

feels like heaters on your knees
if you get a size smaller it will bounce you out of the hole slightly

aren't they supposed to be injury preventative?

only reason i've stopped at 160kg is cause i'm a pussy and afraid to fuck up my knees, if sleeves work well i'm gonna shoot for 4pl8 eventually

i dont get how youre getting knee issues off squats. Its either a form issue or youre doing too much volume at high intensity and its time for a deload and switch to high reps for a while

I never had knee pain even with my knees coming out significantly from my center foot
knee sleeves just make me feel comfy, I don't know if they prevent injuries to well


If you nerd enuff
learn everything you ever wanted to know about powerlifting belts

The compression can help if you have some niggles in your knee or minor discomfort, but knee sleeves can't really do much to prevent injury. They're just neoprene.

i noticed today i got some red marks on the inside side of my knee cap area. they are not bumped or scuffed with anything. i was doing snatches

anyone have this before?

Anyone here want to play old school runescape with me?

please diagnose me

that's a bruise user

>those baby smooth quads

but how is it bruised if i didn't bump it with nething?

>>those baby smooth quads
yeah i have very little hair on my thighs compared to rest of my leg :)

Deep vein fagbrosis

stay off your knees or put a pillow down next time

best stretches for a wider stance but also to help feet more forward?

Please let me know what I did wrong before laughing at me.

>help feet more forward?

The angle of your feet is largely determined by hip structure, which you can't change. I wouldn't try to force your feet into a particular angle if it feels unnatural. Look at


>wider stance

I used to squat super narrow. When I widened my stance. I put a 20kg (or 45lb) plate between my heels during squats which forced me to go wider. I'm not sure if your stance is already wider than a plate but you could do something similar if not like use lines of chalk to guide you. I didn't do any stretches, I just started squatting in my new stance. Used lighter weight for about a week or so.

focus on coming up and down in the same path
you don't look braced at all, that fast descent is not helping either

>squating shoes
Technique seems fine, altough I prefer going below parallel.

post ancient memes

ill start

Thanks. How should I work on your first comment? Should I start leaning a bit more forward and going back to the same position.



seems okay but focus on going slower on the descend.

bracing properly and slowing down should fix it

think chest up, leaning forward will just exaggerate your slight dip in the hole

Thanks fammys.

I honestly saw nothing wrong, as far as my non-coach eyes tell me

you started with shoulders in front of the bar

your hips and shoulders rose at the same time

you got your legs back in the first pull

I gueeeeeeeess you could sweep the bar back a little better but still not super bad or noticable, kindof an odd angle to judge such a thing

no arm bend I can see, aside from what appears to be natural for you

you extend fully despite what the other person may say, if you go through it frame by frame you definitely reach a point where you are at full extension

bar stayed tight to your body the whole way up

catch looked good

I really cant pick this apart

maybe with different angles I could say something else but like, overall pretty good

Wait lol you don't make month to month gains? I'd just quit if it took 2 years to add weignt to the bar, you must have horrible genetics

Lol, wrong I squat 550 lowbar and I'm quite upright, not everyone has undesirable leverages

He means seeing a physical difference, especially from being a fat fuck on a LP.

>David laid